
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Histoire
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21 Chs


Ok now, he's totally convinced me. Cyrus spoke as he looked away.

Look! He's here! Asher suddenly shouted.

The invisible Asher walked to the window to see who his namesake said was here.

Out of the window, a small army was approaching the tower.

Quick, arrange the chairs.

The other kids immediately started rearranging the chairs in a particular manner.

As they did this, Asher jumped out of the window.

His wingsuit made it very easy for him as he neatly maneuvered his way down and he landed gently.


Who's that!? Show yourself!

The soldiers surrounding a young boy suddely bared all their weapons.

Protect the prince with you lives!!

The soldiers suddenly formed a circle and surrounded the young prince.

Wait! The young prince spoke to his comrades as he made his way out of the encirclement.

I knew you were a bird. The prince smiled as he approached Asher who only stood at the same place he landed. Only a bird could have dropped a message in such a manner.

Asher returned the smile as he moved closer to the prince. I see, the youngest prince of the Florin empire, The twelvth in line to the throne really keeps his word.

The young prince rolled his eyes. Well, technically speaking...I didn't have any word to keep to. I found a message and a map to this tower saying I should come to this place if the day suddenly went dark. I had no part in it, It was all you.

Asher rubbed his head awkwardly. Let's go in.

An unfamiliar word stopped Asher's advance to the tower.

Asher turned around only to see the prince and the chief guard engaged in an argument.

Asher could only guess the cause of this argument as he couldn't understand a word of the florin empire.

Asher stared at the guard who was fluently speaking florinian and he couldn't help but feel amazed.

Woah! Is that Florinese?

Nobles and royals of the five empires were taught to speak the languages of the five empires.

The six kids which usually met at the tower were only privileged to get just a little knowledge of the languages of the other empires.

Even with that said, Asher had never spoken with a florinian before.

Hearing the language up close, Asher couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

The young prince's cool and collected voice rang out.

It's okay.

Despite saying this, it was obvious that the chief guard felt differently.

The chief guard held Adonis hand and restrained him from going forward. Prince Adonis…

The invisible Asher was stunned by the name.

Adonis? Isn't that the name of some Ancient Greek god?

Asher didn't have enough time to ponder on the name because the drama before him hadn't ended.

Let go off me! Adonis shouted irritably.

The chief guard immediately released Adonis from his grip and bowed.

My sincere apologies, Your highness.

Asher could sense that they were having an argument, and he easily guessed the cause of the argument.

The chief guard felt that it was unsafe for Adonis to be here.

Asher turned to the guard. You all can follow us Into the tower if you're that concerned.

The chief guard motioned to the other soldiers and they all started trooping into the tower.

As they climbed the stairs leading to the room at the top of the tower, Asher clearly felt Adonis' uneasiness.

Can't you get some light into this place or something?

Asher smiled. His smile was very unnecessary though, nobody saw the fake smile.

Don't worry, we're almost there.

Shortly after, they arrived at the door.

Asher opened the door and stood aside for the prince to enter.

Only Prince Adonis is allowed into the room.

Hearing this, the chief guard shot Adonis a look of disapproval.

Noticing this, Adonis smiled. Don't worry, whenever I Ned you, I would just yell.

What if he attacks suddenly? The chief guard asked.

A dazzling and interesting smile played on Adonis lips. do you really think that this kid could beat me? If he tried anything weird, I would just beat the crap out of him.

Asher's eyes twitched uncontrollably at the sight of the smaller boy who was belittling him.

That was a blatant insult, but he couldn't blame the prince. It had to be said to make the chief feel a bit better.

Moreover, Adonis wasn't lying. Royalties were always trained impeccably in the art of fighting, so beating Asher would just be a stroll in the park for Adonis.

You've heard the man. Asher smiled as the prince entered the room. He closed the door and followed behind him.

Adonis saw the five kids who sat beside each other, he heaved a sigh.

I was beginning to wonder if it was just you.

The chairs were arranged in an orderly manner.

Five wooden seats were positioned side by side, while one seat was positioned opposite them.

Adonis knew immediately that the seat which was detached from the rest was for him.

He saw a sign which read boldly; The Elite.

Cool name huh?

Adonis nodded. Yeah, I love it.

Quin Shin's eye twitched in jealousy as he heard the compliment on the name.

Damn! Is the name really better than the Chan-Bros?

Let's cut straight to the chase. Adonis spoke.

How did you know that there was going to be sudden darkness?

Asher gave him a quizzical look. Is that the important question?

Asher had no answer to this question so he had to find a way to avoid it.

Adonis nodded slowly. Okay, How long is the darkness going to last?

Asher glanced down at Hammurabi's hand and Hammurabi gestured with his fingers, saying that they had a little over an hour before the eclipse would be over.

Thanks to the little lighting in the room, Adonis didn't notice the brief communication between Asher and Hammurabi.

Asher raised his hands. I don't know, no one knows.

It wouldn't go until the anger of the almighty has been pacified.

Adonis raised his brows. Almighty? As in, the Abahlawuleli religion?

Asher inwardly thanked Quin Shin Huang for his excellent rumor mongering skills.

Quin Shin had done an excellent job in making sure the religion had reached Adonis.