
Hero Hunter in an Unfamiliar World (Dropped)

Dead Meme, jk its a DEAD FANFIC check out my new one The One Who Stands Above All Others

RAAAHHHHH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Annoyance and friends

As garou was walking he could see the village in the distance, he decided to speed walk until he was out of the forest. once garou got out of the forest, he headed into the the village, he got many looks from his weird hair, to blushes from man women and girls his age, while the men were jealous of his body and wondered how they could get their muscles the same way he had them.

garou kept trying to find a clothing store until he was stopped by a bandit looking guy.

"hey kid, give us your money and we'll make sure to not beat you to a bloody pulp, people who enter the village also have to pay a fee to enter, so hand over your money, brat"

garou looks up at the fool and moves his hand towards his neck, when he was about to reach it, he noticed people around, so he took back his hand, all of this happened before anybody could even realize what he had done, it was just a blur for even the bandit. garou then asks the bandit

"Huh??? exuse me sir what did you say? you want to rob me? who decided that...weakling"

the bandit was enraged at what this kid called him


the villagers had a look of pity for the boy in their eyes, but the next scene shocked them. the boy was beating the SH** out of the poor bandit that they feared so much. as garou was beating their boss, the bandit lackeys rushed to help their boss, and garou took in a stance and prepared to face them, one after another he quickly broke several bones in each of their body's, and at a rate so fast that none of them could react to.

after this scene of pure bullying, the villagers cheered for the boy, they cheered because they were finally free of the pirates terrany. many of the girls blushed and looked away from him. garou ignored the cheers of the villagers and made his way around the town, everyone of the villagers heard the news and the information spread fast, it wasnt a small village but also not big enough to be called a town.

garou found the clothing shop and took a look around, the shopkeeper noticed him instantly and went to greet him, garou asked for any black tight shirts and told him the materials needed as he had memorized his favorite clothing's materials if he ever needed to find a new one. he ordered baggy white pants and told him the materials, the shopkeeper nodded at his request and went to look for his desired clothing, he couldn't find anything so he told garou to wait for a bit as he needed to make it, garou was patient so he waited until it was done, which was about 2 hours, in these 2 hours he did some exercise to atleast get even if only a bit stronger, every little bit can change the tid of battle, and he knew that.

once the clothes were finished he put them on and put his hair in his old hair style, as he had silver/white hair and it was long enough after 2 years. he walked out of the store without paying as the shopkeeper told him it was on the house, which made garou a little happy because he didn't need to pay.

as garou was walking he spotted a bar, he went in and everything became silent, he walked over to the counter and ordered some sake, the barkeeper asked him his age, but he got his anwser when garou released a bit of his murderous aura, the barkeeper did what was asked and gave him some sake, garou gulped it down in one go, the sake was a little strong but nothing for garou. once garou was done he went out and went to a inn, he paid the innkeeper and got into his room, he laid down and took a nap.


news had reached eveyone in the village and even in the mountains, when dadan heard of this, she was interested at the young boy who had defeated a supposed 'dangerous' group of bandits. she shared the news with everybody, luffy, ace and sabo when they heard this were very excited and left to go find this mysterious kid, who was possibly as strong or if not stronger then them, they wanted to fight the kid, and possibly let him join them.

as garou was walking up from his lap, he went and took a bath, after the bath he headed down and ate a meal, he was glad he was out of the forest because he couldn;t stand the taste of bland meat, he didn't have any salt to atleast make it any better.

once garou finished slowly eating his food, he went outside, as soon as he was out, he saw people who were passing by look at him with admiration in their eyes, some girls blushed, he could hear them whispering if they thought that they had a chance, although garou wasn't keen on getting ny women any time soon, he wanted to atleast take care of his V card, so if any women asked him out he would say yes, unless they were dog-sh** ugly, he would say yes. garou never wanted a harem, maybe 2 or 3 he really loved, but that would be all.

as garou was thinking this, a women with green hair who looked like she was in her twenties approached him."hello there" she said with a smile that broke garou out of his stupor, he looked at the women, she introduced herself, "my name is makino, whats yours kid?"

garou said his name was garou, she was suprised at the weird name but didn't question him, she asked him if he wants to look around town, he told her he already memorised the entire village, she was surpised at him for second and said "alright then, if you ever want something to eat, just come to my bar, its name is 'party's bar' you can come if you want, she said with a smile.

garou said he will come by later, she nodded her head and left him. garou was now walking down the street towards the forest as he wanted to go back in and fight more creatures, but unfortunately for him, he was stopped by 3 kids, one looked younger, around 9 years old, another one looked 12 and the other one looked 12 too, they asked him if his name was garou, he replied with a yes, they looked excited and asked for a fight, he gladly accepted, only if they fought him all at once, they thought he was being cocky, but they accpeted.

the 3 kids jumped at garou, garou moved out of the way and punched the one with the hat in his stomach, the kid whose name was sabo started coughing up little bits of blood because garou didn't want to kill any kid yet, he dashed towards the other 2, he punched the one with the hate, but he was suprised to see his fist sunk into the boys flesh like pudding or something, he decided to test if his theory was true, after about a few seconds of punching, garou new what his abilite was, he was a rubber human, thanks to his devil fruit, he also said the name of his fruit after he was done, he also explained HOW to beat him, garou took this knowledge and proceeded to rapidly punch the kid everywhere, he grabbed one of his limbed and tied it with another, he then tied all of his limbs to make him unable to move, he shifted his attention as the other boy was already right near him, he punched towards garou, garou smiled and punched forward, clashing his fist with the other kids fist, creating a mini shockwave of air, he was suprised at the kids strength, he then grabbed the kids wrist and knee'd him in the chin, dazing the kid, garou rushed towards him and punched him in the stomach.

everyone of the kids except garou was on the ground, groaning in pain. "alright weakling, if this is over im gonna go find some strong beasts to kill..." as he said this, they were surpised and started to follow him despite their pain. garou noticed they were following him and decided to head to one of the stronger beats, that would crush him, but he wanted to show off a little.

after a bit, he stopped infront of a massive cave. he told them that a giant beast lived here and that he was going to kill it, luffy, sabo, and ace were scared of just the entrance, they felt fear and took a step back because the cave was emitting alot of killing intent.

garou walked into the cave, and screams and roars sounded off the walls after a few minutes. 20 minutes later, garou came back with the body of a giant lion with parts of a bear, a cheetah, and many more dangerous animals.

the boys were suprised to see him alive when they heard him say it was done, they knew he was heavily tired by the sound of his voice, but what they saw next, would scar them for life.