
High School DXD: Rise of the Devilish Dragon and Pokémon God

what if issei had a brother , a brother with a sacred gear just like his brother however unlike his brother his is the true power of which is completely unknown to everyone. So what issei and his brother accomplish. slight Pokémon crossover just for the sacred gear.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

chapter 12

Chapter: 12


Teleporting out of the gymnasium onto the roof and looking to my left I saw Akeno.


"Whenever you're ready."

"Wonderful, Electric Terrain."

A massive field of yellow energy covered most of the school stopping just shy of the old school building.

"I can leave this to you now yes?"

"Of course."

"Then I'll be taking my leave."

Now let's go have some fun.


Teleporting back into the club room in front of Rias scaring her a bit I stated.

"I'm done on my end I'm gonna have some fun until it's time for our plan."

"Right, do you have any targets in mind?"

"Nah I'm just gonna wipe out as many as possible until it's time."

"Right see you soon then."

"Yeah peace, Teleport."

Teleporting on the roof of the old school building I spread out my senses looking for members of Riaser's peerage. Sensing a group of three moving through the forest trying to sneak around I teleported there. Appearing on a branch above them I made my presence known.

"You are aware that's not a smart idea right?"

The group of three looked up to where I was in surprise not expecting someone to find them brushing off the confusion the three prepared for a fight.

"You must be awfully cocky if you think you can beat all of us just because you defeated Mira ten days ago," Marion said 

"Cocky? no that sounds like too much work."

"Matters not you're not stopping us," Shuriya said

"Is that so then what are you waiting for? come get me."

"We're gonna make you eat those words," Bülent said

"Then let's begin."

Vanishing from the tree branch in a burst of speed reappeared in front of Marion and grabbed her face and slammed her head into the ground shattering the ground below us knocking her out instantly.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's [Pawn] retires.]

"Marion!" Bülent and Shuriya shouted in surprise.

"One down two to go."

"Damn you!"

Shuriya shouted as she created a ball of demonic energy that she fired at me using teleport I teleported in front of her and punched her in the stomach sending her into a tree and knocking her out as well.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's [Pawn] retires.]

"And then there was one."

"Shuriya!" Bülent shouted

Turning to look at her with the intent of wrapping the fight up, my attention was drawn to the sound of a massive explosion in the distance.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's three [Pawns] and one [Rook] retires!]

'Hmm, that's in the direction of the gym. It seems like Akeno had already started well. It's time I wrap this up as well.'

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming through the earpiece.

"Hakura can you hear me?" 

"Yes, Rias I can."

 "You can take down trick room now."


Snapping I disabled Trick Room and then turned my attention back to Bülent.

"Well unfortunately I'm going to need to cut this even shorter than this already was but I'm ending this now."

"This isn't over."

"But it is, Thunder Bolt."

Activating my sacred gear in lighting-type mode and unleashing a bolt at her, Bülent tried to dodge, but the bolt struck her directly, sending her crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's [Pawn] retires.]

"Alright, that's that, Teleport."

Teleporting back over to the gymnasium I appeared next to Issei and Koneko who were staring at the crater that was the gymnasium.

"Sheesh, I knew Akeno-senpai was going to be boosted by the electric terrain but sometimes I forget how strong she is already."

Issei and Koneko nodded in response.

"Alright, we should head off now."


Koneko moved off first. I was planning to meet back up with Kiba but as soon as she got a few feet from us I sensed something was off. 

"Ally switch."

Switch places with Koneko then Activate protect and it was a good thing I did second protect went up a massive explosion erupted from below me.


I heard Issei and Koneko shout in surprise.

"I'm fine!"

I shouted back to them from the smoke. Disabling protect I walked out the smoke revealing that I was unharmed. Looking up it didn't take me long to find who did it. Hovering not too far away from the destroyed was Riser's queen, Yubelluna who had a look of annoyance after she realized she didn't take down anyone. Looking at her with narrowed eyes before I looked over to Akeno."



"You can handle this yes?"

"Ara ara, but of course."

"Good, I'll leave it to you then."

"Let's go you two."

"Right!" Koneko and Issei shouted in unison.

We ran off toward the sports court planning to meet up with Kiba. On the way to the sports court, I started looking for the rest of Riser's peerage I stopped when I found someone else Koneko and Issei stopping as well with a look of confusion on their face.

"Why are we stopping?" Issei asked.

"We found who we were looking for, isn't that right Kiba?" I said looking in behind the storage shed.

Behind said storage shed was none other than Kiba. Kiba with his signature refreshing smile ushered us over to him which we did.

"So Kiba, what's the defense here looking like?"

"The enemies who are in charge here are one [Knight], one [Rook], and one [Bishop]. Three pieces in total."

"...That's a severe defense," Issei said

"It's to be expected tho we did destroy the gym which was an important area," I said

"...They will put more strength here," Koneko said


Then we hear the loud voice of a brave woman.

"I'm the [Knight] of Raiser Phoenix-sama, Carlamaine! I've become bored of trying to sniff through each other's strategy! Rias Gremory's [Knight]! I challenge you to a duel!"

At the baseball court. There is a woman cladded in armor who is standing at the center of it daringly.

"Well that's not smart is it," I said with a raised eyebrow.


Fu. Kiba who is standing next to me laughs.

"Since she introduced herself, I can't hide myself both as a [Knight] and as a swordsman."

After he mutters that out, he leaves from behind the storage room.

He then walks straight to the baseball court.

"That idiot," Issei said

"I would have to agree with that statement."


"Maybe, oh well let's follow him," I said following Kiba

Nodding Issei and Koneko followed after me. Walking out from behind the storage shed with my hands resting behind my head

"I'm the [Knight] of Rias Gremory, Kiba Yuuto."

"I'm the [Pawn], Hyoudou Issei!"

"Hold up are really doing this?"

"....No it's dumb."

"I'm happy that there are warriors like you in Rias Gremory's group. Coming out here directly from the front. That's something people with normal sanity won't do."

Carlamaine draws her sword out from the sheath. Kiba also gets ready to draw his sword out.

"The match between [Knights]. I have been waiting for this. Personally, I would like to fight in an intense sword fight."

Kiba's aggressive words. Oh my, Kiba is making a really lively smile!

"Well said! Rias Gremory's [Knight]!"

Carlamaine starts to slash as if she is dancing.


The swords hit each other making sparks! They both have good speed because they are [Knights]!

"Well their speed is good I won't deny."


"You seem bored."


When we looked in the direction where the voice came from, a woman was wearing a mask that just covered half of her face.

I'm certain this woman is a [Rook].

Then another person came while complaining.

"Geez, this only seems like a mud fight since both of them only think about swords, swords, and swords. Carlamaine was making a bitter face when the [Pawns] were being sacrificed, so does she hate the battle strategy planned by her Master who happens to be her [King]? Furthermore, when I thought I found a cute boy, he also happens to be a sword freak so I can't stand this."

There is also a beautiful girl who is wearing a dress like the ones worn by Wester princesses. I think she is Raiser's [Bishop]. She has a drill-shaped hairstyle on both sides. She seems like a real princess.

'Huh, is it me or does she look like Riser.'

The [Bishop] princess looks at Issei with weird eyes. 

"Hmm. So this boy is the [Pawn] that Rias Gremory adores? Does that person have bad taste in looking at gentleman?"

'Heh even in a fight Issei is still catching strays as it should be.'

"But I must say you're quite cute as well," she said looking at me.

Raising an eyebrow at the sudden compliment not missing the frown that appears on Koneko's face.

"While I thank you for the compliment on my looks I'm certain you are aware that this is not the time or place for that."

"Very well then."

Issei took a stance activating his sacred gear and Koneko slipped into her stance as well.

"Boosted Gear standby!"


"I'm not going to be your opponent. Isabella, why don't you be their opponent?"

The masked woman who is called Isabella nods obediently. The girl wearing a dress moves away from us after she gets a confirmation from Isabella, and is looking at us from a distance.

"Issei, Koneko you two deal with this."



"I was planning to in the first place. Now then, let's fight since we are both bored." Isabella stated

"Ah, yeah. That's okay, but isn't that [Bishop] going to fight? Issei asked

Hearing that question, Isabella-san the masked woman, put her hand on her forehead and made a troubled face.

"Ah, don't worry about her. That girl is special. She will be mostly observing for this fight as well."

"W-What the hell is that!?"

"She is—. No, that person is Ravel Phoenix. Raiser-sama's little sister. She became Raiser-sama's servant by using a special method, but she is Raiser-sama's actual sister."

Oh, so I was correct then.

"According to Raiser-sama, "Having your sister in your harem has a significant meaning. Do you know the significant view of having your close relatives? Do you know how there are people who look up to you and also get jealous about it? Well, I'm not into little sisters, so I have her in my group as fashion."

….Excuse me come again. I suddenly feel the urge to kill a phenex rules be damn.

"Now, here I come!"

Noting that my presence was no longer needed I stepped back from the fight to observe both Kiba's and Koneko and Issei's fights. Koneko and Issei's fight is going relatively smoothly Issei and Koneko are covering each other's blind spots quite well and not allowing Isabella a chance to catch her footing thus not allowing her to dish out proper attacks of her own. Kiba who was still in the middle of a sword clash with Riser's [knight] I will admit she is good but I don't believe she's on the level of Kiba especially thanks to the sword dance boost I gave him and I was proven right when I saw Kiba overpowering her.


Just as Kiba seemed to gain the upper hand, I heard the sound of wind and Kiba's dark sword dispersing.

She dispelled the holy eraser not bad.

"Unfortunately, your Sacred Gear won't work on me," Carlamaine said

Carlamaine's sword is covered in flames. A flame sword? So the darkness sword got beaten by that huh?

But Kiba doesn't seem bothered by it and instead makes a smirk.

"Then I will also tell you this. Unfortunately, this isn't everything of my Sacred Gear."

"What? Nonsense. [Knight] of Gremory, it's unsightly for a swordsman to..."


After Kiba says that with a small voice, something is gathering in the blade-less sword.

Huh? It feels like it has gotten cold... Chills start to gather around here.

As expected though I must say this Kiba's sacred gear is way too convenient.

When I was feeling something like that, Kiba's sword started to freeze. The ice starts to pile up and it takes the shape of a sword.


At the same time with the sound of ice breaking, Kiba's sword forms into a blade of ice.

"In front of this sword, "Flame Delete", all types of fire will disappear."

Everyone but me, Kiba, and Koneko had a shocked expression.

"Not very original with your names are you?" I said looking at Kiba and he smiled at me.

"A-Absurd! Are you telling me that you have two Sacred Gears!?"

Carlamaine swings her flame sword to the side! She has an impatient look.


The instant Carlamaine's sword touches Kiba's sword, the flame sword starts to freeze and turn into a solid. Then—.

It makes a sound and breaks. Then it disappears.

But she doesn't stop attacking. As soon as she throws away her sword, she takes a short sword from her hip. She then puts her sword up and shouts.

"We are the members of the all-mighty House of Phoenix that rule over fire and wind! Taste it! The whirlwind of fire!"


There is a wind of fire around the baseball court with Carlamaine and Kiba in the middle of it. The hot wind is burning my skin.

"That Carlamaine. Has she forgotten that her allies are here as well!?"

Isabella comments while using her arm to guard her face.

Kiba's ice sword starts to melt after receiving the wind of fire. Even so, Kiba still doesn't seem to be bothered.

"I see, you are trying to burn us with the whirlwind of fire... But."

Kiba put his blade-less sword in front of him. He then says it with a strong voice.



The wind is getting sucked into Kiba's sword while making a large noise. The wind stops within a few seconds, and the baseball ground becomes silent.

"Replenish Calm". It's been a while since I last showed more than two demonic swords for one battle."

"...Multiple Sacred Gears. Are you a Sacred Gear possessor who takes the weapons of other Sacred Gear users and makes them their own?"

Kiba shakes his head at Carlamaine's question.

"I don't have multiple Sacred Gears. I also don't take the Sacred Gears of others and make them my own. I created it."


"Yes. "Sword Birth". I can make any type of demonic sword. That is the name of my Sacred Gear and its true ability."

Multiple swords appear from the ground when he puts his hand downwards! There are swords with different shapes. Even the blades are different! From Kiba's words, all of them must be demonic swords!

Not bad not bad at all.

Turning my attention back to Issei and Koneko's fight Koneko is currently stalling for Issei to get his boost up.


Oh, it seems like he's done now.

"Boosted Gear! Explode!"


Conjuring a large amount of demonic energy in the form of a ball in the palm of his hand.

"Koneko move!"

Koneko hearing Issei's warning jumped out of the way just before Issei released his attack.


A mass of demonic power gets released from Issei's hands.


Issei got pushed back because of its power. Issei continues to look at his attack even though he got himself pushed back! 

The attack itself was huge it was about five times the size of Issei's height. And that is heading towards Isabella fast.

"Isabella! Don't take it! Dodge!"

Raiser's [Knight], Carlamaine shouts. Isabella tried to dodge the attack but I wasn't going to stand by and let that happen I activated my sacred gear in psychic-type mode and used "Psyhic" to hold her in place and she was hit head-on by the attack.


A big shock wave spread throughout the area. When it calms down, Isabella who is on the ground starts to get covered with light. She starts to fade away and disappear from this place.


The effect of Boosted Gear runs out. Then—.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's [Rook] retires.]

I heard the announcement of Grayfia-san.

"Hell yeaaaaaah!!"

Issei shouted with joy because he defeated a [Rook].

He fist-bumped into Koneko

"Nice job you two," I said disabling my sacred gear.

Part 2

Raiser's [Knight], Carlamaine, smirks after losing Isabella.

"Both Isabella and I have been taking that [Pawn] and the Boosted Gear lightly. Just like I thought, I shouldn't take him as an ordinary [Pawn]."

"But a demonic sword wielder...what fortune. I may have a destiny of meeting swordsmen who wield special swords."

Kiba seems quite interested after hearing that.

"Hmm, so there is someone besides me who uses demonic swords?"

"No, it wasn't a demonic sword. It was a holy sword."


Everyone here realizes how Kiba's expression changes after hearing that.

Instantly there is a load of killing intent coming out from Kiba.

Kiba asks with a low voice while having cold eyes.

"Tell me about that holy sword wielder."

Holy swords huh? Is this the reason Rias told me not to mention what I'm doing to Tsuki Mizunoken? 

"Hmm, seems like that swordsman has some connection to you. But since we are swordsmen, talking would be rude. I will answer you with my sword!"

"...Is that right? ...If your mouth can move, then it won't be a problem even if you turn into a state where you are on the verge of death."

Yep, his pissed.

I was planning to intervene when I sensed the presence of people approaching.

"So it's here."

"Huh? Where's Isabella-nee-san?"

"Don't tell me she was defeated?"

Lots of Raiser's servant girls start to gather.

I remember their faces. There are two [Pawns], one [Bishop], and one [Knight] here.

"Hey, the [Pawn]-kun over there."

Raiser's girl calls Issei. What is it?

"Raiser-sama said he's going to fight your princess one-on-one. See there."

The girl points very high at the sky. When I look in that direction, there is a shadow with fire wings and a shadow with black wings above the rooftop of the new school building.

No matter how I look at it, the person with black wings has crimson hair it's Rias.

So she has joined the battlefield.

Issei suddenly got a call from the transceiver from Asia.

"Asia! What happened? Is it about Buchou?"

I couldn't hear what she was saying but by look on Issei's indicates he was confused

Riser's sister noticing Issei's confusion comes to talk to him with a slim grin.

"Seems like Onii-sama made a challenge since Rias-sama was doing well in the battle unexpectedly. It would have been our win if we fought normally, so he gave her pity. At this rate, she will be defeated before you fight him."

His sister starts laughing by putting her hand on her mouth where the sound of her laughter goes as "Hohoho".

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," I stated

"Buchou is strong! Akeno-san will also come here as soon as she defeats the [Queen]! Kiba will also defeat all of the servants here with his demonic swords combo! I will also use my Boosted Gear and..." Issei said but he was cut off.

"The "Crimson-hair Ruin-princess", "Priestess of Lightning", "Sword Birth", and "Boosted Gear". Just hearing the names gives me chills. But your opponent is the "immortal bird". No matter what kind of power you have, it means nothing against the immortal bird."

"As I said I wouldn't be so certain there are ways to deal with you," I said

"Why is it!?"

"That's because there was no chance for Rias-sama to win from the beginning. That's how much despair the thing "immortal" is to you."

Raiser's sister makes a click with her fingers.

The servant Devils surround me, Issei and Koneko.

"Carlamaine. I will leave that [Knight] boy to you, but if you lose we won't fight in one-on-one. We will defeat him together. Or are you trying to lower the name of Phoenix?"

Carlamaine agrees to Raiser's sister's words reluctantly.

"That won't be a problem anyway," I said

Placing my hands on Koneko and Issei's shoulder I used teleport and teleported them away from me.

"Oh, you believe you can take all of us at the same time by yourself?" Sieris said 

I said nothing as I activated my sacred gear in ice-type mode. Seeing me activate my sacred gear they rushed at me trying to stop what I was planning.

"You're much too slow, Sheer Cold."

Chapter: 12 end