
His hybrid

WARNING! MATURE CONTENT On the her 17th birthday ariel discovers she's not an ordinary wolf but a hybrid and being mated to jace the future alpha who is also a playboy isn't easy for her especially when his past comes back with consequences, and due to sudden pregnancy,her parents are forced to make a decision which they thought would be best but later complicates things in their future causing extreme challenges which leaves them in pain and heartbreaks,will ariel be strong enough for herself and her loved ones or will she remain down broken,join me in this journey to find out

Katiespheres · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ariel" ryan screams my name from downstairs like i killed someone

"Coming ryan no need to shout"

" You always get us late ariel,i have better things to do"he complains

"Yeah? like making out with dacy" i retort getting my school back pack

"Better than waiting for your lazy ass"

I head downstairs to find my brother ready to leave,he's actually attractive with everything inherited from my dad,his hair,eyes even the body posture is all dad, he's always grumpy every morning because he drives me to school, can't wait to own my own car,i can't stand him sometimes especially with the amount of girls he makes out with in that car,i get it weres are extremely hormonal but damn! this people overdo it.

I pity their mates,my brother and his group of friends.

"Yeah i just hope there is no some blonde in the car"i mumble rolling my eyes.

I head to the kitchen for some breakfast,mum and dad are already there having theirs.

"Morning dad" i greet my dad kissing his cheek,he's my favourite person in the whole world.

" And you dearest mother" i kiss her's too

"How was your night honey, ready for school" my dad asks sipping his coffee

"It was fine dad and am so ready for school, actually why don't you guys just get me my own car, you know i can drive and am tired of ryan always shouting at me" i tell my parents

"You are not seventeen yet honey" mother says handing me a plate of pancakes

"Well that's tomorrow incase you forgot" i remind them getting a chuckle from my dad while my mum rolls her eyes at me.

"Am leaving good luck walking your ass to school" my grampy brother says bagging in the kitchen

Wonder what crawled in his ass this morning though am used to his drama and it gets boring,why can't he be just a normal person for once.

"Language ryan and that's your sister" my mum says and l secretly smirk at him making him more mad and that makes me the happiest person,getting on my brother's nerves.

"Mum she always gets us late"he complains to mum

"Well a girl gotta look her best plus its not like you are late for classes i know you want to go make out with some slut" i retort

"Respect your brother ariel,okay just go i packed your lunch" i have a feeling my mother secretly loves my brother more,its his turn to smirk

"Yeah respect me ariel" i scoff

As if

"Bye dad" i kiss his cheek heading out,atleast i have my amazing dad.

"Bye princess " he says back

"No kiss for your mum ariel " my mum complains

"Well you have ryan" i mumble closing the front door

Not that am jealous or anything.

"Jealous freak" my brother mumbles walking infront of me


We are not even late,classes start at 8 and it's barely 7:30 sometimes he makes me feel like pulling my hair,not wanting to talk to him i pull out my earphones and my phone i'll rather listen to music than argue with him all the way,oh and i forgot to mention he drives like a maniac breaking all traffic rules,his car his rules that's what he says when i complai,am sure he failed his driving test.

It takes us 5 mins to reach school and it's crowded like usual

"Bye little sis" ryan kisses my cheek making sure to leave saliva and ruffles my hair to annoy me more.


"You are so wicked ryan,you are so awful" he chuckles leaving the car,reasons i want my own car,he waves at anna who's already waiting for me.

"Oh my God! your brother is so hot" she says oggling at him,seriously i don't get this girls obsession with every hot guy that comes around and she never stops.


Too bad ryan looks at her like his liitle sister since we are friends but a girl can dream right?

"Morning too anna am doing okay and thankyou for asking" i say cause she doesn't take her eyes from ryan who as i predicted is already surrounded by girls along with his friends.

"Stop it,you know i love you" she says slapping my arm lightly

Today is crowded just like usual,people gossiping in groups,others making out,unfortunate one's bullied and the whole high school drama.

Redwood high has a great population considering it's attended by people all over around,from our pack, neighbouring packs even humans who are oblivious to what surrounds them,actually we keep our existence a secrect from humans,we like keeping to ourselves anything werewolf related to avoid them hunting on us not that we can't take them down cause we easily can with just a snap but we like our peace.

"Ariel have you heard?" anna exclaims happily,i forgot to mention she's extremely a cheerful person my exact opposite ,maybe that's why we are friends right? Oh and she likes gossip nothing and i repeat nothing escapes her little nosy ears.

"No,do enlighten me" i say bored cause the moment she starts talking she'll never stop,but i love her no less.

"Oh my! Ryan didnt tell you? Jace is coming back and tonight the luna is throwing his welcome party,that's not all,he's coming back to school,oh my ariel am so excited" she grins widely,just a minute ago she was ogling my brother wow! people can move on quick.

Okay Jace is our alphas son also our next alpha,last time i saw him was two years ago,heard he went to alphas training and he was always homeschooled wonder what he's coming to school for.

"Wait isn't he like done with school" am confused

"Yeah, but i heard he haven't found his mate yet and the alpha thinks she might be here,you know he's 19 and he can't take the position of alpha without his luna so that's the only reason he's coming to school to find his luna,well incase he doesn't find her at the party tonight "

Yeah the alpha must have a luna before given the title which is at 20 and apparently jace only have one year,a luna is alphas mate more like the packs mother,she brings stability to the pack since alphas are always grumpy.

"Am so happy, you coming to the party right? She asks expectantly

" nope i don't do parties you know that"

"Come on ariel everyone in the pack is gonna be there stop being so uptight " not a chance

"Why are you even excited about jace's return anna"

"What if he's my mate?God! he's so hot and layla can't stop bragging about the possibility of them being mates" my anna is so dreamy i just hope she finds her mate

"I don't think i will be there anna you know me plus am not seventeen yet so i won't sense my mate till tomorrow"

"Well then,be prepared for a full gist tomorrow"

"Yeah yeah,what would i do without you" i say rolling my eyes

"I know right? am awesome like that"

I was being sarcastic anna but i don't wanna crash her happy mood,she's a good person with a clean soul i hope she finds a mate will adore her.

Well time for classes.

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