
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

Unveiling Alduin's Past

As the Midoriya family entered the grand church, they were met with the hushed whispers of the worshippers and the somber atmosphere that clung to the sacred space. The church was known for its ancient knowledge and the wisdom of its priest, who held the key to unlocking the mysteries of their world's history.

The priest, an elderly man with a flowing white beard, stood near the altar, tending to a large, weathered tome. His eyes widened as he gazed upon the newcomers. It was clear he recognized one of the individuals present, and his heart raced as he realized the significance of their arrival.

Priest: "One of the kings and two marked warriors... You've come at a crucial time, as foretold in the prophecy."

Izuku and Ochaco exchanged worried glances as the priest's words hung heavily in the air. Yu, their youngest, looked up at his parents, sensing the gravity of the situation. Toshinori, who bore the same mark as Mushashi, remained silent but equally concerned.

The priest continued, his voice trembling with both reverence and apprehension. He began to recount the tale of Alduin, the once-human figure who had delved into dark magic and sought to rule their world with an iron fist. It was a story of chaos, despair, and the heroics of three kings of heroes and the five marked warriors who stood against the dark sorcerer.

Ochaco and Izuku listened intently, their eyes never leaving Toshinori. They couldn't help but draw parallels between the past and the present. The weight of the prophecy loomed over them, and the fear of losing Toshinori in a sacrificial battle akin to Mushashi's hung heavily on their hearts.

The priest concluded the tale, his voice filled with both dread and hope.

Priest: "Now, as the 1000-year mark approaches, the threat of Alduin's return grows stronger. The prophecy speaks of your arrival, and it is up to you to decide the fate of our world."

Toshinori's shoulders tensed as the truth settled upon him. The path ahead was uncertain, and the burden of the prophecy bore down upon him and his family. Their journey to uncover Alduin's origins had only just begun, and they knew that their actions in the days to come would shape the destiny of their world.

Izuku and Ochaco exchanged a knowing look, their hearts aching for their eldest son. They approached Toshinori, their faces filled with understanding and love. Ochaco gently placed a hand on his shoulder, while Izuku offered a warm and reassuring smile.

Izuku: "Toshinori, we're here for you. We'll face whatever challenges lie ahead together as a family."

Ochaco: "You don't have to bear this burden alone. We believe in you."

Toshinori nodded, his eyes moist with gratitude. He knew that his parents and younger brother were his unwavering pillars of support. Yu, sensing his brother's distress, moved closer and wrapped his arms around Toshinori in a comforting embrace.

Yu: "Big brother, we've got your back. No matter what happens, we're a team."

Toshinori felt a surge of warmth and strength wash over him. In the face of the impending prophecy and the shadow of Alduin, he drew strength from his family's love and support. With renewed determination, they would embark on a journey to uncover the truth and face whatever challenges awaited them, together.

In the library of the museum, the Bakugo family delved into ancient tomes and scrolls, searching for clues about the magic Mushashi had used to defeat Alduin. The atmosphere was hushed, the scent of old parchment filling the air as they meticulously combed through texts.

Katsuki Bakugo, his fiery determination evident in his piercing gaze, was flipping through a massive book. Alakia, his wife, was beside him, her sharp intellect guiding their search. Akane and Ken, the twins, were poring over scrolls, their youthful curiosity unwavering.

Katsuki: "We've got to find out what kind of magic Mushashi used. It might be our key to defeating Alduin."

Alakia: "Keep an eye out for any mention of the magic's source or the incantation he used."

Akane, her face reflecting a mix of determination and concern, nodded as she continued to read. Ken, equally focused, had his brows furrowed in concentration.

Ken: "I wonder if there's any record of the cost of that magic. What did Mushashi have to sacrifice?"

As the Bakugo family continued their search in the museum's library, Akane stumbled upon a delicate, ancient diary. It seemed to belong to Queen Charlotte, the beloved ruler of the empire and the muse of the legendary warrior Mushashi.

With trembling hands, Akane opened the diary and began to read the passages. Her eyes widened as she reached a particular page that detailed the spell used to defeat Alduin. The room fell silent as Akane read aloud the words written in the diary.

Akane: "To seal the world eater, Alduin, and safeguard our world, Mushashi, the dark knight, offered a sacrifice of immeasurable value. With utmost love and devotion, he offered his heart—the very essence of his being—to the ancient magic. In doing so, he became the vessel of the spell that imprisoned Alduin."

The shock in the room was palpable. Akane's voice wavered as she continued to read, realizing the magnitude of Mushashi's sacrifice.

Akane: "It was an act of unparalleled love for our kingdom and for our queen, Charlotte. The bond they shared was so deep that even time itself could not sever it. And so, Mushashi, in his ultimate act of love, became the guardian of our world, protecting us for all eternity."

As Akane closed the diary and the weight of Mushashi's sacrifice settled upon her, her thoughts couldn't help but turn to Toshinori. She imagined him offering his heart to protect their world, just as Mushashi had done for Queen Charlotte and their kingdom. Tears welled up in her eyes, and a deep sense of unease gripped her heart.

Akane: (voice quivering) "What if... What if Toshinori has to make a similar sacrifice to protect us from Alduin? What if he's destined to endure such pain?"

Katsuki, Alakia, and Ken exchanged concerned glances, realizing the anguish that Akane was experiencing.

Katsuki: (softly) "We won't let that happen, Akane. We're going to find a way to stop Alduin without anyone having to make such a sacrifice."

Alakia: (placing a comforting hand on Akane's shoulder) "We're in this together, Akane. Toshinori is strong, and so are we. We'll find a way."

Ken: (firmly) "We'll find a way to protect our world and our family. We won't let history repeat itself."

Akane nodded, feeling the warmth of her family's support. Even though the future was uncertain and filled with challenges, they were determined to face it together and rewrite the fate that seemed to loom over them.

The Todoroki family, along with Banari, made their way to the grand castle, its towering spires and majestic architecture a testament to the empire's rich history. As they entered the castle gates, Shoto's presence garnered immediate attention. Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the castle inhabitants recognized him as one of the Three Kings of Heroes, prophesied to return after a thousand years.

Guard 1: (whispering to Guard 2) "Look, that's one of the kings the legends spoke of."

Guard 2: (nodding) "I never thought I'd see the day."

Meanwhile, Banari's mark, identical to the one the White Knight had borne a millennium ago, also drew curious glances and inquiries from those in the castle.

Noblewoman: (to her companion) "Do you see it? That mark on his neck… it's just like the White Knight's."

Companion: "The return of the Marked Warriors, the Three Kings of Heroes… it's all happening just as the prophecy foretold."

However, no one in the castle knew their names or the specific details of their mission. Shoto, Banari, and the rest of the group proceeded through the ornate corridors, heading toward an audience with the current king. They were prepared to seek his assistance in their quest to prevent Alduin's return and the potential calamity it might bring to their world.

King: (studying Shoto and Banari) "You, one of the Three Kings of Heroes, and you, who bears the same mark as the White Knight of legend. It seems the time of prophecy has come again."

Shoto: (bowing respectfully) "Your Majesty, we seek your assistance in a grave matter. Alduin, the World Eater, is threatening our world's peace, and we require reinforcements to face this ancient evil."

Banari: "We have knowledge of a powerful spell that can seal Alduin once more, but we cannot do it alone. We need your support and the aid of your kingdom's mightiest warriors."

The king, recognizing the urgency of the situation, nodded solemnly.

King: "Alduin's return is a threat to all of us. My knights and mages shall march with you, and I shall provide you with whatever resources you need. Together, we shall face this dark force and preserve our world's future."

With the king's pledge of support, Shoto, Banari, and their group felt a glimmer of hope that they might be able to thwart Alduin's return and prevent the impending catastrophe.

Sota and Akira searched through the ancient weapons room, carefully inspecting each item. The room was filled with a wide array of weapons, from swords and spears to shields and armor. Dust covered most of the artifacts, emphasizing their age.

Akira: (examining an ornate sword) "These weapons are ancient, Sota. They must date back to the time of Alduin's threat."

Sota: (nods) "Exactly. We're looking for any clues, any records that might tell us how they managed to seal Alduin away or what kind of magic Mushashi used."

They continued their search, meticulously checking for any inscriptions, journals, or scrolls that could offer insights into the battle from a millennium ago. It was a daunting task, but they knew that uncovering even a fragment of information could make all the difference in their current battle against Alduin.

Sota and Akira searched through the ancient weapons room, carefully inspecting each item. The room was filled with a wide array of weapons, from swords and spears to shields and armor. Dust covered most of the artifacts, emphasizing their age.

Akira: (examining an ornate sword) "These weapons are ancient, Sota. They must date back to the time of Alduin's threat."

Sota: (nods) "Exactly. We're looking for any clues, any records that might tell us how they managed to seal Alduin away or what kind of magic Mushashi used."

They continued their search, meticulously checking for any inscriptions, journals, or scrolls that could offer insights into the battle from a millennium ago. It was a daunting task, but they knew that uncovering even a fragment of information could make all the difference in their current battle against Alduin.

Sota and Akira carefully picked up the ancient dagger, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. The inscription on the hilt confirmed its significance as a relic tied to Mushashi's sacrifice.

Akira: (whispering) "This is it, Sota. This is the dagger Mushashi used to seal Alduin away."

Sota: (concerned) "But what if Toshinori finds out about this? He might use it without hesitation, and we can't let that happen."

They shared worried glances, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. If Toshinori learned about the dagger's power and the heart sacrifice it required, he might be willing to make that sacrifice to protect the world.

Akira: (determined) "We need to keep this dagger hidden and secure it somewhere Toshinori can't find it until we're absolutely sure it's our only option."

Sota: (nodding) "Agreed. Let's lock it away somewhere safe. We'll only use it if there's no other way to stop Alduin."

With a heavy heart, they carefully concealed the dagger in a hidden compartment within the weapon room, determined to shield Toshinori from the knowledge of its existence until they had exhausted all other avenues to defeat Alduin.