
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Teen
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13 Chs

7 | safety and extra scripts

; ♡ additions


-ཻུ۪۪' this information resembles additional scripts in my desired reality ',°-


desired reality scripts:


↝ saying "see you next year... or not" will make me leave my desired reality and come back to my current reality (cardi b 😏)

↝ when i have successfully shifted to my desired reality i will smell incense, or feel an obvious temperature change.

↝ when i successfully shift, the scenario i will arrive in will be this :

i'll be sleeping in my dr bedroom, and my brothers, lincoln and christopher, will run into my room frantically, smiling a ton. lincoln will tell me to wake up because he has big news. when i wake up, christopher will hand me a letter, while he holds one that looks the same (our hogwarts letters). the time on the clock will read 6:00 a.m., the sun will still be down and will rise soon after. i'll open it up and read it, then they will tell me to get dressed and that breakfast is waiting on the table in the kitchen. when i walk out, the fireplace will be on and liam will be reading the newspaper on the couch - beside a pile of luggage. lincoln will make christopher and i french toast and bacon which he will put on the table - beside a pile of galleons. i'll ask what they're for, and liam will tell us that we're all going to diagon alley to get our supplies, and that we need to pack our bags for hogwarts.

*this will all take place the morning the train is going going to hogwarts*

↝ i am always surrounded by positive energy when shifting realities

↝ i cannot die in my desired reality

↝ i can leave my desired reality whenever i want to

↝ i cannot accidentally leave my desired reality

↝ when i'm not in my desired reality, time stops

↝ i usually get amazing grades without trying

↝ i have a pretty good memory

↝ i won't forget to pack anything for hogwarts that i will end up needing in the future

↝ i'm great at riding my broom

↝ i can sing very well, i can hit high and low notes easily and anywhere in between

↝ 5 minutes in my current reality is 1 month in my desired reality

↝ i will remember everything from my desired reality when i come back to my current reality

↝ i wont forget my safeword in my desired reality

↝ i will remember everything from my desired reality, when i come back to my current reality

↝ i have a very high pain tolerance in my dr, i can only feel pain to a minimum

↝ i will not experience any long lasting trauma in my desired reality