
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

A Chance Encounter

As Yu wandered through the resplendent streets of the imperial city, he couldn't help but be captivated by the exquisite architecture that surrounded him. The towering spires and intricately designed buildings painted a picture of opulence and grandeur, unlike anything he had seen before.

Amidst this majestic backdrop, his gaze fell upon a figure that made his heart skip a beat. The current princess, who appeared to be around his age, stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. Her lustrous white hair flowed like a cascade of moonlight, and her azure eyes held a depth that seemed to reflect the entire world.

Yu felt a warmth creeping up his cheeks as he watched her, enchanted by her ethereal beauty. He muttered to himself, his voice barely audible even to his own ears.

Yu: (Softly to himself.) "She's... she's really beautiful."

He continued to steal glances at her from a distance, unsure of whether he should approach her or simply admire her from afar.

As Yu decided to continue with his training, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness after the brief encounter with the princess. He knew that his purpose here was far greater than a chance meeting, and he had a mission to fulfill.

Meanwhile, Princess Rose watched him depart, a subtle smile playing on her lips. Her heart danced with a newfound sensation, a feeling she had never experienced before. She whispered to herself, thoughts swirling like a gentle breeze.

Rose: (Whispering to herself.) "He was looking at me just a moment ago... This is... different."

With that enigmatic smile still adorning her face, she returned to her royal duties, her thoughts occasionally drifting back to the young man who had momentarily captured her attention.

As Yu diligently practiced his martial arts techniques, Toshinori, Banari, and Deku watched with keen interest. Toshinori, as Yu's elder brother and Banari's student, had a vested interest in his progress, while Banari, a seasoned warrior, was there to offer guidance and feedback. Deku, their father, observed with a proud and supportive demeanor.

Toshinori: (Whispering to Banari.) "He's come a long way, hasn't he, sensei?"

Banari: (Nodding.) "Indeed, he's a promising student, just like you were."

Deku: (Smiling.) "Our boys have grown into fine young men."

In the grand hall of the king's palace, Deku and the rest of the group, including Toshinori, Ken, Shoya, Banari, Yu, Katsuki, and Shoto, gathered to present their plan against Alduin to the current king. The king listened attentively as they explained their origins and the impending threat of Alduin.

King: (Surprised.) "You are not from this world, yet you are willing to protect ours?"

Deku: (Nodding.) "That's correct, Your Majesty. We've seen the devastation Alduin can bring, and we believe it's our duty to help prevent that here as well."

Toshinori: "We may not be native to this realm, but our hearts are united in the goal of protecting innocent lives."

Ken: (Determined.) "We'll use our combined strength to stop Alduin, no matter what it takes."

Shoya: (Resolute.) "Your world has shown us kindness, and we want to repay that kindness by ensuring its safety."

Banari: (Confident.) "We've faced unimaginable threats in our own world, and we won't stand idly by when another world is in danger."

Yu: (Serious.) "We're here to fight for your world, just as much as we'd fight for our own."

Katsuki: (Gruffly.) "Don't underestimate us. We've got the power to take on any threat."

Shoto: (Quietly determined.) "We'll do everything in our power to protect your people."

The king was moved by their conviction and determination. He knew that these warriors from another world could be their last hope against Alduin's return.

King: (With gratitude.) "Very well, heroes from distant lands. I accept your offer of assistance. Together, we shall face Alduin and protect our world."

With their plan in motion and the king's support secured, Deku and the rest of the group returned to their loved ones, sharing the promise they had made. The girls, Kouko and Banari, were eager to meet Akihiro, and Todoroki family longed to reunite with their grandchild.

Kouko: (Smiling.) "I can't wait to hold our little Akihiro again."

Banari: (Excited.) "He must have grown so much since we left."

Shoto: (Proud.) "I'm sure our parents will be delighted to see him."

Sota and Akira, too, were filled with longing to reunite with their families.

Sota: (Yearning.) "I miss my parents so much. It'll be wonderful to see them again."

Akira: (Touched.) "I can't wait to hug my mom and dad."

The group was fueled by their determination to protect this new world, knowing that once their mission was complete, they could look forward to a joyful reunion with their families in their own world.

As the days passed, Yu continued to practice diligently, honing his skills and growing stronger. Each day, he couldn't help but think about the beautiful princess, Rose, whom he had seen in the streets of the imperial city. His admiration for her only grew with time.

One day, he mustered the courage to approach her while she was walking in the palace gardens, surrounded by the beauty of blooming flowers and singing birds.

Yu: (Nervously clearing his throat.) "Princess Rose, may I have a moment of your time?"

Rose, who had noticed Yu's presence, turned to him with a gentle smile.

Rose: (Kindly.) "Of course, you may. What can I do for you?"

Yu: (Blushing slightly.) "I couldn't help but notice your elegance and beauty the other day. It left a lasting impression on me."

Rose: (Blushing herself.) "Oh, you saw me that day? I must admit, I noticed you as well."

Their conversation continued, and as they spoke, Yu and Rose found themselves growing closer. They shared stories of their lives, their dreams, and their aspirations. Despite their different backgrounds, a genuine connection began to form between them.

As Yu and Rose continued to spend time together, their bond grew stronger. They enjoyed each other's company, and their feelings for each other deepened. However, Yu couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had to eventually return to his world.

One day, he began to distance himself from Rose, avoiding their usual meetings and conversations. This sudden change in behavior didn't go unnoticed by Rose, and it left her feeling anxious and confused.

Rose decided to confront Yu about his avoidance. She found him in the palace gardens, where they had spent many hours together.

Rose: (Concerned.) "Yu, we've been spending less time together lately. Is there something bothering you?"

Yu: (Sighing.) "Rose, there's something I need to tell you. I'm not from this world."

Rose: (Surprised.) "What do you mean?"

Yu: "I come from a different place, a different time. I'm a marked warrior, and I was sent here with a mission to protect this world from a great threat."

Rose: (Thoughtful.) "I had a feeling there was something different about you. But why are you telling me this now?"

Yu: "Because I have a duty to my own world, and I can't stay here forever. I've been avoiding you because I didn't want to get too attached, knowing that I'll have to leave eventually."

Rose: (Sad, but understanding.) "I see. Yu, I appreciate your honesty. You've been a great friend to me, and I won't forget the time we've spent together."

As they continued their conversation, they both realized that their time together, though brief, had been meaningful. They decided to make the most of the time they had left before Yu had to return to his world, cherishing the moments they had shared.

Toshinori and Akane observed Yu and Rose from a distance, their hearts heavy with sadness for the young couple. They could see the emotional turmoil in Yu's eyes as he grappled with the knowledge that he would have to leave Rose and return to his own world. It was a bittersweet reminder of their own struggles and the sacrifices they were willing to make for the greater good.

Toshinori: (Softly, to Akane.) "They're going through the same challenges we faced, aren't they?"

Akane: (Nodding.) "Yes, love. It's never easy when duty and destiny call us away from the ones we care about."

Toshinori: "I just hope they find a way to make the most of their time together, just like we did."

Akane: (Squeezing his hand.) "They will, my dear. Love has a way of transcending boundaries, even those of time and worlds."

As they watched Yu and Rose, Toshinori and Akane found solace in each other's presence, knowing that their love had endured and grown stronger despite the challenges they had faced. They were determined to support Yu and Rose as they navigated their own unique journey, hoping that love would prevail in the end.