
His Demons: A BL Story

Rowan is smart, funny, and talented. His dream is to become a famous dancer. He was loved by his family and admired by his friends. However, he was in a toxic relationship. One day, an unfortunate accident changes his life. His dream comes crashing down, forcing him to rethink his life. Now living in a new town, Rowan is moody and considers himself disgusting. His fears have turned into inner demons. Ray, a physical therapist, enters Rowan's life. Before Ray can win Rowan's heart, he must break down the wall that Rowan has built. Can this task be achieved, or will a demon from Rowan's past threaten everything?

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

It was the second week of March, and Damon had just arrived at the cafe. He sat down at his desk and switched on the computer. He checked his emails and found one from Dr. Parker labeled "Physical Therapy and Rehab." Damon clicked on the title and opened the email.

Mr. Damon Barker,

I talked to my friend, who owns a rehab facility that your brother will be going to. It is a family business and has a very good reputation. Honey Walters owns and runs it. Don't worry about living expenses. Patients' families will be housed in a home on the grounds. Rockford is a medium-sized town with friendly people. Attached is all the information you need to know and the date of Rowan's transfer.

Dr. Emma Parker

Damon clicked on the attachment and opened it. A website titled Honey's Health N' Home popped up. The rehab and housing were set up in two groups. One section was for patients with drug or alcohol addiction, and the other was for patients needing physical therapy. There were areas for exercising, recreation, and spending time with family and friends. There was even a church. Damon read through the reviews that people had posted.

In the email's notes, there was a transfer date. They planned on transferring Rowan on April 8th. That would give them a month to prepare for the move. As much as he hated it, they had to sell the cafe and the house. Damon forwarded the email to Amber's phone and then switched off the computer. Damon exited his office and entered the employee lounge. Clarissa and her brother, Eric, were sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

"Good thing you're both here," Damon said, pouring himself a cup and sitting down. "There's something I need to tell you," he said.

Clarissa and Eric set their cups down on the table and turned their gazes to Damon.

"What is it, sir?" Clarissa asked.

"I heard from Rowan's doctor, and they set up the date for the relocation," he said.

"When will the move happen?" Clarissa asked.

"April 8th," Damon said. "There's more," he said.

"What is wrong, sir?" Eric asked. Damon sat silently pondering his answer.

"I have no choice, but I'll have to sell the cafe and our house," he said.

Sadness filled Clarissa and Eric's eyes. "Can you send Patty and Jerome to my office when you go back to work?" Damon asked. "I need to tell them also," he said.

"We'll miss you and your family," Clarissa said.

"I'll miss you, too," Damon said. "I'll text you the address once we're settled in," he said.

"Thank you," the siblings said. Damon picked up his cup and headed back to his office after Clarissa and Eric went back to work. Right before Damon was about to leave to visit Rowan, Jerome and Patty entered his office.

They each sat down in a chair in front of the desk. Jerome was the first to speak.

"You wanted to see us, sir," he said.

"Yes, as you know, Rowan was severely injured," Damon said.

"Yes, sir, we have," Patty said, nodding her head. "And we're sorry to hear that it happened," she said.

"He's being transferred to a facility in Rockford, and we'll be going with him," Damon said.

"What are you trying to say, sir?" Jerome asked.

"The cafe will close permanently. "And we're not coming back," Damon said.

Jerome and Patty glanced at each other and then back at Damon. "Sir, when will this happen?" Patty asked, fidgeting in her seat.

"April 8th," Damon said. "Your hard work was appreciated, but we can't run the cafe from another place." "The distance is too great," he said.

"We understand, sir," Patty said.

"You can count on me to write referrals when you need them," Damon said.

"Thank you, sir," Jerome and Patty said, rising from their chairs.

After the conversation ended, Damon left the cafe and headed to the hospital to spend time with Rowan. Rowan was eating his lunch when Damon showed up.

"Sorry I'm late," Damon apologized. "I needed to tell my employees about the situation," he said, sitting down.

"How did they take the news?" Rowan asked.

"They expressed their sadness, but it went well," Damon said.

"I'll miss them," Rowan said.

"They'll miss us too," Damon said. "They will be able to visit, though," he said.

Rowan smiled, but his eyes glowed with sadness. "I'm sorry we have to relocate," Rowan apologized.

"It wasn't your fault," Damon stated emphatically. "This gives us a fresh start," he explained.

"Can I?" Rowan inquired.

"Can you what?" Damon inquired.

"Restart my life?" Rowan asked, his voice low.

"Yes," Damon confirmed. "And someone out there is waiting to make you happy," he added.

The door opened, and Amber stepped through, glancing at her phone. She glanced up from her phone and asked, "So, is this really happening?"

"Yes, it is," Damon said, nodding his head. "Tomorrow, I'll start preparations to sell everything," he said.

"Have you told everyone?" Amber asked.

"Yes, I have," Damon said.

"I'll miss the cafe," Amber said. "Mom and Dad left it to us," she said.

"I know," Damon said. "It would be impossible to keep it running and live in a new town," he said.

Rowan set his empty plate on the table and propped himself up against a pillow.

"At least we'll be together," Rowan said. "Just like we promised," he said.

"Nothing will split us up," Damon said. "We are family," he said.

"A family that sticks together," Amber said, hugging her brothers.

"Promise me one thing," Rowan said.

"Anything," Damon said.

"Do not tell Drago where we go," Rowan said. "I want a new life without him," he said.

Damon stayed and visited for another hour before heading back to the cafe. There was a lot that needed to be done before the move. He sat at his desk and started making phone calls. As the weeks passed, Damon met with various people about the cafe and the house. Damon didn't want to sell to just anyone because he wanted someone who would run the business with kindness and respect. He also wanted people who'd enjoy the house, not tear it down. Before they knew it, it was the day before the move.


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