
Chapter Eight

The soft sound of tapping against my window wakes me up.

At first, I believe I am imagining it. So, I lie back down, adjusting my head against my rock hard pillow.

The knocking sounds again.

Sitting up in bed, I peer at the window.

The tapping occurs again.

I hold my breath, inching my way across the cold floor of my room. My heart beat quickened in my chest. Reaching out, I draw back my thin white curtains, my eyes peering out the window.

Red eyes peered back at me.

Falling back against the floor, I scramble away from the window. The sound of my beating heart pounded in my ears, mixing in with my heavy breathing. Before I realize what's happening, my window slowly begins to open. I panic, picking up one of the text books on my desk in order to defend myself.

Seeing the sight I saw while driving, I was frozen with fear as he stood in front of me, his wings folded behind his back. I look at my bed, reaching my hand out in order to grab my phone. The creature quickly catches on, picking up my phone and throwing it across the room.

"Ash," he whispers, almost breathlessly. "You need to come with me."

Shaking my head, I try to create distance between me and the strange man.

His hands immediately place themselves on my shoulders, enveloping me in a comforting warmth. "There's stuff you must know. You're in danger."

My eyes widen.

"Listen, I need you to meet with me. After work tomorrow. You know where I am." With that, his lips lightly brush against my forehead. The next thing I know, he's gone.

I continue sitting where I am, unable to move an inch. It's only a few minutes later when I realize what occurred.

The murderer followed me home. He's claiming I'm in danger--and he wants to meet with me.

I knew I could meet up with him--that I should, since he now knows where I live, but the idea of being with a murderer gives me the chills.

What if he wants to kill me?

A sound of buzzing occurs, drawing my attention to my phone. I shuffle over, picking up the small device to see a large crack cross the screen. Answering the call, I hear Alina's voice from the speaker.

"Hey girl. Sorry if I woke you. I've got news!"

I take in a slow, deep breath. "You're fine. I've been up. What's the news?"

She squeals. "Tyler asked me on a date!"

Weakly smiling to the news, I say, "Congrats, Ali! He better treat you well, otherwise I'll kick his ass."

"Come on! You know he already does!"

"I know, girly. Tell me all about it tomorrow. I've got to head to bed. Work is killing me."

"Gotcha! Talk to you later!" Alina makes the kissing sound before hanging up, leaving me in my silent room.

Closing my bedroom window, I pull the curtains together.

Now, I just have to prepare myself for tomorrow.

- - -

Hanging my apron up, I clock out.

My hands have been shaking since my shift was an hour from ending. I was nervous about this encounter. I really just hope he won't murder me.

Pulling my warm sweatshirt on, I place my hands inside the pocket, twiddling my fingers together as I anxiously walk outside.

Before I even look near the back, I already sense his eyes on me. Carefully evading the surveillance cameras, I sneak around to the back, crashing into the strange man the second I turn the corner.

I feel the smile that takes over his hooded face. His hands come up to cup my chin and I stare at the ground nervously.

"Ashlyn." His voice sounds huskier than it did last night. "I'm glad you made it. Listen, there's a lot to discuss in a short amount of time. All you need to know right now is that I'm here to protect you. Don't tell anyone of my existence, and please, don't let your friend's father shoot at me. If I'm in trouble because of them, there's no telling what will happen."

I nod my head at him, letting the man know I understand.

"Good. Now, carry on with your life. I'll be watching you from the shadows."

Sorry it’s been so long!! A lot has happened recently and it’s been tough lately. I hope you all are staying safe! I’ll continue to try and update when I can, but I am slowly trying to work on a few stories I wish to publish in the future. Hopefully I should have more drafts of the next few chapters so I can update more often. This should all go back to normal soon! Try and stay positive!❤️

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