
High School DXD: Rise of the Devilish Dragon and Pokémon God

what if issei had a brother , a brother with a sacred gear just like his brother however unlike his brother his is the true power of which is completely unknown to everyone. So what issei and his brother accomplish. slight Pokémon crossover just for the sacred gear.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

chapter 11

Chapter: 11

On the day of the decisive battle.

I check if I have everything ready in my room silently. It's 10 p.m., and the decisive battle is scheduled to start in two hours, at 12. Today, our job as a Devil is off, so we went home straight after school. Meeting up in the club room 30 minutes before the match, I can only stay here for about 90 minutes, but I feel the most relaxed here in my room.

Sighing, I silently clean Tsuki Mizunoken, imbuing it with fairy-type energy. Wearing my uniform and black and red coat because Rias asked, I oblige.

Around 11.40 pm, the other club members and I gather in the old school building, waiting in our most relaxing positions. Everyone, except Asia, wears their uniform. Kiba is equipped with a gauntlet on his hands and armor on his lower leg, swords against the wall. Koneko-chan sits on a chair reading a book, wearing gloves. Akeno-san and Buchou drink green tea elegantly. Asia and Issei sit quietly.

Ten minutes before the match, the magic circle glows, and Grayfia-san appears.

"Is everyone ready? It's ten minutes before the match," Grayfia-san says. Everyone stands up, and I lean off the wall. Grayfia-san then explains the battle.

"When it's time to start the battle, you will be teleported to the battlefield through this magic circle. The location is in a different dimension used for battles. You may fight with all your power. It's a disposable space, so feel free to fight to your satisfaction."

"A battle-purpose field, huh? Devils can prepare something like that," I think to myself.

"Hey, Buchou?" Issei calls out to Rias.

"What is it?"

"Buchou, you also have another [Bishop], right? Where is that person?"

Unfortunately, the other [Bishop] can't participate, Rias explains. "Though there will be a time when I will talk about that in the near future."

The Maou will be watching the Rating Game. "Onii-sama is also going to view this battle," Grayfia-san mentions.

"Buchou's brother is indeed the Maou-sama," Kiba confirms.

"Maoooooou!!? Buchou's Onii-sama is Maou-sama!?"

"Yes," Rias confirms.

"Buchou's family name is different from the names of Maou-samas', right?" Kiba explains. "In the previous Great War, the Maou-samas were in a critical condition and passed away a long time ago. But there would be no Devils if there weren't any Maou-Samas. So the current Four Great Maous are the Ultimate-class Devils that are the successors of the first-generation Maous that have inherited their names."

"Buchou's brother was chosen to be a Maou from the Ultimate-class Devils," Kiba answers Issei's question. "Sirzechs Lucifer—who is also known as the 'Crimson Satan.' He is Buchou's brother and the most powerful Maou-sama."

After Grayfia-san gets us back on track, we head to the magic circle. "Once you get transported, you cannot use the magic circle until the game ends," Grayfia-san warns.

The teleportation begins, and when I open my eyes, we are still in the clubroom. Looking around, I notice the sky is white, indicating the dimension used for battle.

"Hello, everyone. I am Grayfia, a maid from the House of Gremory," her voice echoes through a transceiver. "Today I will be the arbiter of the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix."

The battle begins, and the school bell rings. Our first "Rating Game" starts.

"First, we have to take down Raiser's [Pawns]. It will be troublesome if they all promote into [Queen]," Buchou says calmly.

Akeno-san hands out earphone-type transceivers and Buchou explains how we will use them to communicate.

"Now it's time for the commencement of the battle. This match will continue till dawn in the human time. So, the game starts now," Grayfia-san announces.

The school bell rings, signaling the start of the match.

"Alright, everyone, let's focus. We need to strategize and work together to win this," Buchou commands. "Yuuto and Koneko, you two set a trap in the forest. Take another map with you and make sure you mark the places where you set the trap in. I will make a copy afterward and hand it to everyone."

"Yes," Kiba and Koneko respond.

"May I have an opportunity to speak?" I interject.

"Yes, you may," Rias allows.

"Kiba, come straight to me when you have finished setting the traps. I will be supplying you with a boost; please keep that in mind."

"Right." said with a nod before leaving to prepare the traps with Koneko.

"Everyone else will be on standby until they finish setting up the trap. Oh, Akeno."


"After Yuuto and Koneko return, can you cast illusions and mists around the forest and the sky? A trap that only reacts to Raiser's group. I'll leave the issue regarding the mists and the illusions to you, Akeno."

"I understand, Buchou," Akeno-san confirms.

With Akeno confirming, I activate my sacred gear and start silently activating the boost.

"Swords Dance x6," materializing into eight ethereal swords that hover above me. With a swift motion, the swords clash in a spectacular display, breaking apart into a cascade of blue particles that descend like shimmering rain around me.

"Calm Mind x8," pink energy is released from my body, turning into an aura.

"Cosmic Power x8," purple energy is released from my body, turning into an aura that resembles the night sky.

Turning to Rias, I call out to her.

"Rias, come here."

Rias walks over to me.


I place my palm on her shoulder. "Hold still."

Rias, heeding my words, doesn't move.

"Botan Pass boost: Calm Mind and Cosmic Power."

Transferring the boosted strength from Calm Mind and Cosmic Power to Rias, a purple and pink aura appears around her body, immediately enhancing her abilities. Another thing I've learned is to dictate specific amps to give via Botan Pass.

Removing my hand from Rias's shoulder and stepping back, I give her a nod, indicating that I'm finished. Rias flexes some of her energy to test the amps I gave her. She has a look of awe on her face, feeling the strength. She turns to me and gives me a nod.

"I knew you said this would be a high amp but this is just wow," Rias said shocked 

I shrug as I stretched but then I remembered something.

"Rias I want to change the plan a bit?" I asked,

"What why?"

"Just hear me out."

"What do you want to do."

"Well let me ask you something do you have a win-con for Riaser outside of me setting up Primordial Sea and then beating Riaser into submission

 which I mind might not even work?"

 "...." Rias stares at me silently before shaking her head. "No," she said in a low tone.

"Sigh, thought so," I said rubbing my temples. "Ok hear what let me fight Riaser."

Rias looked at me with surprise and concern. "Are you sure about that? I mean, you're powerful, but Raiser is no pushover. It might be risky."

"Not as risky as your plan because while I may have amped you, you could still lose thous us losing the game plus I have a large number of win cons."

"Really? Let's hear them then."

"First I have my Fash Fire win con, Flash Fire is an ability that makes me immune to fire-based attacks and amplifies my strength every time I'm hit by a fire-based attack. Seeing as Riaser's main attack choice is fire and knowing his personality it's gonna be quite a while before he figures it out."

"True." Rias couldn't help but admit.

"My next win-con would be referred to as the drain moves win-con so this would be Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Lurch seed, and so on these would drain his strength, stamina, mana, and life force (aka health), and give it to me thus perpetually keeping me at full strength while simultaneously weakening him to the point of exhaustion or passing out." 

Rias nods at my explanation and motions for me to continue.

"Now the last two are two I really don't wanna use since they would most likely kill him."

"Really what are?"

"One you should know quite well is the Fairy-type win-con because as you know Fairy-type energy works like holy energy and even though he is quote Immortal he's still a devil which means it works on him like it would for a normal devil or at least slow down his regeneration but here's the thing I will be amped so I just still might kill him and you know how that would go."

Rias sighed, contemplating the potential consequences. "You're right. Killing Raiser in a Rating Game would indeed lead to a political mess. What's the last win-con?"

"The last win-con and the other one I don't wanna use is the Ghost-type win-con and the reason is quite simple it doesn't target the body but the soul so to it bluntly Riser might be able to regenerate his body but not his soul there is a reason why I never use it against you guys during spars."

Rias sighed again, clearly deep in thought. "I see the potential risks and consequences. But are you confident in facing Raiser in direct combat?"

"Yeah I'll be fine plus it gives me a chance to go full power without risking harming anyone on our side."

Rias looked at me for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright, I trust your judgment. Just be careful, okay?"

I gave her a confident nod in return. "Of course, Rias. I'll make sure to come out on top and if I can't I'll withdraw."

Rias nodding at my words went over to Issei and Asia who were nervous to calm them down through her means aka Indulging in Issei's perversion by giving him a lap pillow. Why do I even bother? But she is giving him a prep talk so it balances out I think.

"Now then it's time to set up my amps."

"Quiver Dance x8"

Green energy was released from my body shimmering before dispelling into green particles then I was enveloped in a green aura. 

"Dragon Dance x8."

Two ethereal purple Chinese Dragons formed around my body in a manner as if they were dancing then rose above my head and dispelled into purple particles then I was enveloped in a Purple aura.

I would have to wait until Kiba gets back so I can baton pass him the amps from the first set of swords dance.

So until that can happen I have to wait until he gets back.

It took a good ten minutes for Kiba and Koneko to get back from setting the traps as soon as he got back I immediately gave him the swords dance boost and started my own.

Currently, I'm running alongside Issei and Koneko to set up the trick room for them and then to set up the electric terrain for Akeno. Rias and I agreed during the time I was setting up the trick room and electric terrain she would take a crack at Riaser. The target we are running to is the gym.

"Alright, you two ready?" I asked them

"Yes!" Issei shouted

"...yes," Koneko said in her typical tone.


Since the main entrance is connected to the new school building, we can't enter from there. That's because our intrusion will be caught by them.

We need to go in from the other door located on the opposite side of the gym. We went there and turned the door knob. It's opened. It's not locked.

But this gym, even the appearance of it looks like the actual thing. It's the same with the old school building where it looks like the real thing. I will believe it if they tell me afterward that "the stage took place at the real Kuou academy".

We come into the back platform from the back door. Since the curtain isn't down, the inside is visible.

I try to look at the court from the corner of the platform, but then Koneko-chan mutters.

"...Presence. Enemy."

"Aww that was fast Issei, Koneko you know what to do," I said to both of them as I reactivated my sacred gear and turned it into Psychic-type mode.

"We know you are there, servants of Gremory! We watched you coming inside."

Koneko-chan and Issei show themselves to them by appearing on the platform boldly. Four female Devils are standing at the court.

The woman with a china dress, the twins, and also—

There is the little girl who tried to attack Issei from our first encounter with Riaser.

Hmm, I wonder if I should deal with her again… nah I'll let Issei deal with this time. All that aside time to activate this.

"Trick Room." 

The entire interior Gym was coated by pink energy that coated the walls and floors with lines running along them that were akin to a grid.

"And now it begins…. Teleport." 

Chapter: 11