

"Do you have everything ?" My Mother asked dusting my shoulders making sure i looked presentable, we stood by the Hogwarts Express that was ready to leave for Hogwarts

"yes mother" i said excitedly,

last month i had finally received my Hogwarts letter and i couldn't be happier

"Ok well if you need anything, just owl us ok" I smiled at my father and nodded

"Now hurry along you don't want to miss the train" He smiled giving me a hug, i hugged him and my mother before saying goodbye.

i quickly got on the train and immediately found an empty carriage. i looked out the window and waved goodbye to my parents who were standing hand in hand waving at me.


as the train started moving i pulled out my potions book and started reading, not even seconds later i heard the sliding door being opened

"Mind if we sit here?" A blonde boy asked

I shook my head in response before going back to reading my book which i had taken quite the interest in.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle. And i'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" The boy said putting his hand out in front of me

The blonde sat in front of me along with one of his friends while the other sat next to me

i looked up from my book

"Ivory Thorns" i said shaking his hand

"I've heard lots about your family Thorns" Draco grinned obviously knowing who i was

"well of course you have, my family is the most famous and wealthiest family in the wizarding world" i smirked

"And as for you Malfoy your family is very well known as well" i spoke

"Of course, our fathers do work together in the Ministry" he replied

"and i can tell that we are going to be very good friends" Draco nodded

i smiled "we'll see about that" i shook my head before picking my book back up


"Thorns wake up!" i felt someone shaking me awake

"huh?" i rubbed my eyes and looked out the window to see we were already across the lake from Hogwarts, i must have fallen asleep while reading my book.

"hurry up" Draco rushed me while helping me up, i grabbed my book and we all got off the train

we looked around and saw a large man calling all the first years over

"that's one big man" i laughed looking at Draco who was also laughing at my comment

"Right then! First years, this way please! Don't be shy, come on now! hurry up!" He yelled shining a torch around

Draco and i pushed our way to the front with Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind us so that we could get one of the good boats

We all got into small groups and got into the boats, "I wonder what house i'll be put in" I questioned looking over at Draco

"i already know i'll be in slytherin" he smirked seeming rather proud of himself even though we hadn't been put into our houses yet.

as i turned back around i saw Hogwarts right in front of us

"woah" i was mesmerised by the huge castle in front of me

As soon as we entered the school we walked up a tall staircase leading towards the Great Hall

Waiting at the top was Professor Mcgonagall, i recognised her instantly as she was also good friends with my Mother

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" She spoke

"Now while you are here, your houses will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, Any rule breaking and you will lose points, at the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-"

"TREVER!" a boy yelled running to the front and picking up his toad, rudely interrupting Professor Mcgonagall. Everyone laughed.

He looked up slowly at the professor "sorry" he said shyly and moved back towards the group

"The sorting will begin momentarily" She continued before walking away

"Malfoy loo-" i turned around but the boy and his friends were gone, i furrowed my eyebrows and looked around trying to find the boy

i soon heard a familiar voice speaking

"So it's true then, What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" Draco said grabbing everyone's attention

"Harry potter?" Everyone whispered around

i shook my head and walked up a few steps to stand beside Draco

"This is Crabbe,Goyle, And Ivory thorns" He pointed at each of us

"Ivory Thorns? And Harry Potter in the same year? Wow" Everyone whispered again

"and i'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said walking towards the boy

the ginger boy next to him snickered at his name

"you think my names funny do you? no need to ask for yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? you must be a Weasley" Draco spat then turned back to the other boy

"you'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter, You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, i can help you there" he said extending his hand

"i think i can tell the wrong sorts for myself thanks" Harry spoke calmly declining the blonde boys offer

Although Draco made a rude comment towards Weasley, he was still trying to befriend Potter. And personally i do find it quite rude how Potter just humiliated him.

Before Draco could respond Professor Mcgonagall tapped him on the shoulder making him turn around and walk back

"We are ready for you now, follow me" She said leading us into the great hall

We all walked in, amazed at how big it was, there were four tables for each house, and each table had a large amount of students who were looking at us as we walked down towards the front

i looked up at the ceiling and saw the night sky and candles floating around, it was Beautiful, my mother used to do the exact thing on my bedroom ceiling when i was growing up.

"Now Before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words" professor Mcgonagall said looking at the students

"I have a few start of term notices i wish to announce" Dumbledore said standing up from his seat

"The first years, please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students, also our caretaker, Mr filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of boundaries to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death, Thank you" He finished taking his seat once again

Everyone looked around with the same confused faces wondering what Dumbledore had meant.

"Now when i call your name, you will come fourth, i shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses" Professor Mcgonagall Spoke clearly

she held a list of names in one hand while holding the sorting hat in her other.

"Hermione Granger" She called out

A girl stepped forwards looking quite nervous

"Oh no, Ok. Relax" she said quietly to herself as she took a seat on the chair

"She's mental that one, i'm telling you" i turned to my right to see the weasley boy talking about Hermionie to Potter, who had just nodded in response

The sorting hat was placed on Hermione's head and it began to speak

"ahh right then. Hmm, Right! ok...GRIFFINDOR!" the hat yelled

Hermione seemed pretty happy with the house she was placed in and everyone clapped and cheered as she ran over to the Griffindor table

"Draco Malfoy"

"good luck" i whispered to the blonde, his smirk dropped in fear

Not so cocky now are we Malfoy

He sat down on the chair and before the hat was even placed on his head it yelled "SLYTHERIN"

Everyone clapped and cheered again as he walked over to the slytherin table with his smirk returning to his face

"Ivory Thorns" i heard my name being called out pulling me away from looking at Draco

i could hear everyone behind the first years whispering "It's really her oh my gosh!"

I smiled and sat on the chair

"Hmm another Thorns! it feels like just yesterday when i sorted your parents, I know exactly where to put you! SLYTHERIN!" the hat called out

i was pretty pleased as both my parents were put into slytherin

all the houses groaned while the green table cheered, i walked over and sat next to Draco who was very happy that we were in the same house

"I guess we really might be friends after all Malfoy" i grinned

"Ronald Weasley!" Another name was called out

The ginger haired boy slowly walked towards the sorting hat and sat on the chair

"Ah! Another Weasley! i know just what to do with you, GRIFFINDOR!" the hat yelled

Ron made his way to the Griffindor table, once again everyone was cheering and clapping

"Harry Potter" Everyone instantly stopped talking and whispered while looking at the boy who had made his way to the sorting hat

"Hmm, Difficult, Very difficult, Plenty of courage i see, Not a bad mind either, There's talent Oh yes, And a thirst to prove yourself but where to put you"

i could hear potter start to mumble something but i couldn't quit hear what he was saying

"Not Slytherin?" the hat spoke

What was wrong with Slytherin?

"Are you sure? you could be great you know, it's all here in your head, And slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that, no? well if you're sure..better be..GRIFFINDOR"

Everyone at the Griffindor table jumped up and cheered for him

"What a dork" Draco said turning to face me

"I wonder why he didn't want to be put in Slytherin" i shrugged turning around to look at him and his friends

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Megan_louisecreators' thoughts