
Hero Hunter in an Unfamiliar World (Dropped)

Dead Meme, jk its a DEAD FANFIC check out my new one The One Who Stands Above All Others

RAAAHHHHH · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

New World and a New Life

Location: East Blue

We can see a kid with black hair and a cut under his eye walking with his grandpa, this grandpa was one of the strongest in the world in his prime.

We can see the duo on their way to a shack, the Dadan Mountain bandits. the kids grandpa, who's name is garp, is dropping off his grandson, luffy, to dadan so she can take care of him. He also dropped off a other kid a few years ago at the same place, his name was ace, so he was going to leave for his job, because his job was being a marine.

they soon arrived at the front door of the shack that which holds the dadan mountain bandits, he knocks on the door and she anwsers but yelling, once she saw garp, her face went pale, she asked him what he was doing here and he anwser'ed that he had another kid for them to take care of, she tried to refuse but once garp let off a scary aura, she said alright almost instantly.

"Well im off dadan, take good care of luffy while im gone, if you don't...'

he looks at her while unleashing some of his aura

"ill turn you in, but not before beating you to a bloody pulp, Well cya!"

garp then left the mountain leaving dadan to take care of luffy.


While garp was walking down the mountain whistling without a care in the world, he notices a young kid, around 6-7 years old, the kid looks like he would die at any moment, the kid looks up at garp and looks down with a sad face, garp also notices his dangerous aura and sad look, "this kid has the potential to be someone strong, maybe even a admiral level if he trains the right way..."

garp walks over to the kid and the kid stares back at him, he asked the kid what his name was, the kid anwser'ed, "Garou"

garp hadn't heard such a weird name before, so he laughed while the kid stared at the laughing man, confused. garp finished his laughing and said to the kid

"How bout you come along with me kid, ill adopt ya, seeing as you're out on the streets, i can sense a great deal of potential locked within ya, how about it? care to become a marine?" he said with confidense, he thought every kid wanted to become a marine, unfortunately for him, his dreams were crushed when the kid said "no thanks mister, i don't want to become a marine, i'd rather be a pirate then one of those disgusting bastards who call themself's 'heroes', yeah this kid has garous personality, but only because of what happened to him, garou has not yet took over the boys body yet, but garou is inside the mind just watching what was going on, like a movie screen, but inside a mind. garou was beginning to like the kid because he reminded him of himself, the old man left with a disappointed look on him face, ya can't blame him though, he did just lose great potential.

after a few days when garou saw the face of garp, the kid had done nothing but sit in that spot. garou was getting bored when suddenly, a bandit came out of no where and stabbed the boy, the boy didn't even react, the boy rushed the bandit and punched him in the face, the punch suprised garou, because the punched blew of the bandits head, he was wondering how he had the strength when the kid looked like skin and bones, LITERALLY, you could see his bones.

shortly after, the kid fell on the ground, the kid lost to much blood and died. garou started getting sucked into the movie screen, when suddenly, he opened his eyes, he found himself in the boys body, he looked around and saw the body of the bandit, he started to look for anything useful in the clothes, he found a dagger, and some beli. he took the clothes of the bandit because why would the dead corpse need clothing?

Garou looked at his stomach, it was somehow completely healed, as if he never got stabbed, but meanwhile, he was still starving, he couldn't find anything, altough garou had done it before, he only did it once when he really needed to, so he still found it disgusting, but he steeled himself and got a fire going, he tore off the still fresh pieces of flesh from the bandits body, after 8+ minutes, he started to eat, he felt kinda bad, but he knew he wouldn't survive while feeling bad, so once he was finished, he decided to train his body, he started doing push-ups, sit-ups,ect. running until he could not run anymore, hunting and surviving in the large forest to find food and battle stronger creatures so his body could adapt and become stronger the more pain he suffers, the more he suffers through the pain, the stronger he gets, and he did this, for 2 years straight.

2 years later

We could see garou killing 4 bears with his fists and feet, he swiftly moved his fists with such gentleness but but with alot dangerous force and killing intent, he sliced a bears head off with a quick swipe of his hand, kicked the rib-cage of another bear, shattering it, he punched a bear in the stomach and kicked his head up wards, he then punched through its stomach and launched himself at the last one, and like a spear, he went through the bears stomach and went directly through the bear, leaving blood every on the floor, and some on parts of his body. when garou stood up, we can see his 8-pack of muscles.

during these 2 years he honed his water stream rock smashing fist and whirlwind iron cutting fist into perfection once again, this body had to become accustomed to the techniques, so he trained them and eventually mastered them again, this only took a few months to do as he already learned it, he just needed to implement it into this new body, to make it learn. he also spent these 2 years retraining his reflex's, unknowingly, he unlocked observation haki, he felt alot better and confident in his reflex's.

his body had been beaten, clawed, bit, bruised, broken, but all of those experiences made his body alot stronger, he now decided to head into the village he found a year ago, he wasn't sure he was strong enough that time, but now that he was confident, he started heading towards the location of the village, as he had memorized this entire forest and most of the island.

Hey guys another chapter!, school starts in like 2 days, but that wont stop me! if you like it leave a comment!

also don't try saying "Oh he wouln't act like this blah blah blah" i dont really give a f*** about what you think, this is my fanfic so enjoy if you like it.

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