
Chapter 4 of chapter 8

Isabella Pov...

"Get the out"  he said, I didn't quite heard him well. He was letting me go? Like go for free? Without touching me? He untied me, gaze that deadly eyes on me. 

He touched my cheeks, " you'll give it to  me one day" 

I widened my eyes confusedly at the man sitting on the bed with me. Why should I give him something I treasure more in my life, myself to him? That doesn't make sense but to him was... His face were fucking serious when he was saying it to me. 

He wants me...! 

"Now get out" he gently said, I get off the bed not thinks twice. And departed from the room, leaving the naked man alone. He seem worried when he was saying that me, just maybe my head is playing tricks on me. The master of the house can never shows  anyone love. 

I get to the servant Hall, everyone was all asleep. I quietly went to the bathroom and takes my bath. Came out and looked up the clock it was 4:00pm. There still sometime to sleep at least for rest after all the stress I have gone through today. 

I quickly wear my night dress, and laid on my bed. Something pinned on me, at first I thought maybe it might be dream or something like ant bite but it still keeps on pinning on me, that I had to wake up terrified from my sleep. 

"It's me Emma" Emma whispered, don't want to wake up the others. 

"What are you doing in my bed and not yours?" I asked, feeling a bit angry for her waking me up in a scary way. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I couldn't sleep when I didn't see you in the hall. Besides, where are you coming from? Because I stayed up all night waiting for you."

"I..I " I didn't know what to say, it was hard to tell her the story of what I saw and how I was treated. She couldn't take it , I know that for sure. 

"So, you don't want to come back again, after you have found a new friend". She simply said. But I was a little confused, cause I don't remember the hell she was saying.

"A new friend?" I asked confusedly, 

"Yes, one of the selected ladies, you took to her hall. The one who throw up and you have to sleep in her bed because she didn't want you to go" 

Oh, now I remember, 

"But why did you act like you don't remember her at all"?"

"Oh that, because I'm really tried and need to sleep before the morning bells starts ringing" I yawn, pretending my sleep. 

"Okay, let sleep together" she said and laids down. Our hands cupped on each other waist.

"Emma," I called her slowly, and she opened up her eyes. " Thank you for being my friend" 

She smiled, " you're welcome" 

We shut out eyes.


The morning bells.......

Lady Gogo starts with her bell ringing but this time, different. She walks around, ringing the bells in our ears to wakes us up. Oh my goodness, the bells were annoying than her. 

"Wake up you assholes!" She continues ringing to get everyone fully ready up from the morning routine. As always. 

"Get your ass inside that's bathroom and I only give you girls, five minutes!" She yells, 

Trying to break our ears drums. That's Lady Gogo for you. 

Today, our service were changed, I didn't went to clean the master chamber neither did the other maids. Our duties were changed to take good care of the selected ladies.  

"Don't you think today is different,?" Emma asked, as we walked our way to the ladies Hall.  " Yeah" I replied, after the incident of last night, I couldn't tell but was sure the master of the house had something by changing the routine. 

The ladies were all awake, looking beautiful and stunning. We have to go to each of them and asked what they want. I looked around if I could found the pretty friend I attended to last night. But couldn't find her. 

She must  have be in the rest room I guess. 

"Hey what's are you doing standing there!" I turned and a girl shouts at me. " Are you not supposed to attend to us? Instead of staying there' like a statue" she insulted 

"I'm sorry my lady" I apologize and approach her. She sat comfortably on her bed. 

"Kiss me feet" she said, I was quiet confused, was kissing her feet in part of her need?

"I said kiss my feet!" She yells , getting the other to stared at us. I couldn't do that, it not in my state and never in my life.

"Are you deaf? I say you should kiss my feet, was that so hard to asked or you're not with ears. Your job was to serve and as your lady I command you to kiss my feet!" The girl yelled but I still stare down in confusion

"My lady, I can't do that"  the next was unexpectedly, she slaps me! .

"You dirty beggars you should be grateful I asked you to kiss my feet, do you know how others die to kiss my feet?" 

I was holding on my red cheeks confusedly, as no one  stops her or talked to her. She was so proud of herself and I bet her father must be the a member of the high court. Only those whose parents are from a wealthy home acts as brats. I have meet many of her type before beck in the Lord Mayors. 

"How dare you hit her!"  All eyes were stunned by the voice. It was my pretty face girl. That's the name I eventually start calling her, hopefully secretly. 

"Apologize to her Now!" She yells

The other girl laugh and looked at me in a disgusting way. " Why should I apologize to a slave like her" she mocked. 

"I said apologize if you don't want to get hurt"  she warned. 

"Oh baby girl I want to see what you can do" 

The next minutes, they both were on each other abruptly, pulling on each other hair. We tried to stop them but the two seem unseparated, as they violently continue fighting, that when she came in. 

Lady Pearl...

"What the hell was going on here!" She yells putting everyone in slient, I was surprised to see her. Isn't she the one the lord locked up but now she was out and  free!...

The twos girls stop fighting, 

"Haven't I told you girls fighting were against the rules!" She screams out loudly. 

"What causes you girls fighting?" She asked calmly after getting to the spot the girls are. 

" She slaps a maid" the second girl quickly said.

"You slap a maid?" Lady Pearl asked doubtfully. 

"No! I'm didn't. She insulted me and call me a asshole" the other one yells. 

"Oh you lied!" 

"Who's the maids?" Lady Pearl asked, And all fingers pointed to me.

"Isabella meet me privacy" ..

She was staring at her and I'm staring back at her. There no bruises or any sign of punishment on her. It was strange, really strange that she seem not to be touched by anyone. What type of punishment didn't the lord give to her I wondered. As my eyes sreach for answera to my question. 

"What are you thinking?" Lady Pearl asked.

I blinks my eyes to distract her observation on me. "Nothing My lady" 

"Anything you ,I don't know how you make the ladies fought among themselves again because if you do, you have to face the consequences" she warned. 

"Sure my lady" 

"You can leave" she commands, but to me , my thoughts still runs to what happens to her last night. What did the lord did to her. She seem normal like nothing happened. Those thoughts troubles me, As I make my way to the  ladies Hall again. 

This time I went straight to her. The girl who stand for me. She was so happy to see me . 

"Hey, what's your name before I start ordering you around" she says gently.

She's sweet and more gentle. Easy to face And understand. She was indeed different as her treat me with Love

I told her my name and have told me her. 

"Isabella, there's something I would like to ask you,"she said start touching my head. 

"Well, do you know anything about the lord"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because people said he was a monster a beast. And I'm scared of monsters and beast" 

" Hmmm, that people point of views, he's someone who doesn't know how to show love in a sweet way" That what I have study about the Duke.

"Really "


"Isabella, thanks you so much for being there for me last night, I really hold it all to you, you're the best. Even though you're a little skin color different"

She hugged me and I hugged her back. She was really a sweet girl. For then we became friends. At least, not all are evil.