
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Jeux vidéo
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272 Chs

Chapter 102: Yellow Empress of Shenzou

Hua was having her memories recovered bit by bit with the help of Ein and Aponia, she was on a couch while they try to collect the pieces of her shattered mind.

"We were enacting project Ember. Nuwa made sagas and epics about the immortal phoenix so we would have more fame and influence. While Fuxi jump started civilization, via currency, laws, order, and technology. Nuwa created culture, while Fuxi advanced technology..." Hua stated the past.

Thousands of years ago when humans lived pretty primitively still. They made Shenzou their main base and slowly developed civilization to make humanity stronger.

Hua smiled tenderly and went nostalgic at the dynamic of the twins. Nuwa was cheerful as ever, and Fuxi still chastises them. Like a mother that is more rational.

"Fuxi and Nuwa were entrusted with a 10th divine key. It wasn't that groundbreaking and it will help a wielder to fight against the honkai. And we found her, a sweet girl that was with grace, kindness, and most importantly. The power to wield it." The silhouette of a young girl with a mostly yellow ornate dress came into her mind. (pic here)

"Ji Xuanyuan..." It brought her an ache to her heart. "When she held the sword, it activated her stigmata. The very 1st human in the new era. She then used it to protect Shenzou, wielding elements and martial prowess." Hua was proud of the girl. With her petite body, she fought the honkai with fervor and protected the people.

"I see. She must be a good friend of yours huh? It's good that you made some." Ein smiled at her and patted her head, thinking of the tragedy of Hua. Unable to play and enjoy life like a teenager her age.

"Un, it was a good time. But those pleasant moments must come to an end eventually." Hua bit her lip and held back her tears. "Due to the sudden passing of Dr. MEI and your alleged death. We weren't privy to a simple, but critical issue with project Ember. Honkai grows stronger along with humanity as a whole."

Her now restored memories playing in her mind. Clear as day, the terrible beast Chiyou emerged and swallowed cities whole. Growing larger and larger as it devoured. Hua was the agent of Fuxi and Nuwa, and she was away at a far away land at the time to help the people that were being plagued by honkai beasts.

"I... I heard the news too late, I travelled as fast as I could. But when I arrived, Nuwa and Fuxi already sacrificed themselves to seal Chiyou and Ji Xuanyuan went inside it's stomach to hold the seals." Hua gritted her teeth.

"It wasn't your fault Hua. I've been there, you were just doing your job. Easy, easy. Breathe girl, it's alright." Ein soothed her and she started to calm down. She felt like Ein surely experienced something similar. It was a feeling in her gut that told her.

"Un, thank you... After that, I travelled with little book and continued with my role as the protector of Shenzou. But she too left, time is cruel Ein... It's merciless. Even the disciples that little book told me to raise betrayed me. Why this is all happening is what I want to know." She looked at the ceiling and sighed heavily.

"We don't know little bird. Fate is just like that, that's why I strive to change it with my own hands. I have a piece of good news though, you told me that Nuwa and Fuxi sealed Chiyou? I can feel them, my senses were just being held back by the seals. But we can still save them." He smiled tenderly and remembered the quirky twins.

"Truly? When will we depart?" She got excited and started to get too eager. "Woah, let's get them all in one fell swoop. I'll make something with Einstein 1st so we could locate little book as well. Don't you miss the little ELF?" He chuckled and Hua hugged him tight in gratitude.

"Thank you. They were my companions, my friends..." Hua cried in happiness knowing that they will return.


Ein was with Einstein and they both developed a locator for Soulium that was depleted of honkai energy that can be used to find ELFs. "All done, it was pretty quick. You did make Soulium after all, and I made the ELFs." She smiled and looked at their work together.

"Umu, it would be easier to find her with this. We'll be going to get a pair of twins, I think you'll like them Einstein. They're quite similar to the ELFs. Although that applies more to Nuwa than Fuxi." He smiled and called for Hua, they then went to the sealing grounds.


The two arrived at a mountainous region. "If I remember correctly, the 10th divine key Xuanyuan owned was used as the catalyst for the seal. And it's protected by traps and puzzles." Hua recalled the base of the seal and thought of how they'll go in and break it.

"Ahh, that? Pft. Puzzles are for archeologists Hua. It's much easier to just do this." He located the sword's Soulium and noticed there were actually 3 people inside Chiyou that were linked to the sword.

"Hoo? It seems there's another person there you'll be happy to meet Hua." He then split the mountain in half with a wave of his hand. Showing the divine key that was floating.

It then showed up at his hand, teleporting it and broke the intricate seal of Chiyou. The mountains trembled and tremors shaked the lands. Slowly, the judgement class honkai beast emerged. Roaring loudly, finally free of the seals.

"Hmm, it's still weaker than Vishnu. But it is a big threat if you don't have enough firepower." He took out Masamune and waved the sword. Splitting the titanic beast in half while the attack specifically phased through the 3 jailors.

Hua flinched and thought it was overkill. "They're fine right? That's a lot of damage." He then laughed and took a piece of his suit Venom, transforming into a black roll of tape.

"With flex tape, I can fix it ez pz." He crunched Chiyou into a small pill and bit it like hard candy. "Now let's go. Your friends are waiting." He patted her head and they went to the 2 black rocks, along with a girl that was quite different from Hua's descriptions.

She wore a black dress and was pale. Ein sighed and thought that might be the case. She was corrupted by honkai and was being degraded heavily. (pic here)

"Xuanyuan! It's me! Jingwei..." Ein put a hand on her path and shook his head. "She's kind of unstable right now Hua." The girl stared at the golden blade in Ein's hand and glared at him.

"That is mine..." She said in a raspy voice. Ein snickered and waved it around. "I made it kid, if you want it. You'll have to take it, but you already knew that." She lunged at him and gave a barrage of kicks and punches with great martial prowess.

Ein quickly calculated how deep her corruption was and it even affected the stigmata. "Okay, I'll have to stop you right there." He poked her neck and she dropped down like a ragdoll, paralyzed from the neck down.

"Accursed man! I will kill you! And exact my revenge on Shenzou!" At her thousands of years being imprisoned, Chiyou's energies corrupted her mind. Her love and loyalty to Shenzou became resentment, her will to protect it. Turned to desire for destruction.

"Hua, your friend is a bit unstable. I'll have to make contact to clear up her corruption. It's seeped in deep." She nodded, getting uncomfortable that he might need to pierce her back with his fingers like what she saw with the others.

"Here I go okay?" He put his fingers inside her mouth and opened it. Siphoning the honkai energy along with the damaged stigmata. "Is that how you really should do it? I thought it's on the back?" Hua was surprised and dumbfounded.

"Ehh, but that isn't exciting. So I do it like this." He grinned and Xuanyuan started to lose consciousness. Ein repaired her body and carried her. Nuwa and Fuxi's stasis forms floated and he looked at Hua.

"Let's go, our job here is over. Oh wait, Imma have to put some flex tape on the mountains." He unwound the roll of tape and it went over the sliced up mountains. Magically, it started getting joined up again like nothing was wrong in the 1st place.

"You're ridiculous as always Ein." Hua sighed and they returned to the base without issues.


After they teleported, he carried Xuanyuan to a bed in the med bay and started cracking on Nuwa and Fuxi's shell. They were completely spent by using too much honkai energy and using the key of domination to control Chiyou.

"You guys did your best huh, now let's get you all back in tip top shape." He repaired their damage and also made them sturdier, the choice is on them if they want stigmatas or other augments.

He put them in a bed beside Xuanyuan and Hua sat on the edge. Looking at them with tears in her eyes. "Nuwa, Fuxi, Xuanyuan. I never thought I'd see you guys again... Though Shennong is completely gone I guess."

Shennong was the adjutant of Xuanyuan. A red haired man that came to be a companion of Hua. Healing people as much as he could with his medical knowledge, unfortunately he died of old age. Looking for Jingwei that disappeared after Chiyou was sealed.

"Wait for a bit Hua. I'll go and fetch little book." Ein disappeared, searching for the book of Fuxi. Hua held the hands of Fuxi and Nuwa, while she looked at Ji Xuanyuan fondly.

"You guys are safe now... I'll keep you safe, I won't lose you again." She smiled tenderly and gave them a hug. "Hngh. Fuxi, Dr. Ein will make an anime for me. Let's go, munya~" Nuwa drooled in her sleep. She then rubbed her eyes and slowly woke up.

"Huh? Phoenix? Did you die as well?" Nuwa got confused and looked around the room. She noticed the high tech med bay and blinked repeatedly.

"Nuwa! Are you okay!?" Hua lunged on her and patted all over her body. "Am I alive Jingwei?" Nuwa then saw Fuxi and Xuanyuan.

Hua nodded at her words and hugged her tight. "Un! Ein brought you guys back! I'm right here, everybody is right here. It's just like the past." She excitedly said to Nuwa.

"R-really... Fuxi! Fuxi! Wake the hell up!" Nuwa shaked Fuxi left and right. The always sleepy blue eyed twin didn't wake up and just slept peacefully.

"Ugh, what's all the commotion. Who dares to wake the yellow empress?" Xuanyuan rubbed her eyes and sat up on her bed. "Xuanyuan! Are you okay? We're sorry that we had to let you guard Chiyou!" Nuwa hugged the petite girl and teared up.

Nuwa and Fuxi left her to be the jailor of Chiyou forever. It was a cruel fate that she didn't deserve. "Nuwa? Is that you? Where are we? Last time, we sealed Chiyou in the 9 realms. Is this place perhaps a higher plane that we've ascended to with Jingwei?" Xuanyuan looked around curiously. The advanced technology looked alien to her, and she was fascinated by it.

"Uhh, this is related to our heritage you see. Hehe~" Nuwa didn't know how to explain it to her and was fidgeting nervously. But Ein then appeared and he was with a floating little droid that looked just like Fuxi.

"Master Phoenix! Uwahhh!" Little book lunged at Hua like a cannon ball and it would've surely killed a normal person. "Oof, little book... I see that you've awakened." Hua hugged her tight and caressed her hair.

"Ohh? What a nice little reunion you guys are having." Ein snapped a pic and Hua hugged him tightly, appreciating the fact that he brought back her friends. Meanwhile, Xuanyuan stared at him, studying his every move.

"Who is this man Jingwei? Your dao companion? What kind of sorcery did he pull to suddenly appear here? And what is that little flying creature that looks exactly like Fuxi? Is she a celestial being like you perhaps?" Xuanyuan asked multiple questions and Hua almost choked from her words.

"Dao companion!? C-certainly not Xuanyuan! He is my master, Einheri." Hua rebutted and blushed profusely. A dao companion was someone you dual cultivate with after all.

Ein looked at Xuanyuan and shaked her hand. "I'm Einheri, you can call me Ein. You're Ji Xuanyuan right? You've used my creations well, and you sealing Chiyou was admirable." He smiled at her and the yellow emperor was surprised. The golden sword was a big part of her rise to be an empress. And Hua's training improved her martial prowess by leaps and bounds.

"Thank you. Jingwei even taught me how to cultivate ki, the sword unlocked my potential in controlling it as well. So do accept my gratitude." Ein was amused at het being overly polite.

"So you were a cultivator huh? Hua must have taught you well. She's a master of the eminence of Taixuan. The pinnacle of swordplay that she created. She could severe the heavens with it at full power, truly a mysterious expert that has surpassed mount Tai." He almost burst out laughing.

Hua turned a deep red while Nuwa and little book snickered at the side. Fuxi was still asleep and Xuanyuan got sparkles in her eyes. "Ohhh! Is she truly that powerful? I would find the finest jade in my treasury and give it all to you just so I can know your techniques. As a celestial's master, you must be an expert beyond even immortals!" Xuanyuan shouted excitedly. 'Nobody objected when he stated that he was Jingwei's master. And this must be the celestial plains where experts that have passed the peak exist! It is simply magical.'

Ein chuckled and patted her head. "Sure, I can get another student at my sect. I've trained multiple people already, they've improved immensely. Even children can wield ki like the back of their hand, without any help from elixirs and pills I might add." He was going along with her and she was delighted.

"Many thanks master Ein! I will surely reach the peak and become a celestial like Jingwei. This one will make sure of it." Xuanyuan cupped her hands and bowed. Hua was embarrassed at a corner while Nuwa and little book was enjoying it.

"That's the spirit Xuanyuan. Reach for the heavens and become a celestial that would be known all throughout Shenzou!" He did some tai chi forms that were of course crisp and smooth as hell that had special visual effects of yin and yang.

"Smooth like flowing water, but rigid as stone. Powerful and elegant, your ki is violent like a raging river, but controlled like beautiful calligraphy. Thank you for the lesson master Ein!" Xuanyuan cupped her hands again and he nodded in satisfaction.

Nuwa and little book have both of their hands on their mouths. Making sure they don't laugh, but their eyes teared up from seeing Hua writhe. Receiving damage hearing their speech. "Did I talk like that back then?" Hua asked Nuwa and little book, they couldn't even nod and were busy holding their laughter.

"Okay Fuxi, wake up. Or I'll make you sleep on some concrete." Ein whispered to her and she immediately propped up, wide awake. "Please don't!" She shouted and gained her wits. Seeing people that she thought she wouldn't see again. "Dr. Ein? Phoenix, Nuwa, book, Xuanyuan..." She froze and thought about the situation.

Fuxi then concluded that Ein was responsible for them surviving, so she quickly initiated a group hug and teared up. "Everyone, it's good to see you again. Sorry for leaving you Phoenix."

Hua nodded and hugged them all tightly. "Yes, it is good that you're all back." She smiled tenderly and Ein took a picture of them. She then gave it to Xuanyuan and she marveled at it.

"An artifact that can paint a portrait that would take hundreds of hours. I will study hard in your tutelage to be worthy of such things master." Xuanyuan bowed and thought he was generous as well to give her such a gift.

"Ein, please don't trick her anymore... I beg you." Hua pleaded and he smirked. "Let me show you when Jingwei was just a little bird that couldn't fly yet." Ein took out a picture book and handed it to Xuanyuan.

Hua tried to snatch it, but of course it wasn't that easy. Her hand just phased through the book like it wasn't even there. Nuwa and book finally laughed at her expense while Fuxi chuckled.

The pioneers of Shenzou played around while Ein smiled at them. "It's nice to see you smile again Hua. Get along with them well as you'll be seeing them for a long time." He sat and looked over the girls having fun.


Thanks for reading, ciao.