
Chapter 10

Wife?,did she just say wife?

OMG ,no no no!

I think I froze, I don't know how long I stood there staring into nothing  unable to move nor speak. I can't even think,i can't suddenly feel my nerves....

"Miss?, Miss?... Are you okay? " she tapped me back to reality

I cleared my throat dryly ,can't seem to find my voice anymore

She was Carl's wife all along? Why didn't I even think of that?

"I, I.."I stuttered

I think I've forgotten how to speak,I can't even feel my heart anymore.. I think all I'm feeling right now is....pain, betrayal, SHOCK.

But why would he do such a thing to me, to her, to his kids.. OMG, his kids!

"I, Uhm,...I was looking for Professor Carl...to.. Uhm.... to ask him about our project defense you know"I said sheepishly nodding like a total fool

"and to appreciate him for the work... he did for us.. You know... My brother and I "I lied flickering my hand wearing a fake smile.

She had seen the wine I brought so I had to come up with an excuse.

"Oh dear thanks but maybe you should check on him later, I will inform him that you came by"

I just nodded at her reply, can't even imagine telling her I'm having an affair with her husband... I can't cry in her presence, Jess put yourself together.

"It's Jessica  right? "She asked

"Mhmm"I replied timidly nodding at her.

"It's nice to meet you Jessica "she welcomed with a beautiful smile

My,she is so beautifully innocent. She doesn't a cheat and a liar like Carl.

"It's nice to meet you too Lilian "I replied with the least dignity in me.

Clasping my ten fingers together with my bag of wine in between like an idiot,I turned and left for my dorm.


It's been three beautiful sunny days and I haven't stepped out to see how beautiful God made it to be.

I've been in my room, giving myself heavy bags under my eyes and been eating nothing but sugarless tea.

I think I might die of depression and starving .

Imagine the headline it would make :A 23 year old girl was found dead in her room due to starvation and what seems like depression.

I 'd call in sick in sick at work since that awful night,every now and then I would check my phone hoping to see an 'I am sorry '  text or even a call from Carl but non came.

I guess was too stupid and blinded by looks, the answers were right in front of me and I chose to ignore them.

I'm a fucking idiot, I hate my life ,I hate men, I hate you Carl Anthony. I really fucking hate you, you sick lying piece of  annoying shitty cheat.

Fuck!I could swear on all that is above this world that my body reeks from not bathing since three days.

Drop that thought, have I even brushed?

I was still sniffing and sobbing with tissue in between my nose brims when I heard a knock on the door.

I wasn't really expecting anyone,Mia wasn't  going to be back till the upper week.

I tried to find my legs and put them on the ground with the last strength I had in me, the knocking became louder and persistent.

"Coming "I called out wearily

"Who is it? "I asked sniffling and trying to hide my sore eyes

"Mia"the familiar voice blurted

Mia? I wasn't expecting her to be back so soon.

I opened the door revealing a smiling Mia

"Surprise "she yelled

Her smile faded into a frown

"What the hell Jess? "the look on her face made me feel pathetic. I couldn't help it, I just burst out crying, the tears flowing as they came. I was too damn broken for anything at the moment.

"Oh my God Jess,come over here"she pulled me into a hug, stroking my back as I buried my face in her shoulder.

When it seemed like I have stopped, she pulled me up to look into my eyes, they were still pooling with tears .

"Care to tell me why my roommate is all teary and reeking so badly? "she asked with a bit seriousness

Can't believe I chuckled at that, I haven't known the meaning of smile since the past what seems like seventy two hours and here she was making my smile on her first joke.

I sat down beside her and narrated the story to her, she got up on anger and headed towards the door.

Hope she isn't about to do what I'm thinking

"Mia,where do you think you are going? "I asked in between sobs

"To report that asshole to Student Affairs Council of course, his cheating ass should be reprimanded and disciplinary actions should be taken for what he did to you "she barked with anger written all over her.

I shot her a weak look

"Mia, you know you can't do that, I'm as much as involved in this situation and besides.... "I sniffled again "It's going to be my word against the words of a professor Mia"

The word processor brought that pang to my heart again and I didn't know when the tears started flowing my cheeks.

Darn it I hate crying in front of people, it makes me look.... Vulnerable.

Mia clenched her fists into balls,for a moment I thought they were for me,at least for being stupid in love with a professor cheating on his wife.

"Jessica,he didn't have the right to treat you that way, I'm gonna castrate his living soul the next time I see him around you "

I bet that won't be happening cos he is currently having a peaceful family gathering at his house .

I let out a slight chuckle "No need for that Mia...i bet he wouldn't even have the balls to get close to me"

If he haven't called me yet,i bet seeing me would be the least in his options.

She walked closer and pulled me back into a quick hug and I'm suddenly feeling better since.... Gosh I can't even stand to think about it.

"You need a thorough bathing Jess, seriously "Mia muttered in between our long hug

I pulled out and nodded, she was right, I don't even need a psychic to tell me that my body smells like a fucking dungeon at the moment.

I got into the bathroom and put on her shower, I let the water hit me with the highest intensity, I needed to wash away this pain, the bad feeling, the hurt. I just need it go away.

This is my final year in College  I can't flunk now because of a man

But why am I not so lucky in finding love and happiness with men. Am I cursed or what?