
HH+Classroom of the Elite

I am not an English speaking guy. So there will be bad English. A story of a guy in ANHS

1_Am_Nyan99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

A girl-friend

After the surprising phone call from that woman yesterday, I barely had any sleep.

I went to class a little exhausted the next day.

During class I sensed something different.

The three idiots namely Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou were taking notes in class. Apparently they're undergoing a study group together with Horikita and Kushida.

I've thought Kushida must have hated Horikita, so she must be keeping up appearances.

It just confirmed my suspicion after Kushida invited Ayanokouji to eat lunch.

Horikita's only connection in the class was Ayanokouji. If Kushida could make Ayanokouji into her ally, Horikita would lose her place in the class and a person she could rely on.

Still after that woman told me that Ayanokouji was the White Room masterpiece, I doubt Kushida could actually control him if he got serious.

And so thinking about this school life, it's pretty much the same in middle school.

Now that I recall, I haven't visited the library yet.

And so after eating my lunch I went over there.

Coincidentally I spotted Horikita and the three idiots together.

"Woah, Takamura-kun so you're in here too? What a coincidence."

Kushida came behind me together with Ayanokouji.

"Yeah." I have not prepared the lines that I should use as I'm caught off guard. I still have long ways to go to be a conversationalist monster.

While desperately searching for a topic, I said. "So you're here too Ayanokouji? It must be tough getting dragged around by Horikita huh."

"Well yeah."

"Well then, good luck with the study session. Kushida, Ayanokouji." I said and waving my hand as I left.


I went around the library for a bit and found some interesting books. After flipping on them in a fast pace, I memorized it immediately like Zang Xuan from a Chinese webnovel Library of Heaven's Path.

Getting a book, flipping through the pages, return, and repeat. That kind of thing...

I also went around and observed some of the students who are studying here too, particularly the first years.

What I noticed was that the materials they're using to study were completely different from the materials Chabashira-sensei told us to study for the upcoming exam.

How strange...

Anyway I went around searching for more books and flipped through the pages and returned it back after I memorized the contents.

After I'm done for a while, I looked over and bumped over somebody. It was a familiar girl, a classmate at that.

I carefully caught her from the fall. She had quite the breast on her. I could definitely feel the soft and comfortable sensation being transmitted from my chest.

"I'm sorry, are you fine?"

"Ah, um yeah. Thanks."

She hurriedly got off from me. When I properly took a look at her, I found out that she's definitely a beautiful girl.

It goes without saying that my heart skips a beat.

It is one of my classmates, considered as the one of the most beautiful, Hasebe Haruka.

She is considered to be highly attractive by us her classmates with waist-length blue hair that has bangs going on either side, orange eyes with a mole visible beneath her left eye, a well-endowed body and an average height.

"Oh wow, Takamura-kun you're here." Hasebe says.

"So you're visiting the library too, Hasebe-san? What a coincidence." I gave a chuckling smile.

"Yeah. I'd figured that I'll start studying. Don't want to get expelled because of a failing grade. That's embarrassing you know?" Hasebe says.

Then Hasebe asked me curiously, "What about you Takamura-kun? Aren't you like, super smart? Are you here for studying too?"

"Sure thing. There are lots of interesting books here." I said. Mostly there are novels I'd finished reading.

"It's nice to be so smart."

"What subjects are you going to study? If you'd like, how about I'll tutor you?" I suggested.

"Oh really? That'll be nice."

We talked about this and that while getting some reference books, until I felt glared of the librarians at us.

"Hey, don't you think it'd be good to find a seat?"

"Good idea."

We found a seat. Though we're quite far away from Horikita and the three idiots.

I began teaching her. Though we haven't had talked with each other for long, it seems we get along well.

She points out the questions she had trouble for. Actually she's quite decent in studying. If she study and review diligently the materials, even with her weakest subject she could pass easily.


After an about a couple of hours or so, we finally ended the study sessions. Actually I've never tutored someone about something before, so it was quite the challenge.

Hasebe and I decided to get something to eat before going home.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Hasebe asked me.

"Huh, what is it?" I asked.

"I heard you joined a gaming club. What's it like?" She asked catching me off guard.

"Well, it's I guess about playing video games. We enter tournaments and stuff. And we get points when according to our contributions."

"Sounds like fun."

"It really gets too competitive though. It's just as intense as any sports clubs."

"How did you get that perfect scores though? You don't look like someone who study much."

"My mother's quite strict you see. I've been under special education since I'm still a child."

"That sounds rough."

"Not really." I say, "You aren't so bad too Hasebe. I don't think you really need to worry so much about failing, though."

"Sure yeah. I'd be fine if I'll study on my own. Still you helped me a lot." Hasebe said, "Nothing beats getting tutored by a genius of a classmate."

"Oh come on, you're flattering me. You won't get anything from me you know?"

"Aww, and here I thought you'll treat me. Right, Hayamuu?"

"Hayamuu...? Where'd you get that name?"

"I mean you're Hayato right? So Hayamuu, it sounds cute dont'cha think? Yeah, that one definitely rolls off the tongue better." She said totally hell bent on calling me with a weird nickname. "Oh! And feel free to call me with my first name."

"Bwuh? Are you serious? Don't you think it's too early for that?! Calling each other's first names and all that?" I said flustered.

"Oh my, that reaction is so cute Hayamuu~. No need to be so nervous, it's just names." She said looking at me expectantly.

"F-fine. Well... I'll call you Haruka then."

Actually it took my all not to show how nervous I was. This is the first time calling a girl's first name you know? I mean it's a level of intimacy with girls my age I hadn't experienced. The only one I've called first names on a woman is my mother.

We exchanged phone numbers too. Which I already had quite the collection of them in my contacts.

Soon we reached our dormitories and we parted ways in the elevator.

And so with that, I made my first girl-friend. A friend that was a girl.

Though we just met by chance, I guess we're going to get along here from now on forward.

Happy new year

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