
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

CHAPTER 1 (PART 1/2): Welcome to Hinamizawa !

 POV : Kyotaka 

With my hands still in my pants pockets, my face remained impassive as I strolled leisurely through the paths of Hinamizawa. The chirping of cicadas was a constant soundtrack, strangely soothing. I couldn't deny that it had a certain charm... However, the heat was quite stifling, and my tolerance for it was not very high. Where I come from, air conditioning was ubiquitous, so I had become quite sensitive to heat... What irony to find myself here in June. However, I supposed that "trade-offs" were inevitable in exchange for this newfound freedom... And if that was the only one, I could certainly live with it.

That being said, I didn't let my guard down either. There was still this puzzle to solve, and this "Rubiscarl" hadn't given me much detail about what she meant by that. I didn't imagine it would be just a simple riddle, so I had to stay cautious... There might be a lurking danger somewhere.

Anyway, I had just left my house, my phone in my pocket, and it was now 12:20 PM after finishing a small meal I had prepared... I didn't know where the school was, so I decided to leave early, hoping to encounter someone in the village who could give me directions. It shouldn't be too difficult to find, after all.


After wandering leisurely through the paths of Hinamizawa for a while, still accompanied by the incessant cicada song and stifled by the prevailing heat, I finally had the opportunity to meet a villager. She seemed to be of a certain age and was engaged in some kind of preparation, kneeling in front of something on the ground.

After noticing her, I finally decided to approach her. After some thought about the appropriate way to start a conversation, I opted for a classic approach. I slightly raised my voice towards the woman, making sure she could hear that I was addressing her.

Kyotaka: Good day, ma'am. Could you help me for a moment?

I spoke these words with my usual impassive tone... and it seemed I had caught the lady off guard, as I observed a slight startle from her. Well, given that there weren't many people around us, I suppose it was predictable.

Eventually, she stood up and turned to face me... After seeing me, she gave a warm smile and, after a moment, replied in a soft voice, with a slight accent it seemed.

Elderly Woman: Well, hello there, young man! Oh my, you caught me off guard; I didn't see you coming! We don't get many visitors around here, you know, here in Hinamizawa. She let out a little chuckle; it's quite a surprise! So, my boy, what brings you to our neck of the woods? Do you need a hand with something?

This lady spoke in a somewhat unusual manner, one I hadn't heard before... Was this the common language in this region? Well, she seemed friendly enough, and I detected no false pretenses, so I guessed it was her genuine nature. If everyone in this village was like this, it would be rather pleasant... Perhaps even my future classmates, who knows.

It's worth noting that she immediately classified me as a "visitor" or something similar. Well, this village was small, so I assumed everyone knew each other. Plus, since I had mysteriously arrived here, no one could have heard rumors of a new resident's arrival. It seemed that Rubiscarl hadn't contributed much to that topic. I guess I wouldn't get all the help I needed that easily.

It seemed like I would have to explain myself a bit, what a chore... Well, I supposed there was no need to lie about it. I would just clarify that I was a new arrival and present my request.

After sighing once more, I finally responded to her with my usual monotone voice.

Kyotaka: I'm sorry, but I'm not really a visitor. In fact, I just moved to this village, and I need to get to the school in the early afternoon, around 1:00 PM... Could you please show me the way there?

I simply posed this question after clarifying that point. I thought there was no need to justify myself further... At least, I hoped not.

She did display a slight look of surprise when I mentioned that I had just moved here... It seemed like there weren't many people moving into this village, so it wasn't surprising. After all, it was quite small.

She quickly recovered and let out a little laugh while covering her mouth with her hand, then she smiled warmly at me again... I would be lying if I said that this genuine smile wasn't pleasant to look at.

Elderly Woman: Oh my, excuse me then! You see, it's not every day we see people settling down around here, let alone two in one month... It seems like luck is on our side, ho ho ho! Well, if it's the school you're looking for, I'll certainly show you the way. So...

Well, it seemed I had hit the mark then... She mentioned that two people had moved in, didn't she? She didn't specify when... I guess this person arrived before me. Maybe they're in the same situation as me? I don't know yet... I suppose I'll find out one way or another. It's even possible that this person could be one of my future classmates.

After the lady's explanations about village life, I thanked her and headed towards the school, memorizing the route she had shown me along the way. I continued walking a bit more; in fact, it didn't seem that far away after all... It was a small village, after all, so that wasn't surprising. Hands in my pockets, I continued on my way in that direction, preparing to cross the threshold into my new life. My face remained just as impassive as the sun shone brightly, and the cicada song echoed in my ears.

Aaah... So this is what freedom feels like? Bathed in this peaceful tranquility, listening to the cicadas' song, in a small countryside village surrounded by kind people... Well, I hope the old lady wasn't an exception.


After a short walk, I finally arrived in front of the building that the lady had indicated earlier. According to her, this building belonged to the Water and Forestry Service and housed a single class with multiple age levels, which was understandable given the small size of the village. It made sense to group the students this way.

The building itself had an old-fashioned look, far from what one might imagine for a modern school, but that didn't bother me. On the contrary, it added to the peaceful charm of the village. Even the persistent cicada song still accompanied me, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.

I took a moment to observe the building from the outside, noting the architectural details and features that distinguished it from the schools I had known in my previous life. My face remained as impassive as ever, but internally, I was reflecting on my new life in this remote village. It was the beginning of a new adventure, and I was determined to explore every aspect of it, even the most peaceful ones.

After observing the building for a moment, my hands in my pockets, I finally took my phone out of my right pocket... It displayed 12:55. I then put it back in my pocket and headed towards the building.

"I suppose I'll be right on time then."

I entered the building with a relaxed stride, calmly walking through the corridors. The wooden floor emitted slight creaks under my steps... My eyes wandered from side to side, but nothing particularly remarkable or essential stood out.

The classroom remained a mystery to me, so I decided to rely on chance to guide me... At the same time, I had to think about how I would introduce myself in class. After all, my "first day" at ANHS had been a failure, and I ended up without any friends.

Should I casually walk in, adopt a friendly attitude, and greet everyone with a big smile? No, that wasn't really my style... I doubted I could even engage in such a way. An inner sigh reminded me of how challenging it was to form friendly bonds...

Then, in just a few seconds, an inevitable collision occurred as I crossed paths with a person coming from my left... We both bumped into each other, and the person, whom I identified as a woman, let out a small gasp, more out of surprise than pain, I presume... We both took a step back... After this incident, it was the woman who spoke first.

Woman: Oh, I apologize, I didn't notice you. How are you feeling?

After she apologized, I took a moment to examine her carefully... She was a very attractive woman, appearing quite young, with medium-length blue hair that matched her beautiful eyes of the same color. She held a black notebook or something similar in her arms. Her outfit was white, adorned with a small red bow...

"I'd be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful."

After what seemed like only a few seconds, she immediately spoke up once she noticed me, and she examined me as closely as I was examining her. Then, she seemed to regain her composure and offered me a sweet, seductive smile, the kind that could make any boy's heart beat faster.

Woman: Ah, you must be the new student, aren't you?

She offered an even sweeter smile. Gentle, kind, and beautiful... The kind of woman who could make any boy swoon. With her genuine nature, no mask or pretense was needed. She seemed far more authentic than Kushida.

"It seems the old lady wasn't an exception after all, this is quite pleasant."

She looked rather young but also too "old" to be a student, so I assumed she must be the teacher.

Kyotaka: Indeed, that's correct. You must be the teacher, I presume? Hello, I'm Ayanokoji Kyotaka.

Woman: Oh, my apologies. Hello to you, Ayanokoji-san!

She offered me another sweet smile, then after a brief pause, she continued, my expression remaining as impassive as ever. She seemed slightly taken aback for a moment upon noticing my demeanor, but she quickly regained her composure.

Chie-sensei: Indeed, I'm the class teacher, Chie-sensei. Classes are about to resume, lunch break is ending... Follow me, we'll introduce you to the others.

My deductions seemed to be correct; she was indeed the teacher. Well, at least she seemed friendlier than Chabashira-sensei. It didn't seem like she was the type to blackmail her students, at least I hoped so. Working under the guidance of a teacher with such a sweet smile couldn't be worse than my previous educational experiences.

However, she did share one commonality with Chabashira-sensei: her name. Yes, it was just as strange and unconventional as hers... Perhaps it's a requirement in this profession to have an eccentric name, or maybe I'm just lucky to attract the most unique educators.

So, I followed Chie-sensei, letting out a discreet sigh, to wherever she was taking me, most likely the classroom... As we reached the end of the hallway, she turned and carefully opened the door on the right.

Well, it seems I'm starting to feel a slight nervousness... I wonder what my future classmates are like. Are they as warm and welcoming as the only two people I've met in this village so far? A question I'm about to find an answer to, it seems.

Chie-sensei: Very well, everyone! Break time is over, please, delegate!

In the distance, I could hear the authoritative voice of a girl demanding that the whole class take their seats... Well, this seems to be quite a different experience from the one at ANHS, to say the least.

It seemed that this teacher had enough authority because she quickly silenced the commotion that had filled the classroom, a commotion that could probably have been heard from outside the room... The voices I recognized indicated that there were many children in this class.

"I suppose it's inevitable, given that multiple grade levels are grouped together in this school."

After a brief moment, Chie-sensei seemed satisfied with the quiet and spoke to the entire class.

Chie-sensei: Before we begin this afternoon's lessons, I'd like to introduce a new arrival... He has recently moved to this village, just like Maebara-san. So, please, give him a warm welcome! She then seemed to address me. You can come in now, Ayanokoji-san, come and introduce yourself!

It seemed that it was my turn to take the stage... I let out a light sigh as I stepped forward, hands in my pockets, while the classroom buzzed with whispers.

"I guess it's REALLY an extraordinary event to see a new person in this village."

So, I crossed the threshold of the classroom, hands still in my pockets, wearing my unflinching expression, all the while attentively observing the students' reactions. The whispers gradually died down. I then took the time to survey the classroom as a whole, as I had expected... An old-fashioned yet meticulously maintained classroom, lockers lined up at the back, tables and chairs neatly arranged, and, of course, the teacher's desk facing the class, with me standing beside it... Chie-sensei stood by my side, still wearing that warm smile.

"I guess I'll have to do my introduction again, once more..."

When I first entered ANHS, my introduction was a complete failure... So I suppose it's time to make up for it here. But how should I go about it? Maybe by showing a bit more enthusiasm or something like that. I sighed inwardly at the thought. Well, it seems that's just not my strong suit.

So, after these thoughts, with the whole class looking at me in silence, I gathered all the energy I could and started speaking.

Kyotaka: Hello, everyone, um... Nice to meet you all, um... I'm Ayanokoji Kyotaka, and um... I don't particularly excel in anything, and I don't have any remarkable talents to mention, um... Please take care of me...

"Well, once again, I completely messed up..."

A heavy silence fell over the class, a silence devoid of words or sounds. Well, that was rather awkward, to be honest.

All I could notice as I scanned the faces turned toward me was a little girl with blue-violet hair who was staring at me strangely... Her eyes almost widened as she looked at me, as if my presence here was abnormal or something. When our eyes met, she stayed like that for a moment before finally looking away at her desk.

"Well, that was quite intriguing... Maybe I should ask her about it at some point."

Who knows, maybe we could end up having a conversation. After all, it seems she's as curious as I am.

After what felt like an eternity of uncomfortable silence, Chie-sensei seemed to want to break the ice. She gave me a look and then looked at the class with an embarrassed smile. Well, I guess she didn't expect such a pathetic introduction from me. What an embarrassing situation.

Finally, a girl who seemed to be around my age stood up and approached me. She had emerald green hair tied in a long ponytail, wore a typically feminine outfit, and had a sincere smile. She had a rather generous bust for her age and was quite cute.

When she finally got closer, she extended her right hand and finally broke the unbearable silence.

"Phew, well, I thank you internally for the assistance, anyway."

Girl: Hey, hey, hey! You stumbled a bit on your entrance, buddy! So, you're more on the reserved side, huh... Kyotaka, right? That's a surprise! Nobody told me a newcomer was going to show up here now! Ahahaha!! Honestly, it's quite unexpected!

This girl had rather unusual behavior, but it seemed natural for her. It was as if almost no one here wore a social mask, which was quite disconcerting... But in a way, I didn't mind at all.

Well, she seemed extremely outgoing, didn't she? At ANHS, she would probably have been the person leading the class and grabbing everyone's attention. She looked like a fusion between Hirata and Kushida, but without the latter's mask... She would probably be the kind of girl who turned heads of all the boys, the popular type for whom you'd be grateful fate crossed your path.

Finally, I took my hand out of my pocket and shook her hand. Her grip was firm, almost like that of a man... I see, she had a tomboyish side, it seemed.

Seeing that I didn't respond enthusiastically, maintaining my impassive face, she didn't seem bothered by my lack of expression and continued talking, keeping her smile.

"Really, are all the people in this village this nice?"

Mion: Hehe, that's right, buddy! Nice to meet you, I'm Mion Sonozaki! Here, no need to get all formal. Just call me Mion, that'll be just fine! In Hinamizawa, we're not the stuffy type, you'll see. So, welcome to our little village. I'm sure you'll feel much better here than in the city, hehehe!

I must admit it was quite surprising... She seemed like the kind of person who could enter someone's personal space without bothering them. No formalities, apparently? I noticed she used my name directly, which surprised me a bit, I must say. However, I suppose every place has its own customs, so I might as well fit in here. Things change; it's quite new to me, all of this.

After our handshake, I finally responded with my usual monotone tone.

Kyotaka: Thank you for that, um... Mion. Nice to meet you as well, I suppose.

My response seemed to puzzle Mion a bit, who now looked at me with a somewhat confused face. It seemed she was quite perplexed by my lack of enthusiasm... Well, it was to be expected, I suppose. I sighed inwardly at this reaction.

Finally, she got a little closer to me and stood by my side, regaining her usual smile and placing her hands on my right shoulder.

"I see, no tact then..."

Mion: Mmmmmh? Come on, Kyo-chan, tell me...

She paused as she said this, and I watched her while my shoulder was still in her grip.

"Oh no, I don't like this... What's with that smug smile?"

She wore a smug smile as she paused in what she was saying, elongating the syllables in the "Kyo-chan" nickname.

And more importantly, "Kyo-chan"? Did she already give me a nickname? Isn't it a bit too soon... What a hassle, it seems this girl is particularly lacking in tact. I sighed inwardly again at this idea, preparing for what she might say next.

Mion: What kind of girl do you find attractive, hmm? What style of underwear do you prefer to see on a girl? With your impassive facade, I bet you're hiding some naughty thoughts, aren't you? Hehehe! But believe me, buddy, you can't fool me, I've got you all figured out right away! So come on, spill the beans! Hehehehe!




Huh? What is this? Did she really just ask me that question? Aaaah... What a puzzle. How on earth should I respond to that? I have no idea, and what's the intention behind this question? Why is she calling me a pervert, too? This girl, I think she's the quirkiest person I've ever met, even at ANHS. She really seems to lack subtlety. What kind of questions are these?

Well, if I answer seriously, maybe I'll throw her off a bit? After all, I still need someone to challenge, right? Maybe she'll become my new Horikita in a way. A radically different, even opposite Horikita. I have to admit, it's rather entertaining to observe.

She must think I'm shy, which is probably why she's trying to get me out of my shell in such an... extravagant way, to put it mildly. Well, it's one approach, it can't be worse than mine anyway. So, finally, I decided to respond, as usual, with my characteristic impassivity and monotone...

... But before I even had the opportunity to answer, another person stood up and walked towards us. It was a young woman, about the same age as Mion and me, with medium-length orange hair. She was also dressed in a feminine manner, displaying a generous figure. It seems that beauty and cuteness are in order here as well...

She looked extremely embarrassed, her cheeks completely red... As if it were her to whom Mion had asked that question. It was quite strange to watch. She began to speak in a very clumsy manner, exaggerating her stuttering... Well, it was rather comical and entertaining to see, actually.

Embarrassed Girl: M-M-Mii! What are you saying, huh? What are you talking about...? Y-You shouldn't tease the newcomer like that; it's really rude! Hau Hau! Y-You'll make him uncomfortable with that!

She seemed to want to defend me... She was really adorable, I must admit.

But Mion didn't seem to be done teasing. It felt like I was witnessing some kind of strange battle between two girls... It was quite entertaining.

Mion then released me and slowly approached Rena, containing her mocking smile as she dragged her words.

Mion: Mmmmh? Come on, Rena, don't you want to discover his preferences? Honestly, look at him, he's quite handsome, isn't he? And that stoic face, it's definitely a charm, don't you think? Mmmmh? I'm convinced he finds you just as adorable, right? Hehehe!

This girl... She couldn't be more embarrassing than this. It seemed like she was making "Rena" even more uncomfortable, who seemed to blush even more as she muttered something in a completely embarrassed tone.

I sighed inwardly again. Well, what a spectacle... The whole class seemed to be watching, and a few laughs even seemed to come from here and there... It was really like a show, wasn't it? And Chie-sensei didn't even say a word. I guess she wanted to give me time to integrate into the class. But saying such embarrassing things in front of a teacher... Well, it was certainly an unconventional class, I couldn't deny that.

Rena: A-A-Adorable? R-Really? I-Is that what he thinks? Huh? Is th-that really it? Huh?

This girl too, she seemed just as eccentric... I had the feeling she was reacting to what Mion was saying with a certain fascination.

"Interesting, this class..."

It seemed that at least here, I wouldn't get bored for sure, I could be certain of that.

Mion: Did you see that, I'm 100% sure, Kyo-chan~! So, what do you think of our little Rena? Mmmmmh? Come on, spill it!

She was probably trying to embarrass me just as much with these teasing... Well, I'm sorry, Mion, but it won't really work on me.

I responded then, a few seconds after Mion asked me that question, as I could see this Rena completely embarrassed, holding her arms in embarrassment, lowering her gaze and occasionally glancing at me. Her cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

"I think I've never seen a girl blush so much... Not even Sakura blushed that much."

Kyotaka: Well, yes, I suppose. Rena, right? You are truly beautiful, and even adorable, I must say.

I said it in an expressionless tone, keeping my face impassive and devoid of emotion, as usual. Well, I have no reason to lie, so I might as well just tell the truth... I have a feeling it's only going to get worse. What a nightmare, but well, now, anyway, all options will only make things worse.




Finally, a long, awkward silence followed during which Rena turned a bright red that I would have never imagined... Could she be sick? Is it a fever? She seemed way too red for it to be normal, and... did I catch a puff of steam coming out of her head with a "plop"?

Eventually, she seemed to straighten up, a big smile now on Rena's face as she began to sway around. Her eyes appeared hastily drawn and blurry. What's happening to her? I honestly don't think this is a normal reaction...

"I believe I can find even more eccentric girls than Mion, after all..."

Rena: H-Hau ~ Hau ~ Hau!! H-He said I-I was... a-a-adorable!! Hau Hau Hau!!

"Well, what's happening now? It looks like she's starting to get excited all by herself for some reason..."

She began to sway even more, shouting "Hau" all over the place. What could this possibly mean? Was it some kind of verbal tic or something?

After saying that, she got even more excited on her own, and even her voice seemed to tremble with excitement... What was happening to her exactly? This girl seemed really strange... What a hassle.

But as I simply watched the scene unfold, she started running toward me... And before I could even react, she hugged me and rubbed her cheek against mine... It was quite bewildering, what was happening to her?

I could feel the softness of her cheek against mine and the gentle scent of her perfume in my nostrils... She was truly adorable, as strange as she may seem.

I stood there, hands in my pockets, my pupils shifting to the right where she was holding me, my face still as impassive as ever, like a mere spectator of what was happening...

"Seriously, it's like some strange comedy..."

Rena: H-Hau ~ Hau!! Y-You're really cute too! S-So shy and all adorable!! H-Hau!! Y-Your face... S-So cute... Hau Hau!! I-I... I'm going to take you home!

"What? She wants to take me home?"

The further this spectacle went, the less I could decipher her reactions... What did she exactly mean by "take me home"? And for what purpose? What could possibly be going through this girl's mind?

In the end, it seemed that this class would bring me even more trouble than my previous one... However, it would be a very different form of trouble.

I guess it was a metaphor, right? She couldn't seriously be considering this idea... And yet, the more I looked at her, the more I wondered what she had in mind after all.

She persisted in hugging me, while I remained motionless.

"I've never seen a girl so excited in my life, let alone about me... This class is likely to hold many surprises for me."

In the distance, Mion commented in response to my remark, wearing a neutral expression tinged with surprise, as if she didn't quite know what to expect.

Mion: Ah, honestly, buddy, you caught me off guard... I didn't expect such a direct and straightforward response from you, you know... I had pegged you more as a shy type. She finally regained her composure and started laughing. Hehehehe! Actually, you've got quite the charm in you! You're good with girls, huh? Maybe Kei-chan should take lessons from you, huh! Ahahaha!!

"Well, one can say she has a lot of energy too..."

I sighed as I still felt Rena rubbing against me, still in her strange trance.

Mion had said I was good with girls... Well, I wouldn't qualify myself that way; I was just stating the truth... and it had quickly spiraled out of control.

But as she had said that, another individual, this time a boy, stood up and slammed his desk with his hand, giving Mion a disapproving look, to which she had started to chuckle slightly.

The boy, whom I assumed to be this "Kei-chan," had a rather ordinary figure, with short brown hair and eyes of the same color, as well as a uniform that suited him well.

"Kei-chan, huh? That does remind me of someone, indeed..." I smiled inwardly in response to that remark.

Kei-chan?: Hey, Mion! Don't meddle in this like that! I don't need help with this, and certainly not from you! I can handle it just fine, okay!

"My instincts tell me that an even more eccentric person has just appeared..."

After saying that, he suddenly chuckled and turned his head away from Mion, as if mocking what she had just said.

"Another new actor in this show, it seems..." I sighed inwardly again, anticipating all the trouble these people were likely to cause me.

Kei-chan?: Haha! If I really wanted to, I could easily be the king of a harem filled with charming ladies who would bend to my every whim, all for me! You better not provoke me like that, Mion! Hahaha! He laughed in a rather strange manner.

While Mion sarcastically chuckled in response to the young boy, who seemed to be about my age, another burst of laughter echoed from a distance, grabbing everyone's attention, including mine. Rena had just snapped out of her trance and was also looking in the direction of the source of that laughter...

It was an extremely eccentric laugh that had captivated the entire class.

"Hmm? Where's Chie-sensei, by the way?" I wondered for a moment as I observed the young girl who seemed much younger than me, with her short blond hair and angelic face...

She seemed like the kind of person who had an angelic face but a devilish character. Well, one more or less, at this point, nothing would surprise me here.

"And it's only my first day... Why did Chie-sensei leave?"

Little Girl: Ohohohohoho!! My dear, don't make me laugh! You are as charming as a fish in a desert and as seductive as a wingless bat in a snowstorm! You probably have a lot to learn, even from all the men on Earth, don't try to deny it!

In many ways, this girl seemed just as sarcastic as Horikita... but in a different way. I sighed inwardly again.

This little girl seemed mischievous, and she used rather advanced language for her age... At least, from my knowledge. I had mastered this language much earlier than her, but according to the "norm" I had observed, even people from my old class didn't... We could mention the three idiots: Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo, as an example, of course, but that would be an insult.

The person Mion had named "Kei-chan" had started to retort, his face visibly irritated, as he walked over to the desk where Satoko was, still laughing with his very extravagant and unique sarcastic laughter... Mion was also watching this scene, laughing mockingly at the young boy, and Rena just seemed to be watching with a blissful smile on her lips, as if reminiscing about something with nostalgia... Well, it seemed like it was just normal.

"My goodness, is it really like this every day...?"

Thinking about it more seriously, actually, it might not be so bad... There was no class competition or anything like that; it all seemed more like entertainment and fun... Freedom. It could actually be quite amusing to be a spectator of these kinds of scenes sometimes.

Keiichi: Heh! You're just a kid; you have no idea what a real charmer is like! You'll understand when you grow up, so don't meddle in this, you little rascal! Hey, believe me, if I wanted to, I could have all the girls in the world at my feet, and they'd do whatever I want without complaining... His face had a strange smile, starting to resemble Ike's a bit. Heh heh heh heh! Yeah, I'd charm them, then tease them a bit, and they'd all become shy, saying, "Oh, Keiichi-sama, please take me." Then I...

As he continued to spout strange phrases that I couldn't even understand, I saw Rena, next to me, rush at a speed far beyond normal to deliver a knee blow to Keiichi's head, sending him sprawling on the floor right in the middle of his speech.

"Interesting, it looks like this Rena is as physically strong as a student from ANHS..." I noticed inwardly.

Everyone seemed stunned by this turn of events, even Mion had a confused expression... They didn't seem to have grasped what had just happened. Well, for an ordinary human being, it was indeed very fast... These people seem to have many more secrets than I thought.

With Keiichi on the ground, Rena stood not far from the little girl's desk, blushing heavily as she began to speak, stumbling slightly.

Rena: H-Hau!! What are you saying, Keiichi, huh? What did you mean?

She seemed to be swaying even more while blushing... Did she have a fever, perhaps? Or was it normal for her to blush so much?

She also seemed to say it as if to justify herself, as if she understood but was trying to deny it... It was still quite strange to watch.

"It's only the first day, and I'm even ready to say I'm not even surprised by what just happened..."

This class... It looks like it's going to be much more problematic than my previous one.

Mion: Well, well, she didn't hold back on you, little guy... Was it a knee blow or an elbow blow? I didn't even have time to see; it was so fast...

Keiichi: I don't know, Mion... I have no idea. I guess I should just remember to never, ever upset Rena... If I want to stay alive a little longer.

Mion: That's a damn good idea, indeed... Since you arrived, I think we'll have to be even more vigilant.

All this time, Mion seemed to have approached Keiichi, wearing a compassionate and understanding look... As if they were discussing a tragedy, it took on quite a dramatic turn.

"I won't really be bored here, I think... Well, I guess it's better than being forced to fight another class. At least, I can pass for a completely normal person here."

As the bickering continued, I sighed again, keeping my hands in my pockets and my face still impassive and unemotional. I decided to take some initiative, at least. Maybe they could become my friends here; after all, I would need friends... They could probably be useful to me, as each of them seems to have unique skills.

Approaching the spot where Keiichi was lying on the floor, I reached out to help him up. He looked me in the eyes for a moment, then smiled at me sincerely and determinedly, firmly accepting my handshake to get up. I then spoke, in my usual manner.

Kyotaka: That looked like a rather painful blow; are you okay...? Is it like this every day, or was it just for my arrival here?

Keiichi: Ha! It's true that for most people, it must hurt, yeah! But for the great "K," it's just a trifle! Ahahaha!! Glad to have a guy my age here. I was starting to get bored without anyone to talk to about... Well, he leaned in a bit menacingly, way too close for my taste, glancing quickly at Rena and the others as he continued, then he whispered to me. Well, you get what I mean, right? Ahahah!! "No, I have no idea what you're talking about, and you're way too close..." Unable to follow the conversation's thread, I remained silent and impassive. He then pretended to cough and resumed his usual tone while extending his right hand, wearing a sincere smile. Anyway, I'm Keiichi Maebara! But call me "K" if you want! He struck a pose as he said that... Seeing that I didn't react, he continued. Nice to meet you, Kyotaka! And welcome to Hinamizawa. I hope we'll get along well, the two of us!

After giving me another sincere and determined smile, I decided to shake his hand in return. My expression remained unchanged, but it didn't seem to bother Keiichi, who just kept smiling proudly at me, as if he were talking to his disciple or something... A rather confusing experience as he continued to shake my hand.

"Keiichi Maebara, then, is he the other new arrival this month? He seems to have already integrated very well. He must be the kind of very extroverted person, like Hirata..."

As I looked at him closely, I thought he might also be capable of handling a class. At ANHS, he could be just as competent as Mion in becoming the class leader with his social skills... However, it's not just about being extroverted, obviously; I didn't really know what he was capable of or what he could do.

"I suppose I can also add him to the list of people to talk to, along with that other little girl with the blue-violet hair."

So, I decided to respond to him in my usual way.

Kyotaka: Nice to meet you too, "K." I sincerely hope we can become good friends and classmates.

After giving that response, it seemed that Keiichi's smile softened as he looked at me in a peculiar way... Was it respect? It appeared that he regarded me in a certain manner, an unusual one, all while still firmly holding my hand.

"Mmmmh? What is he doing...?"

But before I could ponder further, he began speaking to me further with a tone that seemed to convey respect, and he also appeared somewhat... moved?

I sighed inwardly once more. "Well, what have I gotten myself into this time?"

Keiichi: My dude! It's so cool to see you joining us, a real guy, with me, to fight against all these cunning and devilish girls! Yeah, it's like destiny brought us together, and we're going to prove ourselves worthy of this miracle!! Ehehehe!! Let's go, together, we'll be the "KK Brothers," and no one can stop us! Eheheh!! We could even conquer Japan, no, the whole world if we wanted! Ehehehehahahaha!!

"Yes, just as I thought... Another extravagant person. I suppose I'll have to get used to it here now..."

Keiichi continued to smile at me with that mix of respect and emotion, which was quite unsettling, especially after his strange speech.

"The 'KK Brothers,' really?" I sighed inwardly once again.

The sun seemed to shine on us as he showed no signs of letting go of my hand, which was starting to become a bit awkward... Yet my expression remained unchanged, of course.

I could hear strange murmurs throughout the classroom.

"I guess this weird situation is going to cause me more trouble. Good grief, this 'destiny' seems to take pleasure in seeing me struggle, it seems..."

I also heard comments from Rena, Mion, and the little girl with blonde hair.

Mion: A new bromance, huh? I have a feeling this promises to be... This little guy seems so innocent, I might have to protect him from Kei-chan before he throws him into the deep end... Ahahaha! But I sense it's going to get even more fun and interesting, especially if he joins us in the club!

Rena: H-Hau ~ Hau! Bromance, huh? Bromance, huh? Hau ~ Hau!

Little Girl: Well, our two country bumpkins seem to be forming a rather disgusting friendship... It appears that our dear comrades have a problem to solve, don't they? But nothing I can't handle, of course! Ohohohoho!!

"...And here I am getting caught up in stories once again. It's becoming repetitive, but I'm starting to get used to it, I suppose."

Rena, for some reason, continued to behave very strangely and incomprehensibly, once again. I had a hard time understanding her reactions, it seemed. She kept swaying and appeared to blush and daydream in a bizarre manner.

"This girl, I think she seriously should consider seeing a doctor... It might be beneficial for her."

The little girl with blonde hair just seemed to speak as if she were superior... A superiority complex? She put me in the same category as Keiichi... And again, I couldn't quite grasp her thought process to arrive at that.

"I suppose that's just how she is... She seems like the one who could cause the most trouble here, I think."

As for Mion, well, she seemed to be chuckling evilly to herself, as if she were imagining strange things.

"She mentioned a club, too. I guess they must have those here as well... Despite the small size of the class."

As for the other little girl with blue-violet hair, she still didn't avert her gaze, lost in thought... Sometimes, I saw her look at me with surprise and... hope, I guess?

"I guess I should try talking to her at some point."

...And the commotion continued for a while longer, as the other classmates just seemed to enjoy the spectacle, laughing from time to time, as if watching a good comedy.

"It looks like these three are part of a regular comedy or gag that plays out, quite perplexing... Going along with them, I'll probably be carried away, but it's not that bad. After all, they're almost all children, and it's just a tiny class in a tiny village. I wouldn't stand out anyway, and I'd be free... It was actually quite pleasant to think about. I should probably thank this 'Rubis Onee-chan' once again for this opportunity."

Suddenly, the sound of a notebook hitting what seemed to be the teacher's desk echoed throughout the class, and everyone stopped in their commotion. Keiichi had also let go of my hand. Turning around, I could see that it was Chie-sensei.

"She's finally back. Where did she go, seriously? Aren't we supposed to have class this afternoon? Well, I guess I shouldn't even be surprised by this kind of thing anymore, now."

Chie-sensei: Alright, everyone! Have you had a chance to get acquainted with Ayanokoji-san? Perfect, it's time to resume class now! Sonozaki-san, Maebara-san, Rena-san, and Hôjô-san, please take your seats! Ayanokoji-san, you can sit in the back on the right, near the window, just behind Maebara-san. Let's get started!

Well, it seemed that classes were finally starting. "I guess this long break was some kind of extended break for me to integrate into the class... Well, I have to admit it was rather interesting." As my eyes landed on Rena, Keiichi, Mion, and the little blonde-haired girl I assume to be "Houjou," they were all heading to their respective seats. I followed suit, finding myself sitting in the seat assigned to me by Chie-sensei. An irony of fate, as it was also my seat in my previous class. I didn't really care, to be honest. In front of me was Keiichi. So, I took my seat and got my things out, idly gazing out the window, one elbow resting on the table, my head supported by the palm of my hand...

"It seems that even here, the song of the cicadas reaches us..." The atmosphere was rather pleasant, and everyone seemed strangely focused in class... except for Keiichi, who had already fallen into a deep slumber.

"So here is my new life, my new class, and my new classmates. Although those I've met here have a penchant for trouble, I must admit it's quite entertaining and amusing. Each of them exudes a distinct and extravagant personality."

Mion seems to be the one taking charge, an unquestionable leader. It wouldn't be surprising if she were the class representative. Her teasing and boyish behavior, with a touch of mischief, didn't escape me.

As for Rena, she seems to be rather shy, in a Sakura-like manner, but she expresses her emotions in an exaggerated and peculiar way. She gives off an initial impression of gentleness and kindness without really fitting into either introversion or extraversion. More of a blend of both. Yet, she's hiding something... Her behavior isn't entirely natural, though less exaggerated than Kushida's. There's a mystery to unravel, and I intend to approach it in my own way. She's my classmate now, after all, and maybe I can help her overcome whatever is troubling her.

Next is this little blonde-haired girl, "Houjou," as she's been named. She exudes an almost excessive level of assurance and self-confidence, maybe a superiority complex? Her playful and haughty attitude matches her age, but she also seems to be hiding some secrets. She's definitely an intriguing source of interest.

And finally, the last person who caught my attention and could also pique my interest is this little girl with blue-violet hair, sitting next to the little blonde-haired girl. She intrigues me a lot, and I know very little about her yet. Perhaps I'll have the chance to talk to her at some point. From what I've observed, she seems to surpass the norm for her age in terms of maturity. Her expression doesn't match that of a girl her age. She seemed to be deep in thought about something and seemed to know more about me... Or at least, about the circumstances of my arrival here. Her surprised and puzzled look wasn't just the reaction of a new student; there was much more to it... Then she remained lost in thought, fixated on something. I should inquire further, perhaps even check if she had the same reaction when Keiichi arrived. Anyway, she greatly piques my curiosity... Who knows, maybe she's connected to the mystery looming over this school?

...Well, I can say that I've already spotted several individuals who pique my interest, all on the first day. Sure, they may appear eccentric and somewhat awkward in their own way, but there's an indefinable charm in each of them that draws me in. Maybe they can contribute to my freedom. And perhaps... perhaps they'll allow me to understand that elusive feeling of warmth I've been seeking, those emotions, who knows? Let's hold on to a glimmer of hope.

Well, classes continued, as I contemplated further on these events and my new life, thinking about how I could make the most of this unexpected opportunity that destiny seems to be offering me.




After what felt like hours, no, an eternity of me just gazing out the window like that, I heard what sounded like a bell ringing in the hallway, which made me turn my head to see what was happening. According to the rest of my class, it was the end-of-class bell.

"So, it's the end of my first day, huh?"

Chie-sensei: Alright, everyone, the day is over! See you all tomorrow, and have a great evening!

After Chie-sensei said that, all the kids and classmates bid her farewell and began to leave with their belongings, all looking quite happy about the end of the school day. The sunlight outside was taking on a slightly more orange hue, but the cicadas' chirping was still present, and I had been peacefully listening to it throughout the day.

After another sigh escaped my lips, I began to pack up my belongings as well, looking around. It seemed that Rubiscarl had also left me this in the lounge.

Finally, after packing up my things, I saw five people who remained in the classroom, not leaving. These were the five people who had caught my attention earlier when I arrived in this classroom: Mion, Rena, Keiichi, the blonde-haired girl, and the girl with blue-violet hair.

They all moved towards a common table, sat down, and began talking. I decided to take out a book I had brought with me in my bag and read it here while listening to them. If they were staying, then I assumed we had permission to remain in the classroom after school, which didn't seem suspicious.

Not far from me, I heard the girl with blue-violet hair speaking. She had a childlike and innocent voice, and her tone was gentle. I knew she had the most to hide here.

Little Girl 2: I have a little idea, everyone! Don't you think it would be cool if Kyotaka joined us? He seems pretty nice, right? Mii?

I was quickly taken aback by the suggestion she had just made to her friends... It was something I hadn't expected immediately. Of course, when Mion had mentioned a club, I had taken the time to think about it all afternoon. I thought it might be a good idea to join their so-called "club" at some point because it could serve multiple purposes. Not only could it potentially help me search for clues about that infamous "mystery" I needed to solve, but it could also bring me closer to Mion, one of the people I was interested in. Furthermore, now that I saw it was the five people I was interested in, I evidently didn't have much of a choice. But on top of all that, it could be a bit of fun and remind me a bit of the Ayanokoji Group, in a way... And it wasn't all that bad, I had to admit.

Anyway, I by no means expected this little girl, who had been deeply lost in thought rather intensely and surprisingly, to speak up this way. It was like she "snapped" back after some intense contemplation, it seemed. I could tell she was definitely hiding a lot of things and not showing her true self, at least that's what I thought.

Rena: So, do you want to invite him with us, Rika? I don't mind at all, and he seems really nice!

Keiichi: Oh yeah!! And it'll add another player to my team! Hehehehe!! If the "KK Brothers" come together, we can't lose, we'll be invincible! Count me in too!

Little Girl: Ohohohoh!! What are you saying, my dear! It'll just add another poor victim to my list, but at least it'll make you feel less lonely during punishments! Ohohohohoh!!

Mion: Hehehe! So, Rika, you see his potential too, huh? I wouldn't have thought otherwise of you! Yeah, I can totally see it, with that poker face, he could become a master, no, an ace at bluffing! Ahahaha! Alright, it's settled, are we all in agreement, right? And you, Satoko, you're okay with a new member?

Satoko: Well, I have nothing to object if the consensus is already unshakable, so go ahead! The more, the merrier, right?

Rika: Yesss! We welcome a brand new member! And it'll also make Keiichi less alone as the only boy in the group, so it's really great!

As I listened to them continue their discussion, it seemed that everyone was unanimously in favor of me joining.

"Well, I didn't think this would happen on the first day of my transfer... It's not so bad, after all."

I had also learned the names of the two little girls. The blonde-haired girl was apparently named "Satoko," and the girl with blue-violet hair went by "Rika."

As I pretended to read while listening to them, I finally noticed out of the corner of my eye that Mion was approaching me. She had a mischievous smile as she placed her hand on my desk, and then she began speaking in her usual teasing tone.

Mion: Well, kid, did you hear everything? Today's your lucky day! We're offering you a spot in our elite club, hehehe!! Mmmh? Her smile became a bit more teasing and mocking. So, no more pretending to read, huh! Come on, move your desk and get closer to us!

"It seems she noticed I was pretending to read, so... Interesting?" I tried to hide my interest, but she had managed to spot it while talking to her group. This girl was becoming more and more intriguing; she seemed much more capable than she let on. After that, she straightened up on her two legs, apparently waiting for me to stand up. I took a moment to look at her with my usual impassive face, which didn't seem to faze her any further. Then I sighed, put my book away in my bag, and got up.

With Mion's help, we moved the table and rearranged all the tables so that the six of us could gather, forming a solid group. Mion also rummaged in her locker to find something.

"I'm almost sure her locker defies the laws of physics..."

The others then addressed me, and Rena spoke up first.

Rena: You'll see, Kyotaka! We're all going to have a great time together! She gave me a cute little smile that could make any heart beat faster.

Kyotaka: But are you sure it won't bother you? It seems like you've formed a strong group, and I wouldn't want to intrude.

Keiichi: You won't be bothering anyone, rest assured! Ahahaha! Actually, I just joined this club yesterday, so you could say we're both newcomers here! And with another guy, like a brother by my side, I won't get fooled like I did yesterday! I'm sure of it! 

Satoko: Such fantasies, my dear! Dreaming is not a crime, but don't get too lost in the illusion! Ohohohohoho! She turned to me, a smug smile still on her face. Greetings to you, my dear Kyotaka, and welcome to hell! You'll surely help our friend here feel less lonely, I bet! Ohohohoh!! Anyway, I'm Satoko Hôjô for you, but you're welcome to call me "Miss" or "Lady" if you prefer.

Rika: Mii... She introduced herself and said you could call her Satoko, basically.

Kyotaka: I see, Satoko, and it's nice to meet you too.

Satoko: Oh, come on, dear! It's not very friendly to appropriate and reinterpret others' introductions like that! She let out an exasperated sigh and sank into her chair, looking annoyed, then continued. Well, it's nice to meet you too, my dear! You seem to have good manners, at least, unlike our dear Keiichi, which is not unpleasant at all.

Rika: Mii! She gently tugged at my sleeve as she stood by my side. Then she complimented you and expressed her joy at seeing you join us.

Satoko: Rika, finally! Don't dwell on such nonsense, please! Avoid repeating what I say and distorting it, I've told you before! She seemed annoyed and pouted like a child.

Rena: Rena chuckled slightly while wearing a joyful smile, then she spoke softly to my right, with a slightly more mature and warm voice. I find it so lively here! Yes, it may seem strange in the first few days, but I'm sure you'll get used to it quickly, Kyotaka! Look, Keiichi has already integrated well, don't you think! I'm sure you'll be very happy here! She gave me another even warmer smile while I looked at her for a moment, simply with an impassive expression.

Keiichi: Ahahahahah!! I totally agree with you, Rena. I'm sure my brother will also adapt quickly! Hehehehe!!

Kyotaka: It's quite intriguing, I must admit... This school year is really exhausting. I expressed this with a hint of sarcasm. But I'm also interested in this club, and I hope to meet your expectations. I'm not particularly outstanding in anything, you know.

Rena: Rena's face takes on a more serious and authoritative look. Hey, don't put yourself down! I noticed you did that during your introduction to the whole class as well, but I'm sure it's not true, and you have plenty of talents in you! Then, she gave me another one of her beautiful smiles. I don't want to hear you say that again, understood?

Keiichi: Exactly, belittling yourself gets you nowhere! As your brother, I'll be there to support you even more! Hehehehe! You'll see, I'll teach you and help you unleash your full potential. Even as an individual, you'll become invincible!

Kyotaka: I sighed slightly as I looked at both of them. Thank you, both of you. I'll think about it; it's not something I'm accustomed to.

Rena and Keiichi: No problem, Kyotaka / My brother!

"Rena, huh?" I had already gotten a glimpse of Rena's personality. During our first encounter, she had shown her extravagant side by wanting to "take me home," but it seemed she had a more mature facet as well. She appeared to have a maternal instinct or something of the sort because she immediately interrupted and scolded me when I said I had nothing special. "Interesting, she seems like a very interesting person as well..."

As for Keiichi, I didn't know much about him yet, but he seemed like the type to go above and beyond for his friends, much like Rena. Both of them had similarities, though they were opposites in some ways. Rena was like a calm source, a sort of blue flame. She seemed like the one who would soothe and reassure others when things went wrong. Keiichi, on the other hand, reminded me more of a red flame. He seemed skilled at motivating others and giving them determination. They were two significant forces for a group, which intrigued me. I was sure they could do well at ANHS together. They also seemed very close.

Satoko, on the other hand, exuded a lot of confidence in her own abilities. Despite that, she acknowledged the talents of others and knew how to compliment them, albeit in a somewhat abstract manner. There had to be a reason for her behavior, something within her that drove her to act this way. That was a lead I could explore later. Each person here seemed to have great potential, and I might be able to help them unlock it, as I had done with Horikita, Kei, and even Ryuen.

Rika, finally, was the most mysterious of all. She acted innocently and childishly, but when she looked at me, I felt something very particular in her. I would have to try to learn more about her. When she looked at me, it was as if she placed great hope in me, as if she saw me as a miracle. I needed to keep that in mind.

Eventually, Rika tugged lightly on my sleeve to get my attention and began speaking in an angelic and innocent voice. I looked at her with my usual impassive expression, wondering what she had to say.

Rika: Mii! Kyotaka, I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Rika Furude, a little girl all innocent and pure! She gave me an angelic smile before continuing. I'm really happy that you've joined our club! Nipah ☆!

She did indeed say that in the purest and most innocent tone, but I could see that she was hiding something... For now, I didn't really need to dwell on it further. As she smiled even more innocently after that strange "Nipah" sound she made, I responded in my usual monotone voice.

Kyotaka: I'm also delighted to be part of the team. Nice to meet you too, Rika.

After saying that, Rika smiled even more angelically... I could sense a genuine smile directed at me behind all of it, which seemed even stranger... But I decided not to dwell on it for now and just go with the flow.

"I don't need to overthink this; after all, I'm free, and it's just a conversation with my new friends..."

As the five of us continued to chat happily in this manner, Mion finally returned after a few moments with a deck of cards in her hands and placed it on the table, wearing an even more mischievous smile on her face... Then everyone suddenly fell silent and listened to Mion.

"I guess she really is the leader of this club, after all..."

Mion: Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're ready to begin! Hehehe! Then, before proceeding, I could see the others burst into rather sinister laughter... Well, something must be going on. I'll tell you one thing, kid, all I can advise you is to give it your all and pray to the gods because you're definitely going to need it!! Hehehehe!!

After these words spoken by Mion, and seeing the others chuckling like demons in such a manner, I sighed, thinking about the trouble that might be ahead... And I decided to ask the famous question, although considering the deck of cards, I probably already knew what the answer would be. But I wanted to be sure and also gather more information, I suppose.

Kyotaka: Excuse me for asking, but... could you please explain exactly what this club is about?

As I said this, I could hear those demonic laughs resonating even louder... "Aaah... Yeah, I can sense that this might get boring..." Keiichi was the only one who seemed to be holding back tears as he clenched his fist as tightly as he could.

Keiichi: Don't worry, my brother... Everything will be fine, yes, I promise you! Together, nothing can happen to us!! We'll be invincible because... He paused for dramatic effect and exclaimed in an exaggerated manner. We're the "KK" brothers!

Kyotaka: I'm not sure the way you said that is supposed to reassure me further... I sighed slightly. Well, I guess I have at least one person on my side.

And then, as if Mion was waiting for exactly that moment to start talking, she formed a devilish smile and explained to me what this club was about, while everyone participated in this presentation... I found it rather unique.

Mion: Our club is here to prepare you for life in modern society. It's becoming increasingly complex, which is why we offer a chance to see how, in changing environments, with varying and unpredictable conditions, a human being can get out of tricky situations!

"Preparing us for modern society, huh?" I have some doubts about this statement. After all, she simply pulled out a deck of cards, so why such a performance? Is it a way to give importance to a simple card game?

I let out an internal sigh. "She knows how to manipulate words, that's for sure..."

Upon reflection, what she said wasn't entirely wrong. Games can play a role in preparing for modern society, as ANHS demonstrated with its zodiac exam.

"In the end, I think it reminds me a bit of my past life..."

Rena: I'm not very good, so... don't be too harsh, okay? We're in the same boat.

Satoko: My dear, you're too weak-willed! The weak always get eaten by the strong!

Rena had been drawn in by Mion, expressing her words with a shy embarrassment that was hard to miss. In the wake of it, Satoko didn't take long to follow suit, sporting her usual condescending tone while reacting to Rena's statement.

"It seems rehearsed or staged, I'd say..."

I concluded that it was probably some form of test or something similar. Ultimately, it didn't bother me all that much. In fact, this club piqued my genuine interest.

So, I chose to respond succinctly to all, without singling anyone out, simply stating my thoughts. Both my elbows rested on the table, my hands clasped in front of my face, and I maintained my usual indifferent and impassive expression.

Kyotaka: I see... So, in summary, you all just play games together, right?

Rika tugged at my sleeve again, wearing an almost disappointed or embarrassed expression.

Rika: Mii... Kyotaka, that's not very nice... You stole my words.

"Stealing my words, huh? I guess I was right, then..." I thought to myself, imagining that Rika would probably be the next one to explain that we were just playing games together. It seemed I had beaten Rika to this response.

Kyotaka: Did I steal your words? My apologies, that wasn't my intention.

Rika: So, you're apologizing now? After that, she offered me another one of her angelic smiles and replied. Well then, you're forgiven, nipah ☆!"

"Well, on the surface, this girl truly looks like an angel..." I reflected inwardly while observing Rika. After barely acknowledging Rika's thanks, I heard Mion respond to my words with subtle sarcasm, as if what I had said was some kind of joke. This seemed to amuse Satoko, who wore a devilish grin.

Mion: You think we're just here to play games casually, huh? She laughed mockingly before becoming seriously dramatic. Listen carefully, kid, I'll warn you right now before you leave traumatized... We're not here to play it easy like wimps! In every game, you'll have to give it your all, is that clear?

Satoko: Rule number one: only the first place counts! No slackers allowed!!!

Mion: Rule number two: all necessary efforts must be provided without fail!!!

"I see, anything goes, including dirty tricks, apparently..." I thought as I listened to the rules. It was quite interesting... No restrictions, which meant all moves, whether cheating, bluffing, or setting traps, were allowed as long as they weren't discovered, I suppose.

I wondered what their skill level was like and what game we were going to play. They had brought out cards, suggesting it was probably a luck-based card game. However, even in that case, I had doubts about the term "total luck" based on what I had observed of their behavior so far.

Kyotaka: I understand, I've got the principles. In that case, I won't hold back either, you know.

I said that with my usual expression and demeanor. While I might seem indifferent, I thought this could be a bit more interesting... It was just a game, after all, so I had no reason to hold back, right? So, what would be my strategy? Would I aim for first place or rather try to stay somewhere between fourth and second place on average? No, I decided to give it my all and put in a bit more effort. I was curious to see their abilities in this game.

Rika: I'll join the game too, and I won't back down.

Rena: I'm not very skilled, but I'll give it my all!

Keiichi: Alright... No mercy this time! Now that I have an ally by my side, I'm ready to get my revenge, girls! You'll quickly regret mocking me!! Hehehehehahaha!!

Satoko: What a déjà vu feeling, dear friend. I seem to recall you saying the same thing yesterday, before begging all four of us on your knees for mercy, didn't you?

Keiichi: Ah! Shut up, Satoko, you'll regret mocking me, you little rascal! Don't complain when you have to do everything I tell you to!

Satoko: In your dreams! I'd love to see that, Ohohohohoh!

As a sort of squabble ensued between Keiichi and Satoko, with Satoko only provoking Keiichi further, Mion gave me a small smile and a thumbs-up, as if to congratulate me.

Mion: So, Kyo-chan, you're motivated, huh? I love it! That's exactly the mindset we need in this club! Well, everyone, since we have a new member... How about we do something like we did with Keiichi yesterday, hmm? Come on, let's replay that classic, the "Pouilleux" game, sound good to you?

As a sort of squabble ensued between Keiichi and Satoko, with Satoko only provoking Keiichi further, Mion gave me a small smile and a thumbs-up, as if to congratulate me. In unison, everyone seemed to agree with Mion... I could just see Keiichi, who appeared to grow pale and tremble slightly in his chair as he furrowed his brow and thought aloud about what seemed to be some kind of strategy.

That was fine with me, so I didn't voice any objections and went along with the flow as Mion began to lay out the cards and explain, more to me than anyone else, their variation of the game...

Yes, "Pouilleux," a game of European origin, well-known around the world and popular. Like all games of this type, there are many variations. The game is divided into three phases: the dealing, where the dealer distributes all the cards, three at a time clockwise; the last player dealt to receives the last two cards. It is also possible to deal one card at a time, still clockwise. Then, in the first phase, each player gets rid of their pairs of the same value. Finally, in the second phase, the player with one card less than the others starts the game by drawing a card from their left neighbor without showing it to the other players. If they can make a new pair this way, they immediately discard it. Then, it's the left neighbor's turn to draw, always in the same direction. The game continues like this until all pairs have been formed, leaving only one card, the "pouilleux." Of course, you can't form a pair with the jack of spades.

In this variation, the "pouilleux" was not the jack of spades but a randomly drawn card at the beginning of the game, unknown to all, which made the game much more intriguing.

At first glance, it appeared to be a game of pure chance, where luck was the primary determining factor, in addition to our bluffing skills. However, something caught my attention... Something that made this game much less random than it seemed. Judging by the devilish expressions on these girls' faces and the strange, compassionate smile on my "brother" Keiichi's face, it was evident that this game was rigged.

"All's fair in this game, isn't it? This is getting even more interesting... It almost feels like a game one might find at the ANHS, albeit taking a different form, of course."

Rena: Okay, I'll remove... this card.

Rena took the top card from the deck, which had just been thoroughly shuffled, and placed it face down...

I could clearly perceive how all the girls were intensely focusing on that card, as if they could deduce something from it... Even Keiichi seemed to have a plan in mind, judging by his concentrated look at the card.

"I understand, this is interesting..."

I knew that something was being plotted in their game, but for now, I decided to play normally, without revealing that I was onto their little manipulation.

Kyotaka: These cards seem rather old, don't they? It's almost like one could recognize them by those markings... But it would be impossible for regular people to remember a deck of 52 cards, right?

My little comment once again brought malicious and mocking smiles to these girls' faces... Only Keiichi offered me a bitter smile while clenching his fist, as if to show solidarity.

"Well, Keiichi really seems to take this seriously..."

Keiichi: Come on, my brother! I've been through this too... I know it's not a piece of cake, but you can do it! It's just a little test; you can overcome it, don't worry, I'm with you, wholeheartedly!

Mion: Well, Kyo-chan. As you put it, it would be downright impossible... for ordinary folks, yeah! Hehehehe! The thing is, no member of this club is an ordinary specimen! She offered me another mocking smile.

Satoko: And, of course, before you dare accuse us of cheating... Refer to rule number two! Do your best, dear!

Rena: Some cards have really easy-to-remember marks, you'll see, Kyotaka, it'll come naturally.

Kyotaka: Don't worry, these rules were already in the club's regulations, so I wasn't going to accuse you of cheating or anything... I understand, so you're suggesting that you've memorized all the cards, an interesting challenge. I'll still do my best.

Satoko: Go on, go on, dear friend! Ohohohohoh! At least you don't look as foolish as our dear Keiichi here.

Keiichi: Hey, Satoko! Lay off with your jabs, you little brat! You'll soon find out what's in store; today, I won't hold back!

Mion: Absolutely, Kyo-chan! You've already grasped the spirit of this club... Yes, I feel you're going to be quite an interesting challenge. I like that!

Rena: Mii is right; it looks like you're fitting in even more easily than expected! She gave me a sweet smile.

"I thought so; they've memorized all 52 cards... or at least a portion, I suppose."

But I knew it instinctively when the cards were unveiled... And luckily, the person in charge of shuffling was the second person to my right, Rena. I took advantage of this opportunity to spot some cards and memorize the markings on their backs. I didn't manage to spot all the cards, but I think it'll suffice for now.

My strategy, for now, was to avoid choosing the jack of diamonds, which was the starting card, in other words, the "pouilleux." Luckily, I didn't draw that card right at the beginning. So, I would refrain from selecting it in each round and choose appropriate cards from those I had managed to spot. Rena was seated to my right, and I noticed that she didn't have the jack of diamonds.

The person who had the jack of diamonds was actually Keiichi... He wasn't lucky and drew that card right at the beginning.

"Good luck to you, Keiichi... It seems luck isn't on your side, but there are ways to get through it."

The game proceeded smoothly, and my strategy worked well until the end of the game, where I finally finished fifth, just behind Keiichi. But at least, now I knew more cards for the upcoming rounds.

Rena: Wow! Impressive, Kyotaka; you grasped the game fairly quickly and avoided last place.

Mion: As the leader of this club, all I can do is tip my hat to you... But never forget the first rule of our regulations. It's first place or nothing here! So, don't think you can get away with that!

Kyotaka: I understand, I see... I already gave it my all here, and I'll keep doing my best for the next round.

Satoko: Well, guess who's still in the dumps? Looks like even the newbie has already outperformed you, my dear! Ohohohoho!

Keiichi: What? How is that possible? Aaaah! I should've shown him after, that was the plan! And Satoko, it was just one round. Now, don't expect me to hold back!

Satoko: Isn't that a bit of a rant from you? It seems our dear friend suddenly aged a lot all at once.

Rena: Don't worry, Keiichi, there'll surely be a round you win at some point.

Keiichi: Thanks, Rena! But that doesn't really reassure me at all! Aaah! I'm done with restraint. Don't come complaining later! And you too, my brother, from now on, no mercy, even for you!

Mion: You look fired up, Kei-chan! Fantastic, that's what we want! Alright, everyone, let's move on to the next round.

Rika: I felt my sleeve being tugged, so I turned to see Rika smiling at me. Well done, Kyotaka! I'm sure you can do even better. So, be courageous, don't get discouraged. Nipah ☆!

Kyotaka: Thank you, Rika. I don't plan on getting discouraged, don't worry.

Rika: Alright, then! Our goal is to make Keiichi lose and tease him with a little punishment, hihihih!

Rika told me this with the same innocent and pure smile, creating a stark contrast with her words...

"A punishment? I see, I understand better now."

So, I guess the last one in the league will receive a punishment, something quite unpleasant, I suppose. I think it will remain relatively light, but it adds a competitive dimension. Well, it's time to continue, I guess.

The game continued for a while, with several rounds played one after another. In the end, I found myself in second place, just behind Mion. Satoko and Rika took the third and fourth positions, while Rena secured the fifth spot, and Keiichi, unsurprisingly, finished last in the sixth place. He did manage to improve a bit, but it wasn't enough. Well, it seems this kind of game is not his strong suit, apparently.

Keiichi: NOOOO!! This can't be, I've lost again! I'm in last place again! How is this even possible? Even my brother managed to get to second place in the end... It's incredible... I'll have to... Raaaaah!

Satoko: Well, well, dear friend, I believe I heard some nonsense from you, didn't I? Ohohohoho! Well, it seems our other friend had more luck than you, Keiichi! But that doesn't mean anything; he probably just had beginner's luck. Next time, I'm going to show him that luck alone won't cut it! Ohohohoho!

Keiichi: Keiichi starts running his hand through his hair while crying. Aaaaaah! It's unbelievable; I can't believe it! Shut up, Satoko; I swear you'll pay for this somehow! And you too, my brother! I should be the older of the "KK" brothers; there's no way you're surpassing me now!

Rika: Rika started to gently stroke Keiichi's head, as if she were petting a kitten. Mii... Poor thing, luck just wasn't on your side, that's all. Next time, you'll come back even stronger! Courage, don't be disheartened!

Keiichi: Keiichi started crying more dramatically. Thank you, Rika... But this just humiliates me even more... Aaaaaah...

Rena: Hau! Keiichi is so cute when he's like this!

Kyotaka: Don't worry, my "brother." It was just one game among many. This game may not be your strong suit, but we'll find a game that suits you someday.

Keiichi: Rena, I could do without those comments! And Kyotaka, my brother... Thanks... but it makes the situation even more humiliating after what I said. Raaaaah! Alright, I get it! Next time, I'll win! He suddenly gets up, more determined than ever.

Mion: Ehehe! Kei-chan, you're really at your wit's end again today! Well, as the leader of this club, I have to congratulate you, Kyo-chan! I never imagined you'd land in second place right after me in the first game; it's quite impressive! You have a good chance of going far, I'm sure of it!

Keiichi: No need to remind me over and over, Mion! I swear the next time, you'll all regret making fun of me! Count on it!

Kyotaka: Thank you, Mion, but I didn't do anything exceptional. I just have a decent memory, and I got lucky.

Mion: Always so modest, huh? Well, honestly, I thought you'd finish dead last in your first game, just to test your membership properly! But I clearly underestimated your talents, Kyo-chan! So, I'd like to propose a little challenge, a simple duel between you and me. If you win, I'll take last place instead of Keiichi, and since you'd be second, you'll become first. But if you lose, ehehehe... Then it's you who'll bear the punishment for the loser and end up in Kei-chan's last place. The punishment for this game was a nasty face doodle... With an indelible pen, eheheheh! So, K-y-o-c-h-a-n ~, are you up for the challenge?

Rena: An indelible pen? And it's the same penalty and test that Keiichi had yesterday. But Kyotaka won, wouldn't it be unfair to subject him to that, Mii?

Satoko: Oh no, dear! It seems like the rules for both sides are as fair as can be, aren't they? And our dear friend wouldn't be soft enough to decline this proposition that could potentially shake our invincible leader, right?

Rika: Mii... But still... Will it be okay? She said that while looking at me with an embarrassed and concerned expression.

Kyotaka: Very well, I accept this duel. I see no reason not to take on this challenge. Plus, my "brother" is in a position where he might endure these punishments twice in a row and then some, from what I've heard.

Keiichi: He started crying dramatically and approached me with a gleam in his eyes. M-My brother, my savior! I knew you wouldn't let me down, that you'd sacrifice yourself for me! He wiped an imaginary tear from his eyes. I'll never forget this heroic act, and I promise to do you justice. Yes, after all, we are united... Because we are the "KK" brothers, the invincible brothers! My brother, thank you, thank you a thousand times! He stopped crying to shout with unwavering determination... But did he really have to be so dramatic?

Kyotaka: Very well, if you say so. I suppose you can see it that way. I sighed slightly before turning to Mion. Alright, Mion, I'm ready to start whenever you are... What exactly will this duel involve?

Mion: Impatient now, aren't you? Your face may remain impassive, but I can tell you're quite excited! If you had refused, you wouldn't have deserved even an inch of space in the elite of this club... But I knew you'd accept; it was the obvious choice. So, here's the deal: the game is pretty simple. You'll have to guess where the Joker is.

Rena: Yes, that's what I thought, it's the same duel as the one yesterday with Keiichi. Good luck, Kyotaka! I'm sure you can do it. She gives me one of her famous sweet smiles.

Satoko: But didn't he lose this game yesterday, by the way? We can wonder what the outcome will be this time; it promises to be quite entertaining with this new member. He seems less foolish than our dear Keiichi; maybe he'll even succeed... Ohohohohoh!

Rika: Rika tugged at my sleeve again, and I responded with a little look. I know you're capable of it, so good luck! But you know, Mion is very crafty, so be careful... Mii...

Kyotaka: Thank you, Rika, I'll do my best. Perhaps there's a way for me to win, who knows?

Rika: Yes, I believe in you! So, be brave and don't give up! 

Rika gave me an angelic and innocent smile, expressing a unique purity. In a way that I didn't fully understand, it seemed that Rika was starting to take an interest in me. However, this seemed to go beyond games or the club. I planned to think more deeply about it when I had more information.

Alright, then... It doesn't hurt to try. Might as well accept this strange, last-minute duel, but coming from Mion, I expected it. She probably has something planned to trap me, but it probably doesn't matter. I intend to win, after all.

Mion took some cards and placed one on the side. Then, she took a joker and shuffled the two cards for a long time.


Mion: There you go! One card on the left and one card on the right, and all you have to do is tell me which one is the Joker!

Kyotaka: Alright. Before we start, I'd like to clarify one point. Earlier, you mentioned "finding the Joker." Can you guarantee that it is definitely in one of your hands?

Mion: You're very cautious, aren't you? If you lose, I'll flip over the other card to prove that there was no cheating. Is that okay with you?

Kyotaka: Very well then, thanks for the clarification.

No cheating, right? Okay, in that case, I just need to locate the Joker. And there's no need to leave it to chance. I'll simply observe carefully.

Mion presented the two cards. At first glance, nothing stood out. The card on the right revealed no distinct markings; in fact, it was one of the most difficult cards to identify, the 7 of Spades. As for the card on the left, it was among the easiest to recognize, the 7 of Clubs.

"I'm convinced she didn't cheat; that means... I understand, it's intriguing."

This suggests that both cards probably contain another card underneath, and the Joker is in one of them. Since the Joker was not part of the game, I would have likely noticed the absence of markings or the unfamiliarity of the card, and thus, I could deduce. Mion had clearly anticipated this and prepared for it.

Rena: Which one could it be... Kyotaka, be careful!

I scrutinized the cards and then looked at Mion. When our eyes met, she gave me a proud smile. I subtly let her know, for Mion's eyes only, that I had seen through her trick, and she responded with a smile, indicating that she knew I wouldn't be fooled.

She probably sought to make me believe initially that the card on the right was the Joker. By deliberately choosing a hard-to-identify card, she hoped to deceive me into thinking that the 7 of Spades was under the 7 of Clubs in her left hand, as it was the last pair Keiichi had played. This trick might have worked if the card were unknown to me, but with my perfect memory, sorry Mion, your bluff won't work on me.


Mion: Hmmm. Are you leaning toward the right card? Do you want to see it? Do you?

Kyotaka: Who knows?

Mion seemed a bit insistent, maintaining that mocking smile. To test her reaction, I deliberately fixed my gaze on the right card and could see that she was trying to bluff me again.

It was clearly a double bluff, and now I was sure of it. She had anticipated all my previous thoughts and wanted me to focus on the card on the left. Everyone seemed to be in on it, playing the game like actors.

"It's quite interesting, I must admit... Mion, you'll undoubtedly be very useful in the future."

I let out a sigh and put my hands back in my pockets, puzzling the others. Then, I looked up at Mion and clearly conveyed my thoughts, not allowing the others to participate in the game. Only Keiichi seemed nervous for some reason.

"Don't worry about me, Keiichi... The game was rigged even before it began. I understood what was happening. After all, I've already been able to observe Mion's personality."

Kyotaka: Alright, that's it. I've finished thinking. I choose the card on the right, and that's my final answer.

Keiichi: The card on the right, huh? You've got something in mind already? Keiichi seemed to have understood, displaying a confident smile.

Mion: Are you 100% sure about your final choice? There's no turning back now, kiddo! And of course, you'd better explain in detail why you're going with that!

Kyotaka: Of course, I plan to... Relying solely on luck wouldn't make it very interesting, would it? And I did say it was my final choice, so no problem there.

Rena: But, have you really thought it through? I mean, why pick that card now? You still have all the time in the world, you know. So, no need to rush! She then offered me one of her characteristic sweet smiles.

"The fact that you're telling me this confirms what I already suspected... They know him, but they probably don't expect that I can see through the double bluff."

Satoko: My dear, though the idea would never cross my mind to assist or influence you, I believe our dear Rena is right. No need to hurry, my dear, you still have all the time to think it through.

Rika: I trust Kyotaka, and I'm following his lead! I'm sure he's already figured it out.

Mion: I'd really like to hear your reasoning behind this choice, just to make everything clear before.

Kyotaka: Who knows?


My vague response seemed to leave Mion even more puzzled; she scratched her neck while thinking. The others looked at me with the same puzzlement and then turned their gaze to Mion, who nodded in agreement with them.

As for Rika, she was looking at me with a wide, innocent smile, showing that she seemed to have caught on that I had seen through the trick. I thought there was something intriguing about her, and I hoped we'd have a chance to talk more in-depth in the future.

As for Keiichi, he was watching me with anticipation in his bright eyes. Given that he had played the game the day before, he must know the answer. His expression led me to believe that he had indeed understood the first bluff, maybe even the double bluff.

Mion eventually revealed her right hand, confirming my suspicion that the Joker was hidden beneath the 7 of Spades. The other hand held a 2 of Diamonds and the 7 of Clubs. I simply commented that I had been right, which didn't surprise them.

They all now looked at me with the same puzzlement. Mion fixed me with a serious look and questioned me with a serious tone. She genuinely seemed eager to get an answer on how I had uncovered her ruse.

Mion: Sorry, kid, but you're gonna have to explain it all in detail! I want to know every bit of your reasoning, and I won't let a single detail slip, got it? This is the final test, that's true. But if your explanation doesn't convince me, I'll count it as a defeat, understand?

Kyotaka: Well, I did think it through. In fact, I just saw through this double bluff. You deliberately directed me to the right card, the one with very difficult-to-remember markings, to make me think it was the Joker. Just as deliberately, you placed the easily recognizable 7 of Clubs in the other hand. But all of that was just a bluff, as you ultimately added a second card to each hand. With this bluff, you wanted to make me believe that under the left card, the 7 of Clubs, was the 7 of Spades, as it was the last pair played by Keiichi... when, in fact, the 7 of Spades was the elusive card in the right hand. In the end, there was no third bluff, which brings us back to the right card. Clearly, you didn't expect me to uncover the double bluff, so you deliberately revealed the first bluff. Your goal was probably to test me, and I suppose if I had deciphered this bluff, I might have lost, but I would have still passed the test... So, I wonder, what does it mean to pass the double-bluff test? It means I take first place, and you take last. Your mistake, in the end, was showing enough arrogance, thinking I couldn't grasp this double bluff. If you had added a third card, playing as if there were only one bluff, then maybe you could have won. But I must say it was very interesting; yes, this duel was truly fascinating, Mion.

After sharing these thoughts, I observed the various reactions of the other group members. Keiichi looked at me with pride, tears in his eyes, which was rather strange. Satoko, on the other hand, wore an expression of suspicion and surprise, as if she had anticipated my response the least. Rena, on the other hand, was first surprised, then curious, and finally gave me one of her sweet smiles, as if to congratulate me. Rika seemed to admire me, stars in her eyes, and even started clapping while repeating "patchi, patchi" with her wide, angelic smile. Finally, Mion went through a range of emotions, ultimately smiling and even laughing.

Mion: Ehehehehehehe! I see, I see... You've become quite talkative all of a sudden, haven't you? I think you've outwitted all of us. I knew you were a master of bluffing! Who would've believed among us that you'd be this talented all of a sudden? My mistake was thinking you were a novice; I should've been more honest with you from the beginning. As the head of this club since its creation, I've met many players over the years. My boy... you're the best. The best of the best of the best. I never thought you could beat me this way in a duel! Ehehahaha! I have to admit my defeat, Kyo-chan, well played!

Rena: Kyotaka... Your reasoning is so thorough and developed that it's almost scary. I expected you to reveal the first bluff, like Keiichi did yesterday... But you're really impressive! Well done, Kyotaka, you've beaten Mii. She gave me another one of her lovely sweet smiles while applauding lightly.

Keiichi: Bro, I'm super proud of you! You didn't just save my skin, but you survived... You kicked the formidable Mion's butt! Kyotaka, you're amazing! In fact, I shouldn't be surprised; we're the "KK" brothers after all, so it's only natural! Well done! Keiichi seemed almost shouting this, raising his fist to the sky, as if he had won the game himself.

Satoko: I really have to express my surprise at your victory and your level of thinking, my dear... Even for me, I must admit, it was very impressive. You even managed to beat Mion; I can only tip my hat to you for this victory. You may have hidden it behind your impassiveness, but in your mind, it must be working hard, right? A remarkable victory, congratulations to you, my dear. You succeeded where Keiichi stumbled yesterday.

Rika: Patchi Patchi! I knew Kyotaka would succeed; you've been really impressive! You truly deserve this victory, and it looks like our leader will have to face this punishment now! Enjoy it, hehehe!

Kyotaka: Thank you all, but I don't deserve so much praise. I just...

Mion: Pure luck, right? That's what you were going to say, isn't it? Ehehehehe, I'm starting to understand how you work, but now, it won't work against me, my boy. Now, you're fully integrated into the club, no more holding back for you! Ehehehe, I hope you enjoy the chance to give someone a penalty, especially me, but savor it... because I can assure you it may not happen again.

Kyotaka: Who knows?

I had to admit that all of these individuals had intriguing peculiarities... They seemed more surprised that I had pulled off the trick than by the fact that someone could do it, indicating that each of them was probably capable of it to some extent. It wasn't really impressive, of course, as it was logical that people who presented themselves as "elites" could master such a skill.

Mion, despite the impending punishment, displayed her usual zest for life. Rena, on the other hand, occasionally threw me sideways glances and stared at me, giving me a sweet smile when our eyes met.

"She's not really making an effort to hide the fact that she's observing me..."

She seemed to be watching me with particular attention, as if she wanted to dissect me. Sometimes she would blush slightly when our eyes met.

Keiichi looked even more determined, ready for anything, especially when he teased Mion. A kind of verbal sparring match would occasionally break out between them, while Satoko wasn't far behind, openly teasing him and reminding him of his defeat. Rika, on the other hand, stayed close to me... I wasn't sure why, but she seemed to seek my proximity and looked at me with admiration from time to time, while we exchanged a few words privately.

Finally, the time came for Mion's punishment, which I left to Keiichi. He thanked me with tears in his eyes and enjoyed drawing on Mion's face with a permanent marker. It wasn't really my style, so I left that to Keiichi, who seemed to be having a great time.

The bustling atmosphere continued, with everyone trying to include me in the conversation. Rena wanted to know more about me, and I had to make up some details to avoid revealing too much, especially that I came from another world... At times, she looked at me seriously. Would she have noticed that I was lying? With my usual impassiveness, it was unlikely. No, I didn't think she was aware, even though she had observed me closely from time to time.

All the commotion was rather enjoyable, in reality. The lively and noisy atmosphere made it very vibrant. Everyone had strong personalities, which I appreciated. It was like I had found a new group in the Ayanokoji style. I gave an inner smile at that thought.