
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Teen
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13 Chs

10 | people im adding to hogwarts

; ♡ extra students


ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ friends basic info

ㅤㅤㅤ ⌦ what they're like

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ sexuality

ㅤㅤㅤ ⌦ face - appearance


-', basic information ;


they all attend hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

*i'm just adding these people for fun :)*


#1 ~

name ~

↝ tristan valdez

birthdate ~

↝ 12.31.1979

pronouns ~

↝ he/him (i wasn't able to find his pronouns but if those are wrong, pls tell me)

blood type ~

↝ pureblood

house ~

↝ ravenclaw

appearance ~

personality ~

↝ he's very sweet and clumsy, also pretty funny. he gets veryyyy good grades, and usually takes school seriously - but always makes time for friends.

information ~

↝ hes was offered to move up a year in early year 2, but declined. he is one of prof. mcgonagall's favourite students and he has a good relationship with prof. trelawney.

sexuality ~

↝ bisexual

family ~

↝ one younger sister who attends hogwarts, named mellie

↝ one baby brother named kaiden

↝ both of his parents are together. one works for the ministry, and one is an auror.

relationship with me ~

↝ close friends

popular or unpopular ~

↝ pretty popular, but not overly popular. he has a good group of friends but likes to just hang around with a few specific people.

backstory ~

he was born december 31st, 1979. he was born into a wealthy family - like very wealthy.

his parents were well off, mainly because of inheritance money. his grandparents worked for the ministry and already made hundreds of thousands of galleons before they were in their 40's. they soon after died together in a car crash - somewhere in their mid 50's - and it was all over the daily prophet. his grandparents one and only child (tristan's mom) inherited every single galleon.

anyway, he's known for being super super intelligent. he really enjoys being around people and is super kind. he's a teachers pet, but he isn't cocky about it.


#2 ~

name ~

↝ mellie valdez

birthdate ~

↝ 01.01.1981

pronouns ~

↝ she/her

blood type ~

↝ pureblood

house ~

↝ slytherin

looks ~

↝ like thissss

personality ~

↝ shes very dry and definitely a perfectionist, and usually takes things seriously. her grades aren't so good, but she takes school really seriously. she always makes time to hang out with the friends she has. she has a kinda chaotic personality.

information ~

↝ she almost had to repeat the first year, but managed to pass. her favourite teacher is prof. snape, even though the feeling might not be mutual.

sexuality ~

↝ bisexual

family ~

↝ one older brother who attends hogwarts, named tristan

↝ one baby brother named kaiden

↝ both of her parents are together. one works for the ministry, and one is an auror.

relationship with me ~

↝ barely know her

popular or unpopular ~

↝ she would be popular if she was more outgoing, but she prefers to have a small group of friends.

backstory ~

she was born january 1st, 1981. she was born into a wealthy family - like very wealthy.

her parents were well off, mainly because of inheritance money. her grandparents worked for the ministry and already made hundreds of thousands of galleons before they were in their 40's. they soon after died together in a car crash - somewhere in their mid 50's - and it was all over the daily prophet. her grandparents one and only child (mellie's mom) inherited every single galleon.

anyway, she's known for being very kind to her small group of friends - who are mostly slytherins - but a literal snake to people she's not close with. she also thinks that blood purity is very important.


#3 ~

name ~

↝ dahlia welles

birthdate ~

↝ 04.20.1981


↝ non binary - they/them

blood type ~

↝ no one knows

house ~

↝ hufflepuff

appearance ~

personality ~

↝ they're very mellow and go with the flow. they doesn't have many friends, and arent too popular, but they're very funny, outgoing and friendly. they loves to read, and will often spend their time between classes or on weekends completing other people's homework for them (at a price, of course) or reading.

information ~

↝ their grades are average, i guess - but they're a great writer, and very creative. they're okay with selling weed to kids as long as they are a 4th year or older. they can easily make potions. they're also really outgoing, but somewhat quiet. they moved up a year - so they were in their 1st year then was supposed to graduate to their 2nd year, but excelled to their 3rd year instead - which will put them in the same year as me. it's rumoured that they have a crush on luna, and has been for years.

sexuality ~

↝ they don't like labels (but i think they're pan)

family ~

↝ one older brother, he graduated from hogwarts 2 years prior to when they started attending hogwarts

↝ they have a dead twin sister 💀

↝ they're adopted - their family is very wealthy and high up in the ministry, they are also kind of like hippies

relationship with me ~

↝ i'm kinda friends with them, they get along with me

popular or unpopular ~

↝ not too popular, but lots of kids buy ouid off of them

backstory ~

they were born april 20th, 1981. their parents weren't ready for children at the time, so they put them up for adoption. they we're sorted into hufflepuff and have adjusted very well. they have a few close friends, but don't only hang out with them specifically. they're easy to get along with and rather talkative.


#4 ~

name ~

↝ louis ollivander

birthdate ~

↝ 06.03.1979

pronouns ~

↝ he/him

blood type ~

↝ halfblood

house ~

↝ gryffindor

appearance ~

personality ~

↝ he's charming, smart and funny. he can easily make a conversation out of almost no where, without it feeling tense. he is also very brave and bold. he enjoys going on adventures and taking risks. definitely kinda introverted

information ~

↝ his fav classes are muggle studies, astronomy, and potions. he doesn't really take school that seriously, but still manages to get decent grades effortlessly. amazing at playing the piano

sexuality ~

↝ straight

family ~

↝ one older sister who attends hogwarts, named issie

↝ both of his parents are together. one makes wands, and one is a farmer

relationship with me ~

↝ close friends

popular or unpopular ~

↝ pretty popular, although he's very introverted and prefers to just be around his close friends

backstory ~

he was born june 3rd, 1979, into the ollivander family. his mother is an ollivander - she helps her father make wands for his store. his father is a muggle - he tends to their families small farm/ranch sorta thing.

their home ~


#5 ~

name ~

↝ issie ollivander

birthdate ~

↝ 06.03.1978

pronouns ~

↝ she/her

blood type ~

↝ halfblood

house ~

↝ ravenclaw

appearance ~

personality ~

↝ shes very creative, smart and shy. shes also inquisitive and takes school pretty seriously. she always thinks rationally - she's also very very mature. she loves magical and non-magical creatures.

sexuality ~

↝ straight

family ~

↝ one younger brother who attends hogwarts, named louis

↝ both of her parents are together. one makes wands, and one is a farmer

relationship with me ~

↝ acquaintances

popular or unpopular ~

↝ not very popular, probably because she's sorta introverted and tends to stay away from crowds

backstory ~

she was born november 4th, 1977, into the ollivander family. her mother is an ollivander - she helps her father make wands for his store. her father is a muggle - he tends to their families small farm/ranch sorta thing.