
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

Debbiewrites · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

She's the ruthless one


The door closed behind Olive and I sighed. What has gotten into her?. Why is she so bent on getting Salvador?. Why isn't she thinking about the risk?. If it was easy to get him, I would have gotten him right before he attacked her pack. "I will go check how she is doing," Bella said in a concerned tune

I nodded. "And me too," Ella said standing up.

I nodded but said nothing. I picked up the paper she dropped in front of me. I stared at it, studying the plan she mapped out. I noticed it was a very good plan if only it was as easy as she has written it. I sighed. Why can't she understand things can't be done like that?. "You were once like her. Remember?" My subconscious mind said. "You were once blinded by revenge" it added

I nodded. Yes, I was once like her, blinded by revenge. I once thought a lot about the perfect way to get Salvador. I had tried so many ways to get him but as days became months and months, years. I have come to realize that I can't get the revenge I seek for. Even if I do, not in the way I wanted. Not as fast as I wanted. It has to be a process. I have learned to live with the pain and move on with my life while finding a way to get him, I needed to continue to live well and not live all my life seeking revenge.

Maybe, time has taught me that. As they say, time heals. Maybe that is what has happened to me. I hope she would understand that too and not do something nasty. I... "Nolan?" Nigel called and I blinked back to the present. "Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Are you sure?. You seem to be in deep thought"

I sighed. "I'm fine I guess"

He shrugged. "Ain't you bothered about Olive?".

I furrowed my brows. "No"

"You ain't bothered?"

"No. Why should I be?. Is there any need to be?"

He sat down at the table. "Are you being serious?. You don't think there is a reason to be bothered about her?"


He scoffed. "Are you going to pretend everything is fine?"

"Is everything not fine?"

"What is wrong with you?. What is wrong with both of you?. When did you become like this?"

"I don't get you?"

"Can't you see she's about to make a good mistake?"

"Mistake?. Is she about to make mistake?"

"What?. You don't know?. Did you not try stopping her from trying to lure the packs from the northern hemisphere?"

"Yes. But she doesn't want to be stopped"

"And you did not see that as a problem?"

"No. It's her choice. Let her do what she wants"

He groaned. "I can't believe this". I shrugged. As I said, it's her choice. Let her do what she thinks the best suit her. I can't stop her against her will. She won't even listen to me. "You don't think, she is taking this to an extreme and she might get hurt? Huh?" Nigel asked as I stood up to leave.

I groaned and sat down. "We both know that she's blinded by her quest for revenge. She can't be stopped. Even when she knew it might cost her more harm than good, she is willing to take the risk. What do you expect me to do?"

"Talk to her"

I raised an eyebrow. "What?!"

"Don't you think you should talk to her?"

"No, I don't think so"

"Someone needs to talk to her. And it can't be Bella or Ella"

"You should then. She listens to you more"

"That's because I give her a listening ear which you never did. Instead, you prefer to run away and pretend everything is fine"

"I don't run. I only give her space because she needs it or rather, she wants it"

"Because she needs it or because you think that is what she wants"

"Whatever. I just do what is best for her"

Nigel shook his head. "No. You do what is best for you. You run because you do not want to talk. You are afraid she might lose it and yell at you. You..."

"Spare me the sermon. I've got work to do" I said and stood up.

"You love her right?"

I turned. "What?"

"You're in love with her right?". I took a few steps ignoring him. "I know you love her. If you do, you have to help her". He stood up and held my hand. "Nolan, you can't let Olive carry out her plans. And even if she has to, you have to assure her we are with her. You know her life is at risk and you know what that would do to you"

"That can't affect me. I haven't marked her yet and she has not accepted me"

"Did you still feel the pain of being rejected?"

"Pain of being rejected?". I blinked. I realized I haven't felt that in a while and my wolf had been at peace for a while too. "No, I haven't"

"That's because she accepted you. She might not say it out but she has. That is the reason why you have to help her. Only you can. I am sure she wants to talk to you. She has a lot she wants to talk to you about but you haven't given her a listening ear. You should now or you might regret it". He patted my shoulder. "You know have always got your back. But if anything happens to the luna of the fire pack, I will never forgive you. The pack members won't forgive you either". He sighed. "You should make your choice. I'm leaving"

After Nigel left, I sat down on the couch, confused about what to do. Did she accept me because she still loves me or because she wants her pack members safe?. Different thoughts ran through my mind and I couldn't lay my hand on which is true in it.


After much thought, I decided to go talk to Olive. When I got to her room, it was empty. I was told she took a stroll to the wood. I decided to return to my room but saw Ella in the hallway. "Have you seen Olive?" She asked. She was so worried and I could tell that.

"No. I am just coming back from her room. I was told she went out on a stroll"

"A stroll?. No. She ran straight to the wood after she left your office and hasn't returned. I and Bella have been searching for her. I was about to come to tell you that"

"She went to the wood and hasn't returned?"

She nodded. "Yes. I am so worried about her. I don't want her getting hurt or hurting someone"

"She might hurt someone?"

She nodded. "It's been a while since she got this angry. She can't control her anger for long. If she loses it, she might end up hurting herself or anyone close by"

"Did you know the direction she followed?"

"Yes. I will show you"

Ella took me to where Olive followed and I could see the footprint of a wolf and her shredded clothes with a stain of blood on it, on the floor. I bent and pick it up. I sniffed it. It had her scent on it "She must have hurt herself". There was a blood trace. I stood up. "I will go after her. You should get the rest and some clothes for her"

"I will". I made to leave but she stopped me. "Please bring her back safe". I nodded. "And be safe too"

I held her hand. "You don't have to worry. I will bring her back safe and I will be safe too"


"Olive!!!" I yelled. I have been in the wood for over an hour and I haven't seen her yet. I had been following the traces of blood but it stopped close to a stream which showed she might have stopped there to wash her wound. I wondered if she had changed back into her human form or not. If she had not, it will be difficult to get her. I don't even know the name of her wolf which is bad. And If she had, she would be so cold. "Olive" I called again all I heard was the echo of my voice.

"I should have marked her," I thought. It would have been easy mind-linking her. I groaned. How would I get her through to her?. "What if she's badly hurt," I thought and my wolf whined at the thought of that.

I suddenly had a howled and I wondered where the sound was from. I ran, following the sound. When I finally got to the place, I was shocked. I was too shocked to utter a word. A white wolf was been surrounded by four men. I watched her kill them one after another. She turned and stared at me with her golden eyes. My wolf purred and I could tell it was Olive. Her mouth was dripping with blood and she was bleeding too. "What has she done?" I thought.

She dashed deeper into the wood before I could gather myself together. "Olive" I yelled and my wolf jumped. I thought he would jump out of me anytime soon.

"Go after her. You have to go after her" he said

I felt suddenly weak, seeing how she had killed those men. I sat down and placed my hand on my head. "What have I done?. Why did I let her turn out to be like this?. Why has she turned out to be ruthless?. Why did I let her be like me?"

My wolf purred and I raised my head. She was standing a few meters away from me and staring at me. I stood up and she moved backward. I raised my hand. "You don't have to run. I won't hurt you. I promise". I took some steps closer to her. She growled and I stopped. "It's me. It's Nolan. I won't hurt you"

"She doesn't know you as Nolan, now. Just tell her my name instead" my wolf said

I never told her my wolf's name. I doubt she would know the name but she will feel the connection. That is the reason she came back. She must have felt safe staying with me. I moved closer to her touched her. "See. I don't harm"

She purred and finally settled down into my arms. I caress her furs. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Olive. For letting you turn out to be like this. I should have listened to you. I should have spoken to you. I should have been there for you when you needed me most. I am sorry". She stared at me and I smiled. "I promise I will protect you. Even if that will cost me my life. I will keep you safe" she rested her head on my lap and I caressed. she closed her eyes and I sighed. I can't believe she's now the ruthless one.