
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 6


As we entered the conference room, we were all placed in silver cuffs. It hurt like a bitch but it was decided to be necessary to stop us Alpha's from shifting when things got a little too heated sometimes.

I took my place at head of the table, no matter who's pack we were in the largest pack leader sat at the head. I looked around at the other alphas sat in the room with me.

Alpha Sadler I knew would be no issue, he wanted to protect his daughter just as much as I did. Alpha Turner I respected and had a treaty with, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't put my mate in harms way. Alpha Birch was a gentle natured kind of guy, always wanted peace and all that shit. Alphas Reed, Ferrand and Walker, I didn't think would pose a threat, even if the three of them banded together they had the smallest packs in our country and still wouldn't match my pack alone in numbers, so they would know better.

My eyes rested on Alpha Carson. If I was going to have a problem with anyone, it would be this guy. He has the second largest pack, and always struck me as being a bit of a power-hungry dick. Up until now he'd stayed out of my way, and off of my radar. So I hoped for his sake things stayed that way.

"Why has this meeting been requested? When it comes to my mate and her safety that responsibility falls with me." I looked around the room waiting for someone to respond to my question.

I wanted to get this over as quickly as possible, so I could get back to Maeve. I knew the guards were there, but I still didn't like it.

"It's not just her safety that needs to be discussed" Alpha Carson stood up to address the room as though that would somehow make him seem more authoritative. "What about the safety of our packs?" He continued.

What the hell was this douche talking about? What did his pack have to do with any of this?

"I'm not sure I'm following Carson, what point are you trying to make here. I thought we were here to discuss my mate?" I challenged back.

He began to pace around the table as he continued to address the room.

"Precisely Alpha Bain, we are here to discuss your mate. The white wolf! We've all heard the prophecies. She was to return to either repair or destroy our world. Now, from where I'm standing there does not seem much need to repair anything, so that brings me to believe she is here to destroy it!"

A low growl escaped my lips.

He continued his bullshit accusations.

"Are we meant to stand by and watch her bring the world to ruins with you standing by her side? She now has the backing of the biggest pack in our country, and we all know a lovesick pup of an alpha... the big bad alpha Bain won't do anything to stop his mate. You've hand gifted her an army with a bow on top!"

The whole room erupted.

Sadler defending his daughter, Turner defending me, the other 4 alphas looked scared at the thought of a war.

"HOLD YOU FUCKING TONGUE CARSON!" I bellowed, standing up, slamming my hands on the table feeling it crack beneath me.

A smirk was spread across his face, he knew I was in silver shackles, just the same as everyone else in here. But if he thought that meant I wouldn't put him on his ass, he had another thing coming.

He was purposefully agitating the alphas, trying to get them on his side. But I hadn't figured out his motive quite yet.

The bullshit never ceased to spew from his vile tongue.

"Why should alpha Bain have access to the most powerful wolf of our time? And isn't it convenient, that he's claimed her as his 'mate' before she's even opened her eyes?! How do we know he isn't lying to get an advantage? We've all heard the prophecy. How do we know he is not the 'Alpha with greed in his heart'. For all we know he has become more power hungry? Is the title of largest pack not big enough for you any more Bain? What happens when you want Birch's pack, Reed's, Turner's and even mine! Are we all just to stand by whilst you have a white wolf at your disposal, to bring us all to our knees?!"

Was this fucker really going to stand there and accuse me of lying about Maeve being my mate! Like I was the one that had been power hungry this whole time? Everyone in this room knew, it was Carson that was always after more than he could have! Before I could stop myself, I leapt forward and tackled Carson to the ground.

"You'll die at my hands Carson before I allow you to talk shit about her!" I erupted.

He tried to slink away like the snake he is. I managed to grab him by the ankle and swiftly placed one of my hands on his shoulder, pinning him down whilst my right fist repeatedly buried itself into his face. I'd cave his head in with my bare hands if I couldn't shift.

I was blinded by rage. I barely noticed Turner and Sadler trying to pull me from my victim.

"MADDOX... MADDOX LEAVE HIM! HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Turner was screaming at me whilst I continued my assault on Carson.

The door burst open taking my eyes away from Carson as I saw the room flooded with warriors.

Carson spluttered a laugh through the blood that had collected in his throat.

"Just as I thought Bain. Your blind rage provided a perfect distraction for what I needed, I just had to get you riled up enough." He spat through his sentence.

He carried on laughing with blood clumps flying out of his throat.

"What the fuck are you talking about Carson?" The confusion in my voice was evident.

I looked around the room again, realising these weren't Sadler's men here to detain me... they were Carson's.

Five of his best pulled me off their alpha and pushed me to my knees. The rest of the alphas were being held at knife point, with silver blades at their throats. Carson got to his feet with the help of one of his men and dusted himself off.

"You see alphas... Whilst Sadler & Bain were stood over that bitch of a white wolf, like dumbstruck idiots. And you other Alpha's were gossiping amongst yourselves about what the white wolf could mean, I was the only alpha smart enough to take action. My pack is the closest to the Sabre pack, and it didn't take long for my whole army to be at the ready, to storm the territory and take what is mine." What is his? Alpha Carson's words began to resonate with me. I had a sinking feeling, I knew exactly what he was trying to lay claim to.

Sadler looked confused and fearful of the whole situation.

"What on earth in my pack could be rightfully yours? Nothing here belongs to you!" Sadlers statement was filled with bewilderment.

There was a commotion at the door as a woman was dragged in, unconscious with a guard on either arm.

"Isabella! Let her go you monster!" Sadler screamed. He was trying to get up, whilst being held in his seat by 2 of Carson's men. I knew that must be his mate, Maeve's mother.

"I thought I'd bring in a bit of collateral to stop you from calling on your pack once this is over Sadler" Alpha Carson spoke boldly. He knew Sadler wouldn't try anything, with his mates life on the line.

Carson was stood there beaming like a Cheshire Cat, and I wanted to wipe that look right off his face. I'd skin him alive once I was let loose.

"Now back to the matter at hand... What is rightfully mine." The snake continued to hiss as he looked me dead in the eyes before uttering his next sentence.

"My chosen mate of course."

My face dropped... fucking dropped. He was talking about Maeve. He was talking about MY MATE! He was going to take her away from me!

I knew I shouldn't have left her, I knew something didn't feel right, and I stupidly fell directly into his trap!


I launched into a full attack, headbutting the warrior closest to me. Before swooping my leg out to take out the warrior on my other side.

I'd kill them all before they got to her. I was pushed down to the ground, by another 7 of Carson's men. All with their knees on top of me pushing me into the floor.


He just stood there laughing at my outburst. He knew he had the upper hand here, and I knew he didn't have enough honour to fight fairly.

"Now men, would you like to hear the rest of my plan before I leave with that petite blonde?" Carson addressed the room.

I didn't know what the hell to do. I didn't know how to get out of this. How to save my mate. He picked my chin up with his hand and looked me dead in the eye.

"I am going to take her Bain. I am going to take her, I'm going to defile her. I am going to mark her, and I am going to ensure she makes me the Alpha King of this country. I could just kill all of you now, but I want you all to suffer" He laughed at his declaration like an absolute maniac!

"Bain you will be the last to go. By the time your time comes, you will be begging me to put you out of your misery. I want you to feel it all. Feel it every time I take her to my bed, feel it every time I torture her to do my bidding. She will be my weapon, and will produce me a powerful heir in the process." He pressed on with his ludicrous plan.

The noise that left my lips, can only be described as a violent scream of desperation. I was about to lose my mate at the hands of this fucking maniac, and could not begin to stomach the thought of him degrading and corrupting her.

This wasn't about me, this was about Maeve. I had failed her. I had failed my mate before she even got the chance to know I was her mate.

I turned my head to Sadler who was still being held in his chair, with a knife to his throat. He was just staring at his mate, with the same desperate look in his eyes that I probably had in mine.

"Sadler! DO SOMETHING! Call your warriors!" I pleaded.

Mine were too far away. They were a 6-hour drive from here.

"I... I can't Maddox... I can't lose my mate." He dropped his head in defeat. "I'm sorry." I could hear Sadler sobbing through his words.

He wasn't going to do it. He wasn't going to save his daughter!

Carson let out one last laugh before leaving the room.

"I'll leave one guard posted here to let you all loose once I am long gone. Oh, and Maddox. One more thing. Don't  bother calling your pack to your defence. By the time they get here, she will already be marked and mine." He goaded.

I tried again to get the fuck up and protect my mate, I was hit over the back of the head with something heavy. My vision started to fade as I passed out.