
His hybrid

WARNING! MATURE CONTENT On the her 17th birthday ariel discovers she's not an ordinary wolf but a hybrid and being mated to jace the future alpha who is also a playboy isn't easy for her especially when his past comes back with consequences, and due to sudden pregnancy,her parents are forced to make a decision which they thought would be best but later complicates things in their future causing extreme challenges which leaves them in pain and heartbreaks,will ariel be strong enough for herself and her loved ones or will she remain down broken,join me in this journey to find out

Katiespheres · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

It's the first day of school and I hate it even though the holidays just ended. I love my sleep and school is so cruel to deny me that. Actually, no one likes school that I am sure of. Too bad I have one more year to complete high school hopefully college will be better.

More reason I envy my brother Ryan it's his final year.

I drag my sleepy self to the bathroom to do my morning routine, hopefully, the cold shower wakes me up completely.

Am ariel. I live with my parents and my older brother Ryan in the blue moon pack. My parents are pack warriors, and my dad being the head warrior helped closely by my mum. Since she's a hybrid, she's stronger than most wolves making her fit for the position, and am so proud of her.

My brother is two years older, training to be a warrior and since I haven't shifted am not training yet. Though I prefer being a doctor, not that am lazy or anything but I hate that kind of sweaty stuff plus we have enough energy in the house. Studying medicine is the better option for me, the reason why I take my studies seriously.

Too bad in our pack immediately when you shift training becomes mandatory.They train you how to control your primal side apart from physical strength and self defence.During trainings they also go for long runs in wolf forms,hunting and pack patrols during day and night.It's done in shifts though. Our pack also offers combat trainings and weapons but that's only for pack warriors aka fighters.In our world, you never know when the enemy will come knocking better be prepared than sorry.

Werewolves shift when 17 and I just happen to be seventeen tomorrow.I am so eager to finally meet my wolf, I can't explain how happy I am because I will finally be able to stand up to my brother. I am tired of him rubbing at me about how strong he is and no one actually accepts defeat. Shifting makes you stronger and more advantageous since you are more agile, your senses are heightened plus having your wolf makes you whole. Cool right?

Also shifting means am gonna possibly find my destined mate. For weres, mates are the best thing to ever happen to us. They're our other halves making us incomplete without them.I wonder who mine is and I hope he's waiting for me like am doing.

A mate bond is a sacred bond that no one is supposed to break. We don't reject our mates in our pack if you do, you get banished making you a rouge and no one wants to become a rouge, rouges are wolves without packs and most of the time are associated with attacking packs and killing with no specific reasons. They're our enemies, they completely lose every sense of humanity making them rabid.

Also hurting your mate is like hurting yourself.

In some cases,there's some who fall in love with other people before meeting their mates. That brings complications afterwards when they finally find their mates like unnecessary, heartbreaks even pregnancies though they are rare cases. More reason I prefer waiting for my mate.

Our mum is a hybrid. Her father, our grandpa is a vampire and her mum a werewolf making our mum a hybrid, they were actually mated. Shocking right?

My dad is a pure wolf and my brother took after him. According to Mum, I am gonna take after her not that am complaining, it'll be something more to annoy my brother with, don't get me wrong I love my brother then I do love myself..okay maybe not but nonetheless, I love him a lot and he loves me too but sometimes or let just say most of the times he's so annoying especially him being the strong one.

Though being a hybrid is not the easiest thing especially when it comes to control, losing control is the most scary thing, you never know how far those beasts can go if they break out. It's never easy with a wolf you can only imagine having two, a wolf and a vampire.

Our mum is strong and mostly she's supported by dad because apparently, only your mate will keep you under control just in case. Since my dad is amazing and loves her a lot it's quite easier for her, I don't know how my unknown mate will take the idea of me being a hybrid and also I hate the idea of taking blood. Sorry mum am gonna stick to my dad's genes, hopefully.

We live in our family house. Most pack members especially the ranked and unmated ones live in the packhouse but my parents prefer their privacy and space. Most wolves move out from the packhouse when they start a family. I am not really a crowd person and the way the packhouse is flooded especially with teenagers, I can't imagine living among them. The noise, gossip, making out shamelessly anywhere, gross! School is enough for that and home is supposed to be a relaxing place, I can't be grateful enough for our own space, so unless my mate lives in the packhouse, am going nowhere near there.

Okay back to present, after taking a shower am stuck on what to wear, being the first day of school after a long break I feel like dressing cute not that I have someone to impress. I just like feeling beautiful from the inside out.

I settle on a white cropped hoodie and ripped black skinny jeans with white sneakers. Looking in the mirror, am content with my look. I apply a little makeup and chapstick and am more confident and ready to begin the day.

Not to brag but am beautiful, I know my mirror isn't lying to me plus I get compliments every time, but no male species dares to come close to me courtesy of my brother's fist.

I have straight long blonde hair which I got from my mum and forest green eyes from my dad's. I am 5'3 feet with spotless silky skin, and I am quite slim more reason I dread those tiresome training is because I have zero fats to burn and most importantly am intelligent.

I ace in all of my subjects and am more proud of myself for that. I am happy my parents support the idea of me pursuing my career. Our pack needs doctors too and because I love helping and taking care of people, I am studying medicine in college.

I don't like the idea of fighting or hurting people but in our world, sometimes we have no choice but to protect ourselves and our families.

And before I forget I have one best friend, Anna, we've been friends since kids and we are way close, she already shifted 2 months ago though. She's our beta's only daughter.

In a wolf's pack, we are led by alphas and their mate is Luna. Then a beta second in command, the gamma third in command followed by delta then warriors, other ranks like pack doctor then finally omegas the lowest rank, though in our pack our alpha treats each of us fairly making the omega thing irrelevant.


Time for school.

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