
Chapter 12 of chapter 4 I love you

 On running to the kitchen door inorder to save the woman from her terrible husband but what she saw break her to the ground. 

She can't believe he was kissing her so passionate like she was his true love and his wife.  She felt broke, why haven't he kissed her that way before, was she that really irritating to him that makes he abandoned her like a trash? All her life she had keep herself away from other men and offer herself completely to his submission yet he had the guts to sleep with other women in front of her.  Was he that obsessed with sex that she couldn't offer to him.

She didn't know what to do or say, as all her cells in her body stop working to the revelation of the scene in front of her. 

She just stood there like unmovable object. Holding on to the hot tears which was trying to force it way out.t Then, the kiss break, his giant hands cupped her  tiny pretty face and he said

"I love you" that word almost make Mrs Brett slipped her feet. He loves her? Is that what he was saying to her or was her ears  mistaking things...

She couldn't take more of the scenes anymore and left sliently the same way she came in since her presence was unaware to them. She left with a broken heart.

All her life she prayed and waited for the day he will come to realize that she had love him with all her heart despite the way he treats her. Now, he was proclaiming his love to a maid? Someone with low value in the society? Someone that couldn't stands up to her ground to defend herself? Was that the one he was speaking to "I love you"? 

The  pressure was too much for her to take in, she couldn't handle the sensation of pains and sadness in her heart. She just left...

Mercy was stunned with the word she was hearing, is her ears joking with her or is she just imagine things.

"I love you Mercy" he repeated, Mercy blink still in confusion. The word that no man had never say her before, was the one this devil in front of her was saying. 

She laughed mockingly, from all person in the world, it happens to be Mr Mount, the man who treated her like a trash. The man who showed her no mercy, the man who have advantage of her in a forceful way. The man that listen not to her tears and pains, the man that told her she was nothing to him but a slave! That have sex with her anytime he wants not minding if she was in pains!  was  the same person telling her he loves her? 

Isn't this a joke! Isn't this one of his way of making a prank on her to get back his revenge on her? Is this man really serious.

"I'm serious Mercy!" He yells, "I love you, can't you see?" Mercy blink her eyes again, maybe this isn't happening in reality. She must be dreaming. Mr Mount can never in his life love her or fall for someone like her. He hates blacks! Why is he proclaiming his love to her instead of telling this to his wife...

"I love you with all my heart, I can't stop thinking about you. Mercy, I want you in my life. I want you to be part of me. I want to wake up from the bed and seeing your lovely face besides me. I want to sleep with you and wake up with you every day. I love you so much Mercy. You're the only woman that make me feel this way" 

Mercy couldn't believe her ears, was this Mr Mount speaking to someone else or her, he said he wants her in his life? This must be a joke! A big one! 

"Mr Mount, I think you're mistaking things here. You shouldn't been saying that to me. Maybe there's a misunderstanding here"

He tightly his grips on her, "No Mercy, there's no misunderstanding here. I love you and I do. I know I have been a monster to you all those years back, but now I'm ready to make things right. Right with you and our son. I can't live without you Mercy. I want to breathe the same air with you. I want all of you in my life" 

He hugged her tightly, like never planning to let her go. He had lose her before and can't afford to let that happen again. He knows he had been unfair to her, but this time, he was ready. 

Ready to make things right. He can't believe himself he was the one doing this but that what he wants inside. He had always thought he wouldn't feel this way with any woman. That women are just there to have sex with and makes babies. Never in his wildest dreams that he will one day fall for the skin color he despise most in his life...

Who would have thought the heart made of rock could melt for a black woman, who was refer as slave in the society...

He smiled, loving this moment and cherish it. There's nothing that would make him leave her side again never.. he was ready to change to be a better person just for her ..

This time, he was born ready to amend his way with people, both those that works for him...

"I will never let you go again. Never" he muttered,

Mercy just stood there, lost and stunned, she couldn't believe if she was dreaming or it happening in reality. Was this the same man that tossed off her clothes abruptly just to fucked her? Was this the same man who killed the black that works on his farms without thinking twice about it? 

Was he the same person? 

No, that can't be, this can't be Mr Mount she once knew. This is someone else not him!