
Chapter Seven

I tried to slow my breathing and put on a fake smile.

Pretending to ignore him, I continue to wait other tables.

"Hey, Ash," his voice feels like spicy tendrils along my spine. Yet, there's also a warm feeling of belonging and comfort.

I shake it off.

"What, Andrew?" I ask, keeping myself busy by cleaning tables.

"I heard about what happened. Everything alright?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm sure you know all about that."

He looks at me confused. "Yes, cause I heard from your friend. What happened?"

"Nothing. These guys just came up to me. Somebody took care of them. Next thing I knew, they were dead."

"Well, there's probably a reason they're dead, right?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno."

I continue wiping down the table.

Andrew sighs. "Ash, tell me what really happened."

"Just did."

He slams his fist onto the table, causing me to jolt.

"Tell me what happened to the boys." His eyes are malicious.

I narrow my eyes.

"I already told you everything I know. Let me work."

I pick up my bin of dishes and walk toward the kitchen.

Walking around the corner to the kitchen door, a large hand wraps around my wrist, twirling me around and pinning me against the wall. Dishes still carefully in hand, I glare at Andrew.

"What happened, Ashlyn?" He says, enunciating every word.

"I think you know what happened, Andrew." I shove him with my bin of dishes, proceeding into the kitchen to dump off my load.

Not hearing another word from him, I assume he left. Just in time too, as my shift ends.

Hanging up my gear and heading out, I feel a weird sense of déjà vu. My hand touches the handle of my car, only to be spun around and pinned against it again.

Lips land on mine. The ones from the other night. Soft hands caress my face, slowly running down my neck and chest. I push the stranger away, only to see nobody there.

I suddenly realize that I can't breathe. Falling to my knees, I try to catch my breath.

Opening my door, I quickly begin to drive.

- - -

I feel as if something is following me. The mysterious shadow from the other night lurks in the shadows, racing after my car.

In a quick flash of panic, I realize that it would be dumb of me to go home with this thing. Turning a sharp left at the next intersection, I make my way to the library while shuffling through my purse and pulling out my phone.

"Alina!" I shout after hearing her pick up.

"What's up, Ash--"

"The guy from the other night is following me. The one that killed those boys. I don't know where to go!"

I hear a gasp from the other side of the call.

"Ash, make your way over here. My father is home. I'll notify him."

"Be there soon." I end the call.

Alright, everything should be fine. Her father is an officer. He'll take care of the suspect.

I veer right--

and automatically slam on the breaks.

The shadow sits in front of my car.

Fear sets in and I begin hyperventilating.

The dark mass sits up, illuminated by my headlights. No features stand out to me except the overall pitch-black of the silhouette.

The lanky shadow slowly stands up. Through my window, I can hear the sounds of popping, almost like joints being shifted back into place.

Bright red eyes shine from the top of the shadow, the line of sight directed right at me. I freeze, my hand on my gear stick.

The shadow stands up, its tall legs appearing thinner than normal, it's body emerging long and large shapes, almost like wings.

I can't help the jaw-dropping moment I have when the creature takes a step toward me. Its hand reaches out toward me, almost in a helpless gesture. A strange, welcoming warmth erupts throughout my chest, slowly traveling down my body.

I feel disgusted by this strange and ugly monster, yet a feeling of warmth and beauty erupts, alluring me toward the creature.

Then, a gun shot sounds.

The black mass turns around right before launching straight into the sky, flying into the night.

I'm finally able to breathe again when I hear a knocking on my window. I look over to see Officer Jayn sitting there with a shotgun in hand.

"You alright, Ash?"

I nod, hands finally able to move. "How'd you find me?"

"Alina has that social media tracker thingamajig on you. When she saw you weren't moving, she called me, gave me your location, and here I am."

I slump back in my seat and sigh. "Just in time, too. Thanks, Jayn."

He nods his head at me.

"You gonna be alright?"

"Yea. Just need to breathe. Then I'll head back home. Thanks again."

Officer Jayn taps my car's hood. "Alright. Be safe. Give Alina a call if you need me again.

"Definitely. You be safe as well."

Alina's father retreats back into his car.

I give myself a few more minutes to breathe before continuing on down the road.

I can't help the burning feeling I had rise up in my chest again. That strange feeling of belonging...

I shift my car in to drive and make my way to my house.

Dad still not home, I head up into my room. Collapsing on the bed, I stare up at the ceiling.

My eyelids grow heavy, and soon enough I'm asleep.

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