
Chapter 10 of chapter 9

Mercy appreciation smile faltered and look at him. His eyes were on her, she felt so irritating by the way he was glancing at her.. then, she back off her gaze . 

Everybody continue eating their food in  slience except the children who were playing while eating..

"See Matthew, the jerryfish in my fork is calling for help!! No!" She exclaim excitedly and scoop it in her mouth. She giggled and Matthew played along.

"Will you stop that nonesense Elsie, you're eating or have you forgotten the table rules? A delicate lady should eat in a respectful way" Mrs Brett scolded, and them stops their giggling.

"What' a kids, I must say it isn't easy to take care of one by yourself Lady Mercy" said Mr. Mount, who rise his eyebrows at her in a questioning way.

She looked back at the man and only smiled

"It's not easy sir but I am grateful that I had him in my life" she replies politely with a smile curling on her lips. She was faking it all while the inside of her was burning when looking at the devil...

"Hm, that impressive to hear. I was wondering how my wife met you. She hadn't told me about that deeply. And beside I need to know since you're living under my roof. It my right now" 

Mercy knows Mr. Mount was looking for the opportunity to know more about her life but she would give in that easily on him.  

"Well, I met her in the street..." Before Mrs. Brett could explain more appropriately, she was immediately cut short by her husband.

"No one never asked you to talk my dearest wife. I want to know from the lady mouth herself. She had a mouth to speak didn't she?"  He creased his eyebrows at her warning, which she clearly understand.

"I am sorry milord" she apologize and bowed.

"So, lady Mercy. Where do we stop before my wife interruption" he said , looking straight at the side of Mercy.

Such a pain in the ass, he had never change after all these years. His attitude still remains the same. She thought to herself

She cracks her throat and carried on to explain to him. "Mrs Brett met us on the street. My son Matthew helps to watched over your daughter when she get lost on the street. It a great thing, Matthew found her and stayed with her before Mrs Brett returns back to look for her. That's when I step in milord" Mercy bowed, by ending there she thought Mr. Mount must have understand her explanation more but she was wrong..

"And? What happen next?" He asked exciting, stop eating. Hands folded together support his jaw to stand straight. He wants to hear it all from her lips, he missed that lovely reddish lips of hers.

Is not that he hadn't heard of the story well enough from Mrs. Brett. He had but still wants to hear her own part of the story.

"At first, when I spotted Matthew with them, I thought he might have be in trouble with them. So, I ran towards them and begged on his behalf. Unknown to me, my son haven't done anything wrong" She said amusing, staring at the boy who was busy eating along side with Elsie.

"That a nice tell story. What a coincidence" he said mockingly, and scoop back to his meal.

"You don't like jerryfish?" Elsie asked when she noticed Matthew was selecting the jerryfish from his plate. "No, but you can have them"  he scooped them into Elsie plate.

"Thank you!" Them continue their meal, smiling at each other. 

"It seem your son is very fond of my daughter. I am surprise that Elsie was so open to him when she didn't know him yet. That's shocking!" Mr. Mount said, glancing at the black woman who seem draws by the children playing act. 

"Yes dear, it surprised me too, that was the more reason I want them in. Elsie was very fond of the boy" Mrs Brett said, who had been quite for some time now. Looking at her husband when Mercy was explaining when they meet. She felt suspicious of his eyes on her. It true the devil really desire the black woman over her.

"I remember no one asked you to speak" he said coldly, with rage eyes glancing at the woman beside him.


Mrs. Brett quickly shut her mouth, she didn't want to provoked the devil more to have her as a punching bag in the room later.

Mercy didn't understand why he was blocking the woman for speaking, what so wrong if she talks?  He turned to Mercy and smiled wickedly at her, the way he was staring lustfully at her. Mercy could tell things are not right. 

She returned the smile weirdly, the children continue what they're still doing.

"What about the father of your son Lady Mercy? Did he had a father?" He asked, planning to know more about her life these past 10 years.

The question gets Mercy hooked, she never wants to bought up this issues again, knowing well that the father of her son was the same man asking her. Matthew looks at his mother, she had never say anything about his father to him except he is a white and he is dead and gone out of their lives. 

The way he has watch her talk about him before, she hates it, she hates mentioning about the man. And Matthew understand, if his mother hate talking about him that  means his father is of no good to them.

Mercy swallowed the food that was in her mouth and said " he is dead and gone" smiple. 

That was short for Mr. Mount, he was expecting to hear, we both meet under the shining of the big night moon and fall in love with each other. Then, we get married and give birth to a son but along the way he died. But the way he watched her lips saying ' he is dead and gone' so easily as her face expression change and her tone sounds a bit angry.

"Do you hate him that much by saying he is dead and gone just like that?" 

"Yes Mr. Mount, I hate him more than the devil himself. And he is dead and gone" 

That impressive, what a such for me my darling. I must tell I am worth a million of gold in your life. He thought to himselg and smiled wickedly

"Hm? Is he a black or white man" his eyebrows creased. With no thinking, Mercy boldly answer his question. 

"A white" 

"Hm? A white, that means you have taste for white men then. This man must had played an Important role in your life that makes you hate him with so  much passion " he said and smiled.

Mercy didn't answer and gaze back on her meal. 

Mrs Brett wonder what amused him so much for asking her irrelevant questions that the lady herself never wants to answer.

"Now, tell me how did the man looks like? Can you give us a little description about him?" He continues with his questions.

"At least, we could know how he looks like"

Mercy was having enough of his stupid question about her life. Can he just speak of something else without involving her since he likes talking while eating. She bite on her lower lips, enduring the pain this monster was causing to her unwilling. 

Every bit of his questions makes her remember the way he had his way with her multiple times. She clenched her fist on her laps, dragging tight on her gown trying to endure the pains.

"I don't think that necessary milord, it my private life and I wouldn't like to talk about it. please can you leave it to died off that way"

"Personal matter? You still don't understand don't you? You're living here now, it my right to know about your past life inorder for me to know who's living under my roof" he suggested. Mercy knew that this man would let go that easily until he gets what he wants. And that's the information about her life.

"He is a monster in  human form" she said coldly. 

Is that a best way for her to describe him, a monster in human form. Well, that not bad, he was expecting a devil instead.

"A monster? Is that how bad the man is, I was expecting to hear he is a darling and a caring man" 

"Well, he is not" 

"That okay, I would have love to meet that man but too bad he is dead and gone" he said mockingly, knowing too well he was the man Mercy was talking about. 

The reason he asked, he wants to know after all these years if she might have fall into the hands of other man. But she hadn't. That makes him feel more happy that he was a strong influence in her life that makes her hates men..

Besides, the little boy does looks like him despite the different skin color. There is a resemblance in the two faces. the blue sparkling eyes, He was please,  he had looking forward to have a male child since his wife couldn't conceive again, it makes his mates in the society to look down on him. A man that can't conceive a male child that would succeed his business from him and carried the family legacy after when he is old and retired.

 "So, how was your life in the street? How were you coping with your son all alone roaming around in the street?"

Mercy drop her spoon and glanced at him " it was very much okay. At least, we were living in our freedom without treated like a slave animals by some lords and ladies" 

That's all he wants, her eyes on him, he wants to feel her tension of hatred for him while looking at his eyes and saying it.

"Oh that means you hate the white?" He said twisting her words against her, draws everyone eyes on her on the table. Including the servants who stays behind waiting for they to finish their meals, so they can clean the table.

"I never meant it that way, you are getting it wrong. If I indeed hates the whites I wouldn't have accepted Mrs. Brett offer to come live here" 

"Well, that doesn't matter, you might need it to get your hatred for the white. Like strangling us in our sleep. How about that?" 

Mercy really hates this man, he such a evil person that wants to make someone feel guilty of what he or she isn't planning. She had worked for him before and come to understand the his way enough.

"You must be funny milord" she said smiling briefly. "What you said just sounds a lot funny. But sorry milord, I don't have such bad intention towards anyone especially when I have a child that I wants him to grow up in the society and never hates the two skin color but cherish each other"  

"That's impressive, I am sure he would love to cherish the two colors indeed" he stated and glanced at her with lustful desire eyes.