
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

The Death Match - Banari vs. Krun

The battlefield was a desolate wasteland, a stark reflection of the broken bond between two brothers. Banari, the White Demon of the Military, stood tall and resolute. Opposite him, Krun, his estranged brother, had transformed into a menacing figure. His body was covered in dense, black bemon rocks, a testament to the darkness that had consumed him.

The memories of their fractured brotherhood weighed heavily on Banari's heart. He couldn't help but remember the days. Krun had chosen this path, and Banari was determined to stop him.

**Krun:** (Sneering) "Well, well, Banari, look who's here. The 'Qwerkless' failure who left us all behind. I always knew you were nothing."

**Banari:** (Calm but firm) "This isn't you, Krun. You don't have to follow this path."

Krun's quirk allowed him to control the demon rocks with terrifying precision. Blades of black stone shot toward Banari like deadly spears. Banari's eyes remained focused, and he moved with an almost ethereal grace, dodging each projectile with hairbreadth precision. His movements were guided by the centuries-old techniques of demonic martial arts, a skill he had honed through countless battles.

**Banari:** "Krun, please! I don't want to fight you."

**Krun:** (Maniacal laughter) "You never wanted to fight, Banari. That's why you are still a loser right? You an qwerkless loser earned the Honour in the military whereas your girlfriend kouko reuined my life!!!!"

Banari's eyes hardened, and he knew that words alone would not reach his brother. It was time to show Krun the depths of his resolve. With a flick of his wrist, Banari activated his Ultra Instinct technique. His movements became a blur, and the world around him seemed to slow as he danced gracefully through the storm of demon rocks.

The transformation was striking. Banari's eyes turned an ominous black, signifying the depths of his power. In this state, he was an embodiment of speed and precision, and Krun's manic laughter faltered.

**Banari:** (Voice calm, eyes fierce) "You're wrong, Krun. I left because that's what I found a right. But you've chosen this path, I won't hesitate to stop you."

Banari's strikes were like lightning, precise and lethal. He closed the gap between him and Krun in the blink of an eye, launching a barrage of blows that were nearly impossible to follow. Krun staggered backward, struggling to keep up with the onslaught.

In a desperate bid to regain control of the battle, Krun unleashed a barrage of demon rocks, each one hurtling toward Banari with deadly intent. But Banari, using his Ultra Instinct, maneuvered effortlessly through the storm of projectiles. His movements were a mesmerizing dance, and he weaved through the rocks as though they were mere raindrops.

Krun watched in horror as his most potent weapon crumbled before him. His demon rocks fell away like shattered armor, and his confidence waned. He couldn't keep up with his brother's newfound power.

**Banari:** (Resolute) "It's time to end this, Krun."

With a final, powerful strike, Banari incapacitated Krun, sending him crashing to the ground. The demon rocks that clung to him shattered upon impact, leaving him defenseless and gasping for breath.

**Banari:** (Voice filled with regret) "I hope someday you find your way back, Krun."

Banari turned away from his fallen brother, leaving him behind on the battlefield. The clash had ended, but the wounds ran deep. Krun, once consumed by jealousy and darkness, was left with a choice - to follow the path of redemption or continue down the road of hatred.

As Banari walked away, he couldn't help but think of the brother he had lost. But the battle was far from over, and he couldn't afford to dwell on the past. Shigaraki, Dabi, and their growing army of villains awaited, and the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.

Kouko was alone, facing a horde of grotesque demons that Shigaraki had unleashed. Her quirk was a unique blend of her parents', Shoto and Momo's abilities. She could create anything with fire, a power both beautiful and destructive.

Amidst the chaos, Banari rushed to her side. He recognized the peril she was in, and together, they formed a formidable duo. Kouko conjured fiery constructs, each one a work of art, and Banari's demonic martial arts tore through the demons like a whirlwind of fury.

Their movements were in perfect harmony, a reflection of their deep connection. As they fought side by side, they exchanged glances, wordlessly reassuring each other that they would make it through this ordeal.

Kouko's fiery creations incinerated the demonic creatures, but more continued to emerge from the shadows. Banari knew he couldn't stay by her side forever. The main battle awaited him, and his family needed him.

Amidst the chaotic battle, **Banari** and **Kouko** found themselves in perfect coordination. Their movements were a dance of fire and fury, a testament to their love and trust in each other.

**Kouko:** (Creating a blazing sword of fire) "Banari, cover me! I'm going in!"

**Banari:** (Leaping into action, his eyes flaring with determination) "Got it, Kouko! I've got your back."

Banari's demon-enhanced reflexes allowed him to swiftly intercept any demons attempting to reach Kouko. He moved with calculated grace, his punches and kicks sending shockwaves through the demonic horde. The fiery sword in Kouko's hands was a beacon of destruction, slicing through her foes with precision.

**Kouko:** (Sweat on her brow, a fierce grin) "Banari, remember that time we took down that rogue hero together?"

**Banari:** (Smirking amidst the battle) "How could I forget? You melted his ice traps, and I finished him off with a Meteor Strike!"

As they fought, their shared memories of battles and victories filled them with energy. They were a team, bound by love and experience, and nothing could stand in their way.

The demonic creatures were relentless, but Banari and Kouko refused to yield. They complemented each other's strengths flawlessly. When Banari cleared a path, Kouko would exploit the opening with a searing fireball. When a demon tried to sneak up on Kouko from behind, Banari's swift kick sent it flying.

**Kouko:** (Breathing heavily) "Banari, we're holding them back. Go, join the main fight!"

**Banari:** (Gazing into her eyes) "Kouko, I'll be back for you."

Theen they kissed, it was passionate and iconic, flames dancing around them as their lips met amidst the chaos. Time seemed to stand still, and for that brief moment, it was just the two of them, defying the odds together.

Reluctantly, they broke the kiss, their eyes locked in a promise. Banari turned and sprinted toward the heart of the battle, leaving Kouko with a burning determination in her heart.

**Kouko:** (Whispering to herself) "You better come back, Banari."

She returned to her fiery onslaught, knowing that they were both fighting for a future where they could be together, free from the shadows of the past.

Kouko watched him go, her heart heavy with worry and longing. She knew the risks that came with loving a hunter, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Banari was her strength, her anchor, and she believed in his power to overcome any obstacle.

As the battle raged on, Banari fought with unwavering determination. He couldn't afford to lose. Not when his friends and the woman he loved were counting on him and the fate of heroes and hunters hung in the balance.