
heroes from another world

normal friends from earth are transported to another world!!! find out what happens to them and the troubles they face and how they overcome!! a.n: my first time writing pls go easy on me thanks :D

NightBlade_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

the blood moon continues

the trio were still fighting more monsters have shown up a lot more if this was just one of the heros they would of beem dead no matter what. each hero supporting the other accept alisha she is struggling to keep up.

jay kills a brid type monster that was about to attack ed. ed looks over and thanks jay and they continue fighting.


ed:"finally all done that was exhausting guess you are useful jay"

jay:"your not half bad yourself guess this makes us even"

ed:"for now lets find more of those creatures and show them whose boss" ed yells hurting alishas ears.

alisha:"you're mad I'm to tired I'll just help people in small areas you to can do that I'm of" alisha leaves exhausted where? well no one knew she just left yeah she's a bit stupid.

ed:"jay you know where she's going"

jay:"not a clue" ed laughs

ed:"I'm guessing you're going to head of" jay stands up.

jay:"yeah going to help Emily later" he stands up and leaves ed in search of his Emily so does ed but in which direction only he know.


james was lost he has been lost for a while now. looking around james sees a group of small people they were getting attacked by monsters he launches a fire ball at the monster instantly burning them to death james walks over to the civilians are okay.

james:"are all of you alright"

rando civilian:"yeah were ok thank you for saving us sir hero"

James:"no problem have you seen any of my freinds around here by chance"

random civilian:"we saw a small girl heading east that's about it"

james:"thank you"

with that james sets of on his journey his eyes turn a gold colour as if he was looking at something that wasn't there well more like he was looking at the future his future. james had a unique eye power since he was transported to this new world it allowed him to see the future sure this was powerful but had limitations he could only see his future. no matter how hard he tried if it didn't involve him he couldn't see it this is the main reason he has been able to help jay with his gear so far.

anyway he heads of into the direction where the villagers told him to go. while on his way there he gained a horrified look on his face and then a sad smile.

james:"so you will betray us ed and join chaos and the kingdom will fall" james says aloud to himself this is what he saw well in his future his ability could be wrong well.he hopes it is.

running out of a forest into a clearing james sees something that made him pissed he saw a cloaked man about to kill a unconscious emily in response he chucks his sword at the cloaked figure but he dodges and looks at james who was now in front of Emily's unconscious body.

james:"I'm guessing you work for chaos think you can kill her you got another thing coming"

cloaked man:"well i like to see you try amd make me pay your stronger than that girl so you should bring me entertainment while my master kills askeladd"

james:"so there is more of you who is your master"

cloaked man:"kill me and find out"

james and the cloaked man charge at eachover punching each other in the face at the same time as eachover both being pushed back by the others punch.

james:"you will die today"

cloaked man:"i doubt it hero now show me what you got" they both charge at eachover for round 2.


askeladd looked worried he could feel something was wrong he knew whatever it was involved him he went to go ask his trusted servant something.

askeladd:"seb what do you think is happening right now"

seb:"it's hard to say my lord but it looks like the heroes are winning"

askeladd:"i hope that is the case for some reason I've had this felling that that isn't the case"

seb looks at askeladd in confusion it's rare for king to worry this much.

seb:"what do you mean my lord" he walks closer to askeladds to comfort him.

askeladd:"i don't know but it feels like a contractor is here and i don't even know it"

askeladd looks at seb seb looks back at him both looking eachover in the eye suddenly a spear powered by chaos magic strikes towards askeladds heart but he dodges.

askeladd:"so it was you what a shame and your a contractor no less i can't believe it"

seb:"it seems old age is starting to affect you askeladd today you will die"

askeladd:"afraid i can't do that not until someone replaces me as king"

seb:"unfortunately the only thing that will remain of this kingdom is a dead king"

askeladd:"and the only thing that will remain of you will be your dead body"

seb:"so be it"

and just like that the 2 start their battle truly this battle will be one for the ages.

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