
Chapter 10 of chapter 8 Dinner time

Mercy had been walking around the same spot for hour now. She was still considering how Mr. Mount speak to her. Did he truely recognize her? Or was he just pretending not to, What if he doesn't know if she was the one. All these thoughts were disturbing her, she just can't tell which one is true but the way he looks at her makes her suspicious...

She just can't live here in the same with that devil. "Tomorrow, I am leaving here with my son. I can't see that monster face everyday" she concluded 

Then, a knock plays on the door, which almost drives her heart running from her chest. Could it be him? She asked. 

He had knock on her room door before, when she was still working here as a maid. He always come to disturb her peace. He was like her shadow. Where ever she is, he is always there too. Just a pervert! 

"Who...is ...there?" She stermmer, looking frighten and prayer it's shouldn't be the devil himself. The emotions on her face has turned from worry to fear.

"Is me lady Mercy" A girlish voice said happily which calmed down the trouble of her heart. 

"Thank God" she exclaim. "Hold on Elsie, I am coming" she said and approach the door but that didn't stop the child for keeps on knocking on the door....

Immediately, the door was opened, Elsie runs in speedy like someone be chased by a wild animal. 

"Where is Matthew?" She asked, not seeing him in the room. 

"He is in the bathroom taking his bath" 

"Okay" she runs to the bathroom and entered before Mercy can say a word...

Matthew who was enjoying his bath in peace, suddenly get frighten with the presence of uninvited guest.  

"Elsie! I am taking my bath can't you see?" 

"Of course, I can see that but you are in a bathtub not in the shower stands" she replies and fold her hands. 

"Even though I am still naked you have to give me some privacy" 

"I thought by now you were already done bathing. Didn't know you haven't even finish scrubbing yourself. I only gives you two minutes to get ready!" She sauntered out...

Matthew sighed, "at least she didn't get to see anything except my head"

"Elsie, you know you love to play with Matthew but you also have to give him some privacy since you know you two are of different sex" Mercy tried to explain but the girl wasn't paying in. She just need Matthew to be out so they can have dinner together before bedtime.

Although the time was far but dinner needs to be served!

Three minutes later, Matthew steps out of the bathroom, a towels were warped around his waist.

"Are you giving birth in the bathroom?" Elsie Immediately asked, she was expecting he to come out of the bathroom few seconds ago not up to a minutes...

"Sorry, I just want to enjoy the bathtub since it my first time in it" 

"You still don't get it, when you are living here for now all. You can enjoy it as multiple times as you want" 

"Oh" the boy inch his head, 

Mercy loves the way the two was chatting with each other, it was lovely to watch but too bad her mind her be made up. She should have loved the boy to know his father and his sister. But that man wasn't someone to be called father. He didn't deserve that father title...

Then again, A knock plays on the door, at the time still gets Mercy heart race. 

"Who is there?" Elsie sharp mouth asked.

"Your maid milady" A woman answered..

Elsie run to open the door and see it was the maid that have attend to them before. This time, she bought in a tray of clothes in..

"Milady" she bowed 

"No no no, you don't have to do that. I am just an ordinary woman like you" 

"But not in the sight of the lord's" she said and smiled. Dropped the tray of clothes on the bed. 

"The lady of the house request this for you and your son" 

"Thank you" Mercy said gratefully while her eyes plays on the clothes. 

"I will be on my way now" she bowed again and Left....

The tary was fullfil with different kind of expensive fabrics also with jewelry. Mrs Brett must have thought gentleness about them.

"Now, Elsie had to leave" Matthew said

"Leave? But why?" 

"Because I want to dress up and I don't want you to see me naked" 

"I wouldn't see, and I don't have to leave. I came here all because of you. I will stay!" 

"No you wouldn't!" 

"Yes I would!" 

Mercy seem this argument will never stop since the two parties are protesting against each other...

"Stops!!" The children went quite, stared at the woman who shut them up. 

"No one is going anywhere. Elsie would stays back" 

"Yes!" Elsie exclaimed happily

"Oh no" Matthew slaps his face...

"But she would be sitting back us. Then, she won't see your nakedness" 

"Okay" Elsie twist her position and back them."in this way I would be able to see you but be fast, I am hungry" 

"Come here Matthew, you heard the lady" Mercy said smiling, while Matthew rolls his eyes " I am stuck with ladies"



They all seated on the dinning table as  them waited for the arrival of the couple while the kids were playing with their forks and spoons... Mercy stared happily at them, she was really please seeing her son this happy and playing freely. He had never be this free with anyone before... And wish his days should be fill with happiness

Suddenly, the presence of the master interrupt her happy mood.

"What's this?" Mr. Mount question irritating at the children. " Playing on the dining table? That's against the rules" he said and seat down.

"I am sorry milord, that would never happen again" Mercy apologize on behalf of the children.  

"Hm" Mr. Mount sighed, while staring at her.. she still looks beautiful after all these years. He thought, and a wicked smile curled up on his lips sides.

"You don't have to apology my dear besides they're children" he said

Mrs. Brett's take her seat. She was warped up in more clothes than usual and Mercy wonder if she might had catch up a cold since she clothed herself with much clothes...

The children who was quiet before began their playing after the slience in the table but Mr. Mount didn't say a word at them instead staring at the black woman sitting on the left hand side...

The maids starts serving everyone theirs meals. Mercy seem it an opportunity to eventually thank Mrs. Brett for her kindness

"Mrs. Brett, I want to thank you for helping us with clothes to wear. Thank you milady" Mercy said appreciated and bowed. Then, shift her gaze to the man. " And also Mr. Mount, we appreciate you for letting us commoners living in your house" 

"Oh that you don't have to worried, how can you say that. You are living here now and it our  responsibility to take cares of you" Mrs. Brett said

Mercy smiled. 

"Yes that right, I will make sure you and your son are fully welcome" Mr. Mount added with a weird smile.

Mercy appreciation smile faltered and look at him. His eyes were on her, she felt so irritating by the way he was glancing at her.. then, she back off her gaze . 

Everybody continue eating their food in  slience except the children who were playing while eating..

"See Matthew, the jerryfish in my fork is calling for help!! No!" She exclaim excitedly and scoop it in her mouth. She giggled and Matthew played along.

"Will you stop that nonesense Elsie, you're eating or have you forgotten the table rules? A delicate lady should eat in a respectful way" Mrs Brett scolded, and the children stops their giggling.

"What' a kids, I must say it isn't easy to take care of one by yourself Lady Mercy" said Mr. Mount, who rise his eyebrows at her in a questioning way.

She looked back at the man and only smiled

"It's not easy sir but I am grateful that I had him in my life" she replies politely with a smile curling on her lips. She was faking it all while the inside of her was burning when looking at the devil...

"Hm, that impressive to hear. I was wondering how my wife met you. She hadn't told me about that deeply. And beside I need to know since you're living under my roof. It my right now" 

Mercy knows Mr. Mount was looking for opportunity to know more about her life but she would give in that easily on him.  

"Well, I met her in the street..." Before Mrs. Brett could explain more appropriately, she was immediately cut short by her husband.

"No one never asked you to talk my dearest wife. I want to know from the lady mouth herself. She had a mouth to speak didn't she?"  He creased his eyebrows at her warning, which she clearly understand.

"I am sorry milord" she apologize and bowed.

"So, lady Mercy. Where do we stop before my wife interruption" he said , looking straight at the side of Mercy.

Such a pain in the ass, he had never change after all these years. His attitude still remains the same. She thought to herself

She cracks her throat and carried on to explain to him. "Mrs Brett met us on the street. My son Matthew helps to watched over your daughter when she get lost on the street. It a great thing, Matthew found her and stayed with her before Mrs Brett returns back to look for her. That's when I step in milord" Mercy bowed, by ending there she thought Mr. Mount must have understand her explanation more but she was wrong..

"And? What happen next?" He asked exciting, stop eating. Hands folded together support his jaw to stand straight. He wants to hear it all from her lips, he missed that lovely reddish lips of hers.

Is not that he hadn't heard of the story well enough from Mrs. Brett. He had but still wants to hear her own part of the story.

"At first, when I spotted Matthew with them, I thought he might have be in trouble with them. So, I ran towards them and begged on his behalf. Unknown to me, my son haven't done anything wrong" She said amusing, staring at the boy who was busy eating along side with Elsie.

"That a nice tell story. What a coincidence" he said mockingly, and spooned back to his meal.

"You don't like jerryfish?" Elsie asked when she noticed Matthew was selecting the jerryfish from his plate. "No, but you can have them"  he spooned them into Elsie plate.

"Thank you!" Them continue their meal, smiling at each other. 

"It seem your son is very fond of my daughter. I am surprise that Elsie was so open to him when she didn't know him yet. That's shocking!" Mr. Mount said, glancing at the black woman who seem draws by the children playing acts. 

"Yes dear, it surprised me too, that was the more reason I want them in. Elsie was very fond of the boy" Mrs Brett said, who had been quite for some time now. Studying her husband gaze when Mercy was explaining how they meet. She felt suspicious of his eyes on her. It true the devil really desire the black woman over her.

"I remember no one asked you to speak" he said coldly, with rage eyes glancing at the woman beside him.