
Chapter 5 chapter 10 Desire


The Duke Pov.....

After the last meeting I was bored, absolutely bored and tried of all these political issues. The election was around the center and I'm believing Sir. Oscar would reveal himself later on.  that bastard can't run forever. He must be a skillful man who knows how to play his own games . But not for long. I promise to ripe off his throat with my bare hands.

I'll makes his dead more painfull than he had ever wished for. His life will never remains the same. All of his culprits have went hidden too. I think that fool had his plan coming up . He just not that type who leave without wining the election. He was the reason I even apply for the election. 

I need to teach that fool a lesson of his life, The one that he would never forget. And that stupid Scott who betrayed me to that fool. I promise his dead would be horror to him and his family. He should run as fast as he can because this country would save him when I finally catches him.

I needed some break, a much break to get my mind out of this mess. I hated this meeting noise.  I sighed. The door opened and Marcus comes in. He's the only one I could trust in this.  

"You call Milord. " 

"Yeah " I answered. "So, what do you want to keep you alive before you died"  he said. I hate it when he teases a lot. 

" I'm not one of your whore" 

"So what do you want because you're boring to me right now and I need something relieve to me" 

"Relieved you say? What do you think that keep a man busy for a day without a  stress" 

"Hmm, woman, whore or sex, that can keep you busy right ?" 

"Really Marcus? you don't have any reliable thing to think of. Expect of women and sex?"

"Well that what you love the most Milord. You fucks a lot and you like women's a lot and you like sex a lot." He count on his fingers naming them. 

"Well you're becoming a bastard every Day!" 

"That what I learned it from you remember? You're the king beside all, the only and one Duke. I'm so proud of you"

I sighed frustrating. This one is worse than a child, a child is better than him

"I want you to go and fetch her" 

"Who her?" He asked pretend title his head to me like he didn't know the woman I'm talking about. 

"You know who I'm talking about. So stops acting that you don't know her. Isabella the maid with blue eyes" the idiot want me to mention her name and I did. You had won. 

"Now, you're talking, she does have a name. So you should call her by name not by her position" the bastard advice. How did I get to know him the first place!

"So, can you just go" 

"Of course I'm going, why so bossing. " He left.  I just want to see her face I do missed her after three days I haven't see her. I remember the first time I kissed her lips, they were soft and speaks of virgin. I can't believe she haven't be touched by any man except me .

Then it fate she's mine and forever. After all these years, she came back to me. She's the one I'm looking for. I had meet her before, and I didn't know then she was my soul mate. The one after the dragon heart.  I choose to keep these to myself . That's I thought I might being dreaming but the day I kissed her, I slept well and I was feeling all right. 

I waited for Marcus to arrive with her but I don't know what was keeping him waiting. I looked out the window and saw them in the garden. This Marcus is really a character, after  I told him I needed the girl. He was there playing some type of  stupid games with girls. Where did I even know him from?


"Yes my lord!" 

"I need some drink" 

Immediately the guard man went to get me the drink I requested for.  I sat back on the couch. Sipping form the drinks like I don't have tomorrow to live. All I wanted, I just want to see her, all of her in my bed just with me. 

She's black and I'm white. It might ruin my position in the society if I was spotted with her. But I can't resist her. She was irresistible to me. Like a bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh.  Now all that was in my mind was her. Her face with that lovely blue eyes of hers that drive me more crazy. 

She's everything that I need, but it would be easy to get her openly in the society. It going to be a great war to fight. But first, I need to win her trust and her believes in me. 

It was almost two hours before Marcus came back. He was stumbling the way he was walking.  "That was a show at there. didn't you think?" 

"I'm sorry Arthur that girl is so crazy, I don't know that's the way she is" 

"And now you know, Where is she ?" Not giving him a room to rest his assurance

"Oh you means Isabella, she was too scared to come in but she'll after she had build up here courage" 


"Welll, she's terrified of you. And you know that. So, why don't you ask her if she comes in" 

"Whatever" I roll my eyes, backing my gaze on him, as them feed on the door to spot her face.

"And be gentle with her, then she wouldn't feel terrified around you. Isabella don't like men who are rough"  immediately I turned my gazed on him. What the heck did him just said to me? I didn't quite heard that statement well, did he mean I'm rough to her. Horrible and terrible?

I breathe in to rest my fierce.

"How come you know about it?" I asked calmly,

"Are you not getting it? that I'm once-over her friend?"

"That was years ago" 

"I give up on you!" 

"You..." I wanted to pour out my words on him, I really want to scolded this brat but was interrupt by her presence

My black precious diamond..

Then she came in. My little black lamb, I smirk devious as she looks down in fear. What a scared little kitten? I hissed.

"Why are you late?!" 

She was muted, too scared to speak. I fixed my gaze completely on this innocent angle, she seem too pretty when she looks scared.

"I have told you before why she's late. Why still asking?" Marcus questioned. That Bart always wants to prove himself right. "Marcus, I think you can leave. Your services is no longer needed" 

"Ugh" he hissed, stoods up and walked to her. The bastard was close to her in my presence! He whispered something into her ears which was not too audible to me and gave her a kiss! A kiss on her forehead! That brat do like to test my patient. And he left. My anger burns more than it usual state. This little lamb allowed a man to touch her in my front! Her face was still facing the ground shyly. I know she was terrified and scared to look at my direction. With this you have done, you're going to pay dearly for it little lamb.

I smirks devilishly, my dark eyes examining her petite body. Just the way I want my woman to be, the right shape....