
Hero Hunter in an Unfamiliar World (Dropped)

Dead Meme, jk its a DEAD FANFIC check out my new one The One Who Stands Above All Others

RAAAHHHHH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Death and a new world

In a forest near CIty Z

"Damn heroes... ill pay them back for what they did to me..."

We can see a man with fatal injuries limping in a random direction, he seems to be trying to find anything to eat to regain his stamina and heal, so he can take his revenge for the heroes who did this to him.

The man has holes all over his body from his fights, one medium sized hole in his left arm, logs of small cuts all over his chest and right leg, a small hole in his abdomen, and a large cut on his back. All of these injuries would have killed a normal person, but this mans body had been in worse condition, but this not this time. his stamina had reached its end point and he collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

"Is...is this how i die...?"

"How pitiful... hero hunter"

A hero had managed to follow the man, making sure to not attack once the man had run out of juice.

the man 'tsk's' at the hero that followed him

"Is that any way you should greet your executor?"

the man tries to say something but the hero puts his foot on the mans neck, barely making him breathe.

"Shut up you lowly mongrel, i know silverfang wanted to kill you himself, but i cannot let you get away, you killed my brother and now im going to make you SUFFER every last bit of pain you dealt to him!"

the man looked at the hero but couldn't see clearly because of the night sky and his vision fading away, he was slowly dying, and it did hurt a lot.

"Heh... atleast i took something from my executor, even if i don't know who you are, or who i killed to make you mad..."

the man whispers something to the hero, enraging the hero. the hero unsheathe's his sword and slashes horizantally, making sure he cuts off the mans head with all his might.

The sword was moving in slow motion for the man, he couldn't stop it from ending his life, with everything he has left, blood gushing out of every wound he has, he picks up the hero and throws him away, the hero gets launched into a tree, his back hit the tree and paralyze's him.

the man is now slowly dying of blood loss, as his vision is fading,he curses this world and all of its heroes, he wished that the heroes suffered deaths worse than hell itself would give them.

The man then closes his eyelids and slowly drifts into the darkness, never to return to this world.

The man opens his eyelids, just to find him drifting in complete darkness, he cant feel or hear anything, he cant even see his own body, he comes to the conclusion after a few minutes of thinking.

"wow, cant believe i died... bummer, well no use in feeling bad, i atleast took some heroes with me hehe..."

the man chuckled after remembering all the heroes he killed with his hands, of course all of you know who he is, he is the hero hunter, Garou.

after thinking for a few more mintues. garou gets dragged into a white room, there was a table and a few chairs, he sat down in one of them, while he is looking around a figure of a old man came into his view and sat down across from him in the other seat.

"So, you are dead human, any questions?" the being asked

"yeah, who are you and am i dead?"

"Firstly, i am what humans call 'God', and yes you are dead."

"Alright, so what happens now?"

"you get to go to a random world with one wish garou"

"oh, neat, i never really thought that i would die before even taking down the heroes."

"well at some point, a certain bald man got bored of them and destroyed them because they made a threat to all of the heroes, so the certain bald man got annoyed and punched the hero association so oblivion, literally."

"ah, alright, i guess someone did it for me... alright, so which world will i be sent to?"

"with this random wheel"

a giant golden wheel had names including:


Dragon Ball Super

Fairy Tail



American Dad

Family Guy

The Shield Hero

and many more animes and tv shows

"Alright lets spin this thing"

"okay, go ahead and take a spin"

garou spins the wheel with all of his force.

the wheel lands on 'One Piece Universe'

"Huh? one piece universe? whats that?"

"it is a world where my friend, Lucifer, sent some of his fruits down in that universe, the fruits that the humans ate gave them super natural abilites, like controlling fire, or making earthquakes with your fists, and transforming or turning into a dragon, these fruits have 3 groups, 1. Logia, 2. Zoan, and 3. Paramecia. these are the groups, logia makes you able to control any element, like fire or lightning, zoan makes you transform into any animal, be it a tiger or a zebra, the paramecia are the ones who have overwhelming offense and sometimes defense abilites, like stretching your limbs or just making your body out of diamond. but all of these fruits have their classes, normal zoans are everyday animals, ancient zoans are animals such as prehistoric tigers or a mammoth, the mythicals are ones of legends, like a dragon." god then explains everything else about devil fruits and their abilites, garou was soaking in the knowledge like a sponge, he needed every bit of information on these fruits.

god explains that the devil fruits have the appearances of normal fruit, like a pinnaple, but if he notices that its color is different and it has weird marking on it, its a devil fruit.

"so, all caught up on the devil fruits?"

"yes i am, im ready to make a wish, also one question"


"will i still have my abnormal body growth speed? like how my body always adapted better and gained sharper reflexs?"

"yes ill put your soul into the body of a boy with the same appearances as you, and his ill make his body like your's, but on to your wish, what is it?"

"alright, i wish to be able to have a dimensional storage, like i want a space where i can go into, make anything i want, and its the same as in the world, but i can only be in there for, lets say... a month, before it takes me out forcefully, anything i can think of can come alive, like i imagine a bird, a bird appears and it has a random personality and emotions, and i want to be able to store anything in it and take it out whenever i want, lets say the currency of that world, i open the portal and shove it in there. and the world inside that dimension is stopped, unless im in there and allow it to be undone, for example, food is stopped so it doesnt expire, like i a put a hot blazing piece of cooked meat in there, wait a day, and it comes out still hot. but this only applies for edible stuff so everything doesnt rot away, i can the world outside is stopped so i can enter the portal for a month and come out and nobody would realise i was gone.

"hm, a little specific but it can be done, so your wish is granted, once you are in your new body y0u will get that boys memories. i will contact you from time to time. bye bye now..."

"thank you old man, oh by the way-

"yes yes you will have your memories too, off you go"

And with that, garou gets sent to the world of one piece, how is he gonna fare against every powerhouse the world has to offer?

Tune in next time for a new chapter! lets hope this one gets popular.

also, this is MY fanfiction, ill LISTEN to your ideas, but ill consider to add them or not, this aint your work, dis is MINE, so shut it and read, if you dont like then LEAVE, you got a door right next to ya, dont leave a negative comment, i only want suggestions. well cya

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