
Chapter 3


We walked towards the counter and Tyler offered to pay for our drinks, I didn't even bloody care, for the fact that I'm sipping the drink he bought while he is hovering over me like a bee made me want to spit my drink in his face.

"You look really beautiful tonight Jess"Tyler spoke up leaning towards me

"Yeah,you say that almost every time you see me here"I shot rolling my eyes.

"That's because you really look beautiful Jess, I really mean it"he said maybe in a very seductive manner which is clearly not working on me.

I huffed a "Course I am"

averting my gaze from him and sipping my drink.

Scanning around hopefully for Mia and Mark to save me from this manwhore over here but they were already on the dance floor with Mia grinding on something that looks like a bulge in Mark's pant.

'Those two should get married already or something''

I chuckled lightly and shook my head

"Wanna dance? "Tyler broke me from my thoughts

I almost forgot he was still there gawking at me

"Uh,...I...uhm... Thanks, but I'm good "I said trying so hard not to be rude

He shook his head in disappointment and let out a chuckle

'what's so funny, is it everyone that wanna dance with you asshole?'

"I'm sorry,did I say something funny? "I asked in a callous tone.  I swear if this idiot doesn't leave right now I'm gonna spill the drinking in my mouth all over his stupid face .

''you really are a boring one Jessica,you should let down some guards you know "he said patting me on the shoulder

I glared at his stinking hand on my shoulder and spat a "knock yourself out asshole"and concentrated back on my drink.

He chuckled and left probably to look for another chick he would annoy.

I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding and noticed my drink was almost going down in my glass.

"Boyfriend problems? "a male voice asked as the person sat in a stool next to mine.

I looked up to see those beautiful eyes I saw earlier today at the library. No freaking way, he is here? "What the fuck is he doing here?

I found myself smiling from ear to ear at Prof. Carl Anthony who happens to be in a jean and grey shirt which made him look so fucking sexy.

Jessica he might be fucking married

I almost gave myself a whiplash at that thought

"Hi, 'I smiled "Professor Carl? "

"You remembered "he said with a smile

"Of course I remember ,what brings you here"I asked with one awkward smile

"I ugh,I occasionally come here to clear my head sometimes "he said rubbing the back of his head

"Oh cool"was the only words that I could manage to bring out as I'm still staring at this man.

"You drink that? "he said gazing at my almost finished drink

I chuckled "It was my friend's idea, don't wanna be the boring one"

"Let me get you another round then "he offered

"Uhm, no,thanks really, I really don't wanna drag my drunk ass and my roommate back to dorm... we will both definitely get a hit and run"

I said sarcastically still trying so hard to be funny.

Even my vulgarity surprises me

He chuckled "let me get you something without the alcohol then "

I just stared at him, didn't know what to say at this second offer

"Something without alcohol for the lady please"....and a scotch for me"

I heard him say to the bartender

He turned back to me and I mouthed an audible "thank you ".

"So where's your friend? "he looked around looking for who I came with

"She stepped out with her boyfriend a while ago"I lied with a smile that didn't reach my eyes

How do I tell him my roommate is giving her boyfriend a hard on on the dance floor.

He nodded sipping from his glass,then we chatted and laughed at different topics ,he was in his third round of his scotch and I was afraid he was getting drunk.

I would have been wobbling all over the place if I had that amount of alcohol in my system. But he didn't even look like he had taken a glass, he was still wearing his awesome smile.

Turned out he wasn't all that boring

I had noticed there wasn't a ring in his finger, for a man at his age he should be wearing a wedding ring or something.

"So,no ring? "I found myself asking a total professor in my damn school.

Way to go Jessica, so much confidence in you tonight.. My sub conscience mocked.

He shook his head and paused for a while.

"No, no ring" he said smiling and with his eyes lurking around my lip which I find really arousing

I didn't mind after all,just don't know why I'm interested in this guy, maybe because he is a young professor.

Scoffs... What an excuse

'I really need to get laid'

"Then you must have a serious relationship or something "I asked still prying into this poor guy's business

"No girlfriends or any attachments "he dropped

I raised my brows widening my eyes in surprise while my lips are still in my cup of juice.

"Whoa"was all I could say, honestly a part of me was happy this guy is single

'But why though, why is a total hot ass single? '

"I'm a really busy man Jessica", he arched his brows"and I'm still looking for the right person to settle with as soon as I get my work done in this College "

He said with his beautiful eyes peering into mine, reaching down my soul and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I swore those last words sounds like they were meant for me.

We were still staring at each other when Mia came out of no where

"Heeyyy Jessiie"..I swear I really hate it when she dragged my name like that

'my, how much did she have to drink '

"Wow, who is this Prince Charming Jessiee,"she was now facing Carl putting her palms on his face.

'Damn the ground should just open and swallow me already '

I shook my head to save myself from this embarrassing scene.

"Oh have you two fucked already? "Mia blurted and I lifted my head quickly to find Carl's face already flushed of embarrassment

"Man you take easy on her, oh Jessie.. She is fragile one"she continued

'okay, that's it'

"Mia we have to leave "I grabbed her by the wrist then turning to Prof Carl" I'm really sorry you have to see this "I gave him an apologetic look

He just smiled and reassured with "it's okay Jessica "while grinning

"Noon Jessie, I wanna dance, God you arree sooo boorring"she continued

'damn Mia, you are gonna be the death of me, and where the hell is Mark? '

"Mia, look at me"..I said raising her head to face me "Where's Mark? "

I swore I couldn't translate the answers that came out of her mouth.

It was no use getting any answers from her , can't believe Mark would leave her in this drunken state.

I took her outside the club hoping to find either Mark or a cab soon.

"Jessica? "Prof Carl called from behind

"Let me give you two a ride, it's not safe out there"he said with his hands akimbo on his waist .

I couldn't say just say no,I nodded and mouthed a thank you while we walked towards a black car and I laid Mia at the back sit and sat at the front with Prof Carl at the front.