
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Livres et littérature
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93 Chs

Chapter 69: To the Ministry of Magic

"What should I do..."

Leonard Taylor was troubled. The theory of what he was currently researching was complete, and the experiments were successful. However, the conditions for activating it were quite strict.

(Students would find it almost impossible. The Order could do it, but Dumbledore and the others would definitely not allow it. Maybe I should just storm into the Death Eaters' place. But that's still worrisome. It would be great if I had a chance to meet Voldemort...)

Since thinking about it wouldn't help, he decided to perfect the other adjustments and preparations for now.


Finally, the OWL exams began. The exam period lasted for two weeks. The fifth-year students were desperately working on the exams. The only one who was relaxed was Hermione Granger. However, compared to normal years, the degree of desperation could be said to be low. Leonard Taylor's Defense Against the Dark Arts class not only teaches defense techniques, but also focuses on developing each student's individuality and the basics of magic. Some students have also improved their abilities in Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. Therefore, students can take the OWL exams for subjects other than Defense Against the Dark Arts with some degree of confidence. By the way, Leonard Taylor did not take the OWL exams. Normally, the results of the OWL exams determine whether or not to proceed to the more difficult NEWT exams. Furthermore, the results of the NEWT exams affect employment. In that sense, the OWL exam can also be said to be the first job exam. On that point, Leonard Taylor is not worried about finding a job. Even though he is still a fifth-year student, he already has many offers. The Department for the Improvement of Magical Artifacts, the Potion Association, the Aurors, the Gringotts Intruder Countermeasures Department, the Magical Creatures Protection Association, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries... Many other organizations, associations, and departments are seeking the special talent of Leonard Taylor. His achievements so far have proven that he has surpassed not only the OWL exams but also the NEWT exams, so they want to ignore the exams and keep him at their disposal as soon as possible. Also, wasting time on the OWL exams would delay research, which would be a loss of time, so Hogwarts was asked to exempt the OWL exams, the teachers agreed, and Headmaster Dumbledore naturally granted permission.


"Final adjustments are complete. All that's left is conversion and transmission..."

In the lab, Leo was troubled in front of the capsule in front of him. A certain thing was floating in the culture fluid inside the capsule. With its completion, Leonard Taylor's dream will take a step forward. He has made many inventions so far. Happiness potion, werewolf potion, improvement of the Patronus charm, identification and removal of the Imperius curse, development and improvement of the Philosopher's Stone, a magical creature named Ku, extermination magic... He has also created many other spells and potions. Still, Leo was not satisfied. There are still many unknowns in this world, and magic is far from omnipotent. There are many things where Muggle science and technology are more advanced. Leonard Taylor's dream is to master magic. This requires an enormous amount of time. Nicolas Flamel, who created the Philosopher's Stone, has lived for hundreds of years. However, the Elixir of Life provided by the Philosopher's Stone grants immortality, but it is also limited. If you do not take the Elixir of Life, you cannot maintain your life, so it is an incomplete existence. Even Kuu, who has incorporated the Philosopher's Stone into his body, is immortal and almost indestructible, but cannot be said to be a perfect life form. However, Leo's research will go even further. He has created something that is far beyond the Horcruxes, which the Dark Lord sought for immortality. There is no such thing as splitting the soul like a Horcrux. There are no disadvantages.

"What should I do about the activation conditions... It would be nice if there was a good opportunity. Maybe I should ask Dumbledore to let me participate in the Order's mission."

For now, there is nothing he can do in the current situation.

All adjustments are complete. All that's left is to set up the activation conditions and everything will be OK.

Leo decided to take a walk to relax.

(Come to think of it, I met Hermione in the library while I was taking a relaxing walk. I hope I have a good encounter today too.)

As he was reminiscing, someone came running from the front.

It was Harry Potter. He was supposed to be in the middle of an exam, but he was running somewhere with a panicked look.

"What's wrong? You're in the middle of an exam, aren't you?"

"Get out of the way! Taylor! I don't have time to talk to you right now... That's right! You're also a member of the Order. Sirius has been captured by Voldemort! We have to go help him! I told Snape too, but he doesn't believe me at all. Dumbledore is also conveniently away on a mission! If it comes to this, I'll go save Sirius by myself! Don't stop me!"

"Petrificus Totalus."

He stopped moving because he didn't seem sane. He didn't make him faint because if he took away his consciousness, he wouldn't be able to peek into his heart.

"Let's see."

Harry's mind, which was still defenseless against Occlumency, could be easily read. It seems that Voldemort had implanted a hallucination that Sirius Black was being tortured in the Department of Mysteries. He tried to read Voldemort's thoughts connected by the soul, but it was impossible as expected. He could only understand that Death Eaters were lying in wait in the Department of Mysteries from the fragmentary information. It would be easy to lure Harry out using Sirius Black, who seems to be like a parent, as bait. In fact, if he hadn't encountered Leo, he would have probably rushed out using a broom.

(But why the Department of Mysteries? If he just wanted to kill Potter, he could have lured him out to Hogsmeade or somewhere else. The Department of Mysteries... Did he use Potter for something? I should contact Dumbledore for now.)

He contacted Dumbledore with telepathy and headed to the headmaster's office, levitating Harry, who was still turned into stone. By the time he arrived at the headmaster's office, Dumbledore had returned.

"Leo, let's hear the details. What happened?"

"Harry Potter was used by Voldemort and lured to the Department of Mysteries. It seems that Voldemort has established a method to use the connection with Harry Potter. Since he doesn't seem to have mastered Occlumency, he could be completely controlled if it gets worse."

"I see. Thank you for stopping Harry. Let's talk more about the connection with Voldemort later. I want to confirm if my guess is correct. But now, the matter of the Department of Mysteries comes first."

"It seems that Death Eaters are lying in wait in the Department of Mysteries. I thought he might have wanted to do something with Harry Potter, but do you have any idea?"

"He probably wants the prophecy. There is a prophecy about Harry and him stored there. The prophecy he knows is incomplete. So he probably thought he could take advantage of Harry by knowing the complete prophecy."

"I see. What will you do?"

"This is a good opportunity. Gather as much strength as possible and hit them."

Dumbledore immediately contacted the headquarters of the Order. Immediately, an elite group including Sirius and Lupin was formed.

"Then, I will transform into Harry Potter and act as a decoy. Considering the physique, I think I'm the most suitable."

Dumbledore felt a sense of incongruity. He didn't think Leonard Taylor would participate in the mission so actively. But now, the priority is to counter the Death Eaters rather than that sense of incongruity. Since the place is inside the Ministry of Magic, if it goes well, the Ministry of Magic will have to admit Voldemort's resurrection. 

Using Polyjuice Potion, Leo and Dumbledore, who had taken on the appearance of Harry, emerged from the headmaster's office. Snape and Draco Malfoy were standing just beyond the door.

"Headmaster, Draco would like to speak with you regarding this matter."

"Hmm. Mr. Malfoy, tell me. I know you've been trying to bring your family back from the darkness."

Draco began to speak to Dumbledore through tears.

"Dumbledore... Please save my father...! He's ready to die! He intends to take other Death Eaters with him to save me and my mother!"

According to Draco Malfoy, a considerable number of Death Eaters are participating in the trap at the Department of Mysteries this time. It seems that it was within the range of expectations that Leo and Dumbledore would stop Harry Potter from being lured out and the Order would come. They seem to be planning to deploy enough forces to defeat them. At that place, Lucius Malfoy will attack the Death Eaters with his comrades who betray the Dark Lord. Of course, they are outnumbered and will be defeated immediately. But as a result, they want to get permission to escape to the Order side with the remaining family.

"We are sinners. It's too late to do anything about it now. But our son, our children, have a future. We don't want them to become sinners like us. We want you to promise the safety of our children by taking those who have the same sins as us with us."

The letter handed over from Draco contained the heart of a father wishing for his child's happiness.

"Draco Malfoy, let's make a promise. If there is no lie in these words, I will definitely save your father and his comrades."

Leaving Draco Malfoy, who thanked him, Dumbledore led the way, followed by McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape, and Leo, who looked like Harry Potter. Ku, disguised as clothes, was also with them. Their destination is the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. What awaits them is a trap of darkness. The Order was determined to move forward. Among them, only Leonard Taylor had a different purpose.

(If Voldemort doesn't come, I'll go home. ...I wonder if Hermione will worry if it goes well. But I've left a message, so it should be fine.)


Please try to guess what Leo's research is.

Hints have been given in the story so far.

The various organizations seeking Leo are named arbitrarily.

It's just a feeling that there might be something like this.

The encounter between Harry and Leo was neither a coincidence nor a protagonist correction.

Harry was unconscious, but he was manipulated by the bow to meet Leo and lead him to the Ministry of Magic. It was something Leo couldn't have wished for.

The betrayal of Malfoy family.

There are also several other families betraying.

They intend to prove that their betrayal is not a lie by making a special attack in this operation and to protect only the children.

The reason for the betrayal is that the original loyalty was low and they saw Leo's overwhelming power.

In fact, they have seen the scene where the bow cannot kill Leo.

Next time, what kind of despicable and worst trap is waiting at the Ministry of Magic?