
Hollowed Heart

The world had never been on his side, despite his struggles on keeping his loved ones safe, the cruel world decided to end his life in that instant. But even then, his life did not end... More rather, it became quite a surprise. ============ Each chapter will have 4k - 6k Words Only Chapter 1 and 2 have less then 4k Words

Solemn_Ark · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

The Ryuki Family

[Hollowed Heart]



The day passed peacefully with Iazkari succeeding his first progression. However, he knew that in order to become stronger and avoid situations like his previous encounter with the Soul Reaper, he had to devour souls. This thinking alone had triggered a part of his Hollowfication and made him lose sympathy towards humans. At first, he wondered why he didn't even hesitate to devour a seemingly innocent soul, but soon he knew as he got his answer from the System.

To get stronger, he must abandon sympathy.

[47 human souls devoured]

[+2350 Spirit Power]

[+3 Status Points]

To become an immovable wall, he must endure his own fears.

[3 Special Humans devoured]

[+300 Spirit Power]

[38 Humans devoured]

[+1,900 Spirit Power]

[+2 Status Points]

In order to defeat the foes who I will face in the future, I must become the strongest!

[27 Special Humans Devoured]

[+2,700 Spirit Power]

[28 Humans Devoured]

[+1400 Spirit Power]

[+4 Status Points]

To become stronger and stronger... As a Hollow, I must consume souls.

[Devoured 113 Human Souls]

[Devoured 30 Special Human Souls]

[Achieved 8650 Spirit Power]

[Obtained 9 Status Points]

Iazkari knew this wouldn't be enough, but for now, for him, it was more than enough to endure weaker entities. But with his Spirit Power increased by 8fold, he knew, as long as he has a Spirit Power skill, he would be stronger than an average Soul Reaper like the one he encountered the day before.

[Host has achieved 9,500+ Spirit Power]

[Skill: [Reiatsu Burst] Achieved]

"Huh? What in the- hey System, this was an aspect of the System!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

[The Hollow System itself is still a mystery to me, as I am a mere AI meant to aid you in only the basic process of this System]

[Any further detail would only be discovered by you. Which will allow me to decipher more of the System itself.]

"I see... Show me my stats right now."


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (9,638/200,000)]


Strength - 10

Dexterity - 15

Constitution - 15

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 788 > 9638

Status Points: 9


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.

[Enhanced Defence]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {60 Seconds Duration} {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Reiatsu Burst]

- Cause an eruption of your own Reiatsu, pushing away any opponents or attacks from the Host. {20 Second Cooldown}


"System, dump all my Status Points to Constitution."



Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (9,638/200,000)]


Strength - 10

Dexterity - 15

Constitution - 15 > 24

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 9638

Status Points: 9 > 0


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.

[Enhanced Defence]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {60 Seconds Duration} {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Reiatsu Burst]

- Cause an eruption of your own Reiatsu, pushing away any opponents or attacks from the Host. {20 Second Cooldown}


"That should be enough..." Iazkari gazed around him, searching for whatever moves like a Soul.

"I should... Stay inactive for the meantime. System, will Soul Reapers appear more frequently now?"

A question he never though he might ask. He feared death as he knows only such a powerful being can play with death itself. He knows that if he dies, he is no more. A dead man, or in his case, Hollow, can never achieve their goals. He must be alive, to protect those he may find precious in the future, and for his sister.

"Ah, right... System, is my sister alive?"

Another question he never thought he would have to ask. However, the System seems to hesitate, causing Iazkari to feel suspicious.

[Cerlona Seurve... Her soul is nowhere to be found.]

Iazkari stayed silent, unable to give a proper response.

"I see…"

[However, she can still be revived despite the circumstances.]

"... Tell me, how do I do it?"

[The Host has to achieve the peak of his power]

[The final evolution of a Hollow]

[The Vastolorde]

[And evolve even further]

[Reaching the likes of an Arrancar]

"Arrancar? Vastolorde?... Can you explain to me the evolutionary path of a Hollow, System?"


[A Hollow has 4 evolutions]




[Vasto Lorde]

[The evolution of Gillian to Vasto Lorde are known as the Menos class Hollows]

[Gillian are the weakest class of Menos]

[Despite their enormous power]

[Their size greatly diminishes their speed]

[And unlike Hollows]

[Gillian have no sense of thought]

[They act merely on instinct or if a higher class Menos commands them]


[Within these mindless Gillian are Gillians of greater sense of thought]

[These types of Gillian devour other Gillian in order to achieve greater strength]

[Once they reach their peak]

[They evolve into the Adjuchas]

[Adjuchas are the middle-class]

[Not only are they stronger than the Gillian]

[They also have their conscience return]

[Although despite that]

[They still follow their Hollow instinct]

[If they stop devouring their own kind]

[They return back to the state of Gillian]

[Many Adjuchas find this horrifying]

[So they devour more and more until they realize their slow increase in power]

[Once they reach the peak of power as an Adjuchas and gain a proper sense of thought]

[They turn into a Vasto lorde]

[The Vasto lorde are the highest and strongest among the Menos class]

[The Vasto Lorde no longer grow stronger by devouring their kin or souls]

[They either grow stronger through age or through endless battles]

[The strongest among the Vasto Lordes are the eldest]


[Within the Menos class]

[Is an evolution that surpasses even the likes of an Adjuchas]

[This evolution is known as Arrancar]

[Arrancars are Hollows that have achieved the powers of Soul Reapers and combined it with their own powers as Hollows]

[There are 2 methods to evolving into an Arrancar]

[By breaking the Hollow mask as a Menos class Hollow]

[This has many risks]

[Usually the most common risk is death]

[Or through the use of an item known as the Hogyoku]

[If a Gillian class Menos succeeds evolution and becomes an Arrancar]

[Their strength can be compared to an Adjuchas]

[Possibly even weaker or stronger than an Adjuchas]

[The same can be said to an Adjuchas]

[They can either be compared to a Vasto Lorde or be stronger or weaker than a Vasto Lorde]

[But if Vasto Lordes evolve into an Arrancar]

[No other Hollow or Arrancar aside from Vasto Lorde class Arrancars can compare]

"... That's… Amazing…"

Iazkari processed all of the information into his own head, planning on how to approach each evolution properly.

At first, nothing came to mind, so he sighed and decided to deal with another matter.

"... Who killed my sister?"

His voice filled with malice and fury, Iazkari asked the System, who, as always, replied with the same monotone robot voice.

[The Ryuki family]

[Just like you]


[Unlike your death]

[She died through suicide]

[Unable to bear the thought of facing you in 'heaven' as she assumes]

[She killed herself]

[Believing that it would pay for the 'sins' that she had committed while she was at the Ryuki household]

"... What? What actually happened!?"

[After your death]

[The Ryuki family decided that your sister would marry their eldest son to pay for the debts of your family]

[They gave off lies about you accepting this proposal before your death]

[Causing your sister to believe quite easily]


[When she realized that they had lied about your words]

[She knew she had made a grave mistake]

[Not wanting to face you after not knowing anything of your death]

[She killed herself]

"... That fool…"

He mumbled before gazing at his current stats. He let out a sigh before looking at the sky. At that moment, he made a vow. A vow to forever protect those who he cares for, friend and loved one, he will protect them without dying.

Sacrifice, Iazkari always finds it absurd. To protect your loved one through sacrificing your own life? He finds that utterly absurd. That is why he despises the selfless. He considers the selfless as fools, but he never considers the old era's selfless figures as fools, in fact, he respected them. But now, as he once watched shows with heroes who would sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world that he or she barely knows, he finds them absurd. What is protection without power? What is sacrifice without purpose?

Foolish heroes who believe that humanity deserves much more than death have yet to see the demonic deeds that even the devils pale to compare. In Iazkari's eyes, he sees countless Hollows. He stands above the highest building of Karakura, gazing at the Hollows who wander around. The System had told him of the Hollows and what they truly are. Hollows resemble the negativity of Humanity, they are the symbol of Humanity's negativity.

Hollows are merely the souls of humans who succumbed to their negative emotion. Whether it may be despair, wrath, greed, lust, sloth, pride, envy, or practically the entirety of the 7 deadly sins, a Hollow will always emerge. Even if the Soul Reapers were to purify the Hollows entirely, new Hollows would always be born.

Humanity is complex, they cannot be predicted. Every single day, even the dumbest among humans could be considered as a genius. Every single day, even the most genius among humans could be considered dumb. There is no end.

"The Ryuki family… How much have you fallen? Such a great history, yet now it seems as if that history had been forgotten… Actually, who else would remember this bloodline after what I'll do?"

From how high he is, as he is atop a building… The highest in Karakura to be exact, he searches for the little mansion of the Ryuki family. With his absurd stats that completely exceeds human limits, after all he is a Hollow and has a System, he jumps off the building and lands in an alleyway, and of course, making a crater and a large dust cloud once he landed.

He began to run, not to be a coward, but to find where in the bloody hell the Ryuki household was.



[Hollowed Heart]



It took him within an hour or 2 to find where the Ryuki household is, and now he stands in front of their gate which is guarded by 4 men in black suits paired with black pants and some shades with an earpiece. These guards, compared to Iazkari currently, would be considered as mere dogs in front of a built man. But right now, they are mere ants. Iazkari towers above them by 3 meters, paired with his strength that is measured exactly 9× more stronger than an average human being and a speed that can be considered absurd by human knowledge, he can be entitled as a monster. But he knows this is merely comparable to a weak Hollow of the realm of Hollows.

He stands in front of the guard and looks at the guard, unsure of what to do.

[System has given the Host [Soul Ejection]]

"The hell? Soul Ejection?"

[It is a basic ability of Hollows whenever attacking a living human]

[They eject the souls out of their body and consumes them]

"Ah… That seems handy. I've only attacked dead souls so this is a first."

Iazkari places his bladed tip on the chest of one of the guards.

[Soul Ejection]

Once the skill was activated, the living body of the guard suddenly fell, as if it had died, while the soul of the body was ejected out. The soul had a chain that Iazkari usually sees, but this time it was attached to the body.

"... What is that chain?"

[The chain imbed onto the soul of every human being is known as the "Chain of Fate" which binds the Soul to its living body]

[Currently, the body of the Soul is alive]

[But the soul itself that holds its conscience is not within its body]

"I see."

The soul of the guard that Iazkari separated from his body recently, looked at him as if he saw a ghost… Well, Hollows are ghosts, just not the ghost that has the stereotypical white sheet and black eyes while floating.

The soul however, aside from feeling afraid of Iazkari's current body, also felt pain.

"Why… Does he look so pained?"

[Once the soul is separated from its body]

[The soul will feel an unbearable pain that leads to an instinct where they must break the chain that binds their soul and body]

[If that occurs however]

[The soul can no longer return to its body]

"Huh… Seems tormenting. Glad I never experienced it."

Iazkari began to slowly walk towards the guard, who was quite terrified that if he was in his body, he would have wet his pants. And even worse, Iazkari did the unthinkable. Iazkari swung his bladed right arm and severed the chain that connected the soul and the body. This action immediately killed the living body and eliminated the pain that the soul felt.

"There… Now, you are certainly dead."

Iazkari's deep voice caused the soul to be even more terrified. But before he could even begin running, Iazkari pierced his blade through the guard's head, killing him. Iazkari spared no more time and devoured the guard.

[+100 Spirit Power]

"... A special… No, it is recent… So the younger the soul, the more Spirit Power it gives?"


"I see…"

If one could truly see his face, a visible grin would be seen. A cat's curiosity will forever be craving for the answer, that is why it is killed. Thus the proverb, "Curiosity killed the cat." However, such a proverb would not affect this Hollow's curiosity. If he craves for the answer, he will get it. No matter the obstacle, no matter the challenge.



[Hollowed Heart]



Iazkari had done the same process to the other guards as he did to the previous. However, unlike the first one, who suffered alone, these guards suffered and were devoured altogether. The amount of Spirit Power granted however, was far too less to satisfy Iazkari… Although it certainly was enough to grant him his 10th Status Points that is granted through gaining 1,000 Spirit Power.

[+300 Spirit Power]

[+1 Status Point]

"... Tsk, not enough."

He gazed at the night-lit mansion of the Ryuki family. A sudden notification from the System however, had interrupted his thoughts.

[New Quest]


[Kill the Ryuki family]

- Kill the Ryuki Family [0/10]

- Save Asamine Kiryu{Optional}

Rewards: [Barrier] skill, 5 SP

Bonus Rewards: [Crypt] skill, 5 Draws


The new Quest had Iazkari freeze in shock, but what made him even more surprised is the Bonus reward.

"5… 5 Draws? SYSTEM!"


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (10,038/200,000)]


Strength - 10

Dexterity - 15

Constitution - 24

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 9638 > 10,038

Status Points: 0 > 1


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.

[Enhanced Defence]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {60 Seconds Duration} {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Reiatsu Burst]

- Cause an eruption of your own Reiatsu, pushing away any opponents or attacks from the Host. {20 Second Cooldown}

{New Panels}

[Lucky Draw]



"W-when did… WHEN DID THIS APPEAR!?"

Shocked and completely baffled, Iazkari could not hold himself from screaming in pure shock.

[It would appear that these panels had only been added upon you reaching 10,000 Spirit Power]

"... I'll be damned. Also, no free draws?"


"Goddamnit… Alright… Time to save this… Asamine girl."

Not wanting to cause panic… Well, panic is already caused when people see 4 dudes just fall and die ever so randomly. The most convenient news however, is that it is exactly midnight, so who in the Ryuki family would be awake at such a time? No one but their guards.

Iazkari took the first step into the Ryuki family territory, but it seems that they aren't any normal high class family.

[Recommending Host to hide in dark places]

[High Spiritual Pressure detected within multiple individuals]

"... You've got to be kidding… "

[The System does not lie, my dear Host]

"... Wait where did you get such a perso-"

[2 Individuals with High Spiritual Pressure detected]


Out of panic, Iazkari rushes silently towards the enormous forest of the Ryuki household. This pretty much surprised Iazkari. But considering his passive skill, [Spiritual Pressure Distortion], he is pretty much undetectable whenever someone uses a radar-like ability that does not detect Spiritual Pressure Distortions.

"Did you find it?"

"No, it's like an invisible Hollow… But more terrifying perhaps."

"I get your point. Even if a Hollow hides, their Spiritual Pressure can still be detected somewhere… Even the Mistress Asamine can detect it… But she can't."

"Tsk… This might be that same Hollow that can hide its spiritual pressure… Lets-"

Like an assassin, for some reason, Iazkari cuts both their heads clean. Even though Iazkari's figure is large, he never made a single tremor with each step. How he did it is a mystery, even to the System itself… Not even Iazkari understands how it worked.

Soon, once their body died, the 2 people who went to investigate Iazkari's arrival had finally seen the horrific Hollow that killed them. Pitch black body, a knight helmet with vertical vizors, and bladed arms. They knew it was the same Hollow that can hide its spiritual pressure… They were the first to discover it after all.

"W-what the-"

The first one had been given a direct stab to his throat, killing him. The other was left petrified, afraid of what may happen. The petrified man can only be considered a fool as he never ran away. Iazkari cut his head in half… that's right, his head. Not his body, but his head. Once he killed the 2, he ate them… and was given quite the delightful feeling.

[+500 Spirit Power]

"Oh? Quite a lot… Give me the amount of people with high Spiritual Pressure, System."



[Amount of people with High Spiritual Pressure within the designated area]

Guards: 40

Ryuki Family: 10

Asamine Kiryu


"Huh? Why the hell is Asamine Kiryu the only one that is stated with a name?"

[Cannot find a proper answer for it]

"... Oh well, can't help but wonder then."

Iazkari then hid, knowing that the other guards wouldn't be incompetent and just rush to the dead bodies without their guards up, he decided that slowly approaching the household would be a better choice.

Completely exceeding the basic aspects of hiding, this enormous Hollow wonders how people can't see his figure even walking in the depths of the forest. He is 5 meters tall for god's sake.

[Spiritual Pressure Distortion skill can seemingly erase the Host's presence but cannot fully erase it to the fact that the Host is invisible to the eye]


[I… have no idea.]

However, the truth to this is still far. In reality, he is being helped by someone… Someone within the Ryuki mansion.

A girl with long black hair and amber colored eyes viewed the crystal ball placed on the table in front of her. In her eyes, this was no ordinary Hollow… No, to her, it felt as if this Hollow would become her savior.

The crystal ball's footage zoomed closer to the Hollow's face. The near-pale hand of the girl held the part of the Crystal ball where the Hollow's face is. The first time in her life, in this entire life of hers, it was the first time that she felt such happiness.

"Please… Save me."

Her words were like the calm stream of the river flow, soothing the mind of anyone who would have heard her. But to a certain Hollow, he felt more… Motivated.

"Huh? Odd… I swear I heard someone."

[It must be your imagination that is slowly eating your 1 braincelled mind]

"What the hell is wrong with you? And WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE YOU BE THIS MEAN!?"

His chat with the System, however, was disturbed by an old man.

"Halt your steps, filthy Hollow… Or should I say… Iazkari."

The mention of his name caused him to stop in his tracks. He knew who this old man was… How could he not? This old man was the cause of his family's death, his younger sister's death. But he stood firm and gazed at the old man.

"... How did you know?"

Iazkari's voice was much deeper than before, his figure is much more built and bigger than before, and his face is covered in a Knight-like mask that hides his entire head. So he had questions as to how he knew immediately.

"You still hold conscience even as a Hollow? Quite the surprise. At first, I thought you would have rampaged here considering that you have turned into a Hollow… Here to avenge your fallen family?"

A grin grew on the old man's face, knowing the real reason as to why Iazkari stepped within the territory of the Ryuki family.

"If you want to know how I knew your identity as a Hollow… It is simple. Your Reiatsu is nowhere close to hidden under my [Eye of Truth]."

Iazkari was quite surprised. It isn't an ability… It's a skill.

"You can't hide your truths from me, you can't hide anything at all. With this eye, I can see 5 seconds into the future at a constant pace. I have trained this eye for decades, and you, as of now, can never stop me!"

Iazkari mentally deadpanned, knowing that revealing information of one's ability is a common thing in shows to allow the viewer to understand the concept of the ability itself. However, now witnessing such an occurrence, he knows it is through the sheer confidence of his own power.

"System, if you have some kind of ability similar to [Appraisal], could you use it on this guy?"



Name: Akira Ryuki

Age: 627

Race: ???


Strength: 100

Dexterity: 250

Constitution: 50

Intelligence: 500




[Eye of Truth]

- Sees through a target's lie, future, and current stats.


"... I'm beyond screwed apparently."

It was obvious that he was screwed. His opponent surpassed his strength by tenfold, his speed and intelligence was even more ridiculous. With his current power, what chance does he have against such an opponent? None. If he was certainly in a show or like a novel, all he could wish for is for plot armor to save him.

But such a wish would never be granted.

"You aren't even strong at all… That Asamine kid had hoped for too much."

The old man appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. Before he could even react, his head was blown to nothingness as if it was never there at all. Soon, his Hollow body began to vanish.

He had overestimated his own strength. How could he fight anyone similar to that old man? Akira Ryuki, the strongest and oldest within the Ryuki household's current generation. His appearance put Iazkari's chance of succeeding to 0%.

If only he could revert back, if only he could have been stronger. To defeat that old man, that was his current true goal.

[New Quest Received]



[Achieve the Greatest Power]

- Achieve Awakened

Rewards: [???]


"Aren't I dead?"

He became confused, how is the System still out despite him being dead.

[You are not dead… You never were, and never will be.]


[The concept of Life and Death do not abide you, they reject you as your existence was never meant to be in this world.]

"Huh? Then… Why can't I just die?"

[Have you forgotten of your past? I apologize, it seems that the System has removed most of your memories… Allow me to… Return them to you.]

"What do you- guh!?"

His entire life played in his head like watching a movie in a cinema. But unlike in movies where one gradually forgets certain events that occur, it's as if his head is absorbing every single detail of this footage. His childhood memories played, and there he saw 2 young girls, and himself being the eldest. The 2 girls were his younger sister, Cerlona Seurve… And her childhood friend, Asamine… Kiryu… His own eyes widen in shock, Asamine Hiryu, the very person the quest gave an optional quest to save.

Now he realized it all. His foolishness, his ignorance… All led to the demise of his younger sister, and soon, Asamine herself. He had to save her, and then save his younger sister… But… He was… Too weak.

[Perhaps… I can give a Quest to satisfy your… Desperation.]

This gained Iazkari's attention.

"Tell me… Please!"

His voice filled with desperation, the desperation to save those who he cared for, the desperation to protect those who he cares for. It wasn't odd for him now that he remembers… He was always desperate. Desperate to protect the 2 young girls, but he failed. Both had fallen to the hands of the Ryuki family.

[New Quest Received]

[I will return you 10 Years before your awakening as a Hollow. More specifically, the same time and day of your Death.]

[Your original self's conscience in this time will be killed of and replaced by you.]

[Fail this Quest, and you will no longer be able to save your beloved family.]


[Protect Asamine and Cerlona]

- Kill off Cerlona and Asamine's escorts [0/6]

- Take Cerlona and Asamine to a safe area before Akira Ryuki arrives{Critical}

- Avoid Akira Ryuki{Critical}

Rewards: [Asamine Kiryu and Cerlona Seurve's Trust], [Spirit Slash] Skill, 50 Status Points




[Hollowed Heart]



Iazkari regained his sight and saw that he is currently in the forest where his home resides. He glances at his home, seeing Asamine and Cerlona all alone at the house he bought for the 3 of them to live. But with his parents' debt to the Ryuki family, there was no chance of ever avoiding this group.

He then heard an engine of a car approaching the house. He further hid and prepared to strike. There are 6 of these guards, so he must be quick as well. Seeing the Quest's Critical goal, he must avoid Akira Ryuki at all costs. 3 Vehicles arrived, 2 Cars and a single Van. 4 individuals from the 2 Cars went outside and went to the house. The guards began to talk to the young girls, and it seems that they got mad at something that they talked about. The guards were irritated and forcefully grabbed the girls. However, before they could even reach the Van, the Van exploded. The shockwave was strong enough for the guards to lose their grip on the girls. Seeing this as an opportunity, both ran into the house and hid. The guards saw this and attempted to follow them and capture them once more. Their efforts were in vain as soon as a pitch black Hollow cut their heads off their bodies. Iazkari had no time to waste, he looked at the house and saw a small opening. In his vision, he can faintly see their eyes that held fear.

"Come… It is no longer safe here."

The 2 girls wouldn't believe him so easily, he knows that. They believe that this house is safe, they believe it because… He said it. He was a fool at that time… No, he always was a fool. But he doesn't have any time to continue such a topic. He has to save the 2.

"I have… Spoken to your elder brother… Iazkari Seurve… He wants you… Safe…"

This would be enough to lightly convince them, but not enough to do so entirely.

"You're… You're lying! Big bro would never say that to anyone! He doesn't… He wouldn't trust a big monster like you!"

It was Cerlona who exclaimed. Iazkari could only look at her helplessly, knowing that nothing would convince her entirely… But still… To protect them, he must use everything in his power to do so.

"More of those people who tried to take you away… Will arrive… Do you think your Big Brother… Would agree to losing… You 2?"

Their eyes widened, and soon, fear came. The 2 then agreed to go with him, quite hesitantly though. Once they sat on his shoulders and held tight on his helmet-like mask, he dashed, faster than he ever had. He used his bladed arms to cover the young girls from the strong force of wind, allowing them to enjoy the ride despite the speed that they are moving at.

Despite their distance, he knew that the quest has yet to finish. The notification hasn't even arrived yet. He has to go farther, farther, and even farther from Akira Ryuki… He must.

[I have a location for you… Bring them to the Kurosaki Clinic within Karakura Town… That place is the safest they could ever go to.]

Kurosaki Clinic… The same clinic he always went to whenever Cerlona or Asamine, or if both of them were sick. He knew that the Kurosaki family is kind, and there was currently no other choice. He went there.

It took about 4 hours considering the distance of his home and Karakura itself. He stopped at Karakura Clinic and dropped the 2 girls there.

"You both… Stay here… Tell them that… Dangerous people are trying to… Find you."

Those were the last words that he said to them before dashing away. This was for the best. After all… It IS the safest… Iazkari recalls the list he once opened back before his first death.


"System, can you list people or a group of people that are the highest in terms of power right now?" This question was turned into a request.


[List of people within Karakura that have high Spiritual Pressure]

Kisuke Urahara [Shinigami]

Masaki Kurosaki [Quincy]

Isshin Kurosaki [Shinigami]

Ryuken Ishida [Quincy]


"Huh? Who are they?" Iazkari became curious.

[These are powerful people within Karakura. System cannot give the Host a list filled with every single powerful people from different realms and areas unless the Host has travelled those places or encountered these individuals.]

-Flashback end-

He knew that he could entrust the girls to them… He knew very well.

[Quest Finished]

[[Spirit Blade] Skill]

[+50 Status Points]

[Cerlona Seurve and Asamine Kiryu's Trust]

If he had his face, a smile would be visible. He achieved what he wanted, and now… He must grow stronger.

[New Quest Received]


[The Menos Class]

- Become a Gillian

Rewards: 10 Draws, [Spatial Distortion]


"... Handy."

He said quite blandly. He himself did not know if it was because of his worry of Cerlona and Asamine, or his worry of dying against Akira Ryuki. But he did know one thing… He must become strong… He must achieve power beyond even the strongest among the strong… He must achieve… True power.

"The Menos class… I can't even fathom how powerful they might be… I am merely a weak Hollow…"

He gazed at his current stats, disappointed at himself for being so weak.

"Place 20 SP to Strength, 11 to Constitution, 15 to Dexterity, and the rest can be dumped to Intelligence."


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (11,538/200,000)]


Strength - 10 > 30

Dexterity - 15 > 30

Constitution - 24 > 35

Intelligence - 10 > 16

Spirit Power: 10,038 > 11,538

Status Points: 52 > 0


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.

[Enhanced Defence]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {60 Seconds Duration} {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Reiatsu Burst]

- Cause an eruption of your own Reiatsu, pushing away any opponents or attacks from the Host. {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Spirit Blade]

- Imbue Spirit Energy into blades to strengthen their power or unleash arc-shaped blasts to opponents. {10 Seconds Cooldown}

{New Panels}

[Lucky Draw]



"... This is merely the start…"

Iazkari states with no emotion imbued with his words. He had to face it. Now as a Hollow, he must become strong… Even stronger than Vasto Lordes, even stronger than the strongest Arrancar.

"I must become stronger… Hesitation would mean my death."

This is merely his beginning… His start as a True Hollow.

[Hollowed Heart]