
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 5


We were all still standing there staring at the clearing in pure disbelief, when another more ferocious shake erupted from the ground beneath our feet. A few of the Sabre pack began to run in fear.

'No matter what comes out of this we stand and fight like the warriors we are' I heard my wolf Tyr call out to me.

I agreed, we would not run from a fight. I took my stance ready to face whatever was coming head on, the other alpha's followed suit. All except Alpha Carson who was slowly backing away, ready to run at any given moment. Fucking coward.

A flash of light shot out from the centre of the clearing. My vision went black from the blaze of light.

"Shit! I can't see." I heard alpha Turner shout behind me.

I tapped into Tyr's senses to try and use our sense of smell. I'd fight these fuckers blind if I had to.

The scent that hit my nose made my heart stop, apples & cinnamon with a hint of cherries. Whatever was coming to get us surely couldn't be evil with a scent that heavenly. My vision began to return. Once the black spots had stop dancing in front of my eyes, I saw her.

There in centre where the white blaze had shone through, on the ground laid a brilliant white wolf. 'MATE' Tyr called out in my mind.

It was as though time itself had stood still. Nothing else in this world mattered, apart from the she wolf laid on the ground.

I took off running at full speed to her, I needed to know my mate was ok! As I was sprinting towards her, she shifted from a wolf into a small petite woman. I stopped dead in front of her, taking in the glorious site that was laid before me.

Her long white, blonde hair slightly covering her face. Her plump beautiful lips, perfectly shaped were slightly parted. Her perfectly body still laying there unconscious on the ground. I listened out for a heartbeat, when I could hear the low thrum of of her and her breathing, I let out a breath of my own that I hadn't even realised I was holding.

Alpha Sadler came up beside me, he went to pick this goddess like creature off the ground. I moved quicker than he was able to and batted his hands away from her, letting out a deep growl. No one would touch my naked mate. NO ONE!

"What the hell has gotten into you alpha Bain?" I could faintly hear alpha Turner behind me.

"Mate" was the one word that left my lips.

Alpha Sadler looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry Maddox, what did you just say?" He stuttered.

"Mate" I repeated. "This woman is my mate."

I put myself in between alpha Sadler and this angel, my new reason to live.

"My daughter..." Sadler started, "She's... your mate?" He still had that same stupid look of shock in his face that was beginning to piss me off.

"Yes, that's how the mate bond works Sadler. Pretty sure you're aware of it yourself. You see them, smell them and know instantly they're your mate. Now, unless you think somehow my wolf is incompetent at realising our mate, then I am assuring you she is MINE." The last word came out as more of a possessive claim than a statement.

I picked her up as gently as I could and began to walk towards the Sadler estate.

"I understand you're her father Sadler, but my wolf will not allow any other man to touch the naked body of what is mine. Not even blood."

Alpha Sadler nodded to me, I knew he'd understand.

Any wolf that had already experienced the mate bond knew the effects, I'd heard that it was stronger for alphas anyway.

"Bring her to her room Maddox, we can have a doctor check her over." Sadler said as he ushered his hand forward, showing me the way.

I continued walking with my mate in my arms trying not to jolt her. I wondered what the hell could have happened to her in the spirit lands, once she was awake, I would find out all about it and never leave her side.

"Her name is Maeve" Sadler offered up from behind me.

"Maeve." I tried the name out on my tongue.

Her name was a beautiful as she was.

"You will take care of my daughter won't you Maddox? She is our angel."

I nodded my head before Sadler had even finished asking me the question.

"I will treat her like the goddess she deserves to be treated as" I replied.

I meant it, this woman would want for nothing. This woman would be the one woman who could bring me, the great alpha Bain, leader of the biggest pack in the UK, to his knees.

I let Sadler take the lead as he showed me through the estate and where to put his stunning daughter who was still in my arms. I followed him into a room with black walls, black furniture and a large four poster bed with you guessed it... black sheets.

I could smell my mate's scent everywhere in this room. I might never want to leave this room again, it smelt so good. I placed her on the bed as gently as I could, as though she might break at any given moment.

I straightened up standing next to Sadler who was also watching over her. We stood there for goddess knows how long, staring at her in silence.

"She's a white wolf" Sadler finally sighed.

"I know, there has only ever been record of one white wolf in existence." I replied with a worried tone.

We both stood there a while longer knowing what we were both thinking but too afraid to say it aloud. I decided to be the one to state the obvious.


"If it is her, she will never be safe Maddox. You know that right?" I could see the pain in Sadler eyes as he spoke.

His daughter, the light of his life, was now bound to a life that had been destined far before she was but a twinkle in her dad's eye.

"I will keep her safe, I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep her from any harm. I would sooner die than see anything happen to her." I meant every word of it.

'We will keep our mate from harm' I heard Tyr say in agreeance.

"I believe you. Maybe that is why she was fated to you. It makes sense I suppose, for the white wolf to be in the protection of the largest pack." Sadler shrugged at his statement.

But I'm not sure if he was trying to convince me, or himself that he was ok with his daughter's fate.

I continued to stare at Maeve for a while longer. Everything about her was perfection down to her slightly furrowed brows, she looked worried. I was still myself wondering what the hell could have happened to her in there.

"Alpha's we are starting an urgent meeting." Sadler and I both turned to see Turner standing in the doorway looking slightly sheepish.

"A meeting about what exactly?" I asked in a challenging tone.

I knew I was getting defensive already. Why were they trying to pull me away from my mate, when I had only just found her?

"You both know as well as I do, she's a white wolf" Turner pointed nonchalantly towards Maeve as he spoke.

"SHE has a name" I erupted before I could even think.


I began to shake, Tyr was ready to come forward and protect his mate. We'd kill everyone on these alphas if we had to.

"Maddox calm down" Turner took a step back, eyeing me up as the words left his mouth.

"We all know she's your mate, and Sadler's daughter. None of us want her to come to any harm, but the fact of the matter is we must address the fact she may be Freyja."

"If she is here to put the prophecy in motion, we all must play our part in protecting her and keeping her safe. None of us want Freyja to come to any harm." Turner tried to sooth me with his words, but I myself was scared that Tyr was already too far gone to reach.

"WE CAN PROTECT HER" Tyr growled through me, my eyes had shifted from hazel to black. "WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP. SHE IS OUR MATE. OURS!" Tyr continued and started stalking towards Turner who was still backing away.

At least he was smart enough to know this was a fight he could not win. I felt a palm on my chest, "Maddox, maybe he is right. None of us doubt you can protect my daughter but what's the harm in talking through extra precautions in keeping her safe? We all want the same thing here. Maeve's safety comes first." Sadler's calm voice had entered the discussion.

He was trying to reason with me, and I hate to admit it, but it seemed to be working. My eyes slowly started shifting back to their original grey colour, and I stopped in my pursuit of Turner to look at Sadler.

"I can't just leave her here, I've only just found her." Tyr whined.

"I know Maddox, I know. I will have my best guards posted outside of her room whilst we are in the meeting, ok?" He replied.

I still didn't like the idea, but I knew that if an alpha meeting was called all alphas were obliged to attend. "I want at least 10 of your best standing at that door." I stated before getting ready to follow Turner down the hall.

"They'll be here before we even enter the conference room." Sadler promised.

I could see alpha Sadler's eye's glaze over as he linked his pack, and a few seconds later 10 men came down the hall nodding their heads to us before stationing themselves outside Maeve's room.

"Happy?" Sadler raised his eyebrows at me.

"Not really, but I suppose we'll just have to make this quick so I can get back to Maeve as soon as possible." I grunted like a scorned child as I started walking towards the conference room.