
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

9 | extra pt 2


i will cast expecto patronum on my 1st try

i have gorilla grip

when remus turns into a wolf he won't hurt me

i'm not scared of heights

i don't have aquaphobia

i look cute when i scrunch my nose

i'm a good liar

i can do the wap flawlessly msjacksonfr

me and my brothers have good relationships.

liam and lincoln will take me and christopher to diagon alley before we go to hogwarts.

they already know how to get there because they will be attending their 2nd and 3rd year.

lincoln goes to get me my owl while i'm choosing my wand with christopher.

we will briefly meet harry for the first time at the wand shop.

lincoln gets me a snowy owl.

i am the ideal vision of a beautiful girl

i look pretty when i run/walk

i walk like a model

i will get a huge glow up in my 3rd year like most of the kids at hogwarts 😏.

i do not turn into the veela beast thing when i'm angry, because im half veela.

i did not inherit the bright blonde hair genetic from my mother.

i have alot of spare oversized crewnecks/hoodies that fit me well, that i bring with me to hogwarts. they can keep me warm in any temperature

i wont get petrified, paralyzed, etc.

if i ever become injured then i will quickly make a full recovery.

my smile is one of the first reasons people tend to fall for me

butterflies, hummingbirds and squirrels (and if it's dark out, fireflies too) gather around me when i sing outdoors

butterflies follow me when i'm outdoors

my hair shimmers when i touch it

my hair smells like vanilla and strawberries

all my clothes smell freshly washed, no matter how long i have been wearing them for

none of my clothes will get stains

i am great with almost all kids, and most kids adore me

when i grow up (in my later years at hogwarts and when i'm an adult) some kids will idolize me and harry

i look cute when i'm angry, but people still take me seriously

i look pretty when i brush my teeth, brush my hair, etc

my nails are always well kept

the aura around me always smells of whatever the person around me likes the smell of the most. it's a different smell to everyone

i won't fall off of or down the stairs

i won't fall down any stairs

the wind never messes up my hair or clothes, in fact the way it blows on me makes me appear more attractive

not everyone is sexually attracted to me, but it's no doubt that i'm good looking

i can read the stars

i'm great with anything spiritual or astrological

no matter how much sleep i receive, i always feel well rested

i can complete my homework very quickly, but people don't notice it out of the ordinary

my paper will never wrinkle or rip when i'm erasing anything

all of my friends and family's pets are potty trained

babies stop crying when i hold them, all of their needs sort of go away

my hair doesnt get easily knotted. even if i don't brush my hair, it still looks well groomed and remains with little to no knots.

me and ron make a burn book in 1st year HDLRLRJSJDK

my skin is very, very clear other than my freckles

i only get sweaty to a minimum, when i do get sweaty my cheeks get rosy and flushed and i look cute

i'm good at dancing, and fighting (the muggle way, and the wizard way)

as soon as i'm 100% in my DR my eyes will automatically open

i'm effortlessly attractive. everyday is a good hair day

i'm good at dancing.

i'm kind of clumsy

i manage to get amazing grades in almost all my classes, every year

i'm popular

starting in 2nd year, sometimes when i'm walking to class, and none of my friends - or his friends - are around, draco will ask to walk me to class

everyone at hogwarts has atleast briefly heard my name before

i'm not self centred and don't have a big ego

i look like i won the generic lottery 😏

usually whenever i get detention, i get sent to detention with hagrid

i'm naturally really smart and skilled when it comes to spells and potions, but not as smart or skilled as hermione

i am good at wandless magic (like occlumency for example)

i always have witty comebacks

i have good humour

i know the galleons currency like the back of my hand

i won't cry when i'm being yelled at or under pressure unless i want to

my guardian (whoever it is at the time that cares for me and my siblings - sirius, lupin, or someone else?) gives me and my brothers lots of money (galleons) before sending me and my brothers to hogwarts every year

my oldest brother is best friends with cedric diggory