
Chapter 180

We have a problem in our hands” Chin commented, and reclined on the chair.

He beckoned to a lady standing a few meters away from them, she came forward, and bent over his side, he leaned and whispered to her, she retreated and went to get his order.

“How does that have anything to do with me, Chin? We are done with the lakeside deal, and Bill took all the bills, I don't have to sweat over your difficulties” he reminded him, Chin smiled and shrugged.

“Of course, if it isn't Lake side deal, I won't be here, have you been keeping up on NY recent news?” he asked, and grabbed the glass of drink on the tray, brought by the pretty lady in lingerie.

The man he referred to as Dragon, thought deeply about what he had said “I did, some missing folks, here and there, what does that have to do with me?” retorted, and puffed more smoke into the atmosphere.

Chin studied his face, sensing discomfort, he chuckled lowly.

 “There is this kid, that is in the mix of Lake Side deal, he had been going after every one of us, I know about your missing daughter, I know she is dead” he reminded him,

Dragon face became gloomy and his heart sank.

He clenched the armchair he was sitting on, “Fine, you got me, Chin, what is the plan on this? I heard, he is a formidable opponent, and he controls a considerable connection of deceased Escobar's men” he said, sighing heavily.

Chin nodded in satisfaction “I just need your men, I want to kill him myself, enough, that I can sweep his whole base once” Chin reiterated, Dragon nodded.

A car pulled over in the school parking lot, Lucy, Jeane, Jeame, and Jack were standing meters away from the parking lot, Jack looked at the car pensively, he suspected it was the one that abducted Sam, is best friend.

The back seat car was pull open and Sam ran out, beaming, he slammed the door behind him and ran towards his friends, Jeane exhaled in relief, Lucy chuckled, Jack ran towards his friend, and the both of them hugged each other.

Two burly men came down from the car, and stepped towards Sam, “Hey, where were you taken to, you didn't even bother to get in touch with your friends, dude” Jack blurted out.

Sam was about saying something, when he felt a rough hand on his shoulder, he shuddered in freight, Jack backed away, fearing the presence of the two burly men.

“You forget something” one of the burly men reminded him, with an expressionless face, he smiled and dashed towards the car, he pulled the car's back door open, and a pretty girl emerged from the car.

Jeane, and Lucy, with Jack, watched with bewildered expression, Jeame chuckled at their reactions.

Sam knelt “forgive me, mistress, I won't repeat my mistake anymore” he said, she humphed and rolled her eyes.

She stepped forward,