
Chapter 4 of chapter 8 The hell in the dungeon

Lady Pearl Pov..

I was grabbed and locked up in the dungeon. He really wants me to experience hell as him. It's wasn't hard for him to killed and punished. All I did was to keep him happy to forget about the past but he's always seem everything I did wrong!

I guess he had never forgiven me, after seeing me in his father bed. I still remember that little tender eyes. His father forget about him and fucks me in his presence. I stared watery at the crying boy in front of us while he Fucks me hard. 

He calls me his whore, his dirty slut, only made for bed sex with him. He never wants to stop humiliating me. He even fucks me in the presence of his wife. And despite all that Oliver never hates me or dispiese me .

She was such an angel, with a good heart. All she wants for her son to leave a peaceful life not like that of the bastard father. 

The idiot man who hands has shed with blood. Blood of the innocence. I hate him, I hate him so much!.

He makes the boy into a beast and monster of his own version. The young man never wanted this for himself but he had no choice but to accept. 

After the dead of Lady Grace, everything she had works for, was bought by the late Duke of Hastings. The beast in form of human flesh. Even include me as a his sex slave.

My wonderful life change, the bastard change it all for me! And yet I never had any hatred for his son even though he sometimes he reminds me of his father. The promise I made to his mother will forever be my priority. 

I looked around the dirty sinking dungeon, it was worst than hell. The cell I was locked in has some departed bodies. It's smell so bad 

I couldn't bare but hold my ears. They are worms and maggots feed on the bodies, I had to shift far from there. Couldn't bare enough of the smell and I had to keeps sipping out my saliva. What the hell has this boy turned into. Did his father image initiate him that much? He seemed Charming outside but devilish inside. 

I had no choice holding on the cell gate before I sleep off. After some time I sleep off. I heard steps approaching, the next thing I heard was a loud hit on the cell gate. 

"Get the fuck up!" He roars, I rub on my eyes. And immediately stood on my feet. It's was him. The young Duke of Hastings. He standing in front of me. Hands on the cell gate. Staring angrily at me. 

"My lord, you're here" I said, surprisedly 

"Yeah, I don't know why I can't killed you. I hate you but I still want to keep you. Why?" He asked. 

"My lord...." I was short of words, I know what's he exactly means. He can't killed me because he loves me even if he never wants to experience it out. That the way he shows out his love, in an hidden way no one will suspect he had love for anyone. He might be a monster and a beast but I love him. There something soft inside him. That his heart. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, and opened the gate. "You should have told you're bringing in some ladies" 

I hugged him, I can't hold it anymore, he just like a son to me. The boy I vow to protect all my days of life. I glared up at his surprised face. His face didn't see cold, there was something strange in it, the feeling of worries. Was he worries about me? 

"I'm fine but have you eaten?" 

He looked confused about that question, that one of the questions I usually asked him when he was little even though he have eaten. 

"You can't stop that ridiculous questions" he said and smirk, a soft smirk at me. 

"I'm sorry...I promise to alarmed you next before I make decisions" 

He just looked and didn't say a word, then after few seconds of staring he finally break the gravely slient.

"Hope this taught you a lesson."

"Of course my lord, I have learned my lesson" 

He lead me out of the dungeon, the dungeon of hell as it was known to the prisoners. 

"Come " he garbs me on my hand. He was gentle than before. That's means something is changing about him. His character, he now being caring more than ever. For the Duke, this how he shows his love but the word 'sorry' never had come out of his mouth. 

I bet it was forbidden for him to say. He walked me to my room door, opened it slightly for me to go in. 

"Here, ladies first" he said but his emotion were still cold. I walked in, staring back at him. Was he okay? He seem too quiet. 

"Good night" he said...

"Good night" I replied with a smile. Then the door closed. I looked around the room still seem the same way I left it. 

I garbs on the wine bottles. I forget to asked about the departed bodies in the cell room and why did he ordered the guards to put me there. Was he trying to teach me a lesson with the dead bodies? I wonder. The night was hot. I take off some of my attire before I heard a knock at the door. 

"Who's was there?" I asked

"Marcus, "       Marcus? 

At the hour of the night? What's do him wants? If Marcus come here this late means there might be some things serious. 

"Hold on! I'm coming" I alarmed, get dressed up back and head to the door. And opened.

"Guess who is back from the Land of dead" he chuckled and walks in . This boy's so fucking annoying, at least, better than his sister. 

"What do you want? this is late" I asked and shut back the door behind.

"Well, I came to check on you before and found out you were locked up in the dungeon again. I guess you love that place. " He said and sit himself down. Feeling more like his room..

"But that doesn't explain why you're here's this late" I said and sat on the bed edge..

"What's the deal?" I just went straight to the point instead of beating around the bush.

"Well, I just want to discuss the political process with you since the election is coming up. Everywhere is going to be bloody" 

Bloody he said? There more than bloody when it comes to the election. 

"So, what the deal you want from me, Sir Marcus?"

He chuckled again, and adjusted himself, 

" There more I need from you, I think Sir Oscar must be planning something, even though he played to run away. He can't that truly run away. I think he might be up to something that might hits us hard"

"Hmm, " I sighed, he is right. Oscar can't just run away from a fight that easily. That bastard was another different beast in his nature. He didn't care if he killed both babies along to get his revenge. That dick can just died and go to hell. 

"You're once close to him, you know something that might help us gets to him?" 

"Marcus, it's not that easy to get to Oscar, he likes a beast who feeds only on flesh. He's too secretly to study and know. He kept his things privately to himself. He only trust himself and no one else. Trust me, Oscar can't be that easy to catch. We have to wait and be alarmed when he wants to attacks" 

He chuckled again, like not getting tried to it. 

"You're fucking expert on this, what else do you have again. At least that we helped us have more power in the election" 

I bit on my lips frustrating, the best thing Marcus could be best for, frustrating the hell out of your life! After he came this late to meet me, he still don't want me to have a good night sleep! But there's something suspicious. Why is Marcus asking about Oscar when he fully know what that bastard did to me years ago. Hmmm

"You know we have all the powers we need. First buy the people trust and support by doing things that benefits them and their family! Marcus!" 

"Okay, okay, I get it, just want to see you shouts a little bit"

Is he that serious? Making joke from everything! Marcus might act stupid sometimes for you not to suspect his way but he's wise than the tortoise

"A little, you say? Or lot" I narrowed my eyes. 

He wants to stood up from his seat but was stop by my next question. " What about the dead bodies in the cell, who are them?" 

"I think you should get your head out of that and focus on things that concerned you. If you don't want to go back to the cell again" 

" Alright, whatever you're say" I replied. 

He walked out and  back again " you do know how to keep a man busy with pussy" and left . 

I rolls my eyes and continue with my drinking, after getting out of that pit they called dungeon. It's would be good to tap on a wine in to refresh down the brain. 

Fucks! I'm sick! I need some spicy to full up my mood and I know what I need exactly. Some whore to fuck. 

I laid hopeless on the bed, waiting for the door to open up and present my present. The one that would make my mood a little bit spicy. 

I shuts my eyes, after waiting for five minutes. 

I heard that door click, I smiled, knowing my present is here....