
Chapter 9

I think my life is finally becoming a damn happily ever after movie, I mean... Carl told me he loved me...

I could still recall his voice when said the L words to me.....

"I love you Jessica, I do love you ".....

Fuck, a die hard professor is in love with me

Did I tell him that I loved him back.....course I did... the man swept me off my feet since last semester and I talk to him almost all the time on the phone, not all the time really but whenever I have my free time at the coffee shop and at dorm. I wont let him distract me from work or my studies..

It must have been too obvious that I'm already moving too fast with Carl when Mia asked me what level I was with him.

Speaking of Mia, Mia had gone home since the last exams ended, she was really proud happy that she read well for her exams this time. I'm really so proud of that bitch, she doesn't know it.

"So have you two fucked already? "Mia asked so bluntly over the phone....

Jesus, this girl's mouth need a serious filter

Sometimes I wish my phone had PG button on it

I almost choked on my saliva... Not like I haven't heard the F word before but the fact that Carl's name was involved in the conversation

I cleared my throat to enable me think straight

"Filter Mia... and no... We haven't had sex yet "I shot rolling my eyes even though she can't see it

"Jessica Nelson this is your final year in College,you need a fucking diii-  I removed my phone from my ear for about two passing seconds...

Can't handle Mia's snarling about Carl's dick on my mind right now,not like I have seen it though.....to be honest I wish I could... Some day, tonight maybe.

"Right Mia, we are working on that... I think it will happen soon... You know spontaneously... Just like how lovers do "I said shrugging my shoulders

I could hear Mia 's feet stumping the ground as she growled in annoyance.

"Okay, okay, maybe tonight... I will try it tonight "I sighed, giving in as if I was taking orders from my mom.

She squealed a "Yasss and I love you, talk to you later, gotta catch up with my brother "

I muttered an "I love you too "to her and hung up

She reminds me so much of Annie, those two would make a great couple if they were in love.

So speaking of Carl

Of course we have kissed a dozen times, maybe... But it didn't exceed kissing,it made me feel special somehow.. The fact that he is taking things really slow with me made him seem really way too sweet.

But another part of me want to devour him, you know kiss him like a hungry maniac, give him love bites suck his-

Oh shit, you, you are one fucked up bitch

I can allow all these to happen but I feel like there's a lot he is not telling me,Carl Anthony that I  have come know for about three months now is very secretive. There are things he is hiding and a part of me don't want to find out

I remember when I finished my last paper last semester and decided to surprise him at his house,I caught him saying "I miss you too baby" on the phone ..he clearly didn't know I was behind him

I cleared my throat to let him know I was there, he coughed and cleared his throat and ended the call with "Uh, yeah, I love you too "....say hi to the kids for me okay".

When I asked him who it was he said it was his sister, seriously... Like who calls their sisters baby

He assured me that it was how they get comfortable in their conversations and stuff, still found it hard to believe.

Sometimes he is really sweet Carl, then another time he is being distant again.

The man is definitely hiding something, one part of me wants to know what it was and another just didn't want to pry. I just wanna enjoy this new found relationship even if for a short period of time, till I find the energy to know what he is hiding.


After Mia and I got off the phone, I pondered on having sex with him tonight, maybe our love will strengthen after this and I will get to know him better. And by that I mean finding out what he was hiding.

And we haven't seen in four days now.

I bought an alcoholic wine, maybe this will help induce the moment... But Carl doesn't get drunk... He is a total heavy head.

I don't even care, I just wanna get laid tonight and he is gonna give me his dick tonight...

Shit, I'm supposed to call him to tell him I'm coming over .

Scratch that... I'm gonna fucking surprise him.

I got to his apartment and sucked in a deep breath before I knocked. My heart is definitely beating faster than it has ever beat before, I could feel my nervousness in my palms

This is gonna be great. This is gonna be great.

I heaved a heavy sigh

Breath Jessica, breath. You came to take a dick remember.

Of course

On my second knock the door flew open revealing a brown hair lady

"Honey, you are bac-... Oh"she paused as our eyes locked

Hold that thought , I know her from somewhere

Wait honey?....of course she is Carl's younger sister.

Damn, she looked better in person

"Ehm, Hi... May I help you?"she asked pulling strands of hair behind her ear, flashing her wedding ring. its really beautiful....

Knocked back to my  world

"Uh, yeah, I'm Jessica "I said pulling out my hand for handshake,she took it with a welcoming smile

"Is Carl in? "I asked peeping inside, hoping he would come out and save me from this awkward introduction.

"Oh no, he went out to get a few groceries for the kids and I-

Kids ?She brought her kids, cool can't wait to meet them. Carl has spoken so much about them.

"I am Lilian, Carl's wife".