
Her Beasts

Iris Hart wakes up one day to discover she is in the dense forests of the beastworld! While Iris was cute and curvy at home, she is quickly revered as having the beauty of a goddess in the beastworld. Many strong and handsome beastmen can't wait to fight for Iris's affections and the chance to become one of her mates! However, Iris is quite ambitious and, with the addition of her very own system, she is able to accomplish many of her goals. However, with knowledge, power, and plentiful resources, there is bound to be trouble! *Warning 18+ Content* Tags: Rated 18+, Mature, Transmigration, System, Magic, Beastmen, Survival, Historical Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Detailed, Serious, Female Lead, Agriculture, Food, Cooking This work is currently posted on Wattpad, WebNovel, and RoyalRoad. All accounts should have the same username, profile picture, etc so you can easily identify that it is still my account that is publishing my stories. For the fastest updates, please check out my patreon: patreon.com/AutumnPlunkett

AutumnPlunkett · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

[BONUS] The Interview

One day, a strange male from Blue Lake City came to visit the artic wolf tribe. Along the way, he came across Iris's group in the forest where they were making camp for the night. This male was the mate of the King's daughter in the city and he often traveled to the surrounding tribes to hear gossip.

You see, Lark's mate enjoyed hearing stories and Lark was good at convincing others to share information with him. As Lark had heard gossip from other tribes of the artic wolf tribe recently, Lark decided to try his luck.

Lark was curious about this group of traveling beastmen as he gazed as them in his small bird form. When he saw an especially beautiful female with dark hair and dazzlingly blue eyes, it reminded him of the female Lark had heard about from the beauty pageant.

Lark transformed into his human form and went to introduce himself when Iris shrieked

"Ahh! Put some clothes on for goodness sake."

Ember glowered at the weak make in front of him, but handed him a spare beast skin to cover himself with. Ember didn't like that someone had such up on his mate, but wouldn't shoo him away. Ember had no clue who he was, but it was up to Iris if she wanted to reject advances from her admirers. Ember would only chase those off who wanted to harm her.

Larkin gave a charming smile as he introduced himself

"So sorry about that. I'm Larkin, I'm from Blue Lake City. You're Iris from the beauty pageant, right?"

Iris looked surprised as she nodded to confirm. Larkin continued to explain his presence

"My mate is the king of the city's daughter. She really likes to hear about all the going ons of the local tribes so I often travel around. If you have the time, I'd love to interview you, your mates, and some of your tribe mates. I'd be happy to compensate you for your time."

Iris considered his offer, but found that money was all too inconvenient. They'd be traveling away soon enough and there would be no time for him to return with anything. Food, however, was always necessary, especially with so many people to feed. Thus, Iris decided to stroke a deal.

"Alright, but we don't want money. If you want us to answer your questions you will have to hunt for meat and help us pull up cattails until morning. We will be leaving the area in the morning so you will have to pay up by the time we leave. This will be your only opportunity to make such an exchange as well."

Larkin was not afraid of a little hard work so he easily agreed.

"Of course, that would be no problem. I shall harvest the cattails throughout the interview and then go hunting later tonight, if that works for you?"

Iris nodded so Larkin continued

"Shall we start with interviewing you? You are quite well known in Blue Lake City after the beauty pageant where you stole the hearts of many single males, after all."

Iris nodded and followed him to the riverside with Ember following along. Caspian was busy teaching their tribe mates how to sew tents and find appropriate sticks to set them up with. Meanwhile, Basil was attending to any health issues within the tribe. This left only Ember to follow Iris around at meal times.

Larkin started the interview with a question he knew many had on their minds ever since the beauty pageant.

"Alright, so what would your ideal male be if you were to find new mates. Previously you had hundreds of admirers but only accepted two of them. Surely having so few males mustvmake life difficult?"

Ember glowered as Lark who quickly reassured

"Don't worry, I already have a mate whom I adore. I'm not looking for myself."

Iris laughed as she pushed Ember playfully.

"Hey, stop that. He doesn't mean any harm and it's a normal enough question. Hmm.... I guess I like males who are interesting. All of my males have their talents and things they are good at.

I have this big brute here who offers excellent protection. Then there is Caspian who seems to have excellent leadership skills and is very passionate about his tailoring. Basil is very bright and is constantly experimenting with things to find new ways to make delicious food or effective medicines.

Any new mates would definitely have to be equally interesting and passionate about their hobbies. Strength to protect me and good looks are really just a nice bonus."

Larkin nodded as he asked a follow up question.

"Of your current mates do you have a favorite."

Iris blushed under Ember's expectant gaze. This question was far too embarrassing to be asked and Iris felt highly uncomfortable. Still, Iris had agreed to the interview so she gave a very diplomatic like answer

"I love all of my mates and I think they are all equally wonderful in their own ways."

Lark raised an eyebrow as he pushed the issue

"That sounds very diplomatic of you, but your mating marks seem to tell a different story."

Irish cleared her throat awkwardly as she explained

"I don't think the mating marks are an accurate show of one's feelings long term. It isn't as if the marks change position after you receive them. It would be far beyond me to judge another for their capacity to love their mates in the future just based on one's initial impressions before becoming mates...."

Lark decided to drop the issue as he brought up another much juicer topic

"I hear you got into a fight with another female after the beauty pageant. Your mates let her and her mates live despite easily overpowering them. Do you have many enemies and why don't you eliminate threats to your well being immediately? Surely a complete female desired by so many wouldn't even have to worry about public opinion."

Ember continued to glower at Lark as Iris gave a heavy sigh.

"I don't think I have too many enemies. Our previous tribal leader James spoiled his daughter Ivy too much is all. I don't really feel comfortable taking lives so easily.

Besides, up until now, we needed to coexist with the artic wolf tribe. Killing the tribe leader's daughter would be a good way to cause tensions in the tribes and who knows what James would have done to retaliate. Thankfully, we no longer have to worry about such things anymore since we are leaving."

Lark knew that not harming females was a general rule of thumb for the public. However, the strong getting all the spoils was also commonly accepted consensus. Thus, Lark could only pity Iris's males who had their hands full protecting such a female.

Lark then turned to Ember to ask his next question. Of course, Lark continued to work diligently at collecting cattails along the riverside so that he was earning his keep.

"You seem to do most of the heavy lifting in your family when it comes to protecting your mate. How does that make you feel being relegated to the role of protector while others are off doing more exciting tasks for your mate?"

Ember raised one of his thick black eyebrows as he gave Lark a strange look. He wasn't sure if this question was even worth answering, but did so under Iris's expectant gaze.

"I don't care what others do. Iris's safety comes first to me. I am the strongest in our family so it is my job to ensure her other mates are strong enough to protect her in my absence. However, if I'm around, I'm happy to be by Iris's side and ensure her safety."

Lark nodded before asking a follow up question

"I hear your mate has made friends with quite a few females in your tribe. I've heard a red panda half orc is often seen buying goods from your mate at market. Would your protection extend to protecting other family members? What about Iris's friends or tribe mates?"

Ember blinked before looking down at Iris. He felt a lot of pressure as he answered the question

"It is important to Iris that her family gets along. If her safety is not in danger and I can help, I will protect the others. Iris would be similarly be sad if her friend Holly perished unnecessarily. However, I am far too busy taking care of my own family to watch over the entire tribe."

Lark found himself surprised by how close the bonds in this tribe were. Usually, even family members would do the minimum for one another. Unless it was one of the females favorite males, no kindness would be shown at all. Asking another male to protect a single mate was practically insanity.

Lark could tell he wouldn't get much more out of Ember and remained quiet for a while. Iris saw his uncertainty and offered

"I can go send my other mates over if you'd like to ask more questions?"

Lark nodded appreciatively. Thus, Iris went off with Ember. Basil was easy enough to find as he had already returned to their tents. Very few were injured, sick, or pregnant in the group and Basil was eager to cook dinner for Iris.

Iris sat down and was handed a bowl of soup. As she ate Iris explained the situation and sent Basil on his way. Basil was reluctant, but tucked away his tails and ears as he put on his business expression.

Lark had not wandered far as he continued to stuff cattails into an animal skin while he waited. Basil sat down beside him and helped pick the cattails, well aware they were for Iris. Lark quickly introduced himself

"Hello, I'm Lark. You're Basil, the previous witch doctor from Blue Lake City, right? Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

Basil nodded, feeling bored and upset about being away from Iris. He just wanted to get the whole thing over with and scamper back to his mate's side. Lark could tell Basil was reluctant, but went ahead since he obtained permission.

"You're well known for being Blue Lake City's witch doctor. What made you want to become a witch doctor?"

Basil frowned as both sad and happy memories flooded through him. Basil didn't often look back on his past, but he also had a responsibility to hold up his mate's agreements.

"My mother and father beasts died when I was young. My grandfather was the city's witch doctor at the time and he took me in. As his mate had died previously, he was eager to pass on his knowledge to an apprentice so he could die in peace.

Since I had the aptitude for learning and was easily able to apply what I learned, my grandfather taught me all that he knew. I even met the king of the city through grandfather, which helped me to obtain the position when he passed away a year after I matured."

Lark nodded before asking a follow up question

"Are there any interesting herbs you often use that others might not think to use? Iris had high compliments for you and I can't help but wonder what the rest of us are missing out on."

Basil thought carefully about the question. There was obviously the jujui berries, sweet roots, and umai leaves he had found to cook with. However, Basil assumed the male before him was likely thinking more from a medicinal perspective since Basil was well known as a witch doctor.

As most herbs used health wise were widely used, there was little Basil could think of. Of course, mint was good for a stomach ache and relaxation while thyme helps with coughs. However, this all was far too common of knowledge.

"Well, did you know that basil is good for reducing stress, anxiety, curing sexual problems, and even depression? My old mentor had bestowed me this name as he felt my bright and cheerful attitude was like a breath of fresh air after a stressful day handling patients."

Lark was a little disappointed that it wasn't a herb he had never heard of before. However, it was certainly true that the boost to ones labido was a little known effect of the basil plant.

Lark continued his interview with his next question

"What's your secret? How come you were able to snag such a prized female for your own? It seems like many others were of similar combat level and you don't even have any elemental ability like Ember."

Basil frowned, not liking the slight against him, but then decided to play it off with a playful smile as he answered

"Don't you know it's all about ones attitude. My mate quite likes it when I tease her with my tail and flirt with her despite this being seen as lowering oneself to others."

Lark felt quite flustered by this strange males attitude and dismissed himself as he went to find his next interviewee. Seeing Iris's mate who had stood beside her at the beauty pageant, Lark quickly made his way over. Caspian looked quite confused upon seeing a strange male he knew to not be part of his tribe and was unsure whether to attack or not.

After Lark quickly explained who he was and what his purpose for being here was, Caspian heaved a sigh of relief.

"Alright, well, you'll need to hold up your side of the bargain. Let's return to the riverside and then I will quickly answer your questions. I do need to get back to work with helping the others, though. So don't take too long."

Lark easily complied as none of this was difficult to do. Once back at the riverside, Lark launched back into his tirade of questions.

"I hear you were previously the strongest warrior in your tribe before Ember arrived. Did you ever consider taking the position of tribe leader for yourself and removing any trouble makers who threatened your mate's well being."

Caspian frowned, not liking how this male made light of their tribes affairs. However, Caspian was not one to go back on deals his little mate agreed to. Thus, he answered

"It isn't as simple as all that as you well know. Obviously, I could have challenged the leader, killed him and have thrown his daughter out. However, our tribe's witch doctor would still command more respect than me and not everyone in the tribe would have gone along with it.

This many of our tribe being willing to follow us is already quite good. This is the number my mate's hard work could convince to join us even despite many more enjoying the efforts of her hard work.

Had I become the new leader, the tribe I grew up in would be fractured and I have no guarantee that such actions wouldn't turn even these people here away. They might have thought me cruel and stupid to toss out a female just as they do regarding James' decisions.

No, that truly would have been a worse call than willingly leaving the tribe. At least now, Iris does not have to part with her friends and we can work towards a happier life."

Lark nodded, it was certainly true that tribe politics were complicated. Deciding to ask a more light-hearted question, Lark continued

"Such a beautiful mate as yours is sure to easily become pregnant. Are you excited to become a father? What sort of father do you think you will be?"

Caspian gave an easy smile as he was reminded of Iris. He truly did love her quite a bit and he would happily take care of any children she birthed whether they were his or not.

"Yes, I think all of us would happily welcome cubs. Of course, hatchlings would be fine as well. I hope I can raise our children to be even a fraction as wonderful as my little female. I'm sure, any children of hers are bound to be quite capable and handsome to the point that females would fight over the chance to claim our son's as their mates."

Caspian had quite the doting look on his face as he said all this. Lark could easily tell that all of Iris's mates cared for their female quite a bit.

Having heard about the Iris's half orc best friend Holly numerous times now, Lark requested Caspian to send her over. Holly looked nervous as several of her mates followed behind her protectively.

"Hello, you are Holly, right?"

Holly nodded nervously.

"I'm Lark and I was just wondering if you'd mind me asking you a few questions. You don't have to answer if anything is too much. I don't know if the tribe leader explained anything to you?"

Holly just nodded again to answer Lark's questions. Holly was usually pretty nervous and shy around others and felt this strange male was very stressful to be around. Lark could tell Holly was a bit reluctant, but decided to continue the interview all the same.

"You've been seen in the city excitedly purchasing items from Iris's shop several times now. Many times you even end up persuading others to be interested. Would you say you enjoy being friends with Iris?"

Holly's eyes lit up at the mention of her friend and she slowly answered before growing confidence to happily chatter on.

"Yes, Iris is very good to me. She has helped our tribe mates many times and she never bullies us. It's nice to have another female to talk with. It's a lot different from talking with ones mates."

Seeing Holly begin to warm up to him, Lark asked a harder question this time

"Is it difficult as a half orc female to find mates? Do you feel discouraged by having fewer strong mates to choose from?"

Holly creased her brows as she looked back at her mates nervously. Seeing their reassuring looks of encouragement, Holly heaved a sigh of relief. The last thing Holly would ever want is for her mates to think that she did not appreciate them.

"There are fewer single males who are drawn to half orc females yes, but it isn't all bad. Since the males who end up approaching me care about more than good looks and fertility, I can find better mates who like me for me.

Besides, with Iris around, I still get to eat delicious foods all the time so my mates don't have to risk their lives fighting dangerous prey. Although, I will say that many of our tribe have recently had better luck finding mates. Iris gifted me some really nice soaps and a comb and now my mates love how good I smell and often give me compliments on my looks."

Lark smiled as he remembered how his own mate had made him go purchase the exact same items after hearing rumors about it. Even Lark had been able to enjoy having his beautiful mate smell fresh and clean thanks to Iris's ingenuity.

With all of his questions answered, Lark spent the rest of the night hunting and collecting cattails. Before collapsing from exhaustion, Lark handed the food supplies over to one of Iris's mates.

The next morning, Lark flew off to the artic wolf tribe where he had to pay quite the pretty penny to interview Ivy and her father. However, after asking tribe leader James

"Our city leader recently had issues with your daughter Ivy and her mates attacking other females. Why do you allow your daughter to run amuck without consequences?"

Tribe Leader James immediately scowled and shooed the annoying bird away. When Lark tried to follow up with Ivy, her mates nearly killed him as he quickly fleed for his life. Apparently asking "Why are you such a selfish bitch?" was not a very good way to run an interview.

At the current rate, this story is being posted, it will likely take another three years before this series is completed on WebNovel. However, if you subscribe to my Patreon, you will not only get to read up to the fourth volume, right away, but the series will be completed in only another year's time over there! It's only $5 / month for the subscription and there are tons of other special bonus content that comes with your subscription.


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