
Chapter 181

And Sam followed from behind, “is that Sam's new girlfriend?” Jeane asked in disbelief, Jack stared, mouth agape.

“It is, Jeane” Lucy reiterated, hiding away.

The two burly men stood behind Sam and the young lady, Jack regained his senses and smiled.

“I am Jack, Sam's friend” he introduced himself and stretched forth his hand, for a handshake.

The young lady, standing close to Sam, glanced at him, nodding her head towards Jack.

Sam took Jack's hand, putting him in shock, “She is Ella, Sam's girlfriend” Sam said.

Jeame chuckled, Lucy started laughing, Jeane shook her head, she thought Sam's new girlfriend is weird, Ella smiled at smile, she was pleased.

Jo woke up the next morning, feeling anxious, he grabbed his phone and stared at the screen briefly if Arial had called, but there was no call from her.

He quickly got into the shower, and hurried down “sir, won't you have your breakfast?” his butler reminded, “No” he said, and hurried out of the door.

The cook by his side, nudged him, he turned to her “I think he is having a problem with madame” she said.

Jo butler nodded, thinking about it, he came back home alone last night.

Jo got into his car and drove to Arial's company, he parked the car in an underground parking-lot, he strode towards the executive elevator, where a security man was station at.

"Sir, Madame C.E.O isn't yet in office” he informed Jo, his face instinctively became gloomy, the security man was a bit frightened by his demeanor.

“Alright” Jo snapped out of his self-induced anger.

He turned and strode to his car, he sat in for a few minutes, before he finally drove out.

His heart twitched, when he thought of Arial, he didn't know why Arial ditched him, for an ex, he felt incompetent.

Immediately, he took his seat in his office, his father's secretary Amanda came in, she looked gorgeous that morning, with a cute smile.

“Good morning, sir, the Chairman wants to see you in his office” she reported, Jo nodded.

He stared at the heap of files on the table, and suspected foul play, he shrugged and followed her.

“Have you eaten?” Amanda blurted out, she didn't realize when she said that, Jo froze, and stares at her back, she was shivering, and dare not look back, he chuckled.

“No” he replied, and walked ahead, Jo secretary glared at Amanda, she didn't know why she is all over Jo, she felt like strangling her.

Jo entered his father's office, and saw his desk empty, only cup of teas, that belonged to him, and Mr. Stones, they were chatting happily.

“Oh, here he is” Old Man Bill declared, Jo sat calmly before the two of them, “what is your decision about my proposal yesterday?” Old Man Bill inquired, Jo didn't think much about it, he didn't look at the financial reports, but has taken the decision, so he can forget about Arial for the mean time.