

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 5

After the accident with Midnight 5 days ago, I kept training and exploring the city.

Every night I go out while transformed and run&jump from rooftop to rooftop. I take it both as training and as helping people. Nothing too serious though, just a few muggers that I knocked out without being seen and one time I helped evacuate a building that was on fire.

"If only I had Hydroid unlocked at that time...Even Frost could help."

The good news are that no one was hurt. The heroes and the fire brigade mobilised in no time at all. Good thing in all that confusion no one had time to mind me. While training, I also managed to unlock Excalibur's abilities. They are still too draining, especially the Exalted Blade but it's still better than being defenceless.

Now I'm chilling on the rooftop of my apartment's building watching the stars.

Aster: I miss my cat! I wonder wh-

Something flew by me and got my attention. I turned and saw Edgeshot running fast.

"Should I follow him? Maybe I could help!"

I made up my mind but he was already gone by then.

Aster: There goes my chance...

I went from rooftop to rooftop towards the direction that Edgeshot was running and stopped after a few blocks.

Aster: This is a complete waste of time...Huh?

From the roof, I noticed a few shady characters approaching an ATM. The arm of one of them turned black with dark green techno lines. Then his arm actually went through the atm. After a few seconds, lots of money started coming out of the machine.

I formed the Exalted Blade in my hand and threw it in the middle of those guys. Almost everyone turned to look and then a bright radiant light flashed from the blade, temporarily blinding them.

Aster: It's now or never!

I dropped down on one of them, incapacitating him. Near me were 2 more that were still blinded and covered their eyes with their hands. They were easy pickings and with 2 neck chops they were down.

Suddenly I felt a spike of pain on the back of my head and fell down. Feeling a bit dizzy I looked to see what hit me.

???: I don't need eyes to squash you, you little pest!

A man with the head of a bat stood over me.

"That was unexpected! I didn't even notice his head before..."

He raised his leg and stomped towards me but I rolled away in the nick of time.

I stood up and prepared for the fight. My senses tuned to their max. I was a bit scared but someone's got to do it.

He run towards me throwing a wide swing. I reacted quickly and crouched down avoiding it and punched his stomach. Next, I slapped both of his ears disorienting him. He grabbed his head, leaving him wide open. I hit his solar plexus with my knee and finally, sent him flying towards the rest with a shoulder throw.

Aster: You just got your "bat" handed to you!

"Ok, this was better than last time"

I heard footsteps running towards me. I dodge-rolled away and saw that the one who attacked me was the guy with the black-green arm.

Aster: And where were YOU when the rest were fighting?

He actually seemed hurt by my comment.

Bad Guy: I'll show you where!

He charged at me with a knife while I stood there. When he was close enough, I used my slash dash attack and hit him with the blunt side of my Exalted Blade.

He fell down and didn't get up.

Aster: Well that was anticlimactic!

I sat down for a bit to calm down.

Aster: What should I do with them? I got it!

I searched them till I found a cellphone. I tried to use it but it was locked. So I did the next best thing. I made an emergency call to the police. I told them that 5 bank robbers are incapacitated in front of the ATM at this address. The guy on the phone tried to get more info like who am I etc. but I ended the call and threw the cellphone.

I went on the roof of a nearby building and waited till I heard the siren of the police cars.

"Wouldn't want the bad guys escaping"

I quickly run away from there while thinking what went wrong in the fight.

Aster: I should be more aware of my surroundings.

Ordis: A very astute observation operator!

Aster: Now that I think about it, I didn't learn where Edgeshot went. Maybe it'll be on the news tomorrow.

Not wanting to go home yet, I decided to train a little bit more but instead of doing muscle building, I trained my non-existent swordsmanship.

Aster: I should go find a teacher for that tomorrow. But who? Maybe I could ask Midnight if she can point me to someone. Ordis, do you know swordsmanship?

Ordis: No but you just- CUT DOWN THE- have to find a teacher as you said.

"This deja vu again"

Aster: Ordis? Buddy are feeling ok? Why don't you just count the stars and make sure none are missing.

Ordis: An excellent idea operator, I'll get right to that.

Aster: I guess some things never change.

I sigh and continue swinging the Exalted Blade.

How was the fight guys? Any suggestions?

Also, I would like to ask you to give me some ideas about his hero name cause Heroframe sounds a little bit too pretentious while Warframe is a little bit aggressive.

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts