
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

The Sacrifice of the Kings

The battlefield was fraught with tension as Deku, Toshinori, and Banari, united by destiny, prepared to face the formidable villain, Shigaraki. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. Three generations of extraordinary power stood ready to clash.

**Shigaraki:** (Grinning maniacally) "Three Kings of their respective generations, come together to face me. But don't think you guys will make it out alive."

**Deku:** (Staring resolutely at Shigaraki) "We know that, Shigaraki, and we will finish what we started. Back then, I faced you alone, but this time, I'm not alone."

**Banari:** (Nodding in agreement) "This time, we stand by your side, sir, and together, we will defeat him."

**Toshinori:** (Determined) "Banari Sensei is right, Father. We're here with you, and this ends now."

Shigaraki's laughter, like an unsettling symphony, echoed across the battlefield. The villain was undeterred, relishing the challenge.

**Shigaraki:** (Mocking) "Three of the strongest of their generations against the Strongest Villain of all time. Show me what you three are capable of!"

The showdown began, each side launching their most potent attacks. Shigaraki displayed his raw power, conjuring destruction at will, while Deku unleashed the full might of his One For All. The shockwaves from their initial clashes sent shockwaves across the battlefield.

Toshinori and Banari combined their efforts, launching a synchronized assault. With each strike, they inched closer to their target, each hit leaving Shigaraki increasingly vulnerable. But the villain was far from defeated.

Shigaraki, even in the face of overwhelming odds, revealed newfound strength. He countered with an onslaught of decay and disintegration. The battle raged on, leaving scars on both sides.

Despite their injuries, Banari and Toshinori managed to pierce Shigaraki's defenses. Their determination and mastery over Ultra Instinct allowed them to land crucial blows. But the cost of their actions was steep, and they paid with their bodies.

Deku, too, exhausted every fiber of his being. His final attack was a culmination of his entire power. In a mighty kick, he severed Shigaraki's head from his body. The villain's deranged laughter ceased, and his body crumpled to the ground.

**Deku:** (Panting heavily) "This ends..."

**Banari:** (Grimacing in agony) "Right here..."

**Toshinori:** (Battered but resolute) "Right now..."

However, as they stood there, victorious but battered, Shigaraki revealed one last cruel trick. He triggered a portal, one capable of absorbing everything in its vicinity. Panic gripped the trio as they realized the impending disaster.

**Deku:** (Horrified) "What's happening?!"

Desperate and injured, Toshinori and Banari locked eyes, understanding the only course of action available. But the choice was agonizing. Toshinori turned to his father, Deku, and spoke with an undertone of sorrow.

**Toshinori:** (With a heavy heart) "Father, I'm sorry for everything, but as a hunter, I'll do what's necessary."

Deku was frozen, fear and despair etched across his face. He never wanted to face this choice.

**Deku:** (Panicking) "Toshinori, what do you mean?!"

Before Deku could react, Banari made the painful decision. He struck Deku unconscious, sparing him the anguish of choosing between his son and his teacher.

**Banari:** (With a sad smile) "Looks like this is our destiny, my student. Are you sure about this?"

Toshinori nodded, his eyes filled with determination.

**Toshinori:** "I'm ready, Master, and I'm really proud of being your student."

With their resolve set, they activated their Ultra Instinct to its maximum potential. Channeling their power into a final, tremendous attack, they approached the malevolent portal, aiming to nullify its destructive force. The explosion that followed was blinding, and when the smoke cleared, there was no trace of Banari and Toshinori.

Deku, standing a safe distance away, witnessed their sacrifice with anguish etched on his face. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized the monumental sacrifice of his son and his teacher.

Soon, Bakugo arrived with his son Ken, followed by Shoto and his son Shoya, along with his redeemed brother Touya. Deku, tears streaming down his face, confronted them, his voice trembling with grief.

**Deku:** (Crying) "Where are they?"

The five hesitated, sharing solemn glances. Bakugo, his eyes moist, finally spoke.

**Bakugo:** (Voice choked with emotion) "They sacrificed themselves to protect everyone, and we can't find any trace of them."

Deku's world crumbled as he wept, embracing Shoto and Bakugo. His anguished cry echoed through the battlefield.

**Deku:** (Crying uncontrollably) "Why did it have to be them? They already lost so much, and now this..."

Hero headquarters buzzed with a mixture of relief and sorrow as Deku and the others returned. The heroes and their families welcomed them with open arms, thankful for their sacrifices in the battle against Shigaraki.

However, the joy was short-lived when Ochaco, with a worried expression, approached Deku.

**Ochaco:** (Concerned) "Izuku, where is our son, Toshinori?"

Deku took a deep breath, his eyes heavy with grief, and began to explain the heartbreaking truth to his wife and friends.

**Deku:** (Voice trembling) "Toshinori... Banari... They sacrificed themselves to protect everyone. They... they're gone."

Tears welled up in the eyes of those gathered, and the room fell into a heavy silence. Izumi, Toshinori's sister, was particularly devastated, struggling to contain her regrets.

**Izumi:** (Tearfully) "It's my fault... I was so blind, so obsessed with power. I never got to apologize to my brother, and now he's gone..."

Ken, still grappling with his own guilt, approached his sister, Akane, with a heavy heart.

**Ken:** (Apologetic) "Akane, I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect him. We lost him, and I'm... I'm so sorry."

Akane, shocked and grieving, realized that the man she loved, Toshinori, was gone again, and this time, there was no hope of his return.

Shoto, deeply affected by Banari's sacrifice, went to his daughter Kouko, offering his apologies for not being able to protect the man who meant so much to her.

**Shoto:** (Regretful) "Kouko, my daughter, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect Banari. After all these years, when you finally reunited, he sacrificed himself to protect everyone, especially you. I'm so sorry."

Tears flowed freely as the weight of their losses settled in. The room was filled with grief, and it was a long, painful night for the heroes and their families as they mourned the sacrifices of Toshinori and Banari, the heroes who had given everything to protect their world.

As the weight of their loss became unbearable, Ochaco couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She wept uncontrollably, her shoulders trembling with grief. Deku, her loving husband, wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she cried.

**Deku:** (Softly) "It's alright, Ochaco... Let it out. We're here for each other."

Deku, too, felt the pain of losing their son and a dear friend, but he knew that in that moment, his role was to comfort his wife. He gently stroked her hair, whispering soothing words as her tears flowed.

**Deku:** (Whispering) "We'll get through this together, Ochaco. They sacrificed themselves to protect us all. We have to honor their memory."

Ochaco clung to her husband, finding solace in his presence. The two shared their grief, leaning on each other for support in this dark and painful time.

Kouko sat alone in the park, her tears mingling with the soft sounds of the evening. She had lost the man she loved, and her heart ached with regret. Shoto and Shoya, concerned for her, followed her to the park and found her weeping on a bench.

**Kouko:** (Voice trembling) "I couldn't protect him... I couldn't save him..."

Shoto and Shoya exchanged worried glances. They could see the torment in Kouko's eyes.

**Shoto:** (Softly) "Kouko... You don't have to carry this burden alone."

Kouko looked up at her father, her tear-stained face filled with sorrow.

**Kouko:** (Sniffles) "Dad... Shoya... I have something to tell you."

Shoya placed a comforting hand on his sister's shoulder, silently urging her to continue.

**Kouko:** (Trembling voice) "I'm pregnant... Banari's child... He'll never get to meet his father."

Shoto and Shoya were stunned by the revelation. Banari and Kouko's love had transcended their struggles, and now, they were faced with a new life and the absence of the man who should have been there to share in this joyous moment.

**Shoto:** (Whispering) "Kouko..."

**Shoya:** (Quietly) "Big sister..."

The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. Regret and sorrow mingled as they all grappled with the reality of what they had lost.Shoto and Shoya moved closer to Kouko, wrapping their arms around her in a warm and reassuring embrace. The park was quiet, and the night air was cool, but they were a family, and they would face this together.

**Shoto:** (Softly) "Kouko, we're here for you. You're not alone in this."

**Shoya:** (Nodding) "That's right, big sister. We'll support you through this, just like we've always supported each other."

Kouko rested her head on Shoto's shoulder, tears still flowing but no longer feeling completely alone. She had her family by her side, and even in their shared grief, there was strength and love.

**Kouko:** (Sniffles) "Thank you, Dad... Shoya... I don't know what I'd do without you both."

**Shoto:** (Squeezing her gently) "We love you, Kouko. And we'll make sure you and your child have the best future possible."

**Shoya:** (Smiling softly) "Yeah, big sister. We're Todorokis, after all. We face everything together."

As the night went on, the three of them remained in the park, finding solace in each other's presence and knowing that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they were a family that could weather any storm.

Bakugo and Alika shared a concerned look as they stood outside Akane's room. They knew that their daughter was hurting, and they were determined to provide her with whatever support they could.

Bakugo gently knocked on the door and slowly entered, finding Akane sitting on her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Alika followed behind him, her expression filled with empathy.

**Bakugo:** (Softly) "Akane..."

Akane looked up, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand but didn't say anything.

**Alika:** (Approaching and sitting beside her) "Sweetie, we know how much you care for Toshinori. We all do."

**Bakugo:** "Yeah, kid, we've seen how close you two are."

Akane sniffled and nodded, unable to find the words to express her grief.

**Alika:** "It's okay to be sad. What happened is a lot to bear."

**Bakugo:** "But we're here for you. You're not alone in this, alright?"

Akane finally let herself lean into her parents, accepting their embrace. She felt the warmth of their love and support enveloping her.

**Akane:** (Whispers) "I just... I don't understand why he had to leave again."

**Alika:** "Sometimes, people make sacrifices for the greater good. Toshinori did what he believed was right."

**Bakugo:** "He's his father's son, that's for sure."

Akane sighed and nodded, realizing that she wasn't the only one feeling this loss.

**Akane:** "I know... It's just hard."

**Alika:** "We know, sweetheart. And it's okay to grieve. But remember, we'll always be here for you, no matter what."

**Bakugo:** "Yeah, we're family, and family sticks together."

The three of them shared a heartfelt moment, finding strength in each other's presence. Akane knew that, even though Toshinori was gone, she had her parents by her side, ready to support her through this difficult time.

Akira approached Shoya, finding him sitting alone and lost in his thoughts. She sat down beside him, her presence offering silent support. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder, and Shoya looked at her, his eyes filled with sadness.

**Akira:** (Softly) "Shoya, I know how much Toshinori meant to you. We all miss him."

Shoya took a deep drag of his cigarette before exhaling a heavy sigh. He didn't say anything but leaned closer to Akira.

**Akira:** "Remember, you're not alone in this, Shoya. I'm here for you."

Shoya managed a faint smile and nodded, appreciating Akira's understanding.


Sota sat down next to Ken, who was also lost in his own thoughts. Sota reached out and gently placed a hand on Ken's, giving it a comforting squeeze.

**Sota:** (Softly) "I know it hurts, Ken. Losing Toshinori and Banari, it's a lot to bear."

Ken took a long drag from his cigarette, his expression heavy with grief. He didn't say anything but appreciated Sota's presence beside him.

**Sota:** "You can lean on me, Ken. We'll get through this together."

Ken nodded, and they sat there in silence, finding solace in each other's company during this difficult time.

Izuku and Ochaco gathered around their youngest son, Yu, who was struggling to come to terms with the loss of his big brother Toshinori. They could see the pain in his eyes, and they knew they needed to comfort him.

**Izuku:** (Gently) "Yu, your brother, was not just your sibling; he was your teacher and mentor. He believed in you when others didn't, and he made you strong."

**Ochaco:** (Softly) "Toshinori was like a father to you, too, wasn't he? He cared for you deeply."

Yu nodded, tears streaming down his face. He felt a deep void after Toshinori's sacrifice.

**Yu:** (Voice trembling) "I miss him so much. He believed in me, and now he's gone."

Izuku and Ochaco embraced their son, holding him tightly. They shared their own grief, letting Yu know that they were there for him.

**Izuku:** "Yu, we're here for you, just like Toshinori was. We'll help you become even stronger in his memory."

**Ochaco:** "And Banari will still be your grand sensei. You have a lot of support and love, sweetheart."

Yu wiped away his tears, feeling the warmth of his parents' embrace. While the pain of loss was still fresh, he knew he wasn't alone in this journey of grief and growth.

In the desolate, frozen landscape of Antarctica, Toshinori and Banari found themselves alive but severely injured after their desperate move to close the portal and save everyone. They knew they had to find a way to survive and, if possible, make contact with their loved ones back home.

**Banari:** (Grimacing in pain) "Toshinori, we need shelter and medical supplies, but we're in the middle of nowhere. We need a plan."

**Toshinori:** (Weakly) "Right... We have to find a research station or something. But we can't move like this. We need to heal."

Banari scanned the horizon, trying to spot any signs of civilization in this frozen wasteland.

**Banari:** (Squinting) "There, Toshinori. I see some structures in the distance. It could be a research station."

With great effort, they managed to reach the structures, which indeed turned out to be an abandoned research station. Inside, they found some basic medical supplies and emergency rations. It was a meager stockpile, but it would have to do.

**Toshinori:** (Bandaging his wounds) "We need to find a way to contact home. They must be worried sick about us."

Banari searched the station for any working communication equipment and stumbled upon an old radio transmitter.

**Banari:** (Excited) "Toshinori, look! An old radio transmitter. It might still work."

With Toshinori's help, Banari managed to repair the transmitter and attempted to send a signal back home. The signal was weak, but they hoped it would reach someone.

**Banari:** (Speaking into the radio) "This is Banari and Toshinori... We're alive... in Antarctica... Need rescue..."

They kept repeating their message, hoping that someone, somewhere, would pick up their distress call and come to their aid. In the freezing cold of Antarctica, they clung to the hope of reuniting with their loved ones.