
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

8 | extra pt 1


anything i forget to script but desire to happen, will still happen

i dont have my period in my dr but i can still get pregnant and have kids, it doesn't have any effect on my mental or physical health.

NONE of the people i add will affect the storyline. everything will go as planned, just like it did in the books

our grandpa is our sugar daddy 😝

classes start at 10 am

i am immune to the unforgivable curses

i have beautiful handwriting

i never get food stuck in my teeth

i can easily write in cursive

my hair always looks stunning, no matter how i'm wearing it

most nonmagical and magical creatures like me and enjoy my presence

i don't have any major phobias

i'm very photogenic

i have a ring with a small gem in it that changes colours based on my mood

i can pronounce any spell or word correctly

i look pretty when i wink

i'm a good kisser

i will easily remember my way around the castle after i walk through it for the first time

i have a strong immune system

plants seem to grow faster and healthier in my presence

most of the house elves adore me

my hair will never become damaged or develop split ends

i look stunning when i laugh

i blush easily

i'm great at flirting

small pretty flowers sprout around me when i'm walking out doors if i'm barefoot - it can be hard to notice

i am a talented artist

i can easily retain lyrics from songs

if my intention, people always hear what i'm saying clearly

when dumbledore tries to read my mind, he will just hear elevator music

my ears always appear clean

my crushes amortentia will smell like me

the odds of someone i like, liking me back are around 90%

i have witty comebacks and insults

i won't mention my current reality when given veritaserum/truth serum

teachers will bet on who they think is going to get together

i won't be excluded

my significant other will play with my hair and my hands

me and my significant other will stargaze from time to time

all the students will age well

i can hum beautifully

hermione will teach me how to bake

when performing apparition, i am immune to splinching

no one else can read me and ron's burn book

santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are all real. none of them have ever been caught and never will

house elves are the most closely related species to santa's elves

i can rap very well

i don't get annoyed by the sounds of humming, chewing, or breathing

the weasleys adore me

my hand will never get sore from writing

all my clothes fit me perfectly, how they're supposed to and how i want them to

i'm always hydrated

i will never have headaches or migraines

i can easily remember people's names

just like how hermione is the "girl who knew", and ron is the "boy who loved", and harry is the "boy who lived", i will be the "girl who did"

even though people might think my father is a murderer, it doesn't have a huge affect on my reputation

i am the most powerful witch of my time

people don't find me annoying

it was hard for the sorting hat to choose to put me into either gryffindor or slytherin, but bc i wanted to be in gryffindor so bad i was put into gryffindor

5th years adopt 3rd years. there is a ceremony with the sorting hat at the beginning of every year for the 1st years, and after that takes place the sorting hat gets put onto all of the 3rd years and tell them which 5th year will be "adopting" them. the adoption ceremony doesn't really mean anything, now it's just a dead tradition that hogwarts hasn't removed. whoever adopts you is whoever has the most similar personality to you

i will be adopted by fred weasley, and my twin brother will be adopted by george weasley

when harry and ron go see hagrid in the 2nd year, i will stay with hermione in the hospital wing. i'll be roaming through the halls and they will bump into me on their way back. they will explain to me hagrid's innocence. we will all go into the chamber of secrets together. me and harry are the only ones that will end up finding ginny because ron will be stuck on the other side of the rocks. when harry is fighting the serpent, tom riddle will be holding me back

i'm good at driving

the mandrakes scream/cry thing doesn't affect me

my wand will never break

i'm naturally gifted and skilled in every class, especially DADA and potions

i'm really good with magical creatures, and can communicate with them

i speak parseltongue

i'm naturally great at riding a broom

i'm effortlessly good at quidditch

most of the paintings near the stairs either like me, or hate my guts

me and my twin brother can tell fred and george apart easily

i'm good at playing all positions in quidditch

i won't get hurt while riding a broom

i won't get expelled

i have beautiful hand writing

the food in the great hall has a charm on it that makes it taste great

on fridays, dessert is served in the great hall

i won't just live in harry's shadow, we are equally respected and well known

i have a lot of fun when i play quidditch

i'm not very gullible, and i am usually kinda good at telling when people are lying to me

i'm going to be very successful in the tri-wizard cup, and get 1st/2nd place in every challenge.

i'm rather good at sneaking out of our common room.

i can do lots of tricks on my broom

my broomstick will obey me

i will learn almost every spell by my 7th year

i get christmas presents from my brothers on christmas

neville will talk about plants to me