
heroes from another world

normal friends from earth are transported to another world!!! find out what happens to them and the troubles they face and how they overcome!! a.n: my first time writing pls go easy on me thanks :D

NightBlade_ · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

askeladd vs the master


running around jay was looking to save more people but something wasn't right something was of he could feel it like 2 unstoppable forces are trying to move eachover 'how strange' jay thought looking around he hears screaming from a small village being invaded by monsters he runs towards the invasion in hopes of stopping it.

seeing what was happening was sickening was what most people would say people being ripped apart children being killed with no remorse why didn't anyone who had power help the weak be it in this world or Jay's old one 'why do you think these objects are worth saving they are weak they shouldn't exist' a voice of a woman in Jay's head a voice he hates with all his heart the voice of his mum his eyes darken she was right but he owed someone so he did his best to be nice his eyes gain back light and he moves the village

random villager:"help me I'm going to die"

this villager was on the floor about to die but a figure from the sky saves him stabbing the beast through the heart killing it instantly this was of course jay.

jay:"leave the rest to me go call for reinforcements"

random villager:"we tried but none have came"

'what's up with askeladds army shouldn't they be helping small villages like these fight of the monsters' jay thought

jay:"don't worry I'll take care of it"

random villager:"thank you sir hero we won't forget this" just like that the villager ran of.

looking around jay sees a lot of monsters coming towards him from wolf pack leaders to mana enhanced birds 'well this is going to be tiresome' jay thought.


currently he was fighting seb who turned out to be working with chaos this whole time this was heartbreaking for askeladd who thought he had a close friendship with him guess not.

right now both of their fist are colliding with one another's destroying everything in askeladds throne room. minutes of this repeating till askeladd lands a hit on sebs face knocking him back in response seb throws a spear powered by chaos naturally askeladd dodges and at high speed teleports underneath seb but seb saw askeladd. kicking askeladd in the ribs sending him several meters away from seb askeladd fires a ray of flame at seb which he blocks with earth magic. askeladd speaks.

askeladd:"why seb why did you betray us"

seb:"i never betrayed you i never respected you i did all what i did up to now to help my allies weaken this kingdom and take it over"

askeladd:"how sad to see how far you have fallen and your allies I'm guessing there are more of you"

seb:"yeah just one more but you won't be alive to see him" askeladd rushes at seb catching him by surprise askeladd grabs his fave and throws him into the air above the kingdom seb floats in the sky so does askeladd.

seb:"you made this easier giving me hostages now what will you do"

askeladd throws a beam of light at seb seb gets impaled by it in the shoulder but that's about it seb looks surprise guess askeladd still got some power left in him. seb and askeladd charge up their fire and launch it at eachover sebs being a darker red than askeladds both collided with eachover creating a massive explosion for all the kingdom to see.

everyone looks up to see their king fighting someone that someone being seb but they couldn't see who but they still cheered.

seb:"wow look at them motivating you let's put a stop to it" seb charges a large ball of chaos energy and plans it to throw at the people but askeladd destroys it causing it to explode and cover seb and askeladd in smoke both coughing they look at eachover as if speaking mind to mind.

charging their final attack askeladds being his first covered in light and seb forming a blade made from chaos energy. they charge at eachover both with their final attack.


askeladd:"FIST OF JUDGEMENT" they both scream their final attack they collide causing a massive explosion covering most of the kingdon and caused large earthquakes that even the people outside the kingdom could feel smoke clears from the smoke of the explosion showing askeladd with his fist in sebs heart and seb with his sword deep into askeladds shoulder.

seb:"so i lose guess I'm still to weak " seb vomits a lot of blood

askeladd:"so any last words before you die"

seb:"yeah I'm not even a contractor just a agent of chaos and if I'm going to so will you" seb stars to charge with loads of chaos energy so much it would destroy the kingdom askeladd could do the only thing he could do absorb the explosion he but before seb says something.

seb:"so it seems being the king of this kingdom is your one weakness" just like that seb exploded with not even his body remaining. smoke clears and askeladd can be seen falling was he dead or unconscious only time will tell.

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