
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Films
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Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Hiccup Pov:

Today is the first day of school for the students. We are having an assembly in the Mead Hall about the classes and stuff. Currently everyone is talking so. "SILENCE!!" I yell.

Everyone quiets down and I continue. "This year we have a new class and that is cooking. We also have more classes. We have..." I go over all the classes and I finish saying. "Those are all the classes and, on your way, out grab the pamphlets. They will have the times and for Today just go around and find your way around and stuff."

So we have a bunch of classes and if it is determined so we will have a A-day and a B-day. The classes people have to take are Norse, Math, Physical Fitness/Fighting, History/Gov. Note those last 2 may have people take 2 classes depending on where they are in life, like a Chief Heir or Warrior Heir. That also means they have to take Maces and talons with Viggo.

The other optional classes are as follows. Explosives with the twins, cooking with Hannah, Battle Tactics and Fighting/PF with Astrid, Weightlifting with Snotlout, Blacksmithing with Hiccup, Flight with Hiccup, and you get how it goes. Fish is doing History as well.

As the first day goes by, I get a lot of Students who want to join my classes. I also find a lot who want to join Hannah's or parents who want their children to learn how to cook.

The first day goes by pretty fast and I have about 15 people from Blacksmithing last year for this year. I have around 20 people new for blacksmithing this year. I also have around about 20 Students for my first flight class and 15 for my 2nd class.

I finish up work and go to Dinner with the other teachers and Chiefs. "So how was your guy's days?" I ask and they tell me how theirs was and I tell them about my classes.

After Dinner I go home and ask Astrid. "How was your day." Reason being is I did not see her at dinner. "It was good, I have a bunch of students in my class, Including Gustav." She responds.

"Wait, Gustav!" I ask. "Yes, but otherwise everything was fine, and the classes are set up." Astrid Finishes.

We finish up stuff and go to bed.

The next day I go to school early in the morning and get my classes ready. 6:30 comes around and I go to Breakfast and the hall is not packed since parents are staying home so the students can find seats.

During breakfast A lot of students come to me and the other teachers to find out when classes are. We had them set up their own schedules yesterday as part of learning how to manage stuff. After breakfast I go to my first class which is flight and I get stuff ready.

The first class arrives, and I go over safety procedures first. We are not doing any flying today, so the class finishes after all the work for today. I head to the blacksmiths to prepare for my next class.

When I arrive, I do not see anyone just yet except for Jake. I greet him and get everything ready for class. Once everyone arrives we go over basics and other stuff. We will not be doing blacksmithing for a month since we have a lot to go over first.

After we get through all the procedures I quickly show them a knife that I am making. I already had the metal melting in the furnace so I just have to pour it into the mold. An hour later I bring it out and show them the blade.

"That is the blade but it will take longer depending on size. I will add the handle tomorrow to show you it. Have a good day class." I say and they leave for lunch.

After lunch I go to my next class for flight and we go over proper care and I say. "We will be going over proper care for the first Quarter. Then we will be going over Flight for the next Quarter. And then for the last 2 we will be going over Making them and extra stuff."

After class they leave and I go back to the cooled Blacksmith area. When I arrive I see a few of the students and have them get ready for the class. I start by melting some metal for an axe to show them later.

I start by going over the basis of the class and how we will be going over more complicated stuff. I have them do some individual work and have them make some small knives for the beginners to use. As they are doing that I take out the melted metal and show them the axe I am making.

I am making the axe as a preview for them to remember our last project last year. It was to make an axe that impressed Astrid or Heather since they are the best with Axes on the island. I go ahead and add the handle to the axe Along with some rare Nadder scales.

I do not normally add scales from bigger dragons since those are used for Armor and repairing them. The scales of the smaller dragons are used for decoration on them since they usually aren't that strong.

After class I head home and give Astrid the Axe. "Thankyou, you made this correct." She asks. "Yeah, I was using it to remind my class of our last Project last year." We talk a bit and have Dinner with Hannah.

After Dinner we go to bed and get ready for Tomorrow.