
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

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28 Chs

CHAPTER 1 (PART 2/2): Welcome to Hinamizawa !

POV : Keiichi 

The day is coming to an end, and once again, we've had a great time together. It's become a sort of ritual for me; this new life in Hinamizawa is really enjoyable, and the villagers are all friendly and full of humor. Today, an unexpected addition spiced up our group: Kyotaka Ayanokoji. He appears impassive, and I haven't been able to see him smile even once... But I'm sure he must have had a good time too. After all, why would he have stayed otherwise? He has a strange aura and a surrounding mystery. I was stunned when he managed to beat Mion in a duel and explain his reasoning; it was absolutely incredible. I bet his impassiveness hides something, perhaps related to his past? But I don't intend to ask him any intrusive questions about it. It wouldn't be very polite, would it? I also understand the importance of preserving certain parts of one's past. Anyway, I feel some sort of connection with him; after all, we are the "KK." Finally, it's time to go home. As they say, all good things must come to an end, right? Despite that, my heart is still filled with excitement, and I'm not the only one brimming with energy. I'm sure it's the same for the others, even for Kyotaka!

So, Rena, Kyotaka, Mion with drawings on her face, and I, walk together on our way back... Usually, only the three of us, Mion, Rena, and I, walk this path together, but now Kyotaka is with us! He remains impassive when we look at him, responding briefly to our comments... But I'm certain everyone understands that it's just his way of being, so we adapt! We won't judge him for it; he's part of our group now, so we accept him as he is, without bothering him more than necessary. He didn't say anything special himself about how we welcomed him, it was rather amusing, to be honest! Anyway, the four of us walk together under the village's twilight, while Satoko and Rika take a different path to go home, as their houses are not in the same direction.

We continued to walk, talking about this and that, and a peaceful tranquility enveloped the village. This feeling, the atmosphere of this place, my friends... It's something I could never grow tired of. Since I've been here, I can honestly say that everything has become amazing.

Rena: By the way, Keiichi and Kyotaka, do you have any plans for tomorrow? Or not?

Keiichi: Huh?

Completely caught off guard by this direct approach—especially coming from Rena!—I started blushing. But I quickly recovered when I remembered that she had also asked Kyotaka the same question.

"I guess she's not the kind of person to arrange two dates at once, is she?"

Kyotaka: I don't have anything in particular to do. Do you need help with something?

And it was Kyotaka, with his usual monotone voice and calm demeanor, who finally broke the awkward silence that had emerged during that brief one-minute confusion.

"Great, thank you, Kyotaka! You saved me from an embarrassing situation of teasing from Mion!" I thought, mentally thanking him. I finally got my composure back, stuttering a little before regaining my calm.

Keiichi: W-Well, um, yeah, I don't have anything special planned either.

Rena: Huh? Oh, um, no, it's not that, Kyotaka. In fact, since both of you are newcomers, Mii and I were wondering if you'd like us to give you a little tour of the village. She seemed a bit embarrassed by Kyotaka's question at first, then answered, providing the information that both of us wanted to know.

So that's the reason, I see. Yes, that's quite a clever idea. Even though I've been here longer than Kyotaka, I haven't had the chance to explore the entire village yet, so this could be fun. Especially since tomorrow is the weekend, specifically Saturday, it could turn out to be really cool and interesting! I can't wait for tomorrow to experience those moments we've just shared, all day long.

I then turned my gaze to Kyotaka, waiting to see his response. In any case, I was going to accept, but I wanted to know what he thought. He seemed lost in thought, as if contemplating everything. I wondered why he was doing that. Seriously, there's no need to stress so much about everything, buddy! In any case, I also noticed that Mion and Rena were looking at him, probably wondering the same things as me... And then I saw Mion give him a mocking smile as she approached him.

"Oh no, this doesn't look good... Kyotaka, you better respond quickly before it's too late!"

Mion: After approaching him, I saw a mischievous smile creep across her face as she addressed Kyo-chan. He turned his gaze towards her. Well, Kyo-chan~! You're not trying to set up a secret plan to have a one-on-one date with Rena, are you? It's quite suspicious that you're racking your brain like this, don't you think? Mmmmh~? So, Kyo-chan? Are you going to share with us what's going on in your mind?

Rena: I could see Rena start blushing slightly, then she stopped walking for a second before continuing. W-What are you talking about, Mii? Huh? What are you talking about? Don't tease Kyotaka like that... He must be thinking about something important.

"Oh no, it's too late... I'm sorry, buddy, be strong!" I encouraged him in silence as I watched the scene unfold in front of me, helpless in the face of Kyotaka's predicament, the one who had saved me from the clutches of this tigress not long ago.

Eventually, he simply responded vaguely, with a touch of sarcasm, exactly as I expected. He even seemed unaffected by Mion's teasing.

Kyotaka: Who knows?

What? Did he really just say that? It's as if he's implying that Mion was right. Wait, does he really have a crush on Rena? It wouldn't really surprise me. Rena is undeniably cute with an attractive figure and generous attributes! What guy wouldn't appreciate that? So, I can understand, but... Well, Kyotaka seems like a good guy, so giving him a chance with Rena could be a very good thing!

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rena start blushing intensely while looking away. She looked embarrassed.

Mion: Pfff-AHAHAHAHA!! Did you see that confusing response? Seriously, you just blurted it out like that? Rena, it seems like you've found yourself an admirer after all! Is that right, Kyotaka?

Kyotaka: Objectively, I wouldn't mind just being with Rena, that's all I said. Or does that bother you in some way? He said it in his usual expressionless tone, which was in stark contrast to what he was saying. In fact, it even sounded like he was just talking about friendship and hadn't grasped what we were talking about... Is this guy really that unresponsive?

I noticed that Mion responded with nothing but teasing and a mocking smile. I knew her well by now, which meant, among other things: "You won't get away by changing the subject like that, my boy. I know exactly what you're trying to do."

As for Rena? She looked completely flushed, squirming around, as if steam was coming out of her head... I wondered what was going on in her mind, but it was Rena after all... She probably had some romantic thoughts or wild fantasies.

Rena: H-H-H-Hau... K-K-Kyotaka, is that really what you think, huh? You really want it? You really want it?

Kyotaka: Well, if it's really what you wish... I don't mind going with just you and leaving Mion and Keiichi out of it. Is that bothersome in any way?

I was stunned by what he had just said, laughing and smiling like an idiot... This guy is both so naive and clever. It seems like he's doing it on purpose to tease Mion, which is really something... So, I decided to play along, thinking it might be fun to see Mion teased from time to time.

Rena: H-H-Hau... Just me and K-Kyotaka... Just the two of us... With a picnic and... N-Nothing else... Hau Hau Hau Hau! She seemed to hold her blushing cheeks while stumbling as she walked. She looked feverish, and Kyotaka was looking at her a bit, as if he was worried that it was really a fever... Would he really think that? No, even for him, that's far too dense.

Mion: Mion suddenly seemed a little perplexed as she was panting. Hey, no, seriously, are you kidding? Come on, it's me who suggested we show them around the village! Hey! Kyotaka Ayanokoji, I'm talking to you! And you, Keiichi Maebara, have nothing to say about this?

Keiichi: I gave a sly look and a smirk to Mion, who gave me a dirty look. Well, for my part, I don't mind at all! I wouldn't want to ruin my brother's date, after all! "Bros before hoes," you know what I mean? I can't say no to that, of course.

In the meantime, I noticed that Kyotaka and Rena were walking a little ahead, while Mion glared at me and marched toward them, clearly annoyed and somewhat bewildered, while Kyotaka and Rena ignored her completely. "Ehehehe! Well done, my brother, it's really fun to see her like that with her face scribbled on!"

Kyotaka: How about a little picnic, just the two of us? I can cook a bit, so I could prepare something, and in return, you could show me around the village.

Rena: Huh? I... Well, if you really want to, I... I'd be fine with that.

Mion: Hey, you two, I'm warning you, if you keep acting like I'm not here, I'll tell everyone that I saw you entering a Love Hotel in the m-


As she continued to elaborate on this strange threat, Rena reacted immediately, and it was like a lightning bolt as in an instant, I felt like something had hit me... Oh no, here we go again... And yet again, darn... Was it an elbow or a knee strike? Ugh... And why me too, I didn't do anything! It was Mion who started saying that, so why did she want to target the three of us...

In an instant, there I was sprawled out, a lump on my head, while Mion found herself in the same position. Only Kyotaka, hands in his pockets, a little further back, stood without a single bump, maintaining his calm composure. "Seriously, how did he manage to dodge Rena's supersonic strike? Is he not human? Or is he a master of evasion where Rena is a mistress of attack? Ugh... I don't get it anymore, and it hurts."

Rena: Well, I guess I'll head home and prepare something for tomorrow! See you, you three! I can't wait for tomorrow...

Rena left prancing and jumping like an astronaut on the moon.

Kyotaka approached me and extended his right hand, keeping the other in his pocket, which I grasped to pull myself up... He did the same, and silence settled between us as we continued walking in silence.

Keiichi: Uh... What just happened a few seconds ago, exactly? I was sure I was far enough away from you, and even Kyotaka... So, how is this possible?

Mion: Listen, my boy, since you got here, it's getting worse and worse... And with Kyo-chan too, it's going to get out of hand... I won't last much longer at this rate...

Kyotaka: I have to admit, she's surprisingly fast, and her strikes seem particularly powerful... Has she had martial arts training or something like that?

Mion: I have no idea about that, my boy... The only question I'm asking is how you managed to avoid that and come out of it without a scratch as if nothing happened? I'm sure she must have tried to hit you too, so how did you do it, Kyo-chan-sensei... I'd like to learn how to defend against that...

Keiichi: I totally agree with that, Aniki... How did you do that? Are you a master of evasion or something?

Kyotaka: Who knows? In fact, it might have just been a matter of lu-

Mion: Luck, yeah, I know! You would have said that for sure, wouldn't you, kid? Of course, when you're asked, it's always a matter of luck... She seemed to sigh, first looking at him with a hint of perplexity, and then her smile resurfaced. Pfff... Don't worry, no one can keep secrets from me! One day, I'll figure out your mystery, ehehehe!

That night, we swore to uncover Kyotaka's secret about his ability to dodge Rena's special strikes...

Hello, everyone! It's me again, Author-sama. I hope you enjoyed this chapter 1 of the story! Well, it's true that it was a bit long. I wanted to give it a bit of that "real Higurashi volume" feeling, but please let me know if you find it a bit too stretched or if some parts aren't really necessary! I'll take all constructive feedback into account, of course.

Anyway, I have a few points to address. Let's start from the beginning. I don't know if you've noticed, but compared to the original story, I made some modifications. For example, the fact that Keiichi is already a member of the club on the previous day, June 9 (which corresponds to the day the first chapter of Higurashi begins), whereas usually, he's invited to join the club in the third chapter, with the same game and challenge. I reworked these elements to add something to them, including Kyotaka, of course.

I'm not sure if all the characters' personalities are perfectly faithful, so please feel free to let me know if you find that they act a bit too differently at certain moments. I'm trying to keep them as close as possible, but it can be tricky at times. That being said, I don't have much more to add in the notes; I prefer to let you form your own opinion, actually, since I won't dwell on Kyotaka's thoughts more than necessary in writing. I think you understand!

Furthermore, not much happens in this chapter 1; it's more of an introduction to the characters... but if you know Higurashi well, you know that the serious stuff starts towards the "end" of chapter two, or rather the second half!

Moreover, I'd also like to mention some details about Rubiscarl without revealing too much, of course! Well, the witch who supposedly "trapped this person" in the Higurashi universe is indeed Lambdadelta, and that hasn't changed... In reality, Rubiscarl is a bit like an intruder who has added a new character from another world, specifically Kyotaka, just for fun. That's how witches work...

Finally, I wish you good luck and hope you enjoyed it! See you for chapter 2!

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