
Chapter 2: The Dead Escape

Marcus smirks at Samantha while Rei squats in front of her getting their attention.

Rei: "Hey, Samantha, I found something to bite." She offers a candy bar.

Samantha: "I'm good, than-" Her stomach growls while she blush.

Rei giggled.

"So, Proper. Yet, you're going to starved and we can't let that happened. Everyone needs their strength." Samantha eyes wander's to Marcus.

Marcus: "Hey, free food." He shrugs while Rei playfully rolls her eyes.

Samantha: "O-ok, thank you." She accepts her offer while Rei stands up with a smile.

Rei: "Don't mention it." She gazes at Marcus. "Can we speak?"

Marcus: "Uh, sure." He gets up from the couch while they head to the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry, about the other day." She bows her head.

"Uh, Uh?! For What?!" He panicked.

"I lashed out on you two, even when...you two trying to look after me." Marcus noticed Kakashi's gaze.

"O-ok! Can you, get up?!" Her eyes land on his, unbowing. "That's fine, it seems you two are close." She looks away. " I-I didn't mean-"

"I know what you mean...but can we talk about something else?" She looks up at him while Marcus nods in understanding. "That child..." Marcus and Rei glance at Kohta speaking with Samantha on the couch while she eats the candy bar that Rei gave her. "How did she get here? This school was locked down."

Marcus: "That I don't know. She just stumbled upon me."

Rei: "Stumbled? So, she missed the other students and Teacher's just to head on the roof?"

"Look, I don't know it confused me too, but you gonna have to ask her yourself."

"Ok..." Samantha gaze at the two and quickly looks away like them. "She looks up to you."

"Even when we just met, you can say we need each other." She blushed while Marcus looks back at Rei only for her to look away. "I'll protect her, no matter the cause." Rei noticed Marcus's newfound aura.

"I-I'll hold you up to that."

Kakashi: "Hey, I got something." He flicks the volume button while everyone gathered looking up at the TV.

New lady: "The government has begun to speak about the safety measures. They-" A gunshot pops. "To use disaster relief squad." The camera pans to two bodies rising in body bags only for the police officer to shoot them down. "They say to, stay in- " Her eyes widen, but before she can react a blue eyes zombie hurls itself on her. "AHAAA!!!" The camera shakes watching the New's lady been eating alive.

Suddenly the camera hits the ground while screams and gunshots were heard until static.

New lady 2: "Uhm, It seems we lost contact...We're going to explain this event in our studio. Outdoors are chaotic stay indoors only when necessary."

Kakashi: "DAMN IT!" His fist crashed against the desk. "Why stop now?"

Saya; "They're trying not to cause a panic, Idiot." Saya glares at the Kakashi.

Tank; "Wow, she sounds like Richtofen when someone says something stupid, but was right."

Edward; "Thanks for the feedback, and no one cares, Arschloch." Edward looks ahead as Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai snickers.

Saya; "First, when their panic, their chaos, when chaos cause disrupts, you matter well hand it to the walking corpses."

Marcus; "But, How did it start?.... We probably carry the virus within our pathogens. So that means if we died by the undead or by some natural and unnatural cause will turn before we know it." He said, not realizing that came out of his mouth. Everyone in the room stares in shock, but The Experts, Eddie, and Samantha.

Takeo; "That's Richtofen's knowledge, so we combine into this boy soul."

Nikolai; "I hope he drinks too."

Saya; "You're smarter than you look. Yes, we all carrying it means we are all infected." The survivors were baffled.

Kakashi; "Ok, that was shocking, but that doesn't tell us how their eyes glow and them coming back."

Shizuka; "Maybe, it's high neutrons?" She shrugs.

Marcus; "Nein, that theory is unsolved, but their color differently with different behaviors if we come across them. We might discover types more deadly than a walker." Marcus snaps out of it and looks at the survivors.

Kohta; "Dude are you, ok? You went full German on us."

Saeko; "You said, something about types? I haven't come across one."

Saya; "If it is or not. Don't jinx it."

Kakashi; "We'll watch our backs, Any suggest's on getting out?"

Shizuka: "There's a bus out front. I remembered."

Saeko: "Then that's our goal."

Kakashi flicks his bat.

Saeko prepared her wooden sword.

Kohta aims his makeshift nail gun.

Rei twirls her broomstick.

Shizuka grabs her bag.

Saya fixes her glasses.

Samantha stretches while Marcus grabs something from the table.

Rei: "A pen?" She raised a brow.

Saya: "Who hell you trying to be? An assassin?" Marcus clicks the pen and glances at the others.

Marcus: "Everything is a weapon that's just common sense." Seako smirks.

"Whatever, what's the hold-up?" She rolls her eyes.

Kakashi: "Follow me." Everyone walks out of the room as Shizuka grabs a key to something.

Walking down the hall Shizuka walks by Marcus as Samantha walks to his right.

Shizuka; "You know, German?" Marcus looks to Shizuka.

Marcus; "Just, a little."

Shizuka; "Oh? Was sage ich jetzt? (Oh? What am I saying now?)"

Marcus; "Etwas, das ich nicht wiederholen kann.(Something, I can't repeat.)" Shizuka smirks as Edward sighs behind them while they talk in that language.

Tank; "He seems to use you to score women, nice!!!~~~" Tank nods in approval.

Takeo; "That's dishonorable." He frowns.

Edward; "Ya."

Nikolai; "AWWW, come, guys, let the kid have fun. It won't last, forever, you know." He smirks while wrapping his arms around Edward and Takeo.

Edward & Takeo; "....Fine."

Rei; "If you guys can quiet it down, you don't want to attract them." Rei looks back to Three falling behind.

Shizuka and Marcus; "Sorry."

???; "AAAAAAAAH, SOMEONE HELP!!!" The survivor's sprint to the voice that came to the side exit that leads to a stairway with five students.

Two students were protecting the others with a bat, and another a metal rack, Kohta shoots the approaching walkers with a nail gun, Kakashi hit one, Rei stabs one and kicks it down the stairs. The students looks up to the group.

Rei; "Are you bit?" Rei and the other's join them.

Female student one; "Thank you. No!"

"Keep it down." She looks down another flight of stairs to see a hall of zombies near the entrance/exit to the school.

The others followed, and peek down on the hall of walkers in front of the last staircase while the Experts and Eddie winced.

Nikolai; "Judging by the additional bodies, you're going to die...Welp, It's nice to know your kid." Nikolai turns to leave, but Richtofen grabs his vest.

The survivors and Kakashi group debates while Marcus stays silent with his focus on the zombies.

Samantha; "You're going down there are you?" She whispers, clutching her teddy bear as everyone looks at the two.

Marcus; "I can try to distract them as you all make a break for it." He whispers, but Shizuka grabs his forearm with a strong grip.

Shizuka; "Don't, that's suicide."

Saya; "They're blind so we can test this at full capacity. And for your dumb bravery, you will be in vain."

The Expert's and Eddie; "Ouch."

Marcus; "Ok, wish me luck." Kakashi grabs his arm and nods as Marcus nods back.

Saeko: "We'll have you're back if it goes south." Marcus walks to the center of walkers as they wander around without noticing him.

YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! HGGGAAAAAAAAAH!!!! A zombie-like shout echo by the entrance.

A zombie sprints towards Marcus, bumping into other zombies while he stood his ground. Kohta points his nail gun, but Marcus throws his hand toward him, stopping him.

Time slows down while the sprinter runs right past him: oblivious of his presents. It stops in front of the staircase snaring and whipping: her head side to side pouring blood from her mouth, furiously. She slowly climbs the stairs toward the group, scaring the piss out of everyone.


The sprinter whips its head back to the sound.

A shoe hits a locker. The Sprinter growls as blood flows out between her teeth.

She hops off the staircase and toward the locker with a furious growl, alerting every walker within the hall. The sprinter hits the locker, rapidly banging against it with its forearms.

Sprinter: "HHAAAAAAAA!!!" The walkers wander towards the sound of the sprinter rage as they combine on a locker trapping the sprinter. Leaving the hall free to wander.

Marcus waves to them to follow as he slowly opens the exit without making a sound. Everyone sneaks from the stairs through the exit, but someone made a mistake.

A survivor steps down the steps, but his rack hits the railing, echoing the quiet halls and into the crowd of walkers and the sprinter's ears.

Walker/Sprinter: "Aaaaah!/HAAAAAAAAH!!!"

Kakashi; "COME ON!!!" He shouted and everyone sprints through the exit, but a student was spear tackle by the sprinter that somehow got out of the group.

She brutally rips him apart as the others follow: enjoying the feast.

The boy reaches for Marcus that was holding the door.

Towel Boy; "H-HELP!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!" Blood spills from his blood-curling mouth. Marcus froze while Rei came back, dragging him from the door as something, escapes his mouth.

Rei: "There's nothing you can do!"

Marcus; "I'M SORRY!!!" He, Samantha, the students, and the Survivors run through the hordes of undead, killing anything that got in their way.

Kohta and Saya were caught in a jam.

Kohta; "Takagi, I'll make a pathway, we'll go on my call." Kohta shoots left and right scoring headshot after headshot.

Saya; "Shut it, you don't tell me what to do!!!"

Marcus: "AAAAAAAAGH!!!" Marcus appears shoulder tackling four Walkers to the side: clearing a pathway toward the group with Samantha, beside him keeping a lookout.

"Come on!!" Saya blushes.

Saya; "SHUT UP!!! YOU DON'T---"

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GET MOVING!!!" Marcus shouts, scaring the three, but Saya listens without a word.

Samantha: "On you're right!" Marcus stabs a zombie in its eye with the pen he has and followed.

They sprint through the pathway and toward the group that's getting on the bus. They got on and hears a voice calling from behind.

??? "Hey, wait for us!!!"A group of students and a teacher ran for the bus. Marcus and Rei glared.

Marcus; "Stomp the pedal." He said with venom. Shizuka looks to Marcus in shock.

Kakashi; "We can't leave them!"

Rei: "He's gonna bring death to us all!!" Kakashi and Saeko stay by the bus keeping the walkers from coming near while the teacher and students got aboard as Kakashi shouts.

Kakashi; "Step on it!!!" Shizuka floors it, as the bus hits every blue eye zombie until a familiar zombie, appears to be in front of them. Marcus growls.

Marcus; "Ram it!!!"

Shizuka; "It will flip--"

" DO IT!!!" He shouts and Shizuki follows.

The sprinter stood its ground, but sprints toward the bus with a war cry.

Sprinter: "HAAAAAA!!!"

Teen; "THAT THING CRAZY!!!" Marcus backs up and grunts.

The Sprinter leaps on the Massive windshield, Furiously yelling at the band of Survivors. She begins bashing her head on the glass slowly revealing cracks.

Kakashi: "Shizuka!" He shouts.

Shizuka: "I'm trying!" Blood pours on the window.

Marcus: "HEY!!!" The sprinter looks to the roof: her head full of glass Marcus stumbles around on the roof of the Bus but kept his balance. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Marcus shouts while the sprinter smiles menacingly.

Saeko: "How did he get on the roof?" She watches the zombie while Shizuka is seemed petrified, yet she focus on the yard of zombies.

Student: "He climbed through the hatch." He points to the open hatch on the roof. Saya looks back, baffled.

Saya: "And, You dumbasses, let him?!!"

Marcus: "Come have me bitch!" He clicks his pen.

It climbs on the roof, and tackles him onto the bus roof trying to rip his throat out as Marcus screams holding her back. UGH!!! He repeatedly stabs her neck trying to aim for her head only for it to be missed, guided.

Samantha; "SOMEONE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!" She shouts looking up at the open roof hatch.

Shizuka; "There's a gate!" Shizuki shouts while pushing more on the gas.

Kohta; "HOLD ON MARCUS!!!" He shouts.

Marcus stabs the sprinter in the eye.

Marcus: "UGH!!!" He tries to pull the pen, but it was a jam into her skull.

Marcus pushes her off him and the bus while The bus clash against the gate.

Marcus rolls to the side grabbing the bar at the last minute and hits the glass window near Saya. The bus rocks as Marcus tries to keep his grip.

Marcus; "Ugh! AH!!" Marcus slips and the world slows down. Everyone in the bus stares in horror.

Suddenly someone grabs his hand as the bus settles down. Marcus looks up hanging on the side of the bus.

???; "Have you heard of someone calling you ' Idiot.' It was Tagaki." Saeko was smiling down at him while Marcus laughs his ass off.

Marcus; "I'm glad to see you!!" He was pulled up. "Thanks!"

Saeko: "Don't mention it, but I think you should prepare what's about to happen." Marcus sighs and nods. They drop into the bus.

Samatha got out from her seat and approach him.

"Look, I know...it was-UMP!!" She strikes Marcus's crotch as he drops to his knees while every boy wince.


Shizuki: "Language, sweetie." She looks back in the counter of her eye.

Takeo; "Your sister has a foul mouth." He looks to Edward leaning on a seat where teen two watching the commotion.

Eddie; "Sam tends to show that side when she has a hold on someone." Eddie and Edward sigh.

Marcus; "O-ok, I get it..." He holds his bits, feeling as if his nuts were in his stomach. Saeko and Kakashi aids him.

Samantha; "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!!" Tears roll down, surprising everyone, even the Experts, and Eddie. "You the only thing I have left." Marcus, penguin walks to Samantha on his knees and hugs her.

Marcus; "SSSSSSH, it's ok. I'm sorry." She begins to sob into his shoulder. Marcus looks to his group of Survivors. "Sorry for taking out my anger at all of you."

Kohta smiles reassuringly

Kohta; "It's ok. I knew you didn't mean it."

Saya; "I'm surprised you even alive, you built up so much rage, you recklessly fought them without a scratch. That is not praising you." She said staring out at the window.

Kakashi punches Marcus.

Kakashi; "That was reckless, don't do it again, and that was from Ms.Shizuka." Kakashi gives a blank stare as Marcus tests his jaw and he nods.

Someone began clapping.

???; "Excellent work, that was the art of teamwork, you all displayed." Marcus and Rei glare.

"Yeah...you are? He looks at him puzzled.

Mr.Shido; "I am Mr. Shido. I like to ask, who's the leader of this wonderful group?"

Kakashi; "No, we can survive alone, just by teamwork."

Mr.Shido shakes his head.

Mr.Shido; "You can't do that, you'll get yourselves killed...If you don't have one I could---" Marcus grabs his suit, slams his back against the bus window.

Teen 3: "Hey! Knock it off!!!" He grabs Marcus's shoulder, but a screw glare into his eyes. Sweat rolls from his chin while Rei kept silent.

Kakashi: "Marcus!"

Marcus; "Keeping talking, and see where it gets you, pal." He glared while Mr.Shino looks back sweating.

Saeko; "I think he had enough, we'll take care of the rest." Saeko blankly stares at Marcus that hesitantly lets go while Samantha grabs his hand.

Samantha; "You need some sleep."

Posse student 1; "Is he her brother? How did she get here?"

Marcus; "That's none of your business." Samantha leads Marcus to a seat on the third row to the right of the bus in front of Saya and Kohta.

Marcus leans his head back taking a breath while Samantha places her head on his shoulder, sleeping soundlessly while Marcus, Eddie, and The Experts smile.

Tank; "You're great, kid."

Takeo; "You have a spirit of a warrior, but to stay strong rest is needed."

Richtofen nods.

Nikolai; "Cheers to you, kid! Well if you excuse me." Nikolai passes out while Tank, Eddie, and Marcus smirk.

Marcus nods and falls asleep while Shizuka noticed in the corner of her eye, but lets it go.


Finally, Marcus wakes up to Rei shaking him awake.

Rei; "Let's blow this joint."

Marcus; "Why? What's going on?"

Rei; "Him." She said coldly while he peeks from his chair without waking up Samantha.

It was Mr. Shido inspiring his Posse, but a black hair girl was sleeping with her head against the window. Marcus glares.

Marcus; "Yeah, O-." He looks to Samantha. I'm...sorry.

Rei smiles reassuringly.

Rei; "It's ok. Take care of her." He nods while she hops out of the bus.

Kakashi; "H-Hey, Rei!" He follows after while Marcus watches their argument through the window.

Shizuka: "Haaa.~" She leans on the steering wheel watching as well.

Saeko: "Hey, I think you should floor it." This gains the attention of anyone, who's awake.

A firey Express Bus came roaring their way, Shizuka put the shift on reverse, dodging the bus, waking up any sleepy heads from the drawn back. Kakashi and Rei dive into the tunnel nearby as the firey Bus blocks their way out and forces them to split.

Kakashi; "Meet us at a Police station north from here and across the bridge at 6:00 pm sharp." They run through the tunnel while Saeko and Shizuka sigh.

Saeko; "You heard the boy."

Shizuka; "I know." She groans and turns away from the crash site and drives down the road.

Saeko walks down the aisle and sees Marcus smiling with a nod as she gave one her self and sits beside him on the left side of the bus.

Marcus; "A thanks is sparking from my soul and ancestors. And clearly, my life is a debt to repay for your honorable feat to save a comrade during a battle between the undead and living."

Saeko giggles as Marcus snaps out of it.

Saeko; "Just because I do Kendo class doesn't mean we all speak like a Samurai. You got the honor and perception correct, and nice voice impression." She giggled as The Experts minus Takeo and Eddie laughs their heads off.

Takeo; "Do I sound like that?" Takeo questioned himself.

Tank; "YOU WILL BE SURPRISED OF WHAT YOU SAY DURING BATTLE. 'You touch me and my blade, your head will be as payment' " Tanks laughs harder as the others follow. Takeo signs.

Saeko; "So, how did you and that girl, intercept, during all of this?" She points to sleeping, Samantha. "Telling by her pajamas and the teddy bear she came from the city."

Marcus; "You're right, She just bumped into me on the roof. I don't know how she snuck past the gate and security."

"What we're you doing up there?" Marcus looks away. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me."

"Thanks." He lightly smirks at Saeko while she does the same.

???: "Sorry for barging in..." They turn to a black hair girl standing in between the aisle approaching the two. "Are you her brother?" Marcus thinks for a bit. "Oh...uh, it's fine-"

Marcus: "No, It's ok. Uh, I'm none of those. I'm just trying to protect her."

Noami: "That's nice of you." She jolts. "I'm sorry, it's Naomi..." She held her mouth while her tears bottle up. "I'm so sorry!" She rushes to the back.

"What's wrong with her?" Marcus questioned looking at Saeko.

Saya: "That guy." Saeko turns to Kohta sleeping while Saya sitting close to the window behind sleeping, Samantha. "The one you couldn't save. Rei, and the debate has happened while you're knucklehead slept. You should've kept that mouth shut."

Marcus clenches his fist while Saeko noticed.

Saeko; "That's the harsh truth, in reality. There are some situations, you can save someone, but others you can't not."

Edward; "Ok, I'm convinced Takeo and Saeko are a reincarnation of him."

Takeo: "What make you state a claim like such?"

Tank and Nikolai lean on the chair in front of her staring at every detail.

Tank & Nikolai; "You right, if she has the blood lust that's him."

Eddie; "Ok, if that the reincarnation of Takeo then, there must be three others out there or dead."

Marcus's eye twitches as he quickly glances at Takeo and Saeko.

Saeko; "Checking me out, already?" Saeko smirks.

Marcus blushes glancing through the window seeing the night sky and the abandoned streets of japan while she giggled looking away.

She set her wooden Katana beside her, crossing her arms. Marcus watches her eyes shut while he looks back out the window.

The bus continues to shine the dark parts of the street litter with bodies that haven't turned. The full moon shines on the street showing them the path to take.