
Chapter 12 of chapter 5 I love you

Mrs Brett snapped the door opened with rage burning through her body. All these years she had be a fool, keeping muted to everything he do and never obliged him or trying to defy his instructions. She had been a obedient pet to him and what did she gets back in return, betrayal, broken heart, pains and sorrow..

Marriage was a happy moments to the women which should be but hers was like hell. Hell on earth for her. She accidentally get married to a beast! A beast in human flesh! 

After all the maltreatment she had gotten from him, he had the guts to tell a common maid which she picks up from the street he loves her? Was he running mad! 

He had never told her that word neither had he admired her or kissed her in such a way but he shower all these to a common from the street. .

She hates her life..  hatred,  she throws out all her clothes, shoes and any other valuable thing  from the wordrode messing on the stone floor.  She doesn't know who to pour out her anger to instead pouring it on the unmovable items was the best she could think of.

Her heart was racing with pains and sorrow. After the great mess scene of turning her room into a dump area, she stumped on the bed, 

painfully she buried her head on the pillow. Weeping her eyes out, wished her life shouldn't have been these way...

She hates the fact she was weak and couldn't do anything. Just then, little Elsie runs into the room..

She went straight to her wardrobe, picking off her best clothes. She turned when she didn't see her  favorite doll shoes

"Mother, have you seen beauty shoes?" She asked innocently, and also seen in a hurry to get out of the room...

"Mother" she called when Mrs Brett didn't answer to her. "Mother, you haven't answered me. I am looking for beauty shoes, I and Matthew are making a big house for the dolls to live" she said excitedly 

But the woman laying hopelessly on the bed , didn't have words to say the girl.

She noticed her mother wasn't paying attention to her. Then, she climbed on the bed. "Mother" she called slowly this time and tap gentle on the woman back.

"Did father say something bad to you?" She asked, she knows when her mother was in this moment her bastard father must have done something to her.  She had witness it lot of times. 

The man was heartless like he never care about her mother feeling if she hurts or sad..

It was heart broken watching her parents going through that process. There was never peace between them. Father's always had something wrong about mother. He hates her anyto he seen her. These what Little Elsie thought.

Her father hatred for her mother. She wished her family can someday normal just like the rest family she had seen and have watched their way. They're always happy but hera was hell beats! 

She laid closer to her mother, she could hear the sound her tears moaning in slience but her ears could hear it...

The girl wished everything would stop and them would live in peace just like other family. This was the reason she had never had friends in school..

"Mother, are you crying?" Her little angel voice asked. Mrs Brett notice the girl was close to her. She had never wants her to see her in these way...

She lifted her face to her, her eyes were red and there are dipping of tears rolling from her eyes. 

"Did he hit you?" She added.

Mrs Brett quickly shook her head, she never wanted the girl to thinks her father used to hit her..

"No, your father would never do such a thing" she said, wiping off her tears. In spite the fact Mrs Brett was trying to deny the it, the little girl still knows. She had seen her father hitting her before but then she hidden herself in under the table, crying and biting on her lips. She consider her father as a beast. A man with no heart...

Later that day, she was found under the table sleeping by one of the maids...

Elsie know the kind of father she had even though her mother deny the truth about the man and covered his trash, she knows..

"Your father is a good man" that what Mrs Brett always say whenever Elsie catch her crying. She doesn't wasn't the girl to know about her pains.

"Okay, if father didn't hit you. Why are you crying?"  She knows her mother always defend her father despite his ways with her.  She wonder why she had to protect him and acts like nothing happened. That's makes her sick a lot.

"Well, something flew into my eyes, that why I am crying" Mrs Brett falsely replied.


The woman nodded. "Then, can you explain the fact why the room is messing?" 

Mrs Brett eyes grow wide, what a smart little girl she had for a daughter, so bright and intelligent. She was trying to play a prank on her never had she thought the girl was this smart.

The black boy must had have a lot of effects on her daughters. She was never like this before. Elsie have always be a quiet girl, minding her own business, never socially with others. She's always in a separate room far from others but after the visit of Matthew in her life. It seem the smart and lively of the girl was awake.

"I ...was... looking for my jewelry. I didn't know where I kept them. That why the room was messing" Mrs Brett explained.

"You know you don't have to lie mother. If father hit you let me know. Okay?" 

Mrs Brett was shocked, she was trying to cover the incident, while the little girl was awaking it. She smiled and kisses her head. 

"I have told you before, your father would never do such a thing, he's a good man" 

"Alright, if you say so" she said and drags on her hands. " Mother, have you seen beauty shoes?" 

"Beauty shoes? No I don't notice I have" 

"How was she going to go to the ball without shoes to wear. The prince would never dance with her on bare foot"  Elsie grumbled. 

Mrs Brett had no choice than helping the girl to find her doll shoes. At least, that help to clear her thoughts from the earlier incident she saw..

Elsie was happy seeing her mother finally wipe out the thought from her head and concentrating on her missing doll shoes. She knows she can't do anything against her father but the little she could do was to make her mother happy...

If she is happy she would too be happy...

She smiled.

At that moment, a maid knocked on the room door. 

"Milady" she alarmed

"Come in" Mrs Brett grants her the permission to enter. She bowed at the lady and her daughter. She looked around and seen the disable of the room state that tell them was really busy. 

"Why are you here?" Mrs Brett asked.

"Breakfast is ready" the young lady announced and bowed again.

" Please informed the lord about it" 

"Milady, the lord is already sitting on the dining table. Waiting for you and your daughter"

"What about my guest and her son?" 

"They're already seated" the young lady replied sincerely.

"Oh, that's okay" she waved her hands and the lady left.. So that bastard had been with her all these while. He was such a shame to be called her husband. She clenched a fist angrily.

"Mother, are you not going to eat? You don't have to worry about beauty shoes. After we're done with breakfast we will look for" the girl said.

Mrs Brett only smiled at her. Such an innocent child. She did not understand what's going on. 

"Can we go now, I am starving"