
His Infatuation

Lilith is a 17-year-old girl whose family had to move to Canada due to a problem back at home with the throne. Her mother Ishana was human until she fell in love with a certain vampire king named Emmet, Lilith’s father. They get a surrogate to carry their kids for them which are Lilith and Madeleine Lilith’s 14 year old sister. This practice has been going on from the very beginning of time by vampires since they cannot conceive kids of their own. The children are to be kept human and turned on their 18th birthday, with a ritual called the blood ritual. Lilith meets Hunter a werewolf actually born into an alpha family and is on to be married and alpha at the age of 21. Neither of them know that they are destined to be mortal enemies to each other as one is to become a vampire and the other is a werewolf. They become well-known couples and high school sweethearts but only if they knew then that their love and happiness towards one another was not going to last. Lilith finds out that Hunter is engaged to be married in the whole three months that they have been dating, their relationship has been based on lies and deceit. Hunter decides to let Lilith know whole truth on why he has to get married to the one girl even though he doesn’t love her. He was planning on letting Lilith know about his true identity on he birthday but seems like the date has been changed. He tries to tell her everything and in the process finds out that Lilith is going to turn into a vampire in her 18th birthday and go reclaim her rightful throne in Rome. He then makes her choose between him and turning into a vampire and she decides to choose turning into a vampire as choosing him would mean disappointing and going against her parents. Hunter is stunned by this and takes a few months away from everyone and travels to London. He comes back determined on getting Lilith back into his life but it’s too late as Lilith is gone to Rome to reclaim the throne. He then travels to Rome and risks his life by crashing a masquerade ball that is filled with humans and mostly vampires just to get to talk to or see Lilith. He then cuts in on a dance between Lilith and someone else and they start talking. Lilith tells him to leave as she is doing better without him and Hunter realizes that the Lilith standing before him now is not the same Lilith he knew a few months ago.

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

"If we are going to skip school we need to get rid of this uniform."

"Not if, cause we already are." He says as we enter the mall.

"Let's just find a store and change."

After a few minutes of walking around the mall trying to find a store with half-decent clothes and finally we stop at H&M.

"Let's make a deal."


"You didn't even listen to what I have to say."

"Fine go on."

"We pick each other's clothes and whoever picked the best-fit wins."

"Yeah, but how will we decide the winner."

"Umm, we can ask a few people in the store."

"Okay, and what does the winner get."

"The winner gets to ask the loser to do anything for them and the loser has to do it without hesitation."


"Shake on it." I shake his hand and go out to look for an outfit.

After browsing the store for what feels like hours, I have finally put together a decent enough outfit.

I return to the place we agreed to meet at and exchange outfits and go to the fitting rooms.

I got him black cargo pants, a black biggie graphic shirt, a green and black flannel, a fake iced out chain, and green air Jordan ones.

I take a look at my outfit and he got me a black denim mini skirt with a sewn-on drawing of a dragon on my front side and my left butt cheek, a black cropped tank top that is written across my breast area with diamond imitations 'baddie', a black and green varsity jacket and knee-high chunky heel boots with a white pearl chocker.

I decide to tie my hair in a high pony to finish the look.

Hunters POV

I didn't expect Lily to get me an outfit in my style seeing as her style is more y2k, e-girl, baddie, and gothic in one that's why I got her an outfit in all styles whereas mine is more street style.

After getting changed I get out of the fitting room and wait as Lilith's room is just across mine.

She comes out a few seconds later and she looks beautiful she even tied her hair in a high ponytail to finish the look.

"You look amazing."

"So do you." She says looking at me up and down. "Okay, so we should tear off the labels and use them to pay for the clothes."

"Here let me help you." She turns around and I pull out the labels of her varsity jacket and her tank top, I remove the label of her skirt next touch her skin with my index finger and my thumb we both freeze, and my hand lingers over her back on her waist for a while until she turns around.

She turns so quickly that our noses are practically touching. Her chest rises and falls and I can hear her heartbeat quicken. My eyes drop down to her lips and I lean in.

She clears her throat and steps back. "Let me… umm help you with yours." She fixes her choker nervously.

I turn around hesitantly and she tears off my labels.

"Our bet is still on and I'm sure I'm going to win this one." She says holding her figure.

"I strongly doubt that."

"Ohh yeah."


"How about we start asking some people."

"Yeah let's go pay first," I say and we walk over to the till and we give the worker there the labels and I take out my card to pay.

"Thanks but I can pay for myself."

"No it's okay I've got it."

She seems a bit hesitant at first but finally gives in after paying we exit the store with a plastic bag that has our school uniform and we continue with our bet.

We ask around 15 people and a majority of them said that Lily's outfit was the best so that means I won the bet.

"So I won the bet."

"That was not fair most of the people you asked were guys and the few girls you asked, you flirted with them."

"I did not." I hold my chest in fake surprise.

"Ohh please let's just go get something to eat and you can tell me what you want."

We take a seat at the subway and Lily orders a honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken wrap and I order an American club sandwich.

"What will you have to drink?" The waiter asks more to Lily than to me.

"Ohh I will have the Herberts Lemonade."

"Okay, and you sir?"

"I'll have a coke."

The waiter comes back about thirty minutes later and he hands us our food, drinks, and napkins each of us getting two napkins.

"So what is it that you want?" She asks starting to dig into her food.

"For you to go on a date with me." She chokes on her food and chugs down the water the waiter brought with him.

After a while of coughing, she looks up at me. "Are you serious?"

"Why do you ask?" I ask her.

"Well because I've been with several guys just like you and I don't think I want to be in another relationship with a guy that just wants to smash and move on to the next girl."

"Is that what you think of me?"

"No, but I've heard about you don't have such a good reputation with girls."

"So you go around believing what people say about me instead of coming to me and asking me yourself."

"No, it's just…"

"Ask me now how many girls I've slept with."

"What?, I'm not going to ask…"

"Ask me." I interrupt her.

"How many girls have you slept with Hunter?"


"Wait really?" She says with her mouth agape and her eyes wide open.

"How many people have you slept with?"

She seems a bit hesitant to answer that and honestly deep down inside I don't want her to answer that as I wonder what her answer would be.

"One." She says bluntly as she plays with her food.

Apart from me feels relieved that it's not as many as I thought but the other part of me feels broken that someone has had her before me. "What happened?" I find myself asking before I can stop myself.

She bites her lip and tucks her hair behind her ear even though it's tied up. "I was raped."