
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Films
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20 Chs


Present Day

It was an easy defeat for the creatures. They were too weak against the gifts most of the Avengers had. Some had minor cuts and bruises but none fatal. Laufey and Hela already descended towards Earth and was currently standing across the field from everyone. Hela with a wicked smile etched on her face as she stares at her siblings and greatest enemy.

Hex told everyone to see what they can manage to do in regards with the ship. It was only Loki, Thor and Hex who stood waiting for the approach of a personal battle. Some of the Avengers stood at the ready for what's to come. Hex made it clear to them that Laufey and Hela would still try to kill them. Especially if it means that it will bait out Hex.

The moment was in slow motion as Hela and Hex both jump forward into the air, meeting halfway. Their collision of power ended up with a black and green explosion, which sent Hela falling back towards the ground and Hex staying in the air staring her down.

Loki started throwing his daggers towards Laufey, teleporting and duplicating himself to confuse the King. Thor, Carol and Wanda focused on the aircraft that aimed its weapons towards them as they approached. The others tending to the wounded and awaiting a fight they were not sure would end up involving them too.

Hela stood up just as Hex rushed down and punched her in the face. Hela managed to dodge her and twisted her arm, aiming her fist towards Hex's face. She caught her hand engulfed her power around it, slowly killing and destroying her skin. As soon as Hela's face contorted in pain, the aircraft shot at Hex. The blow passes Hex's face with mere centimetres but the force sent them both flying backwards.

Loki was briefly distracted to make sure Hex was unharmed, causing Laufey to slice at the god's face. A cut on his cheek, drawing some blood. Loki's face contorted in shock and anger as he realised wat Laufey did. He conjured a blade and started aiming for the Frost Giant again. Barely missing his neck as the blade moves past his enemy.

Hex stood and looked towards the aircraft. She realises her dark powers are useless against Hela unless she wants to avoid hurting others around her. So she instead conjured her golden blade aimed at Hela's head. Hela avoided the blow and drew a punch towards Hex's side.

Thor, Carol and Wanda was still struggling to damage the aircraft while Loki blasted Laufey with his magic, sending him to the ground. He conjured a blade in his hand and threw at the King's leg, hitting him. Laufey cried out in pain and frustration as Loki stalked towards him.

Hela threw blades towards Hex all while she spun hers in her hand, shattering all of them. Hex spun herself around and threw her blade in Hela's direction. The goddess avoided the weapon and swung her feet underneath Hex, making her fall. Hela quickly moved to sit on top of her and put a blade against Hex's throat.

"Even after these years, you're still not stronger than me." Hela sneered.

Hex ignored her and smiled. Hela was confused but not for long as Hex engulfed herself in her light power. Suddenly having white hair and eyes she grabbed Hela's hands and stood up. She was stronger than Hela and easily removed the goddess from her. Since Hela is the goddess of death and Hex's light power uses protection and life, Hela's arms burned by Hex's touch. Hela screamed and Hex started hovering before her. She head budded Hela and let her fall to the ground.

Laufey saw an opportunity and threw his knife towards Hex's head only for Loki to teleport in front of it, catching the knife mid air. Loki twisted around and threw the knife at Laufey's heart, killing him. As the Frost Giant turns to ash, the weaponised aircraft shot at Hex once again. Only she managed to dissolve what ever force it threw at her. Two opposite sides of power clashing.

Since Hex's light side only appeared centuries after Hela's exile, the aircraft had no defences against it. Hex smiled at the realisation and stared at Hela who has shock on her features. Thor, Carol and Wanda descended from their positions, landing next to where Loki stood.

"The ship, it is not possible for any of us to destroy it." Thor said.

"I know." Loki sighs. "It seems that's on her to do that."

"You don't want her to do it." Wanda stated.

"It will kill her." Loki said sadly. "She did not want to say it but I could feel it. I can read her like an open book."

"So what do we do now?" Carol asked.

Loki did not answer and only stared at his love still fighting the goddess of death.

Hex returned to her regular powers and jumped at Hela once again, another of her blades above her head aimed at the goddess. Hela dodged her attempt and seeing an opening, stabbed Hex with one of her own blades. Hex made a sound of pain and fell to her knees.

"Hex!" Loki screamed. Loki and Thor both started running towards the pair.

Hela smirked. "If only you could see yourself now. On your knees, facing death with my blade to your throat." She conjured a knife on her side, intending on throwing it at the brothers running towards them. "With your family in the line of fire as well. All of you bleeding by my hand." She says as she attempts to kill them.

"No!" Hex screamed and knocked the blade by her throat away. She grabbed Hela's arm and twisted it around, breaking it.

Hela screamed in pain and Hex pushed her to the ground. Hela lays on her stomach as rage took over Hex and her eyes become dark. The aircraft shoots towards her as she tries to kill Hela. From the corner of her eye, Hex notices Loki and Thor getting close and she immediately releases Hela to protect the brothers.

She run towards them and just as she reaches them she surrounds them with her protective shield. Her light overpowering the dark. While the aircraft shoots at the shield it also aims for Hex directly. Using both her light and dark power at the same time she attacks the aircraft. Black smoke surrounds her and she releases hundreds of her blades towards it.

Hex fell on one knee while screaming in frustration to try and protect her family. Even the Avengers all have a shield around them but Hex blocks them from exiting the shield too. She refuses to let anyone more get involved. Hela sees an opportunity and runs towards Hex aiming a blade at her head.

Hex was too fast and moves her hand attacking the shield towards Hela, striking her with a force field. As Hela is thrown back Hex continues to destroy the ship. The shots fired by the aircraft barely misses her, while some scratch her skin. The more she destroys it, the more she breaks. Her skin cracking and her fatigue growing.

"Hex stop! Please!" Loki pleaded, not being able to get through to her.

Hex slowly looks towards Loki and his eyes widened as her nose and her eyes bleed gold. She slowly cracks and breaks as she destroys her own power all while using her healing gifts to protect the others. She is a porcelain doll finally meeting its demise.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this. There is nothing else I can do." She cries.

"I know darling." Loki cries with her. "But remember you made a promise." Hex furrowed her brows. "We are not leaving each other behind."

Thor looked at his brother as his own tears well up in his eyes. He knows what this means. Hex nodded at Loki's words and Loki looked towards his brother. His eyes pleading and apologizing for what they will do. Thor's shoulders sags in defeat and he slowly nods in understanding. He knows this is what they both want.

Hex releases the shield around the brothers and Loki immediately falls on his knees before her, cupping her face with his hands. Thor notices Hela moving once again, trying to end this battle for once. Thor quickly glanced at Hex who already knew what Hela was doing. She nods her head for Thor and he immediately throws Stormbreaker in Hela's direction. Hela saw the axe too late and with one broken arm could not defend herself properly. Her other hand held a blade of which was soon dropped to the ground.

Hela fell as Stormbreaker removed her head, ending her destruction for good. Thor summoned his axe back and stared at Loki and Hex, his eyes growing sad once more. Loki had his forehead against hers as she destroys the aircraft. When the weapon started falling after its destruction, Hex moved her hands towards Loki's face. Her smile was weak and her once tanned skin was pale. He stared into her emerald eyes and kissed her for the last time before her breathing eventually slows down. He held her face in his hands as she fell limp in his arms.

Before death took her away she used the last effort of her dark power and held it in her hand. Loki took it in his and as she dies, he too succumbs to her last power of destruction and death. Both leaving this world together, holding each other for the last time.

The shield around the Avengers dispersed but none of them moved a muscle. They all stood in silence with tears in their eyes and despair in their hearts.

This was one of those stories you see, told by those who bared witness. It was a story of how lies were told since the beginning of time and how two souls connected that was never meant to be.

It was of a villain who died a hero. An angel who chose the devil. A god of mischief who chose love above all else. A weapon of destruction who chose to heal instead. It was a story of how there isn't always a happy ending.....