
Chapter-22 : Feather Entertainment {FE}

When Wing Ventures was establish, Ric used the firm to buy Apple shares trough 81-82 roughly gaining a total share of 11.5 % , buying either form other share holders or from the stock market. but started selling share from 1983.

While keeping 5% share enough to sit in company board, Ric sold all of his share by 1995, as he knew with Jobs leaving apple, it will fall to the brink of bankrupt.

He also sold some of he least important stocks in the stock market and got about 250 million dollars as the companies fund and with his personal income of 50 million out of 250 million, he arranged about 300 million dollar in cash.

Where-else his rest of the income which was invested in he Japanese market. As he knew in the following years financial turmoils will happen in different places around world starting with japan which can be used for getting a huge amount of capital.

Ric using the 300 million cash, he invested in Microsoft with 80 million gaining 10% of its share,as Microsoft will be going public next year.

Then he did a 20 million capital injection in Pixar for increasing its developing progress specially the special effect department.

The rest of the capital he injected it in his newly establish shell company Feather studio.

First he renamed the company to <Feather entertainment> made both Pixar and Feather studio into its subsidiary companies.

But unlike the protagonist of many novels Ric didn't went for the development of film& tv studio but instead went to game market.

Although Ric was investing in game market from 1983 after the burst of video game bubble but the major move was made during 1985.

Through out 1985 while Ric was busy with films and other works, the people responsible for merger and acquisition went all out in game market according to Ric's plan improving the FE's game division.

Using the rest of the capital they first injected 50 million in <Activision> increasing Ric's share from 25% which he got during 1983 to 40% and bought 25% share under the name of <Wings Venture> effectively controlling it along with a condition of giving another capital injection of 100 million by the end of the year.

The same method was used in <EA> but as it was establish company in 1982,Ric already had 35% of companies share, so they owned 80% companies share trough investing 50 million with the same condition.

Later using the funds injected them, selective large or small game developing companies were either bought or merged who's games where famous in the future.

Since 1980, Ric paid attention to Atari, as the game market enter the golden age of arcade games, Atari was at his peak, so, when the market crashed in 1983, He used Wing ventures and went in a series of negotiation with Warner Bros.

But when in 1984 Warner Bros, brought in Jack Termiel in negotiations table, finally it went to the favor of Ric, as Ric wanted the game counsel division and jack wanted the home computer division, they both joined hand.

As a result with 250 million dollar with Ric providing 100 million Atari was bought in June of 1984 and later in July it was spit in two with Ric taking the Video game counsel division while rest went to Jack.

After that Ric reorganized the Atari's game console division and then renamed it to < Nest Gaming Platform{NGP}> ordered the firm to stop all its production and focus in the development of 16bit and 32 bit game console, with latter one being the priority.

Since it is impossible to profit in 8 bit market, its batter to look at the future and using 16 bit NGP can enter market and stay afloat wiling reorganizing the distribution channel and making familiar with the market brand.

So, that at 36 bit console market competition it can dominate not only the domestic market but also international market and taking the throne from Nintendo.

In order to keep the company running smoothly and also to expand rest of the 100 million was injected in it.

With formation of Feather Entertainment's game division, NGP became its main component along with Activsition and EA as subsidiaries making FE's position in gaming industry at the top.

The move of Ric of establishing Feather entertainment is not hidden to anyone nor the recent or past activities outside film world except through Wing ventures which thought to be the work of his father.

But his move on game industry was taken in a lot of skepticism by the general public.

The media also criticized about this move but many also praised him for making sure of having an alternate source of income.

Some also thought this as a move of showcasing his lack of interest to compete with other 2nd or 1st tier production company but add weight to his future film sharing contract.

After finishing all the necessary resorting of the companies as well as their meetings, finally free to pay attention the plaza accord that was happening tomorrow on 22 September.

When Ric invested 200 million in japan, what he actually did was he invested 100 million dollar in Japan Stock market and rest 100 million he kept in different off-shore banks, waited for the exchange tend to be at its peak before the plaza accord when he put all of money in foreign exchange with a 50 times the leverage.

His father following his trend invested 200 million in japan stock. But was very skeptical even down right doubtful about the foreign exchange, but Richard kept his position. So, believing Richards kin vision he also invested 100 million in foreign exchange with a 50 times the leverage. Even with this large investment, total asset of Wing ventures was still around 1 billion.

Such a large move brought a lot of criticism and mocking from the wall street as well as the media. But after the plaza accord was announced all criticism stopped and when yen started to appreciate, they started to be shock and praise David for his keen vision.

So, by the end of December the praise of yen appreciated to 202, while Ric bought for 250 making him earn 10 times the investment, while taking out amount close to 400 million. he invested the rest back as, yen will keep appreciating and by the end of 1986 it will appreciated to 150. This is the target of Ric.

While the world is parsing David, he was parsing his son for his keen sense for investment asked him leave Hollywood to be part of wall street, making Ric laugh dryly.